
Quiet of Morning



07-25-2013, 01:17 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Ashtoreth paced along the border of the Valhallan territory, well away from the central grounds that were still drying after the recent floods. She longed to return to her den and sleep within those comfortable recesses that she was familiar with, but the makeshift one she had found and expanded on had worked in a pinch. After taking over the larger one, however, she had grown used to the open space and being able to sprawl, so the new one she used had caused her muscles to cramp somewhat as she was forced to curl up tightly again. No sooner had the sun begun to peek over the horizon, she had risen, needing to work out those kinks and discomforts that cramped sleep had caused.

As she strolled along through the quiet, an impromptu patrol, she wondered why she had stopped rising so early to begin with. Often, this was what she would do on any given day, rise and enjoy the peaceful quietness of the morning sunrise while the rest of the pack stirred and rose from sleep. It was always pretty at these times, the mixtures of the blues of the night beginning to give way to the bright golden reds and oranges of the day. Combined with the mists that typically collected, the scene was usually quite stunning. There was no mist on this day, however, but the lights were still dazzling in their natural radiance. Smiling, feeling more comfortable now that the cramps in her body had been walked out, the slim grey wolf continued to pad about aimlessly, intent upon enjoying the quiet morning for as long as she was able before duty called her away.