
Who will save me?



07-19-2013, 10:43 PM
It had been some time now since she met those wolves from this pack. They had seemed kind, fair even. And more than anything, the black female was drawn to the pack life. She wasn?t meant to live a life alone. Even with her past haunting her, she couldn?t ignore that her craved to be in a pack and to have something from her old life back. It couldn?t be helped with a wolf like her. There were few a are between that their main purpose in life was to be a den mother or father. She had known it was her calling in her old pack when the alpha had another litter after her own. And they even saw her dedication. She was a fierce protector of the pups and younger wolves.
As the warm began to set, it cast a olden red hue behind her as she stood at the scent markers. Her nerves raced, heart hammering away in her chest. She was really going to try again. But what if they denied her? Or she became their omega? Would they in return for her services, help her? There was no way she could fully open up to another wolf, never again after he had been betrayed by family and mate. Bt could she trust those enough in a pack to function enough to be part of it? One would only know if they tried right?
Sky blue eyes scanned the area before her head tilted back. A low soft howl, sweet as summer rain spilled from her lips out to he Valhalla pack. She howled for acceptance, seeking any wolf here and the alphas. It was time she took the first steps to moving on in life. She had made sure to groom to perfection and hunt prior to coming. appearance meant everything. The pack would only want healthy and strong wolves, not one that would want an extra mouth to feed. She had to prove she could pull her weight, prove her worth. And if they denied, will at least she gave it a shot.



07-19-2013, 10:56 PM

He padded along the borders, on his regular patrol route, tail swaying gently, nose testing the winds for new scents, checking the borders strength. He enjoyed these patrols. He liked running across members of the Pack, and possible new members. One day, he would bring Claire out, once she had settled into a place of her own, and take her on a patrol. It would be good quality time.

A low, feminine howl made him pause and turn to listen. A stranger at the borders. He broke into a long trot, tail raised slightly, swaying gently. His arrival was swift, mismatched eyes of gold and blue landing on the small dark female, taking her in, before his dipped his head in a greeting. ?Good day, miss. I am Cormalin, Beta of Valhalla. What brings you to the borders?? His baritone rumble was curious, gentle, and respectful as he looked her over. She was small, and from her stance, he guessed that she was taking a big step in coming to the borders of a pack.

Haunches sank to the ground, heavy tail with it?s unusually long fur dragging over the ground to wrap about his paws, as he studied the younger female.



07-19-2013, 11:08 PM
She would not have to wait long for a pack member came into view. The black wolf, male was larger, older and seemed to have an air of a higher rank due to the way he carried his tail. It was small but important details to take in. There was no way she would fight him and hope to win, no way to deny what he asked, she could be punished. Even if she wasn?t part of his pack, he had the rights to punish her and chase her off. She took in more of his features as she lowered her delicate head, ears laid back and tail down. His eyes caught her attention as well as the white star on his forehead. Scars she cared less about, every wolf got them at some point.
His deep voice broke her staring and she turned her blue gaze to his paws. Every thing about her body said submissive and respectful. But she wasn?t submissive enough to expose her belly. His question was respectful and kind, making her glade that perhaps this was the place for her. "I seek acceptance within you proud pack sir. That is if your pack is will to take me." She replied in a calm steady tone. It was a tone mastered from being around pups. One could be scared or angry and let the pups know right? That just causes chaos. She had learned to master her emotions. Even now she was more nervous than before, now that a wolf was here. "My name is Imena Taipa. I was once a den mother of my birth pack, but left last fall be search for...a better pack." She added. Hopefully this pack would need a den mother at some point and take her in.



07-19-2013, 11:40 PM

The dark female dropped into a respectful stance of submission while her eyes took him in, until he spoke, at which point her eyes dropped to her paws. Blue, like his niece, Arella. When she spoke, it was in formal, quietly steady voice, and he listened with ears forward. Taking her in was a possibility, if she was useful. And indeed, she went on to give her name and to say that she had been a den mother in her birthplace. He wondered vaguely as to what had happened to make her leave for a better pack. Her nerves seemed to have spiked on his arrival. Perhaps a male had harmed her at some point?

He studied her, running his eyes over her form, before he spoke. ?We could use more healers, and a den mother even more. My sister is the Lead Healer here, the Theta. She?s white with dark blue eyes. She does very well in her duties, but we?re short on fully trained healers. She?s the only one with full training.? He felt safe in giving the information. She gave him no uneasy feelings, and his perceptions told him she was who she said, and that she was telling the truth. In any case, they weren?t at war with any packs at the moment.

Mismatched eyes returned to the female, Imena. ?How well can you defend yourself? One of our healers was recently attacked, and Erani wishes to train the healers in Valhalla to better protect themselves.? And the glazed, icy blue gaze was still fresh on his mind. When Erani was beyond furious, a wolf could hardly tell to look at her, unless you looked into her eyes. That grey male?s attack on Rayne had triggered that rage. He loved his sister, so it didn?t frighten him. But he sure didn?t want that glazed ice gaze locked on him.



07-19-2013, 11:58 PM
Imena listened carefully, lifting up her head but not looking directly at him. She gave good thought to his words before she would reply. She was glade he trusted her enough to give some pack information. Eyes hardened at the mention was one his healers was attacked. " I know the basics in healing, more advanced and serious wounds and illnesses i brought up to my healer. Grumpy old man never taught much. But i learned enough from watching. I am sorry to hear that one of your members was attacked and i hope they recover quickly and soundly." She paused for a moment to think over her defensive tactics. She didn?t like fighting really, it wasn?t her thing. But she had never thought about having to protect herself, only the young?ens ones."To be honest, i never fought much. My soul purpose was to protect the young and i would even if cost me my life. I wouldn?t say i am advanced in defensive tactics but i am not clueless. May the any foolish wolf have mercy should they harm anyone under my protection." At the end she let out a soft growl. She was serious and true about what she said. Imena was only four years, so she was still a bit young. she had lived a blessed life to never have to fight for her life. She had only fought off a bear once to protect the den. And in her birth pack, she had been just about the lowest ranking wolf. Being such, fighting was not what you did, you didn?t have the right to do so among the others.
She thought about the wolves she had met recently. She had in fact met a white female. Ah, she had met Erani."Is your sister, perhaps Miss Erani? I had meet her a few day ago among the willows." She asked with a slight tilt to her head



07-20-2013, 05:08 PM

He noted the careful listening she gave, and returned the listening in kind, as she told him what she knew. So, another wolf who needed training. Would they ever find a dully trained wolf who could take the secondary lead healer?s place? Still, by what she said, she could watch and learn quickly. Brow points furrowed, wrinkling into the star as she went on to admit that fighting wasn?t her style, but she wasn?t defenseless.

He gave an inward, silent chuckle at the growl. She had fire in there, and he would see that she would learn to put that fire to use if she were attacked while out gathering. A healer that was killed was no use. Her next words pulled his ears forward. So she?d already met Erani. ?Yes, she is. And I believe she will be your trainer in the more advanced healing. Welcome home, Imena. On a side note, I want you to work on defense and offense for yourself.? Mismatched eyes twinkled slightly. Then a thought hit him, and his eyes gave over to firm seriousness. ?And if you come across the pack?s Horse, do not hunt her. If you haven?t seen a horse before, she?s larger than a deer, perhaps Elk sized, black, with long mane and tail, a star on her forehead like mine, and blue eyes. She is not prey. She is also my friend, and a fine pup sitter. Her name is Obsidian.?

Mismatched eyes bore into the blue eyes of the younger female, until he felt she had fully understood, and then they regained the gentle twinkle. ?I hope you find your life here in Valhalla to be what you were looking for. Heavy tail wagged gently, before his muzzle pulled in in a slight nod, and he turned to continue his patrol. ?Please, make yourself at home, I must get back to my patrol. Be safe, Imena.?

He took off at a slow trot, hoping that she would find Valhalla to be as good of a home as he saw it. How could any good wolf not see it that way?

(ooc: Imena has been Accepted into Valhalla)




07-20-2013, 06:19 PM
Imena couldn?t help but like the way his facial features were so expressive. It made him more real, one that told the truth, someone she might grow to rely on. So Miss Erani would be her mentor? She was pleased with that, she had rather liked the white female when they had meet. A kind and respectful female, one she could easily respect and follow. So she would need to work on her fighting skills, how would she go about doing that? Maybe she try it alone first before asking anyone. Wait, was she being accepted into the pack? All these words of mentoring, training, was it that possible? Had she truly been added into Valhalla pack? Just like that, no test?
Cormalin's next words confused her to say the least. Her head gave a tilt to the left, brows furrowed as she tried to understand. A horse? Some kind of large prey a pup sitter? This would be something she would have to look into. Wouldn?t that make the pups confused on what to hunt if a prey animal was one of the few to look after them? She felt him staring at her and she nodded her agreement to not hurt this Obsidian.
And then those words she had been waiting for. The very words that would confirm she had been accepted. Blue eyes alight with a new hope of a future here within this pack. If they were like Cormalin and Erani, then she could almost see a permanent home here. And with that Cormalin turn to return on his patrol. he stood there for a moment before white tipped toes crossed the border as a member of the Valhalla pack.

(ooc: Enter Imena into Valhalla, end of thread)