


07-29-2013, 10:32 AM

Wandering: it's all his body would allow him to do for the past week he'd been away from Seracia. Amethyst eyes were dull and bleak, while his countenance was a complete inverse of what it once had been. He carried himself with listless abandon, his heart having no intention but to plead for the forgiveness of his allies. Valhalla had once been Adette's home - and at the time of her death it may still have been. He had never taken the time to inhale her scent deeply enough to detect where she spent her time, but it was plain enough for him to see that she was probably still Valhallan when he'd killed her. The pack was large enough to not sorely miss the absence of a single wolf, but what if she'd worked her way up the ranks? What if she was missed by someone.. anyone? It wasn't as if he could take his mistake back now, but he could pledge his sincerest apology for the incident, and perhaps ask for forgiveness if it could possibly be given.

The worn and forlorn man slowed his pace as he reached the plains, noting the thick stench of the border markings. He rocked onto his haunches with a huff of breath, twisting his tail around his hindquarters and allowing his head to tilt up in a summoning cry. Here he would wait out of respect - though he suspected if he were to enter he would not be punished. A sigh tapered off his cry as his head tilted stiffly down with a mild dull pain ebbing from where Adette had administered a significant bite. He would wait until someone came - anyone would do, though he hoped for his brother's arrival, or even Chrysanthe's.

speech speech speech


07-29-2013, 05:16 PM

Gideon had been rather detached from his brother, and so given the call that drafted across the land, Gideon would immediately rise and move to answer. He had no reason to steer clear of his brother anyways. Seeing family would be refreshing. A good-natured smile was sparked on his lips and he allowed his muscles and limbs to o the delivery, merely acting as his mind would have him in otherwise indifferent movement. Yet, the scene that would open before him as he arrived was not one particularly of valor of even what seemed to be remotely good. Why...Gerhardt almost seemed pained.What had happened? Probably nothing...he was again probably alone and probably getting miserable about it. Gideon didn?t understand why he failed to just choose a woman and take her as a wife. It wasn?t as difficult as it seemed.

Gideon halted a handful of feet, a respectable distance, from Gerhardt and eyed him carefully. What was really going on here, it was more than loneliness in his eyes, it was utter devastation. Tail would lower respectfully and he would not his head to his elder brother, ?What?? Lacking in regalia as usual the man shook his head and sighed immediately, speaking again to correct his minor slip of the tongue, ?...Er, what happened? I mean do you need help?? He immediately fell silent allowing his brother the time and comfort to decide what actions needed to be taken, to explain things. Gideon rarely showed concern, but for Gerhardt that concern became clearly labeled.


07-30-2013, 09:58 AM

To say that he had gone just a little bit paranoid - or perhaps a bit insane - after murdering his wife would be a truth he couldn't deny. Gerhardt had lost his luster, and had lost a portion of the sanity he'd once had. He hoped that by knowing if he'd inadvertently killed a Valhallan, he might somehow quell some of his paranoia about the monster he'd become, but he couldn't help but wonder if not-knowing was better than knowing. After all, what if the Valhallans confirmed his worry? What if they told him that he had indeed killed an ally? What if this threatened the relationship he'd worked so hard to forge between the Kingdom and Valhalla?

Perhaps this was a mistake.

But it was far too late to take back his howl, far too late to avoid the confused expression of his lackadaisical brother, Gideon. He almost snorted. Did he need help? Oh he needed so much more than that. I need answers, brother. I need to know. He stood slowly, tail and head remaining at a respectful level. Adette. He paused, unwilling - or perhaps unable - to continue that line of speech. How long did she reside in Valhalla? There was a chance Gideon didn't know, as he wasn't the most observant of beings - at least he hadn't been in Seracia. Gerhardt wouldn't blame him for not knowing, but it would only draw out his wondering that much longer. There was a twitch in his tail, an involuntary movement created to distract himself from his own thoughts. Amethyst eyes met blue, and found concern and comfort there. Perhaps this wasn't a mistake.

speech speech speech



08-05-2013, 09:44 AM
Chrysanthe had not expected to hear the King's howl - and there was something about the sound that was tired, worn. What had happened to Gerdhart? Her pulse quickened slightly at the chance their sister pack was in some sort of danger. Faintly she realized that Gideon was there at the scene as she approached, but as she slowed her pace and started to listen, she realized that the King didn't seem to be speaking as if there was danger within his pack.

The blue eyed woman arrived shortly after he mentioned Adette - who was... his wife, correct? The alpha was a bit embarrassed, she did not keep up with the King and his personal life. She had never had a reason to meet his Queen, or his ex-Queen, but she... remembered hearing bits and pieces of a strange situation where she resided here. Unfortunately she could not answer Gerhart's question, as to how long she resided here. "She left, I have not seen hide nor hair of her, or even heard about her as of late. It has been nearly two seasons." Eyeing the male, she wasn't quite sure what he was getting at with his questions - and she wasn't one to beat around the bush.

"What happened Gerhardt?" She asked, her voice level as to remain respectful, but she wanted to know what was wrong. If there was anything that she could do for him, she would try. Yet when Adette was here, Chrysanthe herself was not alpha yet - and Gideon was not yet a member. There wasn't much that either of them could do when it came to information about the female he had come asking about.


08-11-2013, 01:04 PM

Gideon had been well aware that Adette had come and challenged for a thrown that was not hers, and though once had been, would never be again. She was a fallen Queen and she was going to amount to nothing more than the pathetic shell she truly was. Gideon had not seen the end, only seen that she had deviated from her challenge. To be honest, it had been all the behemoth cared about, everything else was a mere matter of argument of of blatant disregard. Gideon had to admit, he harbored nothing more for the once in-law than hatred.

Still, there were questions to be answered, "her scent was washed clean even before i came to live here brother," reassurance was the only thing he needed to offer his kin, Chrysanthe had already asked for further detail, and to be clear, Gideon had no use in trying to pry out information that was going to be given. Gerhardt would tell him, regardless of if he wanted to or not. There was no price inexcusable for his brethren.