
Catch Me if You Can


07-15-2013, 07:17 PM


...and the home of the wolf will be my home.

Normal || Speech || Thoughts

Switchback padded through the forest, with the scent of a rabbit tickling her nose. She had been tracking the thing for quite awhile now, and still, it was nowhere to be seen. But she was hungry, and the fluffy thing was the only thing the honey she-wolf could scent. So putting her annoyance behind her, she continued on, following right in the rabbit's paw prints. With a sudden halt Switchback lifted her head, scenting the air and examining her surroundings. Had she seen that bent tree before? Was she going in circles? The she-wolf didn't know, but when she bent down to pick up the rabbit's scent once again she could tell that it was overlapping an older, stale scent. She had been here, and this rabbit was just leading her in circles. Either the thing was crazy and insane, or it was the smartest rabbit in Alacritis. With a growl Switchback leaped forward, quickly loping along the brown animal's scent trail. She was tired and hungry, and this rabbit was just starting to tick her off. Switchback was not a big fan of going in circles over and over again, and she'd rather jump into a rocky river to catch her prey. So pushing her ears down she quickened her pace, eager to catch the stupid pest. She didn't care if she was noisy anymore, she just wanted the rabbit in her stomach.

With a quiet sigh of relief she slowed her pace. The scent was fresher now and she could tell that the rabbit was directly in front of her somewhere. So carefully placing her paws she crept forward, ever so slowly. If she scared it and it got away, then Switchback would have wasted over half of her day. And the honey furred wolf didn't like to waste time. As she stalked forward she thought about her pack. Even through this was a solo hunt she knew she would end up bringing some back for the pack. The Seracian pups would love rabbit, and it would be disrespectful not to bring any back. In her mind Switchback imagined how she would divide her meal. Maybe a hind leg for the pack and the rest for herself? Or would that be too little? Switchback shook her head, deciding that she would figure all that out later. All she needed to be focusing on now was finding and killing the rabbit. With a twitch of her ears she listened for it's rapid beating heart. And quickly located the noise to her left, and picking up it's scent again she concluded that it was in a small clearing just beyond a row of bushes and small saplings. It would be hard to get to her meal without alerting it, but Switchback knew she could do it.

With a sigh of relief Switchback reached the last obstacle in her path. The small bush would be easy to clear though, so Switchback wasn't worried. Poking her head over the bush she spotted the small, terrified looking thing. She hated killing innocent animals, but it was what she needed to do to survive. And she also loved the taste of the things, and she would never give up eating them for anything. So with a quick lick of her chops Switchback rounded the bush slowly, eyeing the creature and getting ready to chase it if it spotted her. But the stupid thing was oblivious to her presence and Switchback concluded that it would be an easy catch. So with a step forward she began to lower her haunches towards the ground, ready to leap and chase her prey.

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