


07-24-2013, 04:57 PM
Kaveh Kyra

This island was probably one of the most beautiful sights he had ever seen. He padded up onto the shore after the short swim here, shaking off as much of the salt water as he could. The pale sand sifted under his paws as he moved up the shore toward the center of the island. He turned so he could walk along the coast line, his seafoam-green eyes taking in the view. The sun warmed his deep brown pelt, quickly drying it. It was absolutely lovely here, certainly worth the swim across the stretch of ocean.

He felt so at peace. He had finally found his long lost sister after all that time! All of his worries about here had fallen off his shoulders and he felt free as a bird. Everything in his future felt so bright now that she was back in his life. Of course, she had her own life to attend to, her own friends to see. She had an adoptive father now, for goodness sakes. He wasn't sure how he felt about that, just yet. He hadn't yet met the brute, but he trusted his sister's judgement on the matter. So, all that in mind, he was on his own today, taking some time to explore the island. He was glad he had decided to make the trip out here.

He came across a river that cut through the beach and led out into the ocean. He glanced down the length of the river and wondered if it was all salt water or if it was fresh water further up stream. Curious, he turned and started down the length of the river, moving inland. He padded along silently, purely just happy for the sake of being happy. After a while he stopped and sniffed at the water, happy to find that it didn't smell of salt. He lapped at the cool water gratefully, the liquid soothing to his throat. He sighed contently and looked around him again. The only thing that could make this any better would be to have some company to enjoy it with.




5 Years
07-24-2013, 06:46 PM

[Image: for_kaala_by_horseyarts-d65ipo9.jpg]

Kaala had swum the length from land to this island, and boy was it worth it. The island, love island had she heard someone say? Was a beautiful paradise. Palm trees encircled the forest next to a beach filled with white sands and shells as far as the eye could see. Fish and small prey were bountiful and there was a freshwater river running right through. Heaven. Kaala trotted up the beach, her feet barely sinking in the sand. She didn't bother shaking her pelt, so the dun behind her ignited the water droplets clinging to her gut, making rainbows save from her very skin.

With the sun still behind her Kaala ventured into the woods, leaving behinde the the hot sand for cooling earth beneath her pads. She trotted through the trees, resting at the river. She lapped up the cool clean water. It splashed against her throat, cooling her thoroughly. She sat and gazed into the luscious forest before her. Kaala closed her eyes, eventing things around her. Another wolf's scent caught at her nostrils. Male, Her age, A little downstream, opposite bank. Kaala opened her eyes and sighted the wolf. Her heart skipped a beat. Wow.



07-24-2013, 08:28 PM
Kaveh Kyra

The only sounds that crossed the air of the peaceful island were the calls of the birds in the trees and the gurgle of the river flowing past him. It was so peaceful and made it so easy for the brown-pelted brute to relax. But it was oh so lonely. He was a very social creature, he loved the company of friends and family. He sighed softly and happened to let his gaze drift down stream along the river, his eyes settling on a black pelted fea. He blinked with surprise. He hadn't noticed her before or seen her approach the river. She opened her eyes, her striking, breathtaking blue eyes, and they found him. For a moment there was only silence and the two wolves watched each other, seafoam looking into saphire. He swallowed hard, butterflies suddenly taking flight in his stomach. Her eyes captivated him and he couldn't look away.

Finally realizing he was staring he blinked and glanced away, getting his senses about him enough to get to his paws and walked down to her, sitting down across the river from her. It wasn't a wide river so they were only a handful of feet away from each other. He didn't know what had come over him all the sudden. Usually he had no problem talking to strangers or making friends of new wolves, but all the sudden he felt nervous and shy. The fluttering in his stomach only got worse when he lifted his gaze back up to meet hers again. He smiled shyly, his tail waving gently behind him. "Hello," he finally said, his gentle baritone rumbling in his chest. Her beautiful eyes struck him speechless. All he could do was grin like an idiot and wag his tail.




5 Years
07-24-2013, 09:20 PM

The male was just, wow. He had a sleek brown pelt and emerald eyes. When they found her own, she forgot to take a breath. She found her eyes widening and the sides of her moth raising in a smile. Her tail made silent thumps behind her and she sat up straight. She blinked, looking away, if only for a moment. Who was this handsome brute? She wondered.

She returned her aqua gaze to the male and saw him approaching her, walking down the stream. He stopped and sat in front of her, looking into her eyes, just as she was his. Her heartbeat quickened as he said said Hello, She found that she couldn't speak, her smile widening. After a few moments, which seemed like forever to Kaala, she said " Hi. " She couldn't utter anything further, so she said the rest with her gaze. Blinking once, she held it with the males. Everything seemed still around them, the trees, the birds, the gentle lapping of waves in the distance, all minor compared to this moment.



07-24-2013, 10:06 PM
Kaveh Kyra

Her voice was sweet to his ears, even if all she said was hi. He felt like he was making an idiot of himself, staring at her like this and being at such a loss for words. It was so silly of him, being so absolutely dumbstruck at just one glance from this fea that he had only shared two words with. That was ridiculous... Right?

He gave his head a shake to clear it and chuckled, a relaxed grin crossing his muzzle. "I'm Kaveh. What brings you out to this lovely island, miss...?" he let his sentence trail off into silence, letting the beautiful fea before him fill in the blank.

She was gorgeous with her stunning blue eyes and her pelt that was a perfect blend of blacks and browns. It was hard to pinpoint exactly what color he should call her fur. Whatever hue it was it was absolutely lovely. He had never been this captured with just a glance from a fea before. He had to wonder if this was what it felt like to love in love at first sight with someone, but he quickly dismissed it. Of course she was drop dead gorgeous in his opinion, but it took more than just looks to love someone. He barely knew her! But luckily for him they had the whole island to themselves and all the time in the world to get to know her.




5 Years
07-24-2013, 10:21 PM

The male relaxed a little once she greeted him, he laughed and shook his head before introducing himself. I'm Kaveh. What brings you out to this lovely island, Miss... His voice was deep and soothing the the ears, she hadn't had time to really appreciate it before. "Kaala. " She said her name, finishing his sentence. "I was simply exploring when I saw it in the distance, I couldn't resist." Kaala's face was filled with the widest of smiles. What was this fuzzy feeling at bottom of her stomach? It wasn't hunger, or thirst, or sickness. It wasn't there before. Perhaps it was something to do with Kaveh' s presence. "What brings yourself here, Kaveh" The name rolled off her tongue, sticking in her mind. A little laugh escaped her lips as she looked into his green orbs.



07-24-2013, 10:49 PM
Kaveh Kyra

Kaala. Even her name made him smile. The huge smile on her face only helped to make the brute even more giddy. His ears turned forward to catch every word she spoke in her lovely voice and the adorable laugh she gave afterward. "About the same as you. I had some free time on my paws and I saw this island off in the distance so I figured I might as well come see what was out here." He took his eyes off of her for only a moment to glance around at the nature that surrounded them. "It's absolutely beautiful." Looking back at Kaala, he said, "Not as beautiful as you, of course, Miss Kaala," before he knew what he was saying. He blinked at his own words, his face warming as he blushed and a shy smile crossed his muzzle.

He cleared his throat and glanced down at his paws, quickly moving on before he could embarrass himself even more. "Um... Uh, would you like to explore more of the island? With me, I mean? I haven't done much exploring yet, I just got here a little bit ago." He gave a nervous chuckle, feeling himself get all the more flustered the more he stumbled over his own words. The earthen hued brute didn't know what had come over him all the sudden. It wasn't like him to lose his cool like this. And to do it in front of this lovely fea of all wolves!




5 Years
07-25-2013, 08:35 AM

Thanks Shel <3

Kaala looked into Kaveh's forest green eyes, absorbing them. She ran her eyes down his deep chocolate coat, taking I him in, his muzzle, his paws, his ears, his everything. He replied to her, About the same as you. I had some free time on my paws and I saw this island off in the distance so I figured I might as well come see what was out here... It's absolutely beautiful. His sweet husky tone was soft. It sent a shiver down his back. He was right the island was bliss." Your right, it's bliss."When he took his eyes from hers, something moved in her gut. Kaala shook her head and looked around herself. Birds were chirping all around, the sun was blazing above them. The warmth had dried her fur completely. As she returned her aqua gaze to his, she found that he had already turned back. The smile returned on her face, she hadn't even realized it had gone.

Not as beautiful as you of course, Miss.Kaala Kaala's eyes widened, her tail thumping behind growing faster. She could feel her heart bearing in her chest. He thought she was beautiful. A grin stuck itself to Kaala's maw. "Your not to bad yourself." All of a sudden the stream between them seemed like the ocean. Too far. Um... Uh, would you like to explore more of the island? With me, I mean? I haven't done much exploring yet, I just got here a little bit ago. Of course Kaala wanted to spend more time with him. She wanted to know who this handsome wolf was. "I'd love to." Kaala hopped across the stream, landing right beside Kaveh. As she landed, their shoulders brushed. A shiver ran down her back once again as she sat beside him.



07-25-2013, 09:05 AM
Kaveh Kyra

Kaveh was relieved to see that he hadn't creeped her out with his sudden compliment. On the contrary, she seemed absolutely thrilled by it. She even gave him a compliment in return! A matching huge grin attached itself to his muzzle and his tail gently thumped against the ground as well purely just from the sight of her smile. "I could be happy for the rest of my life if I could see that smile everyday," he thought, his heart fluttering in his chest. He was so happy to hear her voice again when she agreed to come explore the island with him.

She jumped across the thin river with ease and when she landed on his side of the water their shoulders brushed against each other. The unexpected touch was a shock to his system, tingles radiating through his body. She sat down beside him and suddenly they were mere inches if that away from each other, if even that much. Her sapphire gaze was intoxicating from a distance, but this close he got absolutely lost in it. "Your eyes are lovely," he told her softly, his baritone little more than a rumble in his chest. With a grin on his muzzle he stood and motioned with his head toward the trees. "Shall we?"

He padded alongside her further in toward the center of the island, never more than a few inches from her. The lovely fea's presence was addicting to the brute, he couldn't get enough. He could barely pay attention to the beautiful island around them because he was so focused on her and trying to figure out what about her made his heart flutter in his chest and his stomach tie in knots. "Will you tell me a little about yourself?" he asked hopefully, his seafoam green eyes meeting hers once again.




5 Years
07-25-2013, 09:49 AM

Thanks Shel!

Your eyes are lovely The compliment echoed in Kaala's head, making her blush. "Thank you. " That comment had sounded better in her head, she smiled nervously. Hopefully he hadn't heard. Shall we? He featured towards the forest before sinking into its depths. Kaala wasn't long after, trailing just behind at his shoulder. Colours of flowers and plants whoosed by them. Red, purple, pink, yellow, blue but mostly green. The moist forest floor was soothing underneath her pads as she and Kaveh looked through the forest.

Will you tell me a little about yourself? Kaveh asked. He seemed genuinely interested. Kaala moved up beside so they were face to face. "Um. O-okay. I'm not originally from Alacritis. I don't really know where I'm from... emmm... I'm formerly of Glaciem, but now I'm with a band of rogues, led by Gargoyle, the former Alpha of Glaciem. I'm two years old, in winter there and... I think that's about it. What about yourself. Who is Kaveh?"
She looked at him with her blue eyes, unwavering.



07-25-2013, 10:33 AM
Kaveh Kyra

The brute padded along slowly beside his new friend, listening with interest to her story. So she wasn't exactly a pack wolf, persay, but she still followed her alpha like a pack. It was interesting for him, a wolf who had never been in a pack. He pondered her return question for a moment before replying, "Well... I've never been in a pack. It was just my mom, my two sisters, and I growing up. We traveled around a lot, on the run from a brute that was after my mom. I'm pretty sure I was born in Alacritis, but I think we traveled out of it for a while and came back. I was really young so I don't really remember. My mom and one of my sisters has passed away, but I was just reunited with my sister again after getting separated from her in a snowstorm. Um... I'm not sure what else to say. I'm two years old as well, born in Autumn. That's pretty much my life in a nutshell."

He smiled, playfully brushing his shoulder against hers again, a soft shiver running through him at the feeling of her fur against his like lightening. He had never in his wildest dreams felt like this around another wolf. Every time he looked away he wanted to turn his gaze back to her and when he happened to drift a few extra inches away from her side he came straight back. He wished he could understand what this feeling was, this complete infatuation. He wanted to know what about her caused it and if this feeling would last. He wanted to make her smile, make her laugh because those things made him more happy than anything else ever had. He was so confused by it all, but for just a little while he decided not to care and just go with his emotions. It was only them on this island out in the middle of the ocean. Who knew, maybe they would go back to the mainland and part ways and never see one another again and this would all be like a dream. He hoped not, but either way he was just going to relax and enjoy being with this beautiful fea for a while.




5 Years
07-25-2013, 11:09 AM

As they kept going through the cool forest, Kaveh told her about himself. Well... I've never been in a pack. It was just my mom, my two sisters, and I growing up. We traveled around a lot, on the run from a brute that was after my mom. I'm pretty sure I was born in Alacritis, but I think we traveled out of it for a while and came back. I was really young so I don't really remember. My mom and one of my sisters has passed away, but I was just reunited with my sister again after getting separated from her in a snowstorm. Um... I'm not sure what else to say. I'm two years old as well, born in Autumn. That's pretty much my life in a nutshell." Kaala nodded throughout. She replied telling him more about her family. "Well, I never really knew my family. They threw me out and abandoned me as a yearling. Since then I have travelled then joined Glaciem,well not Glaciem anymore, but, you know. Gargoyle and stuff are like a family, in a way. But it's not family." Kaala sighed. As his shoulder met hers, a fuzzy feeling inside her stomach leaped. What was this feeling? It wasn't anything she knew but she liked it. Kaala closed the gap between them once more by rubbing against him, pulling away after a few seconds. The fuzzy feeling grew stronger the longer she was beside him. What was it? Whatever it was, it was like heaven.



07-25-2013, 12:33 PM
Kaveh Kyra

Kaveh was happy and sad for Kaala at the same time. To be abandoned by your family like that was awful. He couldn't imagine ever leaving his family on purpose. He was glad that she had found the Glaciem wolves, or former Glaciem wolves now, to live with so at least she wasn't alone. "Wolves can be family without being blood related," he replied with a genuine smile on his muzzle. "I've met plenty of wolves that are good friends of mine that I treat like family. Family to me is who you love, not necessarily who you're related to. I never knew my father and my mother refused to talk about him, but from what little I know he was an awful, evil wolf and I refuse to call him my family. He may be my father, but he's not my family. Your pack took you in. That's plenty enough to make them family in my eyes."

His heart skipped a beat at Kaala's side pressed to his for a moment, his butterflies fluttering in his stomach. He grinned at her happily and gently brushed his muzzle against her neck, quickly becoming addicted to that thrill he got when they touched. He wondered if there was something in the water or the air here on Love Island. He was willing to accept any explanation at this point for the sudden rush of feelings he felt for Kaala. "I've never seen a fea as lovely as you," he mused quietly, his warm gaze resting on her happily. He loved giving compliments when compliments were due and she deserved every kind word in the world. He put aside all of his inhibitions, only wanting to make her feel as dizzy with emotion as he was.




5 Years
07-25-2013, 01:54 PM

Kaveh smiled and said, u] Wolves can be family without being blood related. I've met plenty of wolves that are good friends of mine that I treat like family. Family to me is who you love, not necessarily who you're related to. I never knew my father and my mother refused to talk about him, but from what little I know he was an awful, evil wolf and I refuse to call him my family. He may be my father, but he's not my family. Your pack took you in. That's plenty enough to make them family in my eyes. [/u] Kaala listened intently to Kaveh. Perhaps they weren't so different after all. "You're right. They didn't need to take me in but they did. I've grown really close to them. That's a family.

Kaveh brushed his muzzle over her neck, sending shivers down her spine and warmth through her body. Almost instinctively, Kaala pressed her muzzle under his and held it there. This was the perfect moment. Kaala started to slow down, closing her eyes. I've never seen a few as lovely as you. Kaala blushed, her cheeks growing warm under dark fur. "Nor a brute as kind and handsome as you." Her voice was soft, meaningful.



07-25-2013, 05:26 PM
Kaveh Kyra

When Kaala pressed her muzzle to him in return the chocolate-hued brute slowed to a stop, the pair of them standing in the middle of the island paradise. He kept his muzzle pressed to her neck and made no move to leave this spot any time soon. Quite the opposite, in fact. He nuzzled into her fur, breathing in her sweet scent and memorizing every note of it. His eyes slid closed and he gently pulled her closer to him so that her side rested against his and his head rested comfortably on her neck. He wished he had someone older in his life to ask about all of this, to question them and see if this was normal, the way he suddenly felt so whole with this fea beside him. It was like he had been missing a piece of himself and it had been Kaala all along.

He wondered if there was something in the air or the water here on love island that made wolves feel like this. He would have accepted any explanation that could make sense at this point. Everything seemed different now that Kaala was there. He had no worries, no cares, didn't wonder about his sister, wasn't concerned by the sun beginning to head toward the horizon. Everything felt right with the world. Finally, after several moments of enjoying her scent and warmth, to released her so he could look into her beautiful eyes. "I don't understand how I feel around you... My stomach's in knots and I can't help but look at your lovely face and every time I do my heart beats faster..." He spoke straight from the heart. He knew that they barely knew each other and had no idea of weather these feelings would stay, but for the time being he was going to enjoy it. He made it his new mission to completely let go and just go with his instincts. "Would you stay here with me tonight? Sleep with me under the stars in this paradise?" he asked, his voice soft and kind, his eyes showing how much he cared for her.




5 Years
07-25-2013, 05:47 PM

Those few moments with Kaveh were pure bliss. When he pulled her up against him, she didn't ever want to move again. Her mind was clear and her emotions took over. The tingling feeling in her stomach was stronger than ever and she felt, just, right, whenever she was near him. Although they had met only hours ago, Kaala felt as if she could spend their rest of her life with him. She nuzzled into him, absorbing his scent ad shape so she had it forever. She closed her eyes, deep in the moment.

Kaveh spoke, breaking the silence that was their breathing. He moved away, looking into her eyes while he spoke I don't understand how I feel around you... My stomach's in knots and I can't help but look at your lovely face and every time I do my heart beats faster... Kaala's heart was racing. "Oh, Kaveh. Whenever I look at you there is a fuzzy feeling in my stomach, whenever I feel your touch my skin skin tingles and a shiver goes down my spine. I do know what to call it but I want to keep it. "

Would you stay here with me tonight? Sleep with me under the stars in this paradise? Of course she would. She couldn't not. With a single nod, Kaala nestled herself back into Kaveh' s side



07-25-2013, 07:02 PM
Kaveh Kyra

"I want to keep it too," he replied as she settled against his side again. He smiled happily, his gaze softening fondly as he gazed at her. He nuzzled her neck and whispered, "Come on, lets find somewhere to sleep." He could see the sky slowly turning shades of orange, red, and violet as the sun sank down toward the horizon. He padded back toward the shore, walking shoulder to shoulder with Kaala. He found a particularly thick patch of grass right on the edge of the sand, with a perfect view of the water and sunset. He carefully patted down the grass so it made a large bed for them to sleep on. The brute took his place on the bed, leaving plenty of room for her to join him.

Once they were settled he looked out over the water, enjoying the beautiful colors of the sky reflecting on the ocean. He had a beautiful view in front of him and a beautiful fea beside him. What more could a brute ask for? He smiled and gently licked the top of her head before resting his head lightly over hers, pulling her over to rest her head on his shoulder. He nuzzled her neck affectionately, his tail thumping happily against the ground behind him. He gave another lick to her cheek before finally settling his head over hers, his tail gently resting over hers. He was feeling so affectionate and just wanted to show her how much he liked her being there.




5 Years
07-25-2013, 07:25 PM

I want to keep it too... Come on, let's find somewhere to sleep. Kaala followed him, staying by his side as the sun set in front of them. It was her favourite time of day, sunset. The ground beneath Kaala started to get softer as the neared the shore. Kaveh found the perfect spot at the edge of the luscious forest, bordering the beach. Kaala watched as he patted it down. Her blue eyes skimmed over him, and then the sky.

Kaala settled herself beside Kaveh, nestling deep in him. His head rested upon her neck, while she leaned hers on his soft brown shoulder. A sigh escaped her lips. Their tails were intertwined, milk chocolate on dark. The setting sun escaped, setting the ocean ablaze as it disappeared and the round moon came out. The first few stars started to form in the fading light. Twinkling beacons in an endless sea.

Kaveh licked her crown, his soft tongue soothing her scalp. Kaala licked just in between his eyes, allowing her tongue to linger.



07-27-2013, 10:29 AM
Kaveh Kyra

Kaveh's gaze met his new friend's again as she returned a lick to his forehead, right between his pale green eyes. He smiled and gently licked the side of her muzzle before nuzzling his face into her scruff, breathing in her scent, feeling like he was on cloud nine. The brute didn't think there could possibly be a more perfect moment. He was in paradise. The land around them was absolutely beautiful, the stars sparkled over head, and the moon glowed, giving the beach in front of them a pale glow. Kaveh didn't pay attention to any of these things though, all he had eyes for at the moment was Kaala. He wanted to shower her with kisses and complements and fall asleep with her curled next to him, so that's exactly what he set out to do. He was going to take advantage of the time he had with her, not knowing how much longer he was going to get to have with her. Life was so uncertain that he just wanted to live in the moment.

He gave affectionate lick after affectionate lick to her cheeks, forehead, and neck, his kind, warm gaze on her at all times. He pulled back a bit to look into her sapphire gaze once again, his voice a soft, tender rumble in his chest as he spoke. "You're absolutely gorgeous, Kaala. I don't know what I did to make fate treat me so kindly and bring you into my life, but I'm so glad you're here with me. Your eyes are so captivating, your fur is like no shade I've ever seen... and every time you smile my heart skips a beat. If I could make you smile every day like that I would be the happiest brute alive."




5 Years
07-27-2013, 11:41 AM

After licking Kaveh on the forehead, Kaala looked him in the eyes. His leaf green eyes were beautiful, his fur soft and luxurious. Nothing was better than these moments, right here, right now. As he licked her neck, cheek, muzzle continuously, she held her gaze, thinking how much she wanted this to last forever. When he finished, Kaala planted three single kisses on him, one on his muzzle, one on his neck and the other on just under his chin. She nuzzled him as he spoke.

You're absolutely gorgeous, Kaala. I don't know what I did to make fate treat me so kindly and bring you into my life, but I'm so glad you're here with me. Your eyes are so captivating, your fur is like no shade I've ever seen... and every time you smile my heart skips a beat. If I could make you smile every day like that I would be the happiest brute alive. Kaala's eyes sparkled as he said those words, her gut tingling. She licked his muzzle affectionately. Kaveh... The smallest of whispers left Kaala's maw. She had never really felt like she belonged before, she had found that place, and right now, it was beside Kaveh. Wether this feeling lasted a day, a week or a century. Kaala would have every second of it she could. Kaala buried her face in Kaveh' s fur. She placed her paw on his. The night sky above the pair was beautiful as it reflected on the clear ocean. Kaala could relive this moment a thousand times again and still be happy.
