
That's Different



9 Years
Extra large
07-25-2013, 03:31 PM
ooc: Crappy first post! xD

It was crazy to imagine how much stuff has happened within the last few years. Wolves had come and gone, others made their way in only to ruin the life of others. Zanire was beginning to wonder if this was why hr kind were solitary, being by yourself meant there was no room for others to come and mess stuff up for you. And she was beginning to think that's what she should do.

The large beast shook her head with a grump, lumbering over a small hill. Her gut told her to just forget those mutts and continue her solitary life, but the part of her that lived with wolves told her to try and make more friends with them. C'est ridicule. She grumbled to herself, using a large paw to smack a rock away and out of her path.



07-25-2013, 03:59 PM
Kar wasn't sure what it was that had made him change his direction. The North just... it didn't seem quite the kind of area he was looking for in a home. However this place was not exactly the type of area he wanted to call home either. The area around him was dry and barren... even more so than the Lone Terra of his homeland. The ground didn't seem too stable... and the poor brute was reminded of the earthquakes he had barely survived.

'I do not like how this earth feels beneath my paws.' He thought, picking up his paw and looking at it. The earth left his paws dirty, as well as parts of his white paws. He let out a soft sigh. He had traveled for quite some time now... but he never felt as unsettled as he had when he was in this area.

'Perhaps I should just turn around? Or go East maybe...' The only problem with traveling was the fact that you never really knew where you were going until you got there. Since he was about a year old he was out on his own. He missed his family... but he knew his home in Aethelis just... wasn't right for him. So he had left.

Scenting the air he froze in place. What kind of scent was that!? He looked around, seeing a large creature on top of a hill. His heart started beating wildly, and he took a step back in uncertainty.

'What is that...?! It looks like it could take my head off with one blow!" Kar flicked his ears back, trying to be as still as possible. Maybe it wouldn't notice him... and he wouldn't have to worry about getting in a fight with it.



9 Years
Extra large
07-26-2013, 01:58 PM

She was just standing there on the hill, violet orbs scanning the terrain around her. She didn't notice it at first but as she stood there she began to realize how deformed it was. Rocks were all over the place and there were parts of the earth that looked like they were piercing through the surface. It had to be something natural because her mother had talked what humans did to the earth, these formations didn't fit their ways.

Wanting to get a closer look the beast turned from the drop before her, going back the way she came so that she didn't have to try sliding down and possibly hurting herself. One her way down though something caught her attention form the corner of her gaze.

Slowly she lifted her head, violet orbs falling upon a wolf standing not that far away, an obvious look of fear in its eyes. It wasn't hard to miss that look, her kind had a reputation.

"You flee, yes?" She asked in her broken language, not quite used to the way these creatures spoke. Her voice was calm, no-aggressive what so ever. She was a friend to wolves, and would only harm them if they gave her reason to, this one didn't so he was good for now.



07-27-2013, 08:55 AM
The violet orbs that turned towards him seemed to be as deep as water pools, seeing with a look of intensity that he wasn't at all used to. The eye color alone was unusual... and he was reminded of the strange wolves of Caelum that were born with powers. Did this creature perhaps have powers too? Or were violet eyes a common color for her kind of breed? The young brute took another small step back, wavering under her gaze. Had he perhaps been more of a sound mind, he might have seen that there was no aggressiveness within that gaze. Kar was even more surprised when she spoke, his tail going between his legs.

"You can speak the language of wolves..." His words were slow. Hesitant. He didn't move from his spot as he watched the bear from afar. It didn't seem as if she was going to try coming down the slope to attack him. Perhaps then this meant he was safe? Kar swallowed slightly, taking a step forward this time. "I'm sorry to bother you, ma'am... but are there any wolf packs around here?" He was curious about her species too... though he didn't have the nerve to ask the question. If the other creature wished for him to know then she could tell him.



9 Years
Extra large
07-27-2013, 12:00 PM
ooc: Hover for translation. If you can't then it means "that way."

Violet orbs watch the wolf in curiosity. It was kind of entertaining, his reaction to seeing her and when she made her way down towards him. She did expect it of course, no wolf would just bravely stand there and act like it wasn't strange or scary to see a bear come lumbering to them, let alone speak their language. That was why she didn't mind his staring, not commenting on it.

Head tilted when he took a small step back, lips pulling in a small smirk. "You can speak the language of wolves..." She gave a slow nod of her head, catching him taking a step forward. Then he apologized for bothering her, asking if there were any packs around here.

Zanire sniffed the air, shifting her weight onto her front limbs and and let her back ones slid out from under her, rolling back onto her rump and giving a nod of her head. With a massive paw she lifted it from the ground, pointing in some direction.

"De cette fa?on." She said in a language unfamiliar to the male but was her second language taught to her by her mother. She lowered her paw and glanced back towards the wolf, lifting it back up to rub at the side of her snout. "Pack that way, I smell sometime, but no know they name or what like." She answered his question, showing just how broken her speech was, still learning.



08-07-2013, 01:47 PM
The lumbering way the bear walked was certainly a sight to see. Despite the way she walked, the wolf could tell there were powers in those limbs. In one swipe the wolf could be in some serious trouble. His eyes were focused on her, sensing the strength and danger she had behind those claws. Was the bear truly not a threat? Something deep in his gut told him to turn tail now and not wait around to find out. Yet his curiosity about why this female bear knew of the wolf language confused and fascinated him. He had always thought that bears were an enemy to wolves. But perhaps this bear showed different? Green eyes flicked to the violet ones of the bear, not moving as she shifted her weight and sat down on the ground.

Kar's gaze followed the direction she pointed with her paw, twitching his ears as he wondered what kind of wolves lived there. He looked back to the bear as she spoke, her language quite foreign to his ears. But that wasn't completely strange to the male. Wolves from his homeland of Caelum came from all parts of this great big Earth that they lived on. Foreign language, odd coats and bizarre mutations were all things that were common for Kar. But this bear... she was perhaps one of the oddest he had met yet.

"So a pack does live this way, huh?" He looked back in the direction the wolf had pointed. He twitched his ears, frowning. Though the bear knew there was a pack nearby she sadly didn't know what they were like. He looked back to her, eyes shining with curiosity. "Thank you for your information, I greatly appreciate it." Kar gave a small smile. [b]"My name is Kar. What's your name, friend?"



9 Years
Extra large
08-07-2013, 11:36 PM

An ear twitched as the wolf asked if a pack lived in the direction she had pointed, slowly she gave a nod of her large head. The large creature knew there was a few packs in these lands, spread out, but wasn't sure about a few of them. Glaciem had been a nice pack up in the north, but that wasn't true anymore, their leader had been challenged and lost. It was a completely different mind set to the place now. The ones she knew about on her travels were Amenti in the west, Valhalla to the south west and the pack whose name she didn't know. Thinking about them she wondered if she should travel to them, get to know the pack, let them know she wasn't a danger.

She lifted a paw from the ground, scratching at her side for a few moments before setting it back down. Violet orbs fell upon the wolf when he thanked her, giving a node of her name. He gave her his name, Kar, a strange one. He then asked for hers, calling her a friend. Zanire smirked, pushing herself up with a grunt. ?You welcome Kar, my name Zanire.? She told him, flashing a friendly smile. ?You go see pack now? Or travel more?? She asked curiously, maybe she could tag along, it's not like she had any where else she had to be.



08-10-2013, 08:55 PM
Kar counted his blessings that this bear was not at all like the ones that lived in the mountains of Caelum. She was being very helpful and kind. Such things had been scare to the gray wolf in his travels. The beast that he met that were not of his own kind tended to be on the more aggressive side. They chased him from their territories with bared fangs and sharp claws. But this bear wasn't like that all. She was gifted with more intelligence and a kinder heart. Yes, this was a kind of bear that Kar definitely liked.

The smirk that crossed the bear's muzzle reminded him of how his sister once looked at him. A knowing smirk, but one that also held a sort of playful goodwill towards him. The wolf twitched his ears as she said her name. Zanire. It was a pretty name. It definitely suited her. All settled down now that he knew Zanire wasn't an enemy, he calmly spoke with her.

"I don't think I will be entering a pack so soon, to be honest with you, Zanire. I have been wandering for roughly a year, and I wish to make certain of where I choose to settle down, if anywhere." Kar looked off in the direction of the pack, scenting the breeze before turning his gaze back to Zanire.

"Bears tend to live on their own, if I remember correctly." He smiled brightly, his tail swishing as he prepared to ask her the next question. "Since you speak the wolfen language perhaps you wouldn't be against traveling with one? I'd love to have a companion, especially one who knows a bit about Alacritis. If you wouldn't mind it, I'd love to travel with you."



9 Years
Extra large
08-15-2013, 02:27 PM
ooc: Sorry for the wait!

Her massive head tilted to the side as he spoke, telling her he wouldn't enter a pack soon and that he had been wandering for a year now, wanting to be sure of the place he would be settling down. Of course, many wanted to check out a place before making a decision on whether or not they would settle there, why settle only to find you hated the place? Arya and Engo had told her that, that if you wanted to settle down and make friends or start a family, that you needed to make sure the place would match your personality, that it would be a good place to live. She gave a nod of her head to this.

Ears twitched when he brought up her kind, violet obs refocusing on him. Saying how bears normally lived on their own, she gave a small nod at this. Most did because they liked being aloe, hated being bothered. Zanire had been around wolves since a young age, and because of that she had grown used to the company of canines, so she would sometimes seek them out when she was feeling bored or lonely. What he asked next though would come as a surprise, he was asking if she wanted to travel with him. A look of surprise found its way on her face, but her lips had been puled back in a grin.

?Unusual request for you kind.? She said with a chuckle. ?I would like dat, better den being alone.? She nodded her head a moment then turned it away, looking up at the darkening sky. "Sky grow dark, perhaps find place to sleep." She suggested, turning her head back ground to look down at the wolf with a gentle smile. The beast wondered where things would go from here, if they would have good travels or if misfortune would come upon them.



08-22-2013, 10:42 AM
A look of surprise crossed Zanire's face at his request. Sure it was an odd one, but Kar had the feeling he would enjoy her company on his travels. Part of him, deep down inside, questioned if he would ever truly settle down in a pack again. Tilvera had been a home to him when he was young, yes, but something had always seemed... missing. His grandparents had traveled around for quite some time before they settled back down in Tilvera. His mother often told him stories of their travels... and hadn't he wished to travel like that one day? Now here he was... a traveler... a rogue. But traveling alone had become a lonesome task... and surely company was never a bad idea.

Kar's grin widened as Zanire accepted his request. It was perfect. Something deep within stirred, as if finally becoming content with his situation. He too glanced to the darkening sky, nodding in agreement to the bear's suggestion. "It would certainly be a good idea." He wasn't sure if they would find any cover out here in these hills, but perhaps there was a decent spot where they could rest for the night. The wolf swished his tail, flicking his gaze outward across the terrain. Wherever his travels with Zanire lead him... he was certain that they would be full of new experiences. Some perhaps good... and some perhaps bad... but new experiences all the same. The gray wolf took a step before looking back to the bear.

"Shall we then?"

{{Ooc:: I think this could be a wrap up for the thread. :3 I'll send you a link to another thread where Zanire can pop in.}}



9 Years
Extra large
08-23-2013, 01:12 PM

Zanire would chuckle lightly at the wolf, giving a nod of her head. She was ready to go whenever he was, ready to begin a friendship. The woman would protect this boy as much as she could from the dangers the world would throw at them, her size and strength playing an important role. Others would not mess with them, creatures would leave their kills. Zanire wasn't aggressive or anything, unless provoked, she just used what she had to get something she wanted if she did not feel like working for it.

With a smile she would lumbered forward, leading them in a direction to search for a den they could share.

-exit Zanire, end thread-
