
why i haven't been posting as much

Medusa i


5 Years
07-18-2013, 01:24 AM
Alacritis is a great community, and maybe it was partially because I knew a lot of the members coming into it, but I fit right in. I did take a break, but I was welcomed right back when I came off of my hiatus, and I jumped right into things. But I?m not here to sing praises right now, I?m here to list a very real complaint.

Ever since the Amenti challenge I?ve been treated like I?ve done some horrible deed, like I?m some great villain for even daring to challenge for the pack. None of the other challenges got this reaction. In fact, the back lash was so great I stopped posting to anything but the challenge for weeks. I was scared to come onto Alacritis because people were talking so much shit about it and were so angry about everything that it just didn?t seem worth it. Afterwards it wasn?t much better; so many people seemed so irritated and it was just highly unnecessary.

Even after I poured time and effort into Amenti, posted like crazy and tried my best to make Medusa one of the most active Alphas despite her character (I took her character down a completely different road than it would have if people weren?t being suck dicks), I tried to make it seem like hey, maybe Newt isn?t alpha anymore, but Medusa isn?t cancer either. But no, that doesn?t seem to fucking please the people who are pissed off at all. And you know what the worst part is? The people who say these hurtful things get their asses catered to instead of being stopped. They get apologies and such, and the people who get hurt by their words? Nothing. I?ve been silent for far too long about this, and I?m just done.

This isn?t an issue with the staff for the most part, this is an issue with several longer term members. They?re the ones who have made me lose my muse. They?re the ones who made me resent this whole site for quite some time. No, I?m not leaving in a rage quit, but I am going to be rather scarce (I'll likely only be frequently replying to Amenti-related threads) because I?m pissed. I?m pissed at people treating my friends like shit for no reason, I?m pissed at people not being fucking decent, I?m pissed that I?ve been fucking bullied. I?ve had enough of that shit in my real life, and surprisingly (considering the internet is more aware of these issues), there?s been more action taken there than there has been here.

I guess my point in this is that you should really fucking thing before you god damn speak, and if you can?t say something nice don?t say it in the cbox. Do it on skype or some shit, because words hurt.

Jupiter I


7 Years
07-18-2013, 01:30 AM
I agree with Muse on this issue.

It almost seems like very little people can accept change anymore. A major pack gets challenged for or contested and everyone is either cool with it or they immediately protest and rage and angst. And if it's overthrown, it leaves me pitying the person that won because they won't be treated like they deserved it. They won't be treated like they're worth respect because they fought for what they wanted. Nobody except for a select few is going to clap them on the back and say, "Wow, you deserved it!" because they're so bitter about something as simple and petty as change. They're going to sit and brood and add people to their "hate list" because all they tried to do was make the site exciting.

This is a member-driven plot. There is no grand storyline we have to follow. There is no constant, site-wide plot that you have to conform to and that is moderated by the admins. The actions of your character make or break the events that go on. Not some grand scheme cooked up by the staff. Not some restrictive scenario that everyone must conform to. It's driven by *you* and what *you* decide to do. Alacritis is a body. The forum itself is the skeleton without everyone to help it function. But the most important thing is that Alacritis is a child that is caught in eternal growth, and that is how it's supposed to be.

What's NOT supposed to happen is people reacting with mass outcry to change accomplished fairly and with good reason like, for example, winning a pack challenge.

Would you purposefully stunt the growth of a child? No? Then don't stunt the growth of Alacritis by making people terrified of challenging or upsetting the balance of a pack or the pack relations. Cause trouble. Make peace. Hurt some bitches if they'll let you. Make enemies. Make friends. Make love. Make babies. Cut some people. Break some bones. Make a brothel/harem out of Glaciem and a relaxed pack out of Amenti. Do whatever. This is your world. This is your plot. It's all a giant collaboration between you and everyone else. You may not always have control over the growth, and some parts of it might be unwanted, but instead of trying to control the weather, try to brave through it because no matter what, there will always be a hand extended to those who try their best to roll with the punches, and they will always pull you home.

Muse, I hope people quit being so irrational. I love you to death and I hope that people will calm their tits and let you and everyone else do what they want. <3

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


07-18-2013, 03:33 AM
I know I have said stuff about the change around ala - rules being made, new pack rulers, etc. and I want you to know that none of it was pointed toward you or any of the new alphas.

I was just stating that I -personally- did not like all the change happening at once. It happened very quickly and it made me go insane.

If any of my words hurt you, I would like to apologize before I leave.

So I am sorry if I have said such things.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-18-2013, 06:09 AM
Muse -- please PM me if/when this keeps happening. I think I'm too spaced out most of the time to notice much drama, but you're one of my favorite writers here so I'd rather you not be bullied out.

Aka. Imma kick some ass, just say who.

Jk but seriously, dunno what the big deal is..



07-18-2013, 04:23 PM

this is going to stop, if you have an issue with a challenge, then go. Muse did what was in her characters path and it is not fair that you are all bullying her around. Any comments made negatively about someone's plotting, about a negative outlook on an alpha that has challenged, or anything seen rude will henceforth be deleted from the site. Drama is not acceptable here and I'm very very sick of it. You were all never like this. Bringing up dramatic issues will begin resulting in multi hour bans from the cbox, building into days, building into weeks, and if this is excessive, we will ask you to leave the site.