
Ready For Lives

Silent I


11 Years
07-29-2013, 09:42 PM

Spring was leaving soon and summer was fast approaching. The changes were evidenced in Silent's eyes as she walked across the familiar setting of the Gulley. Draped in green foliage and sapped with the heavy atmosphere, the forest was becoming a hot and sticky place to walk through. There were no longer gentle breezes that brought warmth as they danced by. Instead, there was warmth everywhere, and each breeze that came was swift and cool to the touch. Silent reached out for every bite of wind that came her way. One disadvantage of having a pretty black coat was being a magnet for any type of heat. What a bummer at times.
She continued to walk through the Gulley, paws taking her on the familiar path she had grown used to earlier that spring. Flashbacks of the hot and heavy night she shared with Bronze behind one of the colorful bushes made her pant as she recalled how she felt afterward. Now, as she walked past their hideaway bush, she looked at it briefly before turning her gaze to the protruding stomach that stretched beneath her. A warm smile crossed her features at the sight. To be a mother again, carrying her first love's would continue to be a miracle in her mind. She was probably not the only one who thought that, either, but as long as their pups were healthy and alive, she would be content.
The ever growing heat began to take its toll on the older she-wolf. With a heavy stride, Silent sniffed out a water source. Luckily, there was one within a few feet from where she stood. A shortcut through the flower bushes to her right would lead her right to it. Trying her best to avoid the roots and bugs that scuttled in her wake, she struggled a bit to get through the narrow trail. The fight with the uprooted, invisible trail was short-lived as she broke through the final set of bushes. Slowly, she walked out to the edge of the small pond. Its light gleamed from the sunbeams that struck it through the breaks of the canopy above her, making it a welcoming sight. Silent sighed happily and lowered her head to break the surface with a lapping tongue. Eyes and ears alert for any sudden movements near her, she continued to drink her fill, enjoying the cool water running down her throat.

"talking"THANK YOU, WOLFIE! ♥



07-29-2013, 10:25 PM

The pain was starting to get bad, and it was only made worse now that Cherokee was gone. They had talked about finding her family, and she had begged him not to embark, but he had refused to listen to her. He was going to find her parents and they would see their grandchildren. She just wished desperately he had waited until they had already been born. Unfortunately he could see no better time and left with a promise to be back soon. She only hoped he was right. Her form was growing ever more round, and she was beginning to feel the pangs of fear. She felt gigantic, and she thought she looked much larger than any other pregnant she wolf ever. It was probably true that her girth was much larger than usual, much to her misfortune.
She had to get to the fern gulley, that was one of the few places she knew of. She had happened across it by accident, but she knew the types of plants she could find. They would help her, she would be able to ease her pain, and maybe get the bundles of energy inside her to settle down. All of her walking caused them much disturbance. She could almost count them now that she was so big, her fur was quite thin because of the heat and it was even easier to see them now. She did her best not to stop and admire the abdomen she advertised.
As she found herself entering the ravine her attention was caught by a scent that was all too familiar. Silent. A smile was able to find its way across her pained face, it had been quite the excursion to get where she was, and she was not looking forward to trying to clamber back to Ludicael. Traveling was definitely not on her list of great things to do while pregnant.
Her ears pushed forward to see if she'd be able to find the older she wolf, her eyes searching the thick underbrush for her dark pelt. She was unable to hear or see anything so she continued into the forest, looking for her friend and the much needed herbs. Her dainty ivory paws carried her to a body of water, as she saw it her memories of Silent's scent faded from her mind, the heat was pushing her limits. This water was an incredible miracle for the girl. With labored movement she put her mouth to water for thirst quenching.


Silent I


11 Years
07-30-2013, 02:04 AM

Once she had her fill of the cool water, Silent was able to handle the temperatures that rose around her. Being in the gulley meant that it would be more humid...she just wished she had thought of that before leaving Seracia's borders to come here. It wasn't until something happened that made her change her mind about wishing to be back home. A white bundle of fluff had found its way to the same watering hole Silent had chosen.
With surprise, Silent's eyebrows rose when she saw the white female quench her thirst. At first, she didn't know what to make of the situation. Then, she took in the swollen belly that stuck out all around from beneath her form and Silent's eyes widened. It was Song! The scent that hit her black nose also gave her the conclusion she needed to that thought. Silent's smile widened and she took a couple of timid steps in the direction of the lapping female. "Song." It was all she had to say to get the female's attention. Silently, the black woman waited, eager to see the young one's reaction to accidentally walking into the same forest as she.

"talking"THANK YOU, WOLFIE! ♥



07-30-2013, 02:28 AM

The relief that swept over her was indescribable, her confusion was just as active. Why she hadn't realized she was so thirsty she didn't know, but she was incredibly thankful that she had happened upon the body of water. She imagined her babies were thankful for the drink as well, their weight seemingly easier to carry as her thirst was quenched. Before she could consume much more of the life giving liquid a word shattered her concentration, "Song." She shouldn't have been startled, she knew the old she wolf chanced upon the same place as she.
A smile was quickly formed on her maw and even before she looked up she knew she'd see the form of her adopted mother. True to her name, she hadn't made a sound. Song had been so preoccupied that she had not even noticed her presence. Hello, my friend. I'm glad you've found me and not some monster, I was hardly aware of my surroundings I was so thirsty. She took a breath before she spoke again, she had put forth too much effort and the day was scarcely over. Being pregnant is hard! her voice was not amused, carrying Cherokee's children had been one of the most difficult tasks she had endured.
Her fears were growing ever more troublesome. With out her mate at her side, she was frightened about what could end up happening. She was mostly alone with her thoughts, and without the company of her husband for support she was growing ever farther from the confident she wolf she had been at the beginning. These pups were going to be big, and by now she had convinced herself that there were ten children jumping around on her insides. The time when they would leave her womb was drawing ever nearer, would Cherokee return in time?


Silent I


11 Years
07-31-2013, 11:08 PM

Song's exclamation of pregnancy being tough made her laugh out loud. It was a true laugh, one that not many had heard in quite awhile, including herself. The light in her eyes danced from the reaction she had to Song's statement, making her face brighten as a result. "Let me guess, you were excited when you first found out, and now that it's near the end, you are ready for it to be over already?" The black female gave Song a look of stern amusement and she stretched her head out to lick her adopted daughter's face. "My love, you are still young and na?ve about some things, but I love you anyway." The delight that rang in Silent's tones made the situation all the more hilarious.
She saw the way the unborn puppies were moving in Song's womb. They seemed to stretch and push against the barrier that kept them safe from the outside world. Her eyes shined with loving tears as she took a few more paces towards the white dame in front of her. Silent turned and sat next to Song, raised a paw, and gently ran a paw across the white fur. Immediately, she felt some recoil from the puppies inside Song as they responded to her touch. Silent giggled like a young lady in love and wrapped her tail around her hind paws. Song's adopted mother was ready to meet her adopted grandpups. The time couldn't come faster.
Silent then looked down to her own stretched out stomach. A few kicks and prods were felt from her puppies inside her and she hummed gently to send vibrations through her body. "It's okay, my lovelies," she softly cooed. "You will be out soon, too. I cannot wait to meet you and you will have so many playmates, you all won't know what to do with yourselves." The unborn Mercury gently prodded against his mother's stomach, wanting to reach the voice that was calling to him and his siblings. His brother, Faolan, reached out a paw past Mercury, wanting to show his attention to his mother's words. As for the sisters...well, they were only relaxing, enjoying the safety of their mother's womb. The identities of her pups were unknown to Silent, but she enjoyed the constant movements that came from her coaxing words.
Her gaze moved to the quivering Song that rested next to her. From the heat that was bearing down on her and struggling with her first major pregnancy, Silent's caring abilities swept in right then. She slowly rose from her haunches, nudged Song in the neck, and said, "Come along, my dear. Let's find you some shade." Her eyes cast over to the spot on the other side of the small watering hole. A tree hung out over the pond, giving plenty of shade on the wide bank. Silent stood next to Song, tail slowly waging behind her as she waited for her to rise. In the end stages of the pregnancy, she wanted to make sure Song knew that she would be there. Pregnant or not, Silent would stand beside her and walk through it all with her.

"talking"THANK YOU, WOLFIE! ♥



08-05-2013, 08:16 PM

Song couldn't help but let a giggle fall from her lips, the puppies playing inside her felt so odd. She'd been almost getting used to it though, they were becoming so active now. Silent's paw touched her belly gently, and the pups moved even more. She laughed at their movement giddily, the thrashing started to tickle her. She was so excited to meet them.
"It's okay, my lovelies, you will be out soon, too. I cannot wait to meet you and you will have so many playmates, you all won't know what to do with yourselves." Song watched as Silent's sides bulged from the sound. They knew she was talking to them. A curious wonder settled over her features as she imagined the babies inside.
She could feel the heat bearing down on her form, and even though she had just drank the atmosphere was getting to her. Silent's idea to get into the shade was sounding better and better. Sounds perfect,
Her porcelain paws pushing her hindquarters from the ground.


Silent I


11 Years
08-16-2013, 10:20 AM

The time it took for the two of them to walk to the other side of the pond wasn't a marathon. However, for two swollen, pregnant ladies, it felt like it. Silent's age didn't help her, not to mention the heat and the potential risk of heat strokes during the highest point in the day for the sun to be up. She decided to risk it anyway, so with a high head, she padded slowly next to Song as they began their "long" journey.
The shade that stretched to the tip of the pond's bank was a relief to both wolves. Silent's dark fur didn't help her, despite the shade, but she enjoyed the breeze that lazily walked in through the small piece of jungle. She waited for Song to recline to the cool ground before settling down a few inches away. Because of the heat, she didn't want to add more to Song's already sweltering, swollen form. A smile broke across her kissers as she said, "Does that feel better? It's a nice change from the sun that was dancing across our piece of grass a few minutes ago."

"talking"THANK YOU, WOLFIE! ♥



09-01-2013, 12:28 AM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2013, 12:30 AM by Song.)

They walked slowly to the shade, their forms waddling to a much more comfortable area. Song felt herself grow tired as they reached the destination, it had taken them much too long to get to the shade. Now that she had arrived it was time to relax. Song would not just sit, her haunches buckled and she let her arms follow, her whole body feeling the relief of the heat leaving her skin. A combination of shade and cool ground made the spot quite enjoyable, that with the surrounding of exotic plants made it a beautiful place.
"Does that feel better? It's a nice change from the sun that was dancing across our piece of grass a few minutes ago." It was an indescribably relief, Much better! But goodness, now that I'm not hot I feel much more tired. I believe it would be best if we slept the mid day heat away. She smiled sleepily and let her crown fall gently to her paws. Sleep was quick to come.

-exit song via sleepies-
