
Under the moonlight



07-22-2013, 06:02 PM
As the gentle breeze of the spring ushers the silence from the brute he'd simply walk through the land, his sandstone pelt swaying back and forth with each sudden movement that he would lay out onto the earth. The sounds of someone stepping onto the foliage received siarvons full attention. A feminine figure would highlight into the moonlight with the curves and femininity, Aria. " I can already see you if your planning to surprise me Aria." A chuckle would escape the ebony lips before his icy blue gaze drinks in the entire woman. Its only been recently since the large brute had ventured out, along the lines meeting up with Aurora the one he met as he joined ludicael, who appeared to be in some sort of nightmare. Shaking the large cranium the whole body would twist and turn until he was facing Aria properly. The inky black nose expands to breath in the entoxicating scent of her alluring perfume, why has it been so long, to realise how much shes changed? A smile would tug against the lips before slowly dipping down his head in respect, afterall she is the beta of Ludicael. Before long the gaze of the brute would trail up to the moon, as it surveys the night sky.

OOC: I did warn you about the short starting post=] its 1am too so your lucky to even get a post<3

Aria I


07-22-2013, 06:27 PM
ooc: It's fine and it''s because you love me. <3 lol

Aria Corvi

She had been doing on of her rounds when she caught sight of a familiar face moving through the night. With a smirk the shewolf followed the dark colored male, keeping a good distance away, light on her paws enough to where she barely made any noise. The lands were silent, so she didn't need to stick around, Aria deserved to have some time to herself. Not only that but she wanted to catch up with her old friend, it had been a long time since they last saw each other before he showed up at the borders looking to join.

Before she knew it the two strayed a good distance away from Ludicael, ending up in a bay. Forest green orbs scanned the area, coming to a stop, partially standing out in the open with the beautiful moonlight shining down on her. I can already see you if your planning to surprise me Aria. His voice caused the woman to smirk, lowering her head briefly before turning her gaze on Siarvon.

No surprises, that will be for next time old friend. She spoke up, smooth and soft. Carefully she danced down the rocky wall, hopping from one rock to another until she finally reached the bottom just a few feet from the male. How are you liking Ludicael so far? She asked him, trying to strike up a conversation, strolling over to him slowly till she was just a foot away when she touched her nose to his.


Awesome table by Mie <3



07-22-2013, 07:53 PM

No words could part the ebony sealed lips, only to gaze upon the striking woman who carefully makes her way down to greet him. In that moment in time Siarvon couldn't help but keep his eyes upon her, slowly would she approach. with the swift movements " You should know by now that it'd take a lot to surprise me" But somehow the large brute knew she'd be able to succeed. If the two chose to walk on, they'd travel towards the beach, where the waters have all kinds of predators and prey lurking. Though Siarvons face remained the same, his heart would be drumming in its cage with every step the woman would take. Was Aria patrolling like usual? All the way out here.

The smooth tones of her voice gently press against the lobes, its been a while since the sound would drive through his senses to be heard. " Ludicaels what you'd expect it to be, peaceful, I must say you really have surprised me venturing all the way to alacritis and climbing your way up to a high rank." Before the sandstone male could go on the briefest of touches from the feminine brought him to silence,in amazement. For a few moments he would just stand there, there noses briefly touching while Siarvon looks within the jade green eyes, the whole moon reflecting of them and quickly mirroring them into his.

Blinking twice the large titan would come back into reality, shaking his cranium before turning to walk on towards the beach, beckoning to the smaller dame to come and join. Whatever the Ludicael was going to say was forgotten, in that moment he'd think " Why has it been so long?" To most the sentence was blunt, needed more information added on to continue . But they weren't like most, she'd know, they needed to see more of eachother. The crashing of the waters was a peaceful hum into the ears, relaxing the mood a little more.

Aria I


07-22-2013, 08:19 PM
Aria Corvi

Aria would chuckle at Siarvon's words, giving a nod of her head with a raised brow. It would take a lot to surprise him but she would still manage somehow, she had a way with him, sometimes being the only one to get something out of him when they were younger. And just like back then her heart was starting to speed up, aching at the sight of the man. She had missed him during the time they were separated, even more since the day he had showed up at the borders and she could barely catch him since then. It was like the world wanted to mess with her.

Her head seemed to raise a bit more when he said Ludicael was peaceful and that he was surprised by her venturing here and rising in ranks. Cocky?No, she was just playing. Aria was proud of her rank and would love to show it off, but there was that part of her who didn't want to be that cocky wolf that people hated. No, she was the friendly one, thinking herself equal with her friends in the pack.

Something about his comment brought a small pain to her heart, making her think of what caused her to come all the way here, what made her climb and have the high rank she now walked with. He didn't know she left because her father and brother did, because her mother grew ill and passed away. She had come to start a new life, to become something and to be the wolf others looked up to.

She pushed her thoughts aside, there was no way she would bring herself down with the past when she should be happy to finally catch her old friend. To finally be able to spend some time together. She had noticed his silence though when she touched his nose, chuckling to herself as she skipped away from him, stump of a tail wiggling behind her. It was amusing to see his reaction, and she hoped to see more of this while they were together.

As he motioned for her to head towards the beach the shewolf gave a nod of her head, making her way over and walking along side the male. Why has it been so long? His voice reached her ears, causing them to twitch. Aria shrugged her shoulders, green orbs running along the shore.

Seems like the world wanted to keep us apart, I've been trying to catch you but kept missing. She shook her head with a smirk before looking into his green gaze. I have missed you Siarvon, what happened to you back then? One day you were there in our secret spot, then the next I couldn't find you anywhere. She asked, a seriousness coming into her usual friendly tone. She seriously wanted to know what happened, wanted to know why he left without saying goodbye. She was with her mother a few days, trying to hide the fact that her father and brother abandoned them, that her mother's insanity was causing her body great harm. One day she called for him,expecting him to answer right away like he usually did, but his howl never came.


Awesome table by Mie <3



07-23-2013, 06:07 AM

As the two would walk, Siarvon couldn't help but feel relief. His silence would bring up questions that he may wish not to answer. Since they where both pups it was always Aria that ended up dominating the large brute, how? He still didn't know. Perhaps it was because of his shyness and her bubbly confidence back when they first met, which led the woman to be on top and catch his attention. As the cranium twisted a smirk cascaded across the face, before gently fading away. " I returned to the secret spot a week later, the time where we both usually meet and you where gone, not a trace that you had been there in the few days. By then I knew Orlaya must be right." A slight pause would take place before speaking once again. " I was told you never want to see me, that you couldn't stand the sight of me, I didn't even get an explanation of what I did wrong but that day you looked angry, So I left with Orlaya. It wasn't true, was it, it was a lie to get me away, it must be you could never hold a grudge with me for two long."

Doubt would fill his mind, did he leave with orlaya for no real reason? Just getting up and leaving, withought so much as a goodbye to the woman that made a difference in Siarvons life? Slowly breaking the space between the two the furs slightly brush against each other, before Siarvons cranium dips down to caress the womans cheek. " What had happened, the last time I checked you had the whole tail, with your faced untouched with scars, where you in a fight in my absence?" By now the sandstone male would feel guilty, and never leave her withought a notice like last time.

As ten minutes flew by they'd reach a small beach, surrounded with the aqua waters glistening at the sight of the moon. Stepping the paws into the golden sand the brutes heavy weight leaves his paws slightly sinking into the ground, as he began to get closer to the sea the stench of salt enters the leathered flares. He would slink himself in, the waters levelling up to skim just below his belly. An idea popped into his head. For once Siarvon looked peaceful, a look not given often from experiences.

" Do you think the world can really keep two wolves apart? Ive been trying to catch you for a while, yet I have always been unsuccessful, I wont let you fall when things get bad, not again." That was the one promise the titan was willing to keep, promises have always been a tricky thing to keep to, but somehow it would always be because of Aria that he sticks to them. When they where younger, he was some what small and skinner, to only shoot up in size and obtain a healthy frame.

Aria I


07-23-2013, 07:26 AM
Aria Corvi

What was it that made him leave? Aria needed to know, wanted to know if she had done something back then that made him upset, even though she doubted it, the two would get into it sometimes but always made up right after. It had to be something else, perhaps Orlaya? The very name caused the shewolf to shudder. That woman was jealous of the two's closeness, often staring from a distance, having an attitude whenever around Aria.

As he began to speak her ears perked up, turning her head to gaze at him with forest green eyes. He did return to their spot, but there was no signs she had been there recently. How? It was her favorite place to go to, was that when her mother suddenly became ill? Her eyes narrowed as she turned her head away, trying to remember what had happened. Quickly it came and it indeed was when her mother became suddenly ill from her madness, but it wasn't entirely for that. Then he brought up Orlaya and her body grew stiff, nostrils flared and lips pulled back slightly. She told him she never wanted to see him, couldn't stand the sight of him. That as definitely all Orlaya's doing. Aria could never feel such a way towards Siarvon, she always looked forward to seeing him and being able to spend time with the male whenever possible back then. And she felt bad for being angry when she did see him, but that wasn't because of him, it was because of the woman trying to be with him. How could she tell him that though?

"It definitely wasn't true... I could never feel that way towards you Siarvon." Her voice grew soft, losing the bubbliness it usually held, sounding almost fragile now. She was upset that he would fall for the woman's lies, it was obvious that she didn't like the two being together. But then again, like always, she couldn't be mad at him. Aria didn't tell him anything either, didn't want him to worry or be upset. Aria wanted him to keep going on with his life, not be bothered by her problems. A saddened look came across her face, something that didn't happen often. Thinking about it brought a pain to her heart, what would have happened if things went differently? Suddenly she felt something, breaking her from her thoughts. She felt Siarvon caress her cheek, causing her eyes to close and lean into his touch. It felt nice, calming. His presence did the same think but this was different, making her heart race.

"How about we wait for a nice spot to talk?" She asked with a smile, opening her eyes and pulling away slightly so she could look to him with the smile. Indeed they did find a spot not long after, a small beach surrounded by water glistening under the moon. Her light colored paws stepped onto the cool sands, leaving small impressions behind. Unlike though Siarvon the shewolf stayed on the shore, sitting back on her haunches, watching the male with a small smile and soft gaze.

"Do you think the world can really keep two wolves apart? I've been trying to catch you for a while, yet I have always been unsuccessful, I wont let you fall when things get bad, not again." She gave a small shake f her head, not losing that smile, then looked up to the moon. It reminded her of herself, scarred but beautiful. No matter how many times it took a beating the moon still kept going, just like Aria. She had things happen that affected her in the past, still does now, but she managed to keep going, trying to make the best of it.

I think it can, it kept us apart didn't it? But it because it can separate us, it has to let us meet up again. Just look at us now. She lowered her head to gaze over at the man. Maybe it's not literally the world, but an entity that was trying to do something for us. Look at what we have become because of our separation... She didn't care if it made her sound crazy, thinking that an entity they couldn't see had something to do with them being separated. She could believe it if she wanted, she wouldn't force the man to. Aria just needed something, needed to believe that was to make them both stronger, to change in a positive way.

But then Siarvon's promise, he didn't use that word but that's what it felt like he was doing. Promising he wouldn't leave her again when things got bad. Thank you Siarvon... She sighed lightly in relief, happy that he would not leave her again, it would probably have a harder blow on her now than before. This time though she would go after him, not just let him go.

Her scar and tail, he had asked what happened to them. Aria wasn't sure if she should tell him the truth or not, make him become upset with Orlaya. She would have to, she couldn't bring herself to lie... You wanted to know about my tail and scars? She asked him softly, her gaze falling to the sand in front of her, lifting a paw and dipping it into the cool water. If he wanted to know then she would tell him, or was it she needed to tell him for something?


Awesome table by Mie <3



07-23-2013, 08:54 AM

As he dipped his legs into the open sea, the brute remains still. Listening to the smallest of things creating the illusion of sound. Turning the cranium Siarvon would watch the woman sit by the edge of the waters, just watching. Tilting the head slightly the brute couldn't help but listen to the explanation and by now he had to agree. " I agree with that entirely, but what do you think the entity was trying to do for us? That's where im left wondering." It was a simple answer yet there was nothing more to say. All of a sudden Aria looked saddened by a thought, but Siavon didn't know whether to bring It up or not. A sigh would escape the ebony lips before exiting out of the water onto the dry Land. Its only Aria that was able to wrap the brute around the finger, caught in the web some would say. But what she doesn't know wont hurt.

Sitting a meter away from the woman Siarvon would give a single nod, he wanted to know what had happened for her to get harsh scars and a torn of tail. " I wish to know everything." The mans gruff tones would reply simply, waiting to here the story of who would do such a thing. " Did you let them get away with it?" Right then The brutes lip would curl up slightly, hating the fact it even happened, never mind if they got away with it. The heart would carry on hammering away with the playful behaviour she showed just before, just like she used to.

As the weight of the mans frame leans back onto the haunches the ears would perk to listen. For now Siarvon wouldn't leave Ludicael, only to simply stay and help, even if its for now only a little. A furrow brow would raise in suspicions.

OOC: Short post against your novel, I poked myself in the eye so its hard to write with one eye, so yea sorry for any mistakes-.-

Aria I


07-26-2013, 11:49 AM
Aria Corvi

Siarvon asked what she thought the entity was trying to do by splitting them. I all honesty she wasn't sure, and would never fully know. That's what made some things special in the world, they happened without you even knowing way, in some cases it would cause good and others some bad. Everything had a purpose, didn't it? Even if you couldn't quite figure out what that purpose was.

The conversation moved onto something else now, the reason behind her scars and missing tail. Siarvon confirmed that he wanted to know everything, wanted to know if she let the person get away with it. She smirked, blowing air out of er nose with a small shake of her head. ?I had to let them get away.? She spoke up, a hint of pain in her voice even if it was strong. Green orbs lifted from the sand to focus on the male who sat in the water. ?I feared you would hate me if I pursued the culprit...? She paused, gulping before continuing. ?Seeing as the one who did it was Orlaya.?

Aria watched his face, waiting to see his expression. He had been kind of close with the woman so she was expecting a look of disbelief, preparing herself for him to become upset for her blaming the woman. It was true though, Orlaya had become jealous, and in an attempt to scare Aria off and failing the two ended up wrestling. Being how she was, Aria didn't land anything fatal in the woman, fearing Siarvon would hat her fr it, so she let the jealous woman harm her.


Awesome table by Mie <3



07-28-2013, 04:30 PM

The name that Aria would speak into the solistice air would bring back many memories, those he does not wish to look back on and remember. It would be a lie to say it wasn't a shock, because it was orlaya, the girl who did nothing wrong in her whole lifetime around him. " I don't understand..." For a moment the brute would let his voice fade out before carrying on, the heart beat was growing rapidly, but he's already chose his girl, even if it'll never be spoken of. " you shouldn't of let her get away with it Aria, even if it is Orlaya." The gaze that the brute once held would trail down to the ground in thought, it was a shock that made him wake up into reality about the woman he had grown up with, how she could hurt someone. " But why would you both do it? Did you chip her nail, we both know how she hates that." With a chuckle he tried to not let the whole night become a defeat in the attempts to grow closer.

With a sigh the sandstone male would drag his build out of the blackend waters to approach the woman who claims the beauty of the silver moon. Who's touch is so graceful that no other would understand. Stepping closer would he halt inches from Aria's position, to observe her expression. As his icy hues captivates the smaller fae, the salmon tounge would swipe her pretty little maw in comfort before slightly stepping back to sit back down. Whether she accepts it is a different matter. " You know, my mother was asking for you when I returned, I didn't even know what to say." Siarvons mother tended to forget due to a condition, but she's always remembered Aria, not because she was a friend but because there was something different that would grasp the elderly womans attention. A cheeky look would cross the titans visage, the look he used to give often as a pup.

Aria I


08-07-2013, 10:17 PM
ooc: No idea what the condition is of course. xD Lets just say Aria always hoped his mother would get better so she could enjoy her last days, if she did pass.

Aria Corvi

Aria wanted to smirk at the first words that came from the man, he didn't understand, of course he wouldn't. Even though Orlaya seemed like she was wasn't the type to be aggressive, she was when not around Siarvon. Why would someone act like a mad man around the person they liked? Because they didn't want them to find out, didn't want the man to leave her. The shewolf gave a slow shake of her head, opening her eyes and looking up to the moon with a small smile, letting the man think about what she had told him. What he said next made her chuckle lightly, of course he would say that, she was expecting it. Not only that but he asked why, asking if she did something, like chipping Orlaya's nail, knowing how she hated it.

The shewolf appreciated his chuckle, the attempt to lighten the mood. He didn't have to though, she could calm down, go back to her usual mood if only he stayed here with her. She caught movement though, ear twitching the sound of the water moving around his body. Green orbs fell from the moon and onto the male, watching him make his way over, stopping just inches from her before giving a gentle lick to her maw. Comforting. The woman closed her eyes at his touch, smile on her lips.

Before she could answer his question about Orlaya he told Aria that his mother was asking for her when he had returned, causing her eyes to snap open. His mother, she had a condition but she had taken a liking to the bi-colored woman, something that made her feel good back then. ?You should have told her I was getting that juicy deer I promised her.? She said with a chuckle, looking into his gaze, smirking at that cheeky smile. ?How is she?? She asked softly.


Awesome table by Mie <3



08-26-2013, 06:15 PM
OOC: Sorry for the wait! Ive been on holiday and ive been rather busy and im lacking muse;(

His fur was soaked, dripping onto the floor as the moonlight would provide the source of light, until his gaze would fixate upon the woman, " She died soon after I arrived home." It was said simply and not a hint of point would fill in between the sentence. " You know.. I think we should head back, I don't even know where we are." Glancing behind each shoulder blade a furrow brow would raise- glancing at two narrow paths. " I think its this way!" Attempting to nudge her shoulder blade with a fair bit of force the Ludicael began to stride forth ending up going into the wrong direction until halting, not yet looking back. doing a 'pft' noise the russet brute would just turn back, " I know for sure its this way" And with that he was of, changing directions as I nothing just happened hoping that Azzy would soon follow.

// Siarvon- out. I thought this had dragged on enough(; //

Aria I


08-26-2013, 06:41 PM
Aria Corvi

Aria would feel a stabbing pain in her heart when Siarvon told her his mother had passed, it was a shame. He didn't seem to wanna linger on the topic for long though, suggesting that they should be heading back then getting up to lead the way. The woman would simply give a nod of her head, sighing lightly as she pushed herself up, following behind the man.
-exit aria, end thread-


Awesome table by Mie <3