


07-30-2013, 06:51 PM
Tell me why I'm discontented
Will I die without the details in my hands?
Life in Amenti was not as difficult as she imagined that it would be. She enjoyed being close to Kira, but the girl had been scarce as of late. It seemed that she was branching out, and trying to find her own path. The colorless woman wished her dear friend the best of luck, and would offer any support that she could along the way. Still, she was not the only reason that she stayed in the neutral pack. Two members of her family resided there, and she had yet to take the time to grab their attention. They were her best bet at finding her brothers, but she was scared. Scared of a dead end, worried that her siblings may not take to her as quickly as she would like. In the end her nerves got the best of her, and the woman had begun to wander.

The northern lands were crisp in the spring, cold but not uncomfortably so. Overhead the moon hung in a thin crescent, barely offering any light to the land below. The albino blended in with the snow, looking as much of a wanderer, a ghost, as she often felt. It was pleasant though, to be surrounded by the quiet. Loneliness did not creep up on her - instead, a sense of peace flooded her system. The crashing of the waterfall and the faint sound of nocturnal creatures calmed her. Taking it in, she let herself sink silently into her thoughts. While she was out, she would further examine what plants grew in the area, and get better acquainted with the ones that could be used as herbs.



07-31-2013, 11:01 PM


It would be only the perfume of a woman that would guide the ghoul closer, a creature of oddity against the navy darkness that enveloped him. If it hadn?t been for snow, the pallid jacket of the ghost would be no more or less a complete give-away; smouldering like the globes of a fluorescent light in a world of ominous shadows. The pale phantom would drift with undeniable ease, the errie illusion of a supernatural being only accentuated by the weightlessness of his elegant strides. Train of silken tassels would drag in his wake, an extended tail that would be seen upon no other than himself; as rare as the albino gene that so proudly coiled his blueprint.

Though solitude would not be savoured; the ever-hunger for his predatory ways encouraging the waltzing angel towards the distant luminance of a pale dame, tongue curling with pleasure behind eager jaws as he would make no efforts to politely sound his regal approach. Barely meters from her now and he would cease, chiselled limbs squaring beneath tapered frame with notable collection. Though the swaying motion of his eerie torso would continue on, wavering against the nonexistent gust of The falls, a spectre trapped within two worlds. Ruby gaze would roam her feminine curves with appeal, focusing upon her desaturated plumage with everlasting thirst. ?Do you often fancy midnight strolls in the woods, little red?? a bemused chuckled would roll seamlessly from quaking pipes, ?You had best keep your eye out for hungry wolves.?


07-31-2013, 11:16 PM
The woman would not hear him coming, would not see him against the snow covered floor. He approached with such elegance that it would not be until he was incredibly close for her to realize that he was there. The female's magenta eyes widened, and she held back a small noise of surprise, strangling it before it could be released, and instead only a gasp fell from her lips. "I.., sorry you..." The dame started, and then stopped, feeling her skin heat around her cheeks, thoroughly embarrassed with her lack of tact. And here she had thought that living in Amenti had improved her ability to speak to others. Yet apparently the silence was still far easier.

Eyeing the male, she was a touch curious as to who he was. He carried himself strangely, and left the colorless fae staring at him as he spoke, and fighting with herself not to shrink back at his chuckle. Although his presence held an air of formality, his words were mildly threatening - when she turned to face him properly, she did so carefully, not sure what his true intent was. "Would you help me keep watch then?" The small lupine spoke simply, sincerity in her words. A bit of company would break the monotony of collecting various herbs, without destroying the feel of the area. Although meetings and crowds made her feel uneasy, the company of a single other was something that the albino looked forward to.



08-02-2013, 02:06 AM


It would be only now that the man would become aware; gazing towards the pallid woman in reckless console, wonderfully oblivious of the haunting discovery that would greet him. He had been momentarily distracted by the pack-scent that had clung her pelt, rolling its faint familiarity continuously over within his mind when she had turned, feminine features greeting him as no less than a concrete strike to the countenance. He hadn?t believed it at first, attempted to blink hastily in a half hearted attempt to refocus in the eerie darkness; though his vision would not alter, and before him would stand the gloriously confronting, perfectly brazen figure of an albino.

Her words would fall upon deaf ears, her irrefutable innocence barely touching his core as the ghoul attempted to regather himself; expressions suddenly that of disbelief as he would gaze so awe-inspired upon her. Initially, he was unable to process her features, blinded by the recent realisation, though rapidly he would begin to acknowledge her beauty, her splendour, and almost instantaneously the smouldering yearn to have her would cause chest to expand in a flurry of undeniable emotion. ?Albinism,? he would mutter, as if still in disbelief, and aforeboding paw would reach forth, bringing him dauntingly closer to her body, where pink nostrils would desperately endeavour to absorb her; attempting to hover no more than a inch from her striking fa?ade.


08-08-2013, 04:23 PM
She was surprised that he knew the term. Io had long since begun to believe that she was the only one of her kind - yet it was more than apparent with this male, that was a lie. Her magenta eyes did a double take, shifting over his features once more and stopping at his pink eyes and nose, a stark visage that matched her own. The woman was immediately perplexed, yet upon her face only surprise would show. "Yes, I was born this way." She supposed that he had been born this way as well. Did he suffer from the same weaknesses as she? Did he feel the same isolation by living beneath the moon opposed to thriving in the sunlight like many others of their kind? "I am Io."

"Who are you?" The would ask, as curious about him as he was at that moment wanting. He was not family, there was not a single familiar edge to his scent. The male was a stranger, yet she there was a kinship with him that she had not felt since the tug she had with her own missing brothers. From the glint of his shining accesories to his unblemished pelt, he was a lupine more clean and more like her than she ever thought she would come across. Of course, she had to remind herself, that did not mean that he was genuine or trustworthy - but that did not stop her from wanting to know more about him. "You live in Alacritia," He smelled of northern lands, like she did - yet different than the ferns of amenti that she was used to smelling upon her pack mate's pelts. "In the north."

"I am of Amenti." She was not a member of particular prestige, but she would offer her services to anyone that needed a healer. "It is a pleasure sir." The woman tried to hide her awe, but it was perhaps to no avail. Hiding her emotions was not something that the ex-rogue was trained in.