


07-24-2013, 10:45 PM
holy tits on a stick, thank you muse ♥

OOC;; def calling them seraphine babies because i can ok. don't care who posts first :3 also i hope you guys don't mind the slight pp

She ascended the jagged slopes of the mountain with ample grace, tentative in her steps so she could avoid the seething geysers that littered the sides of the active volcano that Tortuga?s domain consisted of. It may not have been the safest location to raise vulnerable children, but as far as the wraith knew, Mount Volkan had not erupted in decades, and such a conclusion could be drawn from the observation of the lush vegetation that had sprouted even along the mountainside, providing some comfort to her aching paws as she scaled. All three of her young whelps trailed along obediently at her rear, undoubtedly curious as to why their mother had insisted they follow her to the tallest peak of the mountain, but Morphine would refuse to relay to her children the reason why she was leading them to such an altitude.

The air began to thin as she approached her final destination, the pressure complicating her hearing slightly, but it was nothing the wench wasn?t used to; after all, Mount Volkan had been her home since her arrival upon the island and had remained as such until she was banished from ever returning to it ? but her presence was obvious now and her sentence revoked. Metallic eyes searched for her children?s as her petite paws hit level ground in an indentation within the mountain where she had once encountered Kaien and discussed pack matters, now present for an entirely different purpose. The infamous smirk that so frequently possessed her countenance claimed its rightful place as she navigated the short stretch of level ground, halting in her languid strides as her dainty form reached the center of the makeshift amphitheater, allowing her mass to shift towards her rear as she rolled back onto her haunches. Expectantly, she searched for each individual set of pupils belonging to her children, waiting for them to mimic her position so that she could begin her explanation.

Once they had obeyed her silent command, she removed her gaze from their minuscule forms, allowing her pupils to drift forward so that the vast landscape of the island could captivate her vision. From their vantage point, the ice queen could view the entirety of the eastern region and parts of the southern region, and she could only hope that their eyes were capable of vividly seeing off into the distance as well as hers. ?Look,? she demanded, her voice a soft and effeminate coo as she gestured to the expanse of land spread out before where they sat perched. Her left forepaw hovered in the air, seeming to stroke every acre of the visible island as if to express the mass of it to her children, granting them a few moments to absorb the world?s beauty while they could in silence. ?What do you think?? she questioned airily, turning her attention back to the whelps with a quirked brow, waiting for them to voice their opinions before speaking further.



08-05-2013, 12:04 PM
He was not sure why they were climbing, but he followed. Diligent, silent, he glanced from his mother's frame to his siblings, waiting for someone to break the quiet, wondering if any of his siblings had been briefed upon their journey. Yet nothing came, no voice cut through the tension, and the children continued their climb. Codeine's paws grew tired, and the difference in the air was uncomfortable, causing the child to frown. Still, he did not whine nor back down, only kept his discomfort to himself, not wanting to look weak before his mother. He wanted to impress her, wanted to please her, and a small part of him wanted to do better than his siblings. To excel, to outshine them in a way that their mother would see and recognize. Pride and superiority were already a part of his mind, flickering traits that would grow within the boy as he aged.

When Morphine stopped, he clambered after her, standing beside her as she looked out at the vast land that they called home. The view was astounding, and it further impressed him that a lot of what he was looking out at was his mothers. Hers, theirs through her, his through all of them. A breath, an exhale, a sigh of pleasure because he was undoubtedly pleased with what he saw. And then the moment was gone, and he blinked, looking up at his mother, his tail giving a good thump before he answered her question. "There's so much out there." He commented, sharing a few of his thoughts with the idolized female as per request.

He couldn't explain it, but no matter how much was out there, he wanted to know how much of it he could take as his own. Perhaps if he lay the continent before the ivory fae that birthed he and his siblings, she would see him the same way that he saw her. "How many others are out there?" 'How many would get in my way?'

Ares 1


08-11-2013, 09:55 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2013, 12:06 AM by Ares 1.)

He did his best to keep his head held high, when his mother asked to follow he did as was told. Their trail had brought them a long way, he could feel the ache start to send tendrils of pain through his paws. Ares would bear the pain, he knew that after everything was said and done the more he endured the stronger he would be, the stronger he would be for his mother. His strides were labored, as he wished to stay as close behind the pale she wolf as he could, he would not fall behind and he would not fail her. Her words of reason never reached his ears as they walked, but he needed no such assurance. It did not matter the task asked of him, he would do anything Morphine commanded.
She continued on not much longer, as she slowed he assumed they had reached the intended destination. She pushed herself back onto her haunches, and as her metallic gaze met his own crystal orbs he followed her lead and let himself sit neatly upon the grass. So entrapped by his focus upon his mother he had hardly noticed the approaching view, the lands of Alacritia were laid out before him. ?Look,? Lavender eyes followed her gaze as he took in the amazing view. It was more amazing than anything he had ever encountered. Was it all mother's? ?What do you think?? he let his mouth fall open in anticipation to speak, but he could hear the voice of his brother before he was able.
"There's so much out there. How many others are there?" He let himself think about the question. He knew that their pack contained other wolves but how populated could the rest of the world be? It's massive. How do I make it mine? His voice was curiously serious, his mother couldn't be showing him the view with out somehow offering the plains up for his taking.
