
the one and only


07-27-2013, 07:40 PM

It was warm for a spring day, but then again at least it wasn't raining. The last few days had seemed so melancholy and dismal with the rain and recent deaths of Adette and Reficul, the King was more than pleased to see that the sun still existed. He skirted along the border of Seracia, lingering near the lake that bordered the western edge. A bath was in order, as the rain had led to mud, and mud led to a rather unkempt appearance for a King. A smile crossed his lips as he slipped into the water up to his broad chest, finding it to be cool and refreshing. Fish darted away from him, retreating as quickly and nimbly as they could. They weren't in any danger today, but they didn't know that. He paddled out a few yards, far enough that he was off of the edge of the water, but close enough in that he could still stand if he grew tired of treading water. His tail flagged out like a great propellor, tilting and adjusting depending on the direction he moved in.

Perhaps rather unattractively, his jaws spread open and allowed water to flow into his mouth, where he lapped it up quickly. It felt good to swim. Last season it had been too cold - though it was rumored his father had taken a dip or two in the frigid waters. Maverick wasn't that daft, and had chosen to wait until Spring when the water was cool, but not freezing. Summer would be even nicer, when the water would be warmed steadily by the sun and would be a spectacularly comfortable temperature. Then fall would come around and cool it once more - leading to a winter in which you'd have to be mad to swim or bathe. And so, the King of Seracia continued his mid-day swim, with intentions of remaining there until his mind told him otherwise.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-29-2013, 02:42 PM

Epiphron was now beyond convinced that she was, in fact, pregnant. There was no doubting it, as her belly had begun to protrude quite obviously from her slender frame. It was not startlingly obvious, but was most definitely beginning to show. She felt bloated and exhausted and not at all comfortable in her skin anymore. The Queen's mind was not on her new change of position, as it really ought to be; she was much more concerned with keeping herself healthy and, above all else, sane. Pregnancy really was not fun at all, and she found herself growing easily irritated and even more frequently fatigued, after doing next to nothing at all.

The Adravendi woman could only hope desperately that the outcome would be rewarding. It was difficult to imagine the actual process of having these children, let alone how it would be as they grew into actual individuals. She was no longer a child, a young girl -- but a woman and a soon-to-be mother. It was strange, and she even looked unsure as she wandered about the lands. As expected, she tended to follow her husband's scent, feeling a bit more protective and even possessive of him than she ever had before. Not that she quite realized it, but if she did.. she'd blame the pregnancy.

Paws carried her body closer to where he rested. It wasn't difficult to spot the russet-furred King, and slowly and deliberately she crept forward. Amusement danced in her blue eyes as she approached, as it seemed he was unaware of her approach for some time. "Hey, handsome," she called out as she drew close to the lake, coming to lower herself slowly onto her side, keen on resting for a moment.


08-04-2013, 06:00 PM

Lime eyes shifted, following a pattern of movement at the surface of the water. The lake was rather placid on this day, save for where he had disturbed it with his steady paddling. However, in this certain spot the glassy surface was being broken by a creature he knew to be a turtle. Having run across many in his youth, he knew this to be a fun creature to pester, but not one that would end up in a savory meal. The King let it alone for now, watching it flee from him in worry that he might roll it down a hill (as he had done when he was a child). It would only be his pregnant wife that could distract him from watching it go - and it was her that showed up at that very moment.

He twisted, gliding toward her effortlessly through the water. His ears flickered forward as a smile drifted across his face. She offered a gentle word of greeting, and he returned it with an affectionate note. Gorgeous, he chided. Clamoring up onto the shoreline, he quickly shook himself off - at a safe distance from her - and then trotted toward her with a bounce in his step. In his youth he had thought her to be the most beautiful she could ever be, but now that she was his wife and carrying his children - she had a whole new glow about her. His muzzle sought to plant a kiss upon her cheek, prepared for rejection should she be in one of her mood swings that had recently become more frequent.

How are you this morning? He offered with genuine concern in his lyrics. She had been struggling getting used to the added weight and pains of pregnancy - he only wished he could help. Lime optics shifted to the faint bulge about her waist, the smile widening on his lips as he shifted to lay down facing her. He would remain on his stomach in case he was summoned elsewhere - thought he King very much hoped he would get an undisturbed meeting with his wife.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-04-2013, 08:44 PM (This post was last modified: 08-04-2013, 08:47 PM by Epiphron.)

It almost seemed unfair to her that she be given the position of Queen while pregnant. Could it not have waited another season? Truthfully, she was not at all herself right now -- she felt uncomfortable in her own skin. It wasn't terribly hard to understand, either, how the feeling of young ones growing inside ones belly was enough to bring a woman to feel painfully unlike herself. She swore she was beginning to feel them wriggle inside her, and though it was a beautiful sensation indeed, it was also nauseatingly strange.

But she greeted her husband, the new King of Seracia, with a pleasant smile nonetheless. She had watched him quietly for a moment before speaking up, pleased to see how he acted when he thought he was alone. Blue gaze fixated intensely on him, watching his every movement with keen interest. Maverick was rather attractive, and she would've felt a surge of fierce passion well up in her chest merely months before ... but not so much now. But her pregnancy had put a damper on any further intimate encounters, albeit temporarily, as well as fouling her mood quite easily. But she murmured a soft noise of appreciation as he slipped from the water, polite enough to shake his fur somewhat dry away from her, before kissing her cheek tenderly. "I'm doing just fine," she answered somberly, bringing her head up to nudge his throat.

It was hard to be irritated with him for long, and she still felt that familiar swell of affection when she saw him, especially her gaze met his own emerald one. "And you, my King?" Epiphron teased him ever so gently, knowing he had been doing much more than she -- though with due reason.


08-05-2013, 03:46 PM

As he lay here beside her he wondered if the moment could get any better. Granted, he had been on a bit of a power-high given his newfound rank as King which had certainly not dampened his mood in any way. Still, he knew that even if he weren't King - or even prince for that matter - he would still be blissfully happy alongside his pregnant wife and unborn children sheltered within her womb. What expectant father wasn't overjoyed every moment that his wife grew more and more with child? It was a whole new experience for him, and one that he was certain he was ready for - even if that was his excited mind talking and not his actual knowledge. In truth he knew very little about raising children, but he suspected they would figure it out together - with some help from the Kingdom. The fruits of their love would be raised by all of Seracia, and loved by everyone under his command - of this he was absolutely certain.

As she nudged him he allowed his throat to vibrate affectionately, resting alongside her with a contented sigh. I'm wonderful now that you are here, he crooned gently. He nibbled gently at her crimson stained ear, pausing to lick at it when he was through. Are you very uncomfortable, my Queen? He knew there wasn't much he could do, because in reality he knew nothing about pregnancy or children.. but it couldn't hurt to ask how she felt, right? He wondered if she resented his ability to go and do as he pleased, while she grew heavier and more labored with his children, but he knew she would understand that he had to remain active as a King. Eyes roved to the more accentuated curves of her stomach, while his muzzle followed suit, gently tracing over those same curves with the gentlest of kisses.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-05-2013, 05:47 PM

Truthfully, Epiphron could ask for no one more perfect in the entire world. Despite the exhaustion that seemed to constantly ravage her, and the uncomfortable sensation of the pups growing inside her belly, she couldn't help but smile as he lay down next to her, for she was certain that no woman was more lucky than she. Though she found herself growing irritable quite easily, and often emotional, thinking of her father -- and how he would never meet these grandchildren, in her heart she was truly happy.

Her joy shone briefly in her blue eyes as she gazed at him beside her, tail thumping twice against the earth. "I knew that seeing your fat wife would brighten your day," she teased rather gently, rolling further onto her side. She missed when she could simply plop on her belly, but not only was that uncomfortable, but she didn't love the idea of crushing her babies. Her ear flicked when he pulled away, a smile lighting up her face. "I'm okay right now," she offered simply. It wasn't something she found terribly easy to vocalize, and there was little she could do about it -- and she found herself a bit too proud to seek help from Loccian, though she knew that she would require the healer's help when actually giving birth. It was far easier to bite her tongue and hide the pain ... for as long as she could. But it seemed all the pain washed away as his muzzle shifted to place kisses on her belly, and her grin grew wider.

"You're going to be a great father," she noted softly, smiling never faltering. "Perhaps even as good of a father as my own was, but we will see..." The Queen teased gently, stretching to nudge his nose with her own.


08-05-2013, 06:03 PM

Though he would never know the pain of bearing children, or carrying them for a season - he imagined it to be quite taxing on one's body. It was this knowledge that caused him to be positively in awe of his wife's strength. He thought himself to be a strong man, one that could stand up against adversity and fight for his family, but she was bringing his family into being - forming it within her very womb. It was the Queen whom deserved the most praise, though it seemed much of the attention would be focused on himself, at least until she was able to move around more freely and act like her normal self. When that happened, she would be a Queen to be reckoned with, one that Seracia would hold with the highest esteem and look up to. When that happened, he would be a father and she a mother. They would have a family. Oh how he couldn't wait.

But dreaming of the future couldn't distract him from the present.

My wife is anything but fat, ah, the proper thing for a husband to say. He smirked almost as soon as it left his lips. She was growing larger, but that was to be expected - and was actually a good sign that his children were healthy, and possibly large in number. I'm glad. He smiled, craning his vision to the side to gaze at her affectionately. She began to tell him he would be a great father. He drew his affectionate lips from her stomach. Hardly, he chided. No one could hold a candle to Cairo. It then occurred to him that he had heard little of her mother - nothing, in fact. And so as he complimented her, he avoided speaking of her dam. You will be a spectacular mother. He mirrored her own actions by nudging toward her muzzle, with a devious and devilish glean in his eyes.

He rested his chin on the earth, reluctantly reeling it away from her. What do you imagine they'll be like? The King mused, speaking his own thoughts out loud. It was the children he referred to, the children growing every day in his wife's womb. He wondered if they would be anything like himself, or Epiphron, or even his biological mother and father that he hardly remembered. His father had been black, would that be evident in his children at all? His mother had graced himself and his siblings with her red, would that show through in his own offspring? What about Epiphron's side? Would there be children in likeness to Cairo? The possibilities were endless, and intriguing.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-05-2013, 08:54 PM (This post was last modified: 08-07-2013, 09:44 PM by Epiphron.)

A very soft sigh escaped her lips, though it was not a sound of irritation -- no more than a soft exhalation, falling effortlessly from her parted lips. Though she was happy to be bearing Maverick's children, and regretted nothing, she felt anxious to get back to her normal self. She impatiently awaited the day when she could bring her children to Valhalla, to meet the rest of their family ... she was not even sure if she could handle the journey there now, but it was something she found herself considering. She wasn't sure how difficult managing young ones was; it might be some time before she was able to visit her family.

"Sure," she said, laughing gently. She was getting rather large ... she wondered how many children she might give birth to. Two? Three? Four? It was amazing to consider; it was all a mystery, and she had to wait weeks before finding out anything about her children. "I do hope I will be a decent one." Epiphron hardly could recall her own mother, but what she did remember of her was pleasant. Warmth and smiles were all that remained of Guinevere in the woman's mind. Maverick seemed to think that she would be a great one; the look in his eyes told her all. Her white fangs were revealed as a smile enveloped her features. "Though I know you will not settle for any less from me."

He inquired something aloud, something that had been on her mind as well. What would their children be like? Would they be white-furred, or red, like Maverick? Or perhaps have her own father's brown coat? Epiphron spent a long time considering, before saying rather simply, "They will be perfect. I'm sure of it." Gently she nosed his muzzle again, eyes alight with joy at the prospect. However they were, they would be groomed for greatness, and they would never disappoint her.


08-06-2013, 05:20 PM

Her scent had changed with pregnancy, but much of the same pheromones remained familiar. He breathed in her perfume happily, glad that she was feeling okay for the time being. He knew it must be uncomfortable to have multiple children growing and moving within her womb, and he didn't doubt that it was taxing on her emotionally and physically. All in all he was quite in awe of how normal she seemed, though he suspected as the pregnancy progressed she would be more and more fatigued and emotional. It all came with the package, but he knew once this was over it would result in the greatest miracle of all: children.

You will be wonderful, he crooned with sincere affection. Epiphron was smart, talented, and extremely caring. There was no way she could be anything but a superb mother - at least no way he could fathom. Admittedly, he was incredibly biased because he was absolutely in love with her, but he assumed that anyone would think the same thing. As she smiled he mirrored her, his own lips peeling back to reveal pearly whites in a wolfish smile. Ha ha, he remarked when she spoke of not settling for any less than perfection. It was true, he was a bit of a perfectionist, but that wasn't necessarily a bad trait to have when you were King.

She spoke her thoughts, nuzzling him shortly after. The smile grew on his lips. I would settle for no less, he joked. His children would be perfect in his eyes for simply existing, anything apart from that would just be icing on the cake. They would raise them as best they knew how, and would be proud of whatever they turned out to be. Pride would not be spared when it came to his children. You know, you really ought to go to Valhalla and give your sister the news. She'd want to know of her upcoming status as Aunt. Not to mention it would be good for you to see your family again - it's been a while. He wouldn't take no for an answer, for he was certain this was a good idea. Besides, it's not as if you've been getting anything done around here, a bold chuckle slipped from his lips after these teasing lyrics - curious to see if she would be able to take his joke without getting upset.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-07-2013, 09:41 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2013, 08:03 PM by Epiphron.)

A rather big part of her longed for her pregnancy to be over, for their children to be born and for her to regain her sense of freedom --it was the same part of her that wanted so badly to be intimate with Maverick again. And yet another, smaller part of her adored the feeling of pups being so dependent on her that they would quite literally die without her nourishment. They would be her own children, and the couple would raise them to be incredible, perfect children. Epiphron was sure of it.

It pleased her that he seemed as enthralled by her as ever, despite her bulging belly and often irritable attitude. Sapphire gaze gleamed as she eyed him, watching him take in her scent. It would be a huge change, most certainly -- but she was ready. As ready as she could ever be. Warmth radiated from her smile, and she leaned over to nudge his nose again. The suggestion he offered of visiting her sister was a good one, and she nodded gently. "I agree," she said softly. "It will be strange visiting without my father there." The woman's face contorted slightly, vague sadness overtaking her features. It was something she had to do, but it would feel empty -- lonely.

'Besides, it's not as if you've been getting anything done around here.' Smile faded, and her eyes would glow as though she might grow angry at his remark -- but she was not so cold, and knew his comment was merely in jest. With a playful growl, she leaned to nip at his shoulder, teeth just barely grazing his flesh. Not enough to be painful, but perhaps enough to startle him, if he wasn't expecting it.


08-08-2013, 01:49 PM

He was thoroughly enjoying spending a quiet moment with his wife, just he and her - no one to bother them, no one to interrupt them. He knew these moments would be even fewer when the children came. It wasn't as if they could pawn the pups off on someone whenever they wanted a moment alone. Theoretically they could, but Maverick didn't like the idea of doing it often. His children ought to be around their mother and father, and though they would be exposed to Seracia, they would be primarily groomed and raised by their parents. It was the way he saw fit.

He'd almost forgotten about her father's death when he'd mentioned seeing her family. There was another reason she should go back. Erani had been kind enough to come and give her the news, why shouldn't she do the same with more jubilant tidings? It seemed the Adravendi family could use a pickup in these saddened times. She agreed with him, as she often did, and the smile grew on his face. I would go with you if I could, but I don't fancy leaving Seracia to its own devices. I could send someone else if you'd like the company, but I imagine you'd want to go it alone. Goodness knows she was a determined and stubborn woman when she set her mind to something. Somehow he knew she'd already planned it in her mind - or was in the process of doing so - and that plan didn't include a bodyguard.

He watched curiously for her reaction to his little joke, wondering if she would grow angry with him or realize he'd only been joking. She leaned quickly, jaws grazing his shoulder with remarkable speed. His lip curled, feigning a snarl momentarily before a chuckle slid from his jaws. Feeling feisty, are we? He smirked, the kind of smirk that was more accustomed to when he'd been only a boy in love with a girl. Some things never changed.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-08-2013, 08:02 PM

She wondered, only briefly, if they would have more children in the future -- she was almost certain they would. Already she was wondering when they would be so intimate again. Perhaps it was not the wisest to long for such things, but she couldn't help it. Especially as she leaned forward and nipped somewhat roughly at his shoulder, feigning a growl. They would have to be careful, for she didn't want to be pregnant again so soon ... and yet she could tease as much as she wanted, right?

"I'll be fine on my own," she noted through a mouthful of his fur, before pulling back and feigning a look of apology. "Though I won't claim I won't miss you. I will be spending a few days there, I suppose," she decided, tongue sliding from her jaws to lap affectionately at his face. She was fairly certain she was not going to give birth in the next few days, but if something crazy happy, she trusted Erani fully -- with both her and her children's' lives.

'Feeling feisty, are we?' He retorted with a smirk, and she shifted yet again to nip this time at his neck. A vulnerable area, no doubt, and she wondered if he would pull away instinctively -- she sought to tug just slightly on the skin there, finding sudden delight in teasing him. Epiphron knew very well that she had been irritable and on edge lately, and wondered if he would trust her to not have a sudden outburst.


08-09-2013, 11:12 AM

like no king was before

The gentle sting of her teeth on his flesh did wonders to tease the man. Did she know what an effect she had on him? Did she know that merely a glance could send him into a frenzy? Surely she didn't, for if she did she would do it more often. The thought of her leaving did unsettle him - especially in her state, but it was now or not for some time. Children would not benefit from an absentee mother, even if it was for good reason. Yes, her sister needed to be notified, as well as the rest of her family in Valhalla. She had given it all up for him, for their love - it would be the least he could to to allow her to return when she wished it.

"As I will miss you," She would be thoroughly missed, so much so that the King would anxiously await her arrival. She still had a while before she would give birth, but if something did happen he trusted Valhalla to take care of her. As she lapped at his face he allowed his own tongue to snake out, catching hers periodically. Ah, this was the life. "A few days would be nice, just promise you won't have our children without me." He knew that often males were not present when their wives gave birth, but Maverick intended to at least be in the general area, this was his first time being a father after all.
He shivered as she shifted, feeling her warmth touch a different part of his body. Her hot breath gave her intentions away, but he allowed her to bite where she pleased, fangs grazing the side of his neck - awfully close to his throat. He felt his mind urging him to move, to evade her bite, but his will overrode those thoughts. It seemed she had discovered what a hold she had over him, and intended to use it to her advantage. What a vixen.

{Table coded by Lu}