
One Can Only Dream



07-17-2013, 07:47 PM
Mid afternoon buzzed in he air, most creatures seeking shady spots to relax and doze off. The black female was one of them. down in this Ravine was solitude, silence and cool small dens to curl up for a nap. Tail curled around her frame, black tip covering her muzzle.
"Your a pup killer! You let this happen!" They yelled at her. But it wasn?t her fault! She had done everything she could to save those pups! She had been betrayed! Betrayed by her own jealous sister. The bear had come again down to their valley to try to get at the pups. It would have, with the pack gone but her. As denmother, she was to stay and protect the pups at all costs. She had driven off the bear, only to return to see the lifeless pups scattered around the den. The scent of the killer was almost hard to pick out. Through the blood, her scent, the scent of the den belonging to her scent, she almost didn?t notice. But the fresh scent mixed with the much stronger scent of mint lingered about. She knew it was the pup's own mother who had killed them. She the pack would listen. She had been banished, titled a pup killer, forbidden to come back.

Sharp sky blue eyes snapped open, a bright beckon that stood out against the shadows. No...she should never have love that male. They had been forbidden to mate according to pack laws. For he was Alpha and she was a Denmother, just right above an Omega. Instead he took her sister, betrayed his love for her. They had pups. She supposed he thought he had blessed her with what she wanted. A litter of pups. Sadly though her sister knew she loved the Alpha and grew aggressive and highly jealous. "It was never meant to be.."[/COLOR] She muttered. Jaws parted in a yawn before the shadow of a wolf stretched out before slinking out of her tiny den. Eyes blinked to adjust to the light, nose lifted to catch the breeze and passing scents.
Valhalla was close. She had met a few of them, almost wished was she part of their pack. But would they take in someone who had been blamed as a pup killer? Surely not. Plus what did she had to offer? She only knew how to be a Denmother, nothing else.


07-17-2013, 08:33 PM

She'd been sticking around the area near the pack called Valhalla, the one that the man Thane with the big eagle belonged to. Her brother Yang had been quite interested in finding out more about the pack, so the twins had set out towards the place. Yin of course, wanted nothing to do with the pack. She disliked the idea of being in a pack again. It was almost like her brother was trying to replace their family. No one could replace her family. It didn't matter if they ended up in the nicest pack in this place, it would never be home to her. Home was where she'd grown up and she would never be able to get it back. It was gone forever and there was no replacing.

The ivory she-wolf with the obsidian tail had wandered away from the Valhallan lands, preferring to wander than sit around and listen to whatever crap they wanted to talk about. The last time she'd wandered off she'd encountered Hansel and she'd nearly lost her life fighting a damn mountain lion. Maybe this time there wouldn't be so much adventure. Porcelain paws carried the dame through an unknown area, mismatched gems flickering across her new surrounds, dark nostrils flaring as she checked the area out. There was a faint scent of another wolf on the breeze; female. Since arriving in these new lands, she'd yet to come across another female and she was rather interested to see what some of the females around these parts like were. Were they warriors like herself? There was only one way to find out. Movements were precise, nearly undetectable as she moved through the shadows, icy and sea green eyes coming across the darker figure of a women up ahead. Movements were stilled, bodice crouching low to the ground, simply observing the darker woman. She didn't look like much of a warrior...then again appearances could be deceiving.

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07-17-2013, 08:50 PM

The solitude was peaceful to say the least after that dream she had. It was more of a memory than dream. Shoulders flexed as she small pains of hunger made it's self noticed. She didn?t feel like hunting yet. She could wait till dark anyways. Even though Imena had been a loner for some time, she was rather fit. Being near the bottom on the pack she had learned to hunt by herself, then her banishment of perfected it. She might be tiny but she could pack a punch if needed.
The feeling of being watched made the fur along her shoulders and spine rise. Black nose raised high in the air taking great huffs. Head sharply twitched to the side. Something, someone was there. She couldn?t see them really but instinct told her. " Why hide? Surely one wolf is not much to fear?" She called out in a soft voice. There was no threat, fear, just an acknowledgment someone was there and a bit curious.
Haunches sat upon the earth, proven she meant no harm. She was patient to saw the least. After all one had to be if they were a den mother/father. She had bitter sweet memories of those pups. How she lived them like they were her own. With a soft sigh she gave her chest a few licks, waiting for the other, who ever it was to approach.
Though she seemed normal there was still an air of depression that surrounded her like a mist. It would always be there, it cloaked her like the clouds did at night to the moon, blocking out it's light. But Imena had no issues meeting others. She could care less whether her met other wolves or not but would remain respectful.


07-17-2013, 09:03 PM

At first the black woman made no acknowledgement that she could sense Yin near her. The ivory vixen made no movement to bring herself into view, content to simply watch her, but obviously she wasn't going to be doing that for the rest of the day. A gentle breeze ran through the area, whisking the snow white fae's fur this way and that way, carrying her scent towards the darker woman, alerting her to her presence. Why hide? Surely one wolf is not much to fear? Fear? Yin didn't fear anyone and she didn't hide. Audits flicked in irritation, stilts straightening out to raise the woman to her full height before pulling her away from her observing place. I don't hide from anyone and I certainly am not afraid of anything. came her low rumble, mismatched gems flickering over the smaller woman's figure. Scared of her? Because that what how things worked.

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07-19-2013, 02:17 PM
It wasn?t long before her visitor stood to make their presence seen. A small smile crossed her black lips, sky blue eyes gazing warmly at the other. A white female with two different eye colors. Interesting. It wasn?t uncommon these days to see a wolf with two different eye colors but it amazed her how nature would pick ones that stood out against their owner's fur.
A small laugh slipped through muzzle, vibrating through her body. Though it didn?t really reach her eyes. She found it hard to be happy, or to even fully allow herself to laugh. " Calm, i mean no offense. It just seems that those words tend to work every time." She replied calmly. She wasn?t going to add that it effected younger wolves more than older. Often those young tended to get hot-headed.
She briefly wondered where this female came from, a rogue by scent, but from where? Was she looking to join a pack? Maybe since Valhalla wasn?t too far. Maybe this female had more information on the pack than her. It would be useful. Mentally she shook her head. Why would she care? It wasn?t like she was looking for a pack, nor like they would take in a worthless wolf like her. Attention returned to the white female. "I?m Imena, who might you be?" She asked kindly.


07-19-2013, 02:44 PM

The woman smiled at her, something akin to warmth glowing her azure eyes. Were all wolves around here just nice, or was it just a specific few? So far from her experience, not all of them were nice. Audits flattened against her skull as a laugh slipped from the woman's lips. Was she laughing at her? Mismatched gaze narrowed, pale lips curling back ever so slightly. The ivory woman didn't take kindly to being made fun of. Calm, I mean no offense. It just seems that those words tend to work every time. The dark woman was calm as she spoke, obviously not offended by Yin's lack of hospitality or friendliness. Not that there was much to expect from the pale woman, given she pretty much hated everyone, except for her brother and her new friend Hansel, if she could call him that. No words were offered in response, obsidian tail lashing from side to side as she studied the woman. She had no pack scent on her, and yet she was hanging around pretty close to the Valhallan pack that her brother was considering having them join. Was she too looking to join or was this just simply where she'd decided to settle down for a bit?

I?m Imena, who might you be? The woman, who's name apparently was Imena, caught the ivory she-wolf's attention with her question, attention refocusing on the darker woman. Yin. She answered simply, not really one to delve into a length conversation.

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