
I'll Keep My Eyes Fixed on the Sun


07-22-2013, 07:15 PM
.ooc. sorry it's so jumbled. He's kinda... confused right now.

He didn't know what he wanted to do. He liked to run but that was about it. He didn't have anyone to run with or to explore with. He took in the sights and sounds in quiet loneliness. The surroundings were hardly helping the feeling. Sorrowful trees surrounded him as he paced through the forest, his speed had fallen since entering the new place. His light colored orbs took in the gorgeous trees and he was happy to just enjoy the beauty.
He had chanced upon a couple of wolves in his time in Alacritis, but mostly he had just been running through everywhere he saw. His only goal was to see the whole of the continent. he knew that there was quite a bit more distance to cover before that came about.
A long sigh was let loose from his lips, maybe it was just time to stop and rest for a while. It was a nice enough place, maybe a break during the afternoon heat would do him good. He stopped his paws from moving anymore right next to a small stream. The bubbling noises made him smile. It was almost as if he could pretend there was someone with him. With a slow movement he leaned down to sip from the cool water.

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07-22-2013, 07:49 PM
The mid-afternoon, oh how the heat and warm glow from the sun could cause many to be sleepy. The only question was where to find the right place. It had taken some time just to find somewhere to her liking. The pale russet female was not going to just lay down anywhere. No, there had to be water and food near by. Delicately she moved about the woods searching. At least her search was rewarded with a stream. All animals came to drink from streams. Nose to the ground, bi colored eyes looked for a dry soft place to curl up.

There, a thick patch of grass and reeds. With a pleased rumbled the female settled down for a nap. Well hidden she didn?t move, even when she heard paw steps. Eyes cracked open to peer through her cover to spy on who had come. She was slightly upwind of the other, but when the breeze changed, it took her scent to e two toned wolf. It looked to be a male, she couldn?t be sure since she had no scent to go by. A male was fine with her, in fact, she might even invite him to join her in her little patch. What better way to spend the afternoon napping next to a handsome male? She certainly couldn?t think of anything else, that?s for sure.

Sooner or later they would catch her scent, no use in trying to hide. With a yawn she lifted her head high enough to make it only way visible among her little bed. Pale lavender and silver eyes watched him carefully. One could never be sure if another meant harm. It as best to stay on your guard, and specially for her since she had no one to look after her should she get hurt. In this world it was her and her alone. She liked it that way; never having to live up to someone's standards, no rules, no one relying on you, it was perfect.


07-22-2013, 08:17 PM

It took him longer than he realized to catch the scent of another wolf, it was odd that he did not spot her sooner considering her close proximity to him. He pulled his ears back in alarm and before he could lap up more than a few mouthfuls of water he turned to see where the scent originated. He didn't see much until the sight of red fur caught his attention. He had stumbled upon a sleeping she wolf.
He cocked his head to the side in a questioning manner, but realized it was he who was trespassing. She had arrived there first and he had disturbed her nap. Now he felt bad. "I'm sorry I disturbed your nap miss. I'll just be getting a drink and heading on my way." He doubted that she was in need of some company, and since she had made no aggressive move he deemed her nonthreatening. "I've been travelling and I just needed a nice quiet place to rest for a while. It seems I wasn't the only one to think this clearing satisfactory." He told her as his head leaned down once more for the cool sip.

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07-22-2013, 08:32 PM
A soft smile tugged at her lips as it would seem he was alarmed by her presence. Even if so, he recovered quickly enough. She had to admit he looked kinda cute with his head tilted like that. She sat up as he spoke and frowned. "Come now, this is free land. Who am I to tell you where you can and cant go? Disturbed you did not, so don?t fret." She replied and continued to watch him. She knew all to well the life of traveling, that?s all she did..besides get in trouble, flirt with the males, and the disappear. So far this land had not proven any worthy of calling someone a friend. In most cases, males were just like her. There to cause trouble, maybe have a lil fun romp with he rand off they were.

"Indeed this is a fine place to relax. Don?t go because of me kind sir. Why not come join me on this soft bed of grass and reeds? I'm sure you'll nothing as good as this one here." She added as she watched him continue to drink. She hoped he wouldn?t think of her coming onto him so quickly, no no, if that was he case then the game was over already. If she wanted to come onto him, which the idea was intriguing, she liked to go slow with it. Have them warm up to each other. That was how you played the game. She wondered if he would be into it. Maybe not he seemed to kind. But one could never be sure with males these days. They say one thing but craze the opposite. Crazy really. "Name's Roxana. And you?"


07-22-2013, 08:52 PM

He was slightly surprised to the the slight hints of a smile cross her face, most wolves would not have found his presence so pleasant. It seemed that his words cause her a bit of discomfort, "Come now, this is free land. Who am I to tell you where you can and cant go? Disturbed you did not, so don?t fret." There seemed to be an air of understanding in her tones, and he could feel that she had the same heart as he. That of a wayward traveller. He never stayed in one place for too long. "You're too kind," He smiled and thought about pack life, in the end it never turned out. He was beginning to think that he would just have to be content living his days by himself. Not that it was entirely a bad thing.
His ears were pushed forward a bit and his curiosity was increased as her words reached his ears, "Indeed this is a fine place to relax. Don?t go because of me kind sir. Why not come join me on this soft bed of grass and reeds? I'm sure you'll nothing as good as this one here." What were her intentions in the words that she uttered to him, his experience with mature she wolves was minimal. He was still intrigued, and her offer was tempting. She looked incredibly soft and inviting, she held an allure he had never encountered. "I'd have to say your offer is tempting, it looks to be a prime location." Only made better by her presence.
As he finished his drink she allowed him to know her name, Roxana. He was interested in the interesting calling, the arrangement of letters new to his ears. With a sweep of his leg and a bow of his head he let himself be introduced, "I am called, Kypsis Destruction and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

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07-22-2013, 10:24 PM
How different this male seemed to be compared to others. He didnt seem to either mind nor know of her small advances on him. How interesting. But could she continue to flirt with a male that didnt seem to notice or care? She guessed she would just have to find out then. She listened to him speak, head tilted, eyes trained on him. She was a wolf who gave her full attention when she socialized around others. After all, it would be rude not to correct? Even after her invite to come lay with her, he seemed hesitant. But his words spoke otherwise. He was confusing thats for sure. Most males she met were dull and stupid. This one would have to make her think. His guesture took her by surprise as he bowed to interduce himself. He certainly was different! She kinda liked that about him. Something new was always welcomed in her life. It gave her something to do, to learn, a new experience. His name was odd, well sort of. The last name made her frown, Destruction? How could someone, being as nice, and cute as him have a morbid last name as that? The poor guy, she wondered if he might be huanted by thoughts of doing just such as his last name spoke of. Sure her's was different too, not many though would know of it meaning.

She sat up and frown at him, one ear twisted back. With a small grunt she stood. Nose down she shifted the grass and reeds, making it larger for the both of them. " get your butt over here." She said looking up with grass all over her and a smile on her face. If he wouldnt move soon, she might tackle him. She was starting to get in a playful mood, yet her body called for rest.


07-22-2013, 10:42 PM

Pushing himself back into an upright position he let himself show her a small smile that had formed on his mouth. He didn't get much of her reaction, the only one that was offered to his eyes was a frown that suddenly enveloped her face. With a quick effort she freed herself from the ground and began to expand her nest. When she was satisfied that it would easily fit the both of them words once again came to his ears, " get your butt over here." With her fur a mess of grass and plant matter he was surprised at how pretty her smile could be.
He let his maw reflect the image of hers and shook his head playfully. He shuffled over to where she stood, his shyness deciding to come out. He was able to make audible a few humorous words, "I'm glad to hear you're a patient wolfess!" He could feel the frolicsome ambiance in the air, before he could stop himself a playful nip was offered to her shoulders as he drew near. A sly look came into his eyes, "If I had to guess I'd say you've been as lonely as I have."

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07-22-2013, 11:48 PM
Tail wagged, pleased as he moved to come over. She chuckled softly at his words. "I can be if i want to be nice." She replied back at him as he joined her. She could almost feel his emotion of shyness coming off of him. It made her smile now, and was taken by surprise as he nipped her shoulder. She turned her head to stare at him with wide eyes. She hadn?t really expected that from him and it rather startled her but her tail wagged even harder. "Your the one to talk! I?m just a girl who knows what she likes. Which is the occasional interaction with another." She replied.

With a grin she tackled him, wrapping her paws around his neck from beneath him. She yipped up at him, stirring the grass and matter around them and making more stick to her fur. She couldn?t care less, she loved to get dirty, challenge her to a mud wrestle, she'll do it. she was one thing about Roxana, she wasn?t a girly girl. Plus..she was good at taken hits from males who were rough. "Plus..sometimes being a a little too lonely. And i cant help but want to play with someone as cute as you." She added. Her eyes looked away at her last statement. she didn?t want to push things. That?s how you got someone to run off. She'd done it before, when she actually wasn?t trying anything on the poor guy.

She couldn?t think of a better way to pass the afternoon, maybe even the rest of the day. It would depend if he wanted to stick around. Roxana couldn?t care less if he wanted to leave five minutes later. Ok, maybe she would, but she could understand. He was a loner after all, they were used to time to themselves and not around anyone else.


07-24-2013, 12:59 AM

She was exciting, one of the first wolves to engage in any type of playful behavior. He laughed heartily as she grasped his shoulders with her arms, pushing him over onto the ground their tumbling rustling up more grass and dust into their fur. He play bit at her maw, the action one he had not used since he was a pup. His nips stopped as he let her words leave her maw, "Plus..sometimes being a a little too lonely. And i cant help but want to play with someone as cute as you."
He looked at her a bit in surprise, she thought he of all wolves was cute? A look of humour fell over his features as a more uncertain laugh left his lips. "You're much too sweet, Roxana." He pulled back a little from her, feeling the heat of the day settle upon him. Summer would be upon them soon. "Oh that nap sounds great right now."

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07-27-2013, 09:22 PM
She loved hearing him laugh, you could tell it was a true laugh, coming from deep within. She grinned up at him as he nipped at her lips. Her jaws part as she let out a playful growl, tossing her head around with jaws open as if she was trying to get a hold of him to bite him back. He had stopped when she spoke and he look of shock crossed his features. At once she shuffled away, giving him space. She knew it, she reached the limit. His uneasy laugh made her head dip down slightly, ears back. "But..its true..." She said softly back at him.

She thought he was about to get up and leave now. Yea sure it hurt, but she couldn?t make him stay. There would be that unsettling feeling of letting her "prey" escape, to loose a new friend, to be alone again. But instead he said he wanted to rest. She glanced up at the sky, miss matched eyes then scanning around them to make sure it was safe. It was a habit she had made to make sure all was clear before resting. It was one of the few thins that kept her alive. She might be care free, reckless, and daring but she was cautious too when needed. She turned back to Kypsis and nodded. " is hot today." She replied and settled down, paws tucked neatly under her. It was the way she slept. Always paws under her, never knew when you had to jump up suddenly to save yourself. Chin tucked down to her chest with ears forward to the point they were curling too far forwards. She knew most wolves didn?t sleep like her but heck, she didn?t care, well unless you laughed at her.


07-29-2013, 03:15 PM

He watched her carefully as her eyes scanned the area for what he assumed was danger, her guard was up but it wasn't towards him. She seemed like one who would easily keep herself alive surviving on her own, obviously she lasted so long already. It was a feat not all wolves were suited for, but they were the odd ones. Most wolves preferred the company of others, thus joining packs and having families. It wasn't that such things didn't appeal to him but he liked his solitude. He liked to call himself his own.
It seemed she too was feeling the heat of the day, Her eyelids seemed a bit droopy as she neatly folded herself into a sleeping position. Now it was time to feel awkward. How close should he settle down to her? With delicate care he settled down beside her, careful not to get quite close enough to touch. It was warm and he was sure she wouldn't want his fur on top of her own. He was parallel with her own body, his face closer to her own than he had intended. He hoped she wouldn't swat him away. He was able to glimpse her eyes, he hadn't noticed their interesting hue before. As sleep settled over him he accidentally let a whisper fall from his maw, "What pretty eyes you have..."

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07-29-2013, 05:55 PM
She listened as he too settled down but being respectful to keep a distance between their bodies. Her eyes peeked over at him as he laid there next to her. is face rather close. A smile pulled at her lips and she shifted abit closer so that their fur touched. As he drifted into sleep he whispered something, making her ears twitch. He thought her eyes were pretty? She had heard weird, odd, freaky, special but not pretty. She watched him for a few moments before gently licking his cheek, "No one's ever said that..." She whispered to him before closing her eyes.

Like every time she slept, her sleepy was devoid of any dreams. Just an empty blackness was all she ever got. She never knew why this happened. Maybe she had no imagination, or maybe because she only had selected few memories. It was for good reasons she had closed off her mind to certain things, locked away the confusing and painful things. But it was what made her who she was now. A flirt, a ghost of a lover. She was really just scared to get too involved with anyone really. Plus she liked her freedom. It was odd how life worked sometimes, some in ones favor others not so much. She had lived her life on the border line of both of those.

Eyes opened once more, it felt like she had never slept at all. Then again maybe she hadnt. It was a constant issues she had, only at night did she know. For then she was sleep till dawn. With a soft sigh she carefully stood up not to bother Kypsis and pad over to the water. Eyes stared back at her from her reflection. Who was she really? She couldnt remember her mother or why she was never there nor what happened to her family. All she knew was just being alone really. Perhaps thats how she was ment to live her life, as a wonderer, a loner. Briefly she wondered if she should leave Kypsis now before anything happened. Part of her didnt want to form any bond with him, yet the other wished for it. She looked up to just stare off across the land, tail wrapping around her front paws.


08-05-2013, 08:49 PM

"No one's ever said that..."

He kept her gaze for just a moment longer, his thoughts about her words minimal as the sleep took its hold. His eyes slid shut slowly as he fell into a dream. It was rare that he didn't dream, but they had dulled considerably since entering his new home. He wouldn't remember any of them.
He awoke alone, his companion departed from where they slept. As slowly as they had closed his eyes slid open, [insert time of day here] light filling them as awareness overcame him once again. He could tell she had not gone far, with a slight tilt of his head he found visual contact once again. Their tables were now turned, he observed her from afar while she stood at the water.

He didn't know what to do, so he let himself sit quietly, her form nestled neatly in his gaze.
