



07-27-2013, 12:57 PM

Paws were engulfed by white snow. The flakes fell upon her back as she ventured through the white wasteland. A frozen nose twitched as she trekked. The snow was heavy that morning, a little to heavy for spring. The cold did not bother the behemoth. Nothing bothered her, in a since. Everything was a bother. Every muscle movement and word was a bother. But, she did it all anyways. Right? Yellow eyes flicked across the barren wasteland to see a bit of green within the distance. She tilted her head and moved her body towards the green bit within the mask of white. She darted toward the creature. She tilted her head some more as she came to a sliding stop. Her paws reached a bit of ice she did not expect. Eyes went wide as she was face to face with the tip of a tree. Confusion struck the woman as she recognized the trees to be rather large, not this tiny. She batted at it with a paw, okay, so it was a tree. She snorted and sniffed it. There was no scent on it. Her being lifted from the ice and her head peeked around the edge of the green tree. Her eyes went wide as she saw multiple tips of trees. She was struck with confusion.

the death and resurrection show

table by boo, image by hun



07-27-2013, 03:18 PM

A paw batted at something sticking out of the ice, it looked kind of like a branch but the leaves were missing. Resnera tilted her head as she batted at it again. She had strayed a bit too far, thinking she could handle herself now. Oh how wrong she was. The pup was still young, should be within the pack?s territory. Perhaps this was saying she had some skills in sneaking around without being caught? It sure felt like it.

Something nearby caught her attention, a large black ears swiveling to the side. She sniffed the air, catching something on the breeze. A wolf! A stranger! With a smirk the pup dropped down to all four, body slowly moving forward along the ice, careful so she didn?t slip and slide. She made her way over to a bush, at least what it looked to be, and carefully peeked her head around it to see a wolf just a few feet away.




07-27-2013, 04:20 PM

She had not done much within her time in these lands. It was all new to the mahogany demoness. The sights, the scents, the everything. Though, she was the same Canttina. She was still a fallen Queen with a broken mind. She was mighty, strong, cruel at one time. Now she is merely a speck within the midsts of others. She had not met many yet, nearly none. It was unlike her old home where Wolves crawled everywhere. She did not mind solitude, nothing mattered to her anyways. She was a bottomless pit in every way. Her mind was done and her body was as well. She packed with muscle but her exterior was marked up all over. Scars ran across her back and muzzle. Bite marks ran up and down her limber legs. She was battle worn and it showed.

Her yellow orbs flicked across the white plains. She spotted a leafless tree and a little black object. Ears flicked to hear any signs of breathing but nothing showed. She tilted her head and she swerved from the cover of the pine. The girl trotted forward in search of this being. She saw as it watched her, it was smaller then a Wolf. Her head tilted as she saw it was a pup. She let a ravaged tongue slither across her fangs. She wrinkled her nose and snorted. She came closer and towered over the little girl. "You are to young to be in this weather. You must have a brain issue or something. Are you stupid?" She hissed, her voice was stitched with a certain darkness that couldn't be missed.

the death and resurrection show

table by boo, image by hun



08-03-2013, 11:01 PM
ooc: Hover for translation.

Even though Resnera knew she shouldn't be out here all alone, she was only a little scared. The pup knew she was vulnerable but she could handle stuff, she was small and could hide under or in stuff in case somebody tried to attack her. And even if something did happen her father and family would come help her, Valhalla would unleash its rather on whoever would harm one of their members.

Perhaps that was why she didn't move from where she stood when the wolf locked its yellow gaze onto her. Ears were up and forward, and she rose to her full height as the wolf came strolling over. With a deep breath she took a step forward, tail up and slightly moving behind her. Resnera's gaze ran over the scars on the woman's body, it didn't frighten the pup, it made her grow curious and made her think this stranger looked pretty cool.

As the woman towered over the girl she simply snorted at her comment, clearing her throat before speaking. ?Ой, так страшно!? She said in her language her father had taught her, voice mocking as she stepped back, sarcastically being scared. ?Мама! Папа!? She said again, but only lasted a few seconds before she grew a serious look onto her little face. ?You look cool with those scars lady.? She told her with a grin, taking a step to the side to get a look at the ones along the woman's back.




08-04-2013, 06:15 PM

The demoness stood tall over the little mutt within her view. Canttina had no patience for little ones. She didn't even care for her own children. The woman was pregnant once. She dreaded every moment of it. But, when she came home to her pack with a plump belly the Alpha beat the lifeless beings from her. He aborted them with force and Canttina never got to see her children. The woman never let a man touch her again, though she wasn't against it to much more. The woman was past it a little bit. Though she still bore the scars of the beating upon her belly. She held many scars upon her large body. Her shoulders were pink and marked from teeth and claw. Her legs were marked, as well as other various bits of her body.

Yellow orbs beamed down at the younger demon. It began to speak in a harsh language. Canttina tilted her head, maybe she was really mentally handicapped? She shook her head as the girl chanted again. "I have no clue what language you speak. Shut up." She rolled her eyes and snorted. She kneaded the earth beneath her massive paws. Her tail flicked about idly upon her rear. She watched as the young Wolf made her way to Canttina's side. The yellow orbs followed the oddly marked pup with curiosity. The girl began to speak, this time in the language Canttina knew. She laughed softly, her scars were cool? "Atleast someone admires them. I have worked hard to get them." She had scars upon scars. The brown girl turned to face the yearling again. "You have spunk, girl. But, spunk would get you killed. You shouldn't be out here alone or th baddies could get to you!" She bared her bloody teeth and snickered. She snapped her teeth and licked her marked muzzle.

the death and resurrection show

table by boo, image by hun