
of sinners and saints


07-27-2013, 04:19 PM


One way in, one way out. Or so went what the wolves told themselves of this mountain pass. Wolves. What did they know? At the moment, Silverback found herself standing quietly comfortably on the sheer side of a cliff face. She was practically upside down. Her stocky forelegs were perched a yard or so lower than her curled hind legs - her elongated tail was strung out above her. She kept her chin level with the ground far below, but if she had just hung her head, she would've been a near straight line down to the ground. It was a bizarre sight to any other creature, but it was regular enough to a snow leopard. She'd found herself in stranger positions. Today, she merely wished to watch the sunrise, and she had judged the perfect spot to do so from. The narrow path that the wolves used as a mountain trail was a four stories below her - in truth, not that far for her standards. It was the perfect ambush set up, but she wasn't here to hunt, nor to terrorize mutts. She was here looking for others of her kind.

A sigh escaped the silver maw of the dappled siren. It was a search that had already taken her over much ground. She'd seen the icy fringe of the world and northern ocean beyond, she'd seen geiysers, she'd seen palace like caverns, and now she'd seen an entirely new mountain range. And still nothing. No other leopards, no cats period.


Snowleopards are solitary creatures, and Silverback had always been the independent, self-reliant sort. And yet? She found herself ready shiver at the thought of being the last leopard. 'Alone'. She didn't want to be 'alone'. Not this morning.




07-27-2013, 05:27 PM

She had yet to meet many Wolves. Canttina was not a social butterfly, but she did need to torture beings with her speech. She enjoyed a nice chat here and there. She was stuck within these lands alone and she seeked more. She stayed within the colder regions of the lands. She had noticed there were two packs that made themselves home there. One was within the green bit and the other was in the snowy bit. She tended to stick in the middle before she figured out which one she would seek out.

Canttina thundered down upon the white setting with force. Snow engulfed her legs with each step. Her eyes were wide as she eyed the pass. It was rather large. The pass itself was rather narrow though. She trotted towards it with a sense of determination. It was wide enough for a single file line of Wolves, which would be dangerous if there were two parties coming at each other. She stared at the pass as she approached it. Her maw hung open to sense the oncoming creatures that may be around. She smelled the scent of a feline and her head tilted. The demoness picked up her pace and entered the pass. The icy walls brushed against her fur. The girl looked up and saw a blob of grey. She blinked a few times before she finally figured out it was a Snow Leopard. The shadow woman had only seen one of these before. She stared into the animals grey eyes. She did not know if this Leopard was hostile or not so she raised a brow. "Hello darling." She stopped and smirked at the feline. Her smirk was dark, something that would haunt a childs nightmares.



07-30-2013, 02:43 PM


Well it seemed the forces that be were going to be nice enough to hear her this morning. No sooner had she been dwelling on the fact that she was alone, than a whiff of dog-smell was scent her way. Of course it would be a wolf. Gods it seemed like those things were all over the place these days. Maybe that's what had happened - the Age of Equality was gone and now it was the Dawn of the Dingoes. Perfect. Oh well, truth be told, Silverback had managed to get some interesting snatches of conversation out of some in the past, and - though perhaps a part of her hated to say it - she wanted the company. She'd allow these things in her presence - for now there was no one better to keep her occupied.

So when the yellow-eyed she-wolf called out a greeting with a twisted grin, Silverback graced her with an unamused, analytical stare. "Hello yourself sunshine." Still standing on the brink of a sheer vertical drop, Silverback peeled her muzzle back in a luxorious lion's yawn and muttered. "What brings you out of bed so early?" Then again, this was a wolf right? Didn't they prefer moonlight for their hunts? Or was that just an old wive's tale?




07-30-2013, 08:22 PM

Oh how she loved Kitties. The woman loved the feline species. Just how powerful and wonderful they were. Canttina admired them more then the average Wolf would. She knew beauty when she saw it. She hated the woman who flaunted their selves to every creature with a stick between their legs. Why not wait find a true mate? She would sneer internally from the thought. Though, she was quite the flirt herself. She was a flirt in a different way, she was just in it for the fun. Not for the aftermath. The woman was old fashioned. Once she found a sadistic male to meet her needs then she would never look at another Wolf in that way again. She mates for life, unlike many.

Her gleaming yellow orbs stared into the silver ones of the feline. She admired the feline with a gentle smirk. A tongue slithered across a scarred muzzle. She heard the song of the Cat, a greeting that made Canttina giggle. She already loved the Leopard. A yawn was let forth by the spotted woman before more words were let forth. Canttina thought for a moment. "The early bird catches the worm!" Her voice was oddly cheery, but there was a certain darkness within her very being that no one could miss. She rolled her battle worn shoulders and yawned. Her yawn was ended by a snap of her jaws. She smirked some more and spoke in a more dark tone. "What bothers you to be up in such early hours? One does not just .. end up on a vertical wall in the witching hours." She lowered her voice in a loud yet hushed whisper. "The baddies are out!" She laughed maniacally and grinned, flashing her bloody teeth. Though, she did not express gestures that of a threat.



08-03-2013, 05:13 PM


The surprised words of the fae down below couldn't help but play upon the leopard's funny bone. Canines. They probably didn't even realize what sad little ants they were. The she-cat let out a lovely, trilling chuckle. It was over almost before it began, but it was a rare enough thing to be heard even for a heartbeat. "Oh I'm sure this seems odd to you and yours, but it's most natural to me and mine." Indeed, she couldn't be more comfortable, but, just because she tended to have a flair for the dramatic, the she-leopard began a slow and dare-devil decent. One paw after another, down she came, finding footfalls where none seemed to exist. All the while her striped tail was held up like a flagpole, hugging the sheer side of the stone and acting as balance to the shapely forelegs and sturdy haunches. Ten or so feet down there leveled off a little ledge of rock. It was still well above the moutanian pass and the head of the wolf, but it made talking a tad easier. And a tad less likely to cause a rockslide. "Better?" Silverback inquired. She didn't want the dear old dog worrying about her safety, now did she?

She eased herself down into a crouch that any housecat could preform - haunches squatting on either side of the gathered body, fore paws tucked in under the warm fur til all that showed were little speckled muffins. Around all this was wrapped the tail - more lovely than persian silk scarf; and it was even long enough to curl up at the end and drop over top her right shoulder. As the morning sun pushed away the clouds of the night, it also warmed this beautiful silver gem that had seated itself on the mountain side. The cat took obvious pleasure in the rare show of warmth, and only when she was good and ready did she look down again at the she-wolf. "Tell us, gorgeous, do you have a name? Or shall I just keep calling you sunshine?" It seemed to fit her well enough, what with those glowing yellow eyes. The rest of the face was a little less cheery. Did she know how absolutely nightmareish she looked? Poor thing.




08-04-2013, 05:51 PM

Her gleaming yellows were on the woman without interruption. She followed the Cat's every movement. She admired the darker grey blotches upon her lighter colored body. She rolled her scarred shoulders and let forth a long yawn. In the background she could see the wonderful beginning of day. The sky was colored in soft blues. Sun flickered across the white blanket of snow, waiting to reveal itself to the world. A light breeze pelted her body as she looked around idly. Paws kneaded at the pallet beneath her. The Cat's words filled Canttina's ears and a smile cracked upon her damaged lips. Then another word left the felines mouth. "Very."

Canttina admired how dramatic and noble the woman was. Each word was engulfed in glamour and drama. The canine growled softly in delight. She tilted her head and stared at the woman. A ravaged tongue slithered across her marked up muzzle. Her nose twitched and her body shuddered from a harsh ghust of wind. A question spewed from the Cat's mouth and Canttina smirked. "As much as I love the name Sunshine .. You may call me Canttina. Do you have a name my lovely?" She leaned froward a little more. She tilted her head some more and let forth a little giggle. She was attracted to the woman just because of her personality.



08-08-2013, 05:05 PM


The Leopard's question was gifted with an answer -Canttina- and a new question in its turn. As for the first part, Silverback had little opinion on the names of wolves: at first she'd wondered if they'd all share a sort of theme but no, they were as varied and as many as leaves in a forest. Not so with Silverback's breed. Meanwhile, the second part of the counter was easily replied to. "My name and my loveliness are my own, Cantina," she hummed, giving each word it's due time and melody. It was more for conversation and attitude's sake that she made the remark. In her current mood, she didn't really mind the pocessive slip of wording. In fact it was rather gratifying. And twas so nice to see that the she-dog could play along. "But you may know; Silverback is the name my mother gave me." Hmm. Silverback and Sumshine; had a nice ring to it. Yes, Silverback decided she would enjoy this meager offering of company, at least for as long as the fates would allow. And she figured carelessly that if the dog was to be hers for a bit she might as well entertain it with a show of good will. "Carr for a better seat to watch the sun rise?"




08-10-2013, 06:57 PM

Her tail batted on the ground behind her. Her nose twitched and her ears flicked. The woman sighed gently, she was a little tired due to her nightly adventures. Her yellow orbs continued to reside on the feline. The woman's voice filled her earthly toned ears. She tilted her head and laughed. The demoness admired the woman a little more. Oh yes, she was interested in this one. Very much so. The feline then let forth her name. The Wolf smiled softly, jagged teeth flashed in the sunlight. Silverback. What an interesting name.. "Your mother chose well." It was a nice name, just a bit .. unoriginal. Though, she assumed the Leopards had a different culture then her species.

She yawned softly before the womans voice filled the air again. Canttina let another smile slip across her scarred lips. She asked the demoness to watch the sunrise together. The mahogany girl nodded, "Oh, I would love to my darling Silverback." The demon giggled and got up. She shook some snow from her dark pelt and rolled her shoulders. The woman lurked towards the feline. She waited for direction, she didn't know where the woman would want to go. "After you my love."



08-11-2013, 10:15 AM


(ooc: permission to powerplay given)

The brown wolf was still enjoying adding those 'my's to her statements. It was the only thing that Silverback wasn't pleased with. The lavish language they used on each other didn't so much as turn her head. Silverback was a cat, being flirtatious and even at times seductive, was just another way she showed her pride. It was a common enough mood to find herself in, though usually there was no one around to benefit from it. Today however...

Canttina's declaration that she would 'love to', came just quickly enough for Silverback to wonder if she hadn't caught onto the cat's meaning - what 'getting a better seat' entailed. Oh well, that would make things all the more fun. The yellow-eyed girl giggled and stood, bringing herself within easy reaching distance. She looked up to the cat, sitting pretty on the ledge and her words made it clear that she was waiting for directions. Silverback just smirked, a tad bit more pleasantly that usual. "Not exactly what I meant."

The next moment the cat was practically pouncing. She popped up from her curled, crouching position, and was suddenly vertical again on the cliffside. Down here there were more footholds and wider leddes so it was no challenge - for her anyway. In the narrow pass there wouldn't have been much room for Canttina to escape even if she'd wanted to, but that option was completely obliterated by jaws closing like a steel trap over her scruff. The cat didn't peirce the skin however. No matter how terrifying the experience might seem to some, it was natural to her. She had no intention of hurting the dog. She was enjoying it's company too much.

What came next was another perfect example of how what was natural to the spide was chaos to the fly. Silverback, still on the rock wall, turned herself around, and began to climb back upwards. If the wolf struggled, she'd simply ignore it. She hadasked permission and the climb would be over soon. She knew what she was doing. Mountain cats like her protected their kills by dragging them up rock faces or even trees! It was every day typical for Silverback to drag 150 pounds of dead weight buck up into some secret hideaway. She was quickly discovering that compared to a deer with it's floppy neck and long legs that liked to get tangled, carrying wolves was easy.

Up she scaled, as sure footed as a salamander. She wasn't going for the ledge she'd been talking from just now - that was much too low to be considered a good seat - No, she went much higher, closer to where she'd been standing when they'd first sighted eachother. There was a wider ledge off the side, almost out of sight of the pass. It looked as though some god's hand had reached down and scooped out a bit of rock. It was safer for her wolf friend that an open ledge, and boasted a breathtaking view. Dreamer's Col was made up of a great mountain range, and their ridges broke the sky line in strange jagged contours. But over each of them had begin to spill the lavender-blue light of day. Clouds stained dark purple by the night were beginning to shift around and as for the sun, she was still a blazing ball of glory. She passed through a particularly thick cloud and turned it to pink glass.

Silverback had had to strain her neck muscles awkwardly during the climb, but now she could let them rest as she deposited the wolf on the mountain side and stepped up to seat herself beside her.




08-14-2013, 04:59 PM

When the Cat launched the woman growled softly at first but then Canttina realized what was going on. The feline was going to carry the Wolf. The demoness was rather large, but she assumed the feline had the power. She knew their kind has the muscles and balance to drag dead weight up sheer drops on the daily basis. As Silverback drug Canttina up the cliffs the canine sneered. She was not one to like being completely useless, but she would let it pass this time. The woman liked the close contact between the two. Even if that sounded odd.

The demoness was let go as they reached a high cliff. Canttina got on all fours and shook her fur. Her scruff stung from the light puncture wounds but she did not mind. The demoness smirked as she saw the Leopard lay upon the cold cliff and stare out into the world. The vixen slithered her way to the Cat and laid down as well. She was not even a foot away from touching the feline. Her yellow orbs flicked across the open world. She awed at the world, but did not wander long. The woman was not one to care for nature, she had enough of it. Canttina looked to her little feline friend and offered her a soft smile. Though, the smile was stitched with a smirk. Her eyes wandered the Leopards body before she giggled. "I like you. You aren't some bitchy girl who flops about uselessly." She tried to complement the woman, but did not know how she would take it.




08-14-2013, 06:00 PM

. . .

The mutt on her right didn't seem to love nature as much as the cat did. It wasn't long before she broke the silence with an odd compliment. Silverback turned to her, arching a brow ever so slightly. "Hmmm," she chuckled, "Hardly." She was aware of the she-wolf's eyes roving over her frame. It was appreciation for a beautiful being, and so Silverback had no problem with it. It was nice to a see a dog who could recognize the finer things. She was enjoying this meeting - the mutt was a willing plaything and a witty one at that.

In the back of her mind, Silverback was beginning to shape the birth of an idea. Something that would eradicate the lonliness that had begun to pull at her soul. Even if she could not have the blessing of other feline's, she did not have to feel the curse of being alone on the plant. If she was indeed the last of the feline lords, then the world was her ball of string, to put it quaintly. With her ability and power she could shape it as she saw fit. This climb up the mountain had been thrilling - it hadn't been too conscious at first, but she enjoyed the sense of power she had knowing that the sunshine-eyed wolf lived or died at her whim. It was making her think... why couldn't she find other caves and other wolves that would be hers on a more permanent basis.

It went off like a sweet explosion in the back of her mind, rivaling the sunrise for warm and illumination. She would need more planning, more searching, etc etc, but oh it could be glorious!. Her eyes traveled sideways up the she-wolf's throat and to her panes of yellow glass. "If you like me so much, Canttina, you know, you could chose to stay with me."




08-14-2013, 10:50 PM

The she-wolf let her head flop down on the ground. She did not move, she appeared dead except the rise and fall of her torso. The woman stared at the Cat before her. Her horrid complement seemed to amuse the feline. Canttina giggled, a broken laugh. There was obviously something very wrong with the Wolf. Her eyes were commonly empty or full with lust. She was a demon, there was no doubt. Her tail slowly sway behind her, making the snow shift. The demones yawned softly, her eyes still on the kitty cat. As feline spoke, Canttina's eyes lit up. The vixen's head rose and she smirked. The woman nearly purred in delight. "Mmmm, I would love to stay with such a delightful being." Her eyes filled with a flash of lust. She licked her scarred onyx lips with a soft purr. "Where is your home?" The insane woman was nearly bursting with lust. It was obvious she was unstable emotionally. She rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck again. It was certain the girl was restless. Each movement was quick and antsy.

ooc: so sorry for icky posty



08-15-2013, 07:07 AM

. . .

The she-wolf came back with an eager affirmative, she was almost purring with delight despite that air of smirk on her muzzle. It was most cat-like, and Silverback loved it- not in a true affectionate way, but in the way an owner is delighted by a bird beginning to mimic their speech; It both showed their intelligence and their lesser level at the same time. The snow leopard, with her forepaws hooked over the edge of the cliff, let her broad head full into her legs for a moment, tilting it at an almost upside down angle to look at mutt. It was a cat thing, it showed a bit of her excitement and her playful attitude.

Meanwhile her elongated, fluffy tail batted at the cave floor - brushing the back wall. It curled around forwards though, seeking not cold stone, but wolf's fur in an attempt to traspe across Canttina's tail or flank. There was nothing outrightly seductive about the movement... no, perhaps that isn't right, Silverback was seduction - in the powerful, graceful, unreachable sort of way, but it came with all the elegance of simply being a feline. That much she couldn't help. This touch though wasn't meant for anything like arousal, it was merely the stroke of an owner. The mutt was willing; why shouldn't the snow siren pet what might now begin to belong to her?

But the dog had asked her a question, hadn't she? Silver regained her usual posture and gave a shimmering shrug of those rosetted shoulders. "My old territory is the mountain range just north of the Snowfalls, but I have not gone back there in almost a season. My home is whereever I set my paws. As of yet I have met no other great cats and so this part of the world belongs to me." Oh certainly the mobs of flea-bags had their petty little circles they had bordered off, but it was a joke really, Silverback had lived in what the mutt's considered their packland. The two species overlapped but didn't mingle. The cat could go wherever she pleased and wolves were only safe if they had numbers.

She considered telling his mutt of her plans. That when she said 'stay with me' she didn't really mean as a traveling companion so much as a kenneled pet. But no, the ideas were still fuzzy and shaping in her mind, and she could not help but wish to be lenient with the creature that had already professed her adoration.

Piercing eyes registered the quirks of her companion's mannerisms, but she didn't bother trying to seek an answer for them. "She seem fidgety, Sunshine. Here-" she murmured, glancing at her sideways. With a bowing forward of whiskers, Silverback inched a step back from the edge, remaining so low and fluid to the ground, that she merely seemed to sway. Easing her weight more onto her left foreleg, she raised her right one, inviting the wolf to vanquish the distance between them, and come lay in her arms. "-let me soothe you."




08-15-2013, 08:04 AM

She slowly regained control except the heat that bubbled within her very being. She softly stared at the feline. The demon idly kneaded the earth below her massive paws. The little vixen was broken and bursting with emotion at this moment. It was an odd sight, yet many have seen it. She gets heated when near attractive woman for some reason. She hadn't a clue why, but she just loved playing wit them so much. Though, she had a feeling she was the pet in this little duo. Canttina did not mind. Whether she was the play toy or the player, she loved it. The woman thrived lust, the Cat would kill her internally at that rate. But, she would stick around as long as she could.

As the Leopard spoke Canttina merely nodded. The demoness had a home, she would have to share it with the Cat. "I stay within this giant contraption that protrudes from the ground. It is made by a very odd, grey, material. I do not understand it, but others are frightened by it. Therefore I have claimed it as my lair. Maybe you could stay there with me when you wish?" Canttina's voice was dark but got darker as she felt Silver's tail caress her body. The demon let a ravaged tongue slither across her broken lips. A growl rumbled in her chest, ready to erupt. But, that was not the breaking point. When The giant Cat opened her legs to let Canttina snuggle in the Wolf nearly bursted. She could not pass up the chance so she scooted over and sighed softly. She rested within the Cat's arms. The demoness cuddled with the feline. Her body was bursting with heat.



08-15-2013, 08:54 AM

. . .

Silverback listened quietly to her pet's words, speaking of some strange place that she called home. The cat had been toying with the idea of taking Canttina captive - of giving her a new home. One where she would stay, quite literally, on the shelf, as a golden eyed toy for the cat to stroke and play with. But perhaps not. There was still much that the leopard had to decide upon, and for another thing, this cave was much too small. - And the wolf was much too willing. If she already had a den of her own, Silverback could simply slip in and visit her there when she desired company - or a heat source - her thoughts added as the wolf lowered herself into the dappled forelegs. She felt like she had a fever, but she didn't smell of sickness. Silverback wouldn't have touched her if she did.

It was intriguing that the cat was being this close and cuddly at all. But the simple fact was that she liked to be in control. She liked to have her prey's throat pulsing just inches from her fangs, to have the tips of her claws graze ever so delicately against the cinnamon colored fur. She didn't need to steal Canttina away from the world to play her games, she was willing to invite the siren into her den on any occasion. Very well, this bird would be a catch and release.

At least for now.

They were so close now that the keen rounded ears of leopardess could pick up the increased heartrate of the wolf. The wild beating of that little organ that she could so easily put an end to if she wish. But no no no, she loved this song. It wasn't out of fear though that it sang. Perhaps... excitement? What else could be felt if you were picked up bodily and scurried away with up a mountainside, only to rest neath the fangs of so dangerous a creature. Oh this was fun.

Her response to the she-wolf's invitation had taken some time to mull over, but now, she let loose a true purr, tipped with the words: "Oh darling, you can count on it. I will visit you whenever my travels allow." A little pink tongue,- much less slobbery and much more rough than a wolf's - peeked out and began to groom the little mutt's burning forehead.




08-15-2013, 09:29 AM

She felt like a mouse beneath a a Cat's paws. Canttina always thought it was the other way around. Dogs were suppose to chase Cats. But, in this instant Canttina was her prey. It gave the canine a rush of vigour excitement. The woman let her tail slither out and sway idly. Her fur danced within the brisk wind that trickled over them. Snow idly sifted down upon their pelts. Canttina was mostly covered by the Leopard, which gave her warmth. She hadn't felt so warm in ages due to her stay within the North. She thrived on the feline's body heat. The woman growled ever so slightly, a content growl, not threatening.

She waited as Silverback pondered the woman's question. She cuddled further into the Cat's fur. As the feline spoke up, she felt the purr vibrate the woman's body. She stretched slightly and embraced the feeling. She was pleased by the Cat's answer. The feline began to groom her with a rough tongue. Canttina nodded but had another question. "What exactly did you mean by stay with you? Shall I come with you on your travels? Or does my eagerness put you off." She knew how these worked because she was one of them. They loved struggle, but Canttina was more then willing to follow the purring demon like a pet. It was just to fun. Though, it would not change the Wolves horrible habits.



08-15-2013, 09:59 AM

. . .

Silverback had half expected the she-wolf to laspe into silence and just enjoy being groomed by the thing that could eat her at any second. ...In her head it somehow made sense. - But that wasn't the case. The wolf was still curious, still searching. She wanted to know what the leopard's initial intent had been with the offer, and asked several different question. The feline asnswered the last one first, with a rumbling from out of the depths of her chest. "Not at all."

-And then went on to address the others: "I am a solitary creature by nature and I could not abide to have something always trailing along after me and breathing over my shoulder." She shuddered. Perhaps an exception would come in time - like when... if she ever got to have cubs. But now that, that was not an option. "No, I desire company every so often, but I refuse to make it a burden upon myself. My intent follows somewhere along the lines of taking a few wolves captive in caves much this one - where there is no escape but through death or my good will. There they will remain," she murmured. She didn't mind letting this particular fae in on her wicked plans. She somehow seemed like one to understand, but even if not, it mattered little to the cat. She thought it was a delightful idea, and was partially willing to begin with Canttina.

She sighed gently. "But you-" she gave a series of licks to the canine's cheek fur, "You do not need towers and stone to make you play my games." Such a good little puppy. It rather made Silverback want to keep her all the more - a fact made evident by her sudden opening of the muzzle to let a bit of ivory fang stroke through the wolf's cheek fur - far too gently to break the skin.

Usually Silverback wouldn't give a rat's tail for the intial emotions of those she hold prisoner, but Canttina... They were already on such a good level, she would not drive the girl to resentment through unnecessary force. She would give her a choice, and perhaps, if she did chose to become the start of the leopard's hoard, she would be allowed out on odd occasions and during the season of her heat so she could have her fill of the world.




08-15-2013, 01:10 PM

They laid in one. Their furs and vibrations mingled. Her nose twitched and ears swivelled. The girl finally let her body fall and go limp. She rested in the woman's paws. She enjoyed the feeling like no other. She had never felt that way, being controlled by such a large being. The woman is usually the one embracing the others. Sometimes forced, sometimes not. The woman spoke to Canttina. The Wolf listened silently. So she was going to keep little Wolfies against their will. The girl could see herself with the woman in the long run. Canttina would still have her own habits and agenda but she would not stray from the north. Maybe the girl would move to the cave that Silver would bring her minions to. She would sleep there and escape in the day to hunt and mingle.

The girl would stare at Silver with awe. Her body heat continued to flare but she remained still. The woman would have made a move by now, but hasn't. "I love the idea of keeping little minions. I had this one little Wolfy all to myself for ages, though I had to slay her in the end." She spoke in a casual tone about death it was chilling. The woman began to speak about Canttina. The girl giggled gently, "Once you gather your minions and find a place to keep them I will follow you there. I would like to be in on this. I love it." She seemed to growl when she spoke, a sign of excitement from the demon. As the Cat began to graze her cheek with her fangs. The Wolf shuddered and licked Silvers paw.



08-15-2013, 01:42 PM

. . .

Her plains were met with proverbial applause. This odd yellow-eyed she-wolf practically adored the idea, in fact, she'd done something similar herself. Not that it had ended well. Silverback was a little fuzzy on the idea of ever having to kill her pets. It all depended upon her moods and upon how they played upon them. Perhaps some would play upon her gentler nature -if it could be called that - like Canttina, but it was equally possible some would unconsciously entice her into... rougher play.

She was already going to be holding them in a cave against her will, it took only one small step to move on to true torture if she wished. Oh what games would open up then! -- Oh and then of course there could be the boring rebellious types that she would have to cull right off. Growing attached to a pet, though, and then having to kill it. Well she would at least feel some kind of twisted remorse - unlike this thing between her paws.

Sunshine went on to speak of plans and of offering herself willingly. She would like it - she would love it. And what's more, the dog went on to lick at her paw. She was enjoying herself immensely. Silverback purred with throat approval. "Good girl." Closeness and warmth like this was something she had only ever experienced while in the act of killing, ....or, rather recently, in the act of mating. Seemed now she could call upon it whenever she wished, something to light the dark loneliness with which had been cursed with. Well, she would be alone no more. Now she could dominate and bend others to her will, reveling in the control that she, as a great hunter and creature, was entitled to. She would be a cat among mice, a dragon upon sheep, and she had the first of her hoard beneath her already.

As the wolf snuggled closer, and let her heart beat quicken, Silverback let slip a little of the support she had had on her forelegs, and pressed more of her weight into the smaller animal, effectively pinning her. It was accompanied by further soothing licks to the muzzle and ears, before that seemed to grow old and the she-cat raised her head once more to the sunrise.

"It will not be exactly as you say," she murmured in her voice like velvet. "I am not so stupid as to keep them kenneled together. Your kind's one advantage is your numbers, and I will not give such. You, however, little Canttina, what shall I do with you? You could have a cave of your own - but to be freed from at times, and no doubt whenever you come into season. And I would enjoy taking you on the occasional trip out and about with me." If Canttina proved skillful or even trainable, she could possibly be of use with hunting. All of a cat's hunting techniques work best alone, but the wolf could be sent out on missions of her own, or perhaps called upon to carry the burden of fresh kills. This idea was gettting better and better by the minute. "And of course, bringing you to see the others of my collection would provide great entertainment for me, and perhaps enrichment for them. Though-" she added, "No killing them - unless I give you permission of course."




08-15-2013, 02:00 PM

Canttina was a figure of death. She smelled of death, looked of death, and acted like death itself. She killed people and put them into their earthly graves. Yet, she lay within a Cat's paws being groomed and pet. She was a pet. Oh and yes she loved it. To much? Maybe. The woman could not deny some close interaction with a lusty Leopard. It was to hard to resist. As the woman praised Canttina for licking the Wolf growled louder. She nipped at the Leopard's paw and began to lick some more. She enjoyed the feeling, being useful. It was a rush of odd excitement.

As the Leopard pinned Canttina into the snowy ground the Wolf nearly purred with excitement. She ached and began to bubble with lust even more. My, Silverback would kill the Wolf with just emotions. Silver began to speak of her plans some more. Canttina was quite happy the Leopard trusted her enough to spill the beans. So, the Wolfies will be in caves all over the north? The woman enjoyed the idea. The woman pondered the idea of living within a cave of her own. The demon frowned slightly, "Couldn't I stay in my giant thingy that comes up from the ice? Its lice a cave. It has an enclosed bit in it. I have already decorated it." The S.S. cabin was covered in dried blood, bones, and rotten meat. The demon loved it. She really did. Though, if the Cat needed she would move into a cave. She would just have to decorate again. The feline added something which made the woman frown. "Can I at least .. chew on them?"
