
Falling Petals

Elysia I


07-23-2013, 09:44 PM
She had ran, pale paws nothing but a blur moving at a speed only a wolf in fear could go at. Sea foam green eyes wide and stricken. Nose flared taking great huffs to fill her rather large lungs. It was no doubt this wolf was made for running, she didn?t even seemed phased by the long travel spent running. She needed to go back, find Demonio, find safety. But where was that? Where was her adopted father? The earthen colored creature would continue her running till the sun began to set. Stopping was not on her mind, but it would seem her paws had another idea. Tripping she went falling to land in a heap among tons of wild flowers. Heart hammered in her chest.

Where would she go? It seemed that male she meant wanted her, in a way that frightened her. Eyes closed tightly wishing she was not alone. Where was her family? Demonio? Knight? Someone she knew. She felt so alone and scared. The weight of depression crashed over her like waves ramming into the rocks during a storm. Sitting up, her back hunched over, ears flat against her skull. It tore at her, eating her day by day in not find her family. Her mother, her brother. Would they gone from her forever? Was she the only to survive the winter storm? Why?! How cruel could life be to have her live but not her family?! Lips pulled back in a snarl of anger. Head suddenly threw back, a howl erupted from deep in her chest. Every note sang out her fear, her failure, hurt, and loneliness. She didn?t care if Dragomir heard her now. She felt as if she had nothing left in her. Nearly a whole season of spring she had searched to not find them. It had been to long, there was no hope left. She howled out her song, a song meant to mourn those she had lost. It was soft, but sharp with emotion.

Body flopped down on it's side as the song of grief finished. Nothing..nothing was left. She felt hollow, no more spark of life, endless energy fueling every action, no more glow to her sea foam green eyes. Nothing. She had lost them. Nothing could ever give that back to her, nothing would ever soothe the pain. Not ever the beauty of the land she laid in, surrounded by flowers, that would normally have had her attention. Elysia Kyra would be nothing but an empty shell.


07-23-2013, 11:03 PM
Kaveh Kyra

Kaveh had given up hope. He had searched all of Alacritis for his family that had been torn from him in the winter storm. He had given up hope on finding his mother long ago, she had been weak when they had begun their last trip together so as crushed as he was to admit it to himself, he had accepted that his mother was probably gone. He had held out hope that his sister had survived though. Even now, he wished dearly that he could find her. The brute was losing hope that he would though. He had to accept it. The chances that his beloved sister was just going to fall back into his life was slim to none. He padded around the edge of a huge prairie, his head drooping sadly and his ears pinned back against his head. His heart ached for his loss, the weight of it heavy on his shoulders. He was completely alone now... The thought was frightening for the brute. His family was his life, but they had been torn away from him. What was he going to do now?

Suddenly a pained, mourning howl ripped through the air, jarring him out of his thoughts. The pure sadness in that sound was hair raising. It seemed to echo right through his soul. It matched the exact feelings he had just been trudging though. Suddenly something clicked in his mind. That voice... "Ely...?" he whispered disbelievingly, standing frozen as the sound died away. Could it really be her? With his heart racing in his chest, Kaveh took off across the field toward the source of the howl, racing as fast as his legs would carry him. "Elysia!" he called out desperately, his seafoam gaze searching the field of grass and wildflowers for her brown hues. Where was she?! That was her voice! He knew it was! Moments passed and he was terrified that she was going to slip through his paws once again when he spotted a empty spot in the tall grass. He leapt toward it, skidding to a stop when he saw the brown-hued form of his sister laying there in the middle of a patch of flowers. Everything around him stopped and he blinked in disbelief. "Elysia?" he whispered, his throat tight with hopeful tears.


Elysia I


07-23-2013, 11:52 PM
She laid there just starying at the pale yellow flower. It's petals weighed down heavily, slowly falling one by one. The every flower expressed just how she was inside. Faintly she was aware of pawsteps rushing towards her, a voice calling out. Some word, maybe a name or something. She didnt care, didnt even bother to listen or move. The woosh of air stirred her fur, but even then her eyes remained on the dying flower. A voice, a whisper, slowly made it's way to her, through her wall and to her heart. Turning her head upwards she saw a dark brown male, those eyes the same as her, staring back at her like a mirror. Muzzle parted in shock. Was this real? Or had her mind collasped under the depression.

Slowly her paw reached out to touch his chest, feeling fur, skin, and warmth. This was no lie, this was real. Amazed she was speechless as she stared up at her brother. Emotions rolled through her like a twister, bring back the life and spark in her eyes. He had made it? They had finally found each other! Suddenly she jumped up, paw stretched out to grab him and tackle him. a high pitched whine emmitted from her. This, this was Kaveh. Her dear sweet brother. All she knew was not gone after all. She would never be alone now! Nothing to fear or hide from. So long as he was here, she would be safe. She just knew it. It felt like she had been missing a body part, lungs, so important, that now she had back and no longer needed to fight to breath. Nose took quick short wiffs of him ,drawing in his familiar scent, memorizing, remembering it all. "Kaveh....oh dear brother!" It was all to could say before she wiggled about, pawing at him, yipping, and jumping around.


07-24-2013, 03:24 PM
Kaveh Kyra

He didn't believe it. He couldn't. He had to be imagining this, she couldn't be in front of him right now. After all this time, after all his searching... She had finally come back into his life. He watched as she reached out with a single paw toward his chest, like she couldn't believe he was there either. The world came rushing back into time when he felt her paw on his chest, finally realizing that she was really, truly there. A huge smile broke across his muzzle and his tail waved furiously behind him, unable to contain the sheer joy that warmed his soul. He hadn't been this happy, this relieved in so long. Ever since the moment that he had realized that he had been separated from his family he had been trudging through this depression. Now everything felt right again, he felt whole now that he was with his sister again and could see that she was alive and well.

He yelped as she tackled him, nearly knocking the larger wolf over. He couldn't sit still, he was so overwhelmed with happiness. The sound of her voice was like the sweetest thing he had ever heard. "Sister!" was all he managed in reply before he dissolved into the same yipping and jumping as his sister. His paws never stopped moving, making him hop in place with excitement. He could have cried with relief at finally finding her. After several moments of this excitement he pulled her to him, wrapping his head around her neck to hug her tight, just enjoying the fact that he wasn't alone in the world any more. When he pulled back, he looked at her more closely, making sure she wasn't hurt in any way. "Where have you been? Are you okay? How are you?"


Elysia I


07-25-2013, 11:30 PM
He seemed just as happy as her. She danced about, leaping, launching her small frame into the sky, play-bowing, and rushing forwards. As she came back towards him, he seemed to calm down enough to pull her in for a hug. She closed her eyes tightly, hiding her face in him. She knew all to well tears rolled down her face. She was just so happy. So much had happened to them, to her. And then he asked the question she was not ready to answer. As he looked her own, she wouldnt meet his eyes. She sat there trying to think of how to answer those questions. Physically she was ok, rather healthy and fit infact. But mentally she wasnt sure. Could she tell him? it was too soon after seeing him to burden him with her problems.

"I'm good. I've been all over the place! I saw the ocean, the tall grasses and large..umm buffalo. Oh Kaveh! You have to meet Demonio, he..umm is my adopted father. He can be yours too if you want. He is so kind. I'm sure you too will get along!" She said after awhile. She hoped he would sense she was finding anything. The stars knew she didnt want to talk about Dragomir. Not yet anyways, she wanted to find out things and solve it on her own. She was suppose to be an adult now, right? Yea, an adult wolf who was still afraid of the dark.She had to be strong though, show Kaveh she had grown and not the same pup she was before. "What about you? How are you? What happened? Tell me everything!" She wagged her tail happily. She could just about sing to the moon and stars in how happy she was to have her brother there. The only thing stopping her was them talking.


07-26-2013, 09:01 PM
Kaveh Kyra

On the outside his dear sister looked fine, but by the way she hesitated and took her gaze away from his he could tell something was wrong. It didn't take a brother's intuition to know that much. But instead of telling him what was going on, she told him only the good things that had happened to her. The news of her new adoptive father, Demonio, momentarily distracted the brute. An adoptive father?! He blinked at her, taken aback by the idea. He supposed he was grateful that someone had been looking out for her while they were separated, but he was naturally suspicious of anyone around his family till he met them and decided they were safe himself. He nodded and replied, "I'll definitely have to meet him," with a smile. He hadn't forgotten about her hidden problems, but he didn't press his sister on the subject just yet. He was seeing her for the first time in months, he didn't want to stress and worry her within minutes of finding her.

His tail wagged happily as well, thinking back on anything she might have missed in his life since they were separated. "My life has been pretty uneventful, really. I've been searching for you mostly... I met some very nice wolves along the way though, made some new friends. I've seen more of Alacritis than I ever thought I would in my searching though. We'll have to go together so I can show you some of them. You'd love it." He looked her over again out of the pure need to make sure she was really there. He felt his throat tighten with tears, trying his best to keep from crying in front of her, but tears of happiness still pooled in his pale green eyes. "I'm just so happy that I've finally found you," he told her softly as he leaned forward to nuzzle her neck affectionately, his tail wagging wildly behind him.


Elysia I


07-26-2013, 11:51 PM
Elysia hoped he wasn?t mad about Demonio, she'd really thought they would get along great. She could tell he was a bit shocked to hear about him. "I'll definitely have to meet him," She was now a bit nervous to have the two meet. what if Kaveh didn?t like him? Would he stop her from having Demonio as her father? She hoped not, she didn?t want to have to fight her brother over the matter of it. She sat down to listen to him, eyes that matched his fixed onto him, head tilted to the left. "My life has been pretty uneventful, really. I've been searching for you mostly... I met some very nice wolves along the way though, made some new friends. I've seen more of Alacritis than I ever thought I would in my searching though. We'll have to go together so I can show you some of them. You'd love it." She blinked a few times. She wasn?t sure if she wanted to meet anyone for a good while now. Life had finally showed her that not everyone was good. That things did lurk in the shadows, waiting to take you down. But now was not the time to think of those things. "That'd be great."She replied happily. Eyes widened as she looked at his face, muzzle parted in surprise. Was her brother about to cry? "I'm just so happy that I've finally found you," He pulled closer to nuzzle her neck and she whined softly. Reaching up, still being a good amount shorter, she had to stretch just to lick him under the eye softly. "Don?t cry...I wont leave you again." She said, tail wagging steadily behind her.

"We should go do something! Maybe go look for Demonio? Of Hunt..or something?!" She said cheerfully. The sooner she was back to moving again the better. A butterfly fly towards her and she froze. She just loved these little bugs. It landed on her muzzle, flapping it's blue wings slowly. Sometimes she wished she could fly away like one of them. Such a frail and beautiful creature. She didn?t dare to move, not wanting to bug to fly away or hurt it in any way. She knew she must look funny, all crossed eyed staring at the butterfly. But hey, Kaveh should have seen it coming before it even landed on her. It was just the way she was, able to take time to pause and enjoy the beauty the world had to offer. She thought of Knight, hadn?t a butterfly appeared then too? Maybe butterflies were a good sign then for her.


07-30-2013, 08:35 AM
Kaveh Kyra

The larger brute felt his sister gently lick just under his eye and he smiled warmly, nodding to her request for him not to cry. His tail wagged behind him as well. He had always felt like it was his job to take care of his family. He had been the only male in their little group of Elysia, their mother, and him. But in that short moment he felt like Ely was caring for him. That's how it truly was. There was just the two of them now and they had to look out for eachother. Sure, she had Demonio now and he had made several friends, but there would never be a bond like blood brother and sister.

The chocolate-colored brute chuckled and opened his mouth to reply when suddenly a butterfly fluttered into view. He fell silent and watched with a grin as the little creature lighted on his sister's muzzle, it's lovely blue wings waving back and forth slowly. He chuckled softly, the sound rumbling in his chest, but he dared not move or speak, not wanting to scare the little thing away. He tried his best, but he couldn't help but laugh when he saw Elysia looking cross eyed at the bug. The noise finally made it fly off, its thin wings fluttering quickly as it disappeared from view. Kaveh smiled widely at his sister before speaking. "How about some food, butterfly whisperer? What would you like to eat? I'm starving."


Elysia I


08-03-2013, 02:58 PM

She finally had her family back, at least what was left of it. Non the less she was thrilled to have her brother back. She felt like that missing piece of her had returned and glued itself to her heart. She was never going to let it break off again. She could not wait till Demonio met him, it would be wonderful! It would be impossible for them to dislike one another.

The chuckle from her brother sent the butterfly away making her frown slightly. "Hey, you scared it away!" She said and bumped him in the shoulder with her head. Pulling away she was grinning. "How about some food, butterfly whisperer? What would you like to eat? I'm starving." He said making her stand, tail waving madly behind her. "Oh! Fish! Or deer!" She replied instantly. Fish would always be her favorite, plus she was a fisher. It would only make since that her diet was mostly made up of fish. She was very good at it, and probably the only time she remained still for long periods of time. Plus she was more than willing to catch some for her brother. She reared up and placed her paws on his back, jaws aiming for his ear to lightly tug on.



08-04-2013, 08:26 PM
Kaveh Kyra

His sister's enthusiastic reply made the brute laugh, turning his head to tug at her own ear in response as she hopped up to put her paws on his back. Even though they were the same age, Kaveh had always felt like the older brother. Maybe it was his bigger size, maybe it was his need to protect her and watch after her. Whatever it was, he felt that big brother feeling then as she playfully tugged at his ear. He chuckled and poked at her side with his nose, nudging her off of him. "Alright, alright, lets see what we can find."

He trotted off at an easy pace, making sure his sister stayed at his shoulder. It was a lovely day. The afternoon sun warmed his fur and the gentle breeze carried the many scents of the wildflowers around them. After a while they came across a stream that cut through the prairie. He bent his head and lapped at the cool water, looking over at Elysia with a happy sigh. He didn't think the stream was deep enough to support fish, but he was sure if there was any fish his sister would find them. She had always been very good at catching fish.

His ears pricked when he heard movement near by, a shuffle in the tall grasses. He turned his seafoam gaze in its direction. A little ways away from them was a small doe, clearly distracted by the abundance of food the prairie offered. He glanced at Ely, giving her a smirk as he took his chance. He crouched down below the height of the grass, creeping quietly toward their future meal. When he was only a couple of feet away he slowed to a crawl, getting as close as possible. At the last second the deer noticed him, turning tail and attempting to run away. He lept out of the grass, getting a firm bite on the doe's hind leg. His prey stumbled as he jerked back on its leg, tripping it to the ground. With a quick leap he reached its throat, taking a crushing bite. The deer fought against him for a few moments, but soon it was laying dead. He licked the blood of his muzzle with a triumphant grin, looking around for Ely so they could eat.


Elysia I


08-06-2013, 09:28 PM

A silly grin pulled at her lips as Kevah tugged back at her ear and nosed her in the side. She giggled and rolled off, flopping onto her side. It felt like old times again. Something about Kaveh made her feel so young and happy. She knew she had nothing to fear so long as he was there. He was the one to first show her the stars and moon in secret of their mother. Even though she was still afraid of the dark slightly, she now knew why. She wasn't sure if she would ever tell her brother, but knowing and having him here made her feel fearless. She rolled to her paws and gave her fur a good shake. There were few and far between when Elysia was very focused, hunting was the only case she ever really was. Fighting was not her thing, plus she didn't know how and well, there was not much else left to keep yourself alive.

As Kaveh led the way she stayed by his side, matching him step for step even though he was larger. As she had grown she had acquired a certain grace about her. The grace of a traveler, a huntress, and runner. She moved swiftly and sure footed. Her eyes spotted a stream up ahead and made a bee line to it. As her brother got a drink she eyed the water carefully. It was shallow, but a fish or two might still be in there. These lands were nice, rich, and something told her when it rained these streams would fill. She nosed around the bank of the stream testing the soil or any signs of the stream growing larger during the rains. Head lifted to turned towards Kaveh to watch him stalk off. Nose lifted to sniff out what he found. It smelled like a deer. She knew he would have no problems with catching it, even if he did, he could always call for her back up. Turning back to the dig she began to dig for a while to check the layers. With a snort she pulled away to wade into the stream. She wondered down the center searching a deeper end. Something slipped by her leg making her freeze mid-step. Like a Kingfisher, born and raised to spear fish out of water, her head darted down to grap the fish. Quickly she killed the flopping thing. It was of decent size surprisingly. She tossed it to the bank before waiting once more. In the background she could hear Kaveh making his kill. A flash of movement made her turn her head sharply. There! Another! She dove for it, ducking herself in the process. A splash of water and a shake and she trotted over to Kaveh with two salmons.

She placed the fish down next to her brother and shook out her wet fur again. "This place is wonderful! So rich and full of prey!. Great catch brother! Tonight we feast!" She said warmly, tail wagging behind her.



08-13-2013, 12:53 PM
Kaveh Kyra

Soon enough his dear sister appeared next to him with her own catch of fish, making him chuckle with the haul they had gathered. His tail wagged as well and he gave the top of her head an affectionate lick. "Indeed we shall!" He bent his head down to the side of his kill, neatly tearing the doe open with his sharp teeth, tearing off a piece of the warm flesh for the each of them. He settled down onto his stomach with the meat between his forepaws, digging into the meal heartily. Once he was done with the first course he licked his muzzle and paws clean before pulling one of the fish toward him and carefully picking it apart and eating it as well. It was the best meal he had eaten in a long time, made all the sweeter by having his long lost sister here to enjoy it with him.

He pushed the remains of the fish away from him as he finished with a content sigh, licking his muzzle clean once again. He smiled at Ely, waiting for the fea to finish her meal as well. She had grown into a lovely young woman and he was proud to call her his family. Once she was done, he suggested, "Why don't we go find this Demonio of yours? I'm eager to meet the brute that took care of my sister." He stood, shaking out his coat and smiling at his sister again, waiting for her to take the lead to introduce him to her adoptive father.

ooc: feel free to have them exit now :3
We'll get with Wolf about a Ely x Kaveh x Demo thread :D
