
Let me be the devil on your shoulder


07-24-2013, 11:11 AM

The dead of night was still, no movement of small night creatures, no wind, no cricket songs filling the warm air. Everything seemed to be closed off from the world, preparing itself for some evil haunting the night, about to explode and release its demons into the innocent world. Or some terrible void sucking the life blood from the innocent inhabitants. Only one shadow moved under the moonless sky, a dark form moving leisurely through the brush. A wolf the shape seem to form before melting back into the lookings of a monster with horns and teeth, and what ever else the imagination of the fearful could concoct. With eyes shining in the night, glowing like demon's fire, the shadow quickened it's pace, till it suddenly burst forth and squeals of a small pink piglet broke the silence with agony. Soon laughter rolled around the trees, dark and sinister, deep and alluring as well is fear-sticking and repulsive, as the squeals turned into screams and still continued for a retched amount of time before finally the poor creature died of its wounds and fright. If one drew close to the noise, they would smell the thick, sickly scent of blood, see it smeared across the trunks of trees and dragged along the ground. If the same being looked even closer, they would see bits of the pig's flesh, torn horrendously from the poor beast, hanging from low hanging branches and swaying on small brush stems.
And in the middle of the clearing, slurps, cracking of bones, flesh tearing under sharp fangs, and still the soft chuckle of the demented danced in the break of the trees, like some barbaric song. The soft light of the stars, shone off of the thick black coat of the wolf, his eyes shining into the night like white orbs of magic, and his, white banded ears occasional flicking in his sweet pleasure, while his white ivories flashed as they snapped bone into two. But something caught the attention of the beast as his jaws broke the bone in his paws with a sickle crunch. The scent of another wolf flew vaguely over the wondrous scent of fresh blood. The laughter rumbled again, deep in his chest as his deep seductive voice said into the night "My, my my, seems like a visitor has joined my lovely feast in the middle of the dark moon." The monster cast his star-lit white orbs around the clearing waiting for his next play thing to show itself.

P.S- When it all goes down... I'll be there waiting...
Love Zalin-

For Raii, when she get a chance to post =)



07-29-2013, 02:16 PM

Silence was the disguise the devils of the night took today, cloaking their sins in the blackness around them, treading carefully to do their deeds. A shadow slunk deftly through the trees, on his way to the beginnings of a cruel mission of his own. Revenge would be sweet when he tasted it, he was sure of that. Killian had spent too long harboring his desire without taking action, and having heard nothing from the blue female he had met a season ago, now seemed like the time to move. But first he needed to scout the territory, see what he might be getting himself into.

The wolf came to the border of the pack lands and ceased moving, which caused the creature perched on his shoulder to stir and raise his head. Smee took only a moment to sniff the air before curling back into his body to continue resting. The brute paid him no heed as his ruby eyes scanned the terrain for any sign of life. His ears swiveled at the sound of cold laughter that permeated the air and sent shivers down the spines of lesser creatures. Curious, the pirate carried himself around the territory so that he would be upwind of the source of the sound, a fiendish sort of wolf he supposed. As intended, the breeze carried his own scent to the nostrils of the demon and drew his attention from his meal.

"Such a shame to have the silence broken by your voice, sir." Ruby orbs met those white, challenging them to come closer to face the wolf they had confronted.

thank you wolfie!


08-01-2013, 03:34 PM

The dark devil didn't have long before the owner of the scent bushed his way out of the brush, a brutish black wolf with red eyes, and a strange little creature not far off. The dark brute let out a snort and flashed his ivories at the new comer in a smile, his white eyes dancing with a curiosity what didn't seem all to friendly. " Hm. Such a shame my fun was interrupted by a little wanderer and a weird small thing..." his voice floated in the air lightly. "But you might as well stay and enjoy this dark moon. Though, I must warn you... I do bite." with a loud snap of his jaws he started laughing, his head thrown back towards the sky before lowering and looking the other male over with unnerving white eyes. His white banded ears flicked to the wolf and he stood up, his full enormous height unfolding underneath him. He wasn't the largest wolf in the lands but he sure was pushing it. His thick fur suggested that he favored the northern climates and his lean but long muscled form showed power and a certain deadliness that reflected in his white orbs. His large deep chest made him intimidating, but the sly and quirky smile that played on his lips, deceived many into thinking he had a friendly disposition. He was a ticking time bomb, but his timer was broken and those around him never knew when he would go off. The thick furred brute stared hard at the male, his hackles raising along his back. There was something about the wolf before him that he liked and uncertain why, it made him edgy and silently aggressive. Zalin's personality never let him like something what he couldn't understand, and even on his favorite night, he was as unpredictable as a snake.
After a moment he picked up a bone that sat near his large paws, his eyes never leaving the other red one's, and tossed the other brute the bone. "Chew." he demanded. "The soft center is good for you and the hardness of the bone sharpens the teeth." he rumbled before picking up his own and began gnawing on it, while never breaking eyes contact with the other wolf.

P.S- When it all goes down... I'll be there waiting...
Love Zalin-



08-07-2013, 07:15 PM

The wolf before him certainly was a bit larger, but size was hardly something that Killian often took into consideration. In his life, it had been speed and cunning that had always won out over brute strength. No matter though, he had doubts that there would be a fight here. He eyed the shadow carefully from his place on the border, showing no reaction to his words. Smee, on the other hand, scoffed and shook his head, a bit irritated by the crazy attitude he was hearing. Killian was simply disgusted, but felt no need to advertise it. He kept his questions about the male's sanity in his head.

His ruby stare didn't waver as the bone was tossed at his feet. He maintained eye contact with the brute, continuing his silent challenge for several moments before speaking. The voice that emitted from his throat was deep and powerful, something hardly expected for a wolf of his size and age. "I believe my teeth are plenty sharp, but thanks for the offer." He flashed the brute a brief, silent snarl before closing his lips over his daggers and saying no more. Killian was curios as to whether or not the male would continue to engage him, and wished to let him decide for himself.

thank you wolfie!