


07-16-2013, 07:24 PM
alright so, due to ooc circumstances, there is now a morphine/seraphim baby back up for adoption, however, the baby will no longer have the name "dorian" but must still retain his appearance in order for him to be played on site (&& yes, this was approved by lu). the baby is codeine elysius -- a male -- and is basically the replica of his mother, but will breach an apex of thirty-three inches once he's fully matured. thus, he will have an entirely white coat, a lean and muscular physique, and morphine's silver eyes. this is not allowed to be tweaked in any way, so i'm sorry that there is not as much creative freedom when it comes to his appearance. his personality, on the other hand, is entirely open for changing, but please keep in mind that codeine will be raised quite differently from a typical puppy. he will be subject to morphine's vigorous training in fighting as well as her abuse should he fail to abide to her, and he will never quite learn exactly how to love and will, instead, only ever know devotion to his family that consists of morphine && artemis (both played by me), szayel (played by shrap), and seraphim (played by raii). unless morphine is challenged in the future, codeine will remain in tortuga until he's one (that's kind of up to you if he stays afterward) with the title of "prodigy," which just means that he is of the alpha's spawn and is allowed to challenge for the successor position whenever he feels like it, if he should. he will be expected to fight for this position because morphine will push power as a necessity in his life, so please realize that you may fall into a position of leadership in the future.

if you are interested in playing codeine, all i ask for is a description of his personality and activity. this guy will probably have a lot of threads to be in, so keep that in mind :p



07-16-2013, 07:28 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2013, 01:04 AM by Song.)
Alright Aly, if you feel I'm active enough I'd like to try for him. I adore his name. I've never rp'd a fight my entire wolf role playing experience so I think starting out as a pup I might learn a bit easier. I'm ready to expand my horizons! ^^

Codeine Elysius


Loyal Devotion The hardest driving force in the eyes of the boy pup is the praise of his mother's lips. Her approval is all he wishes to achieve as a baby. Her words are like sweet cream to him, her presence all but worshipped. Morphine is his whole world, and her displeasure upsets him greatly. Eventually he will grow more callous to her negativity, but will always strive for her satisfaction.

Silent Emotion The young wolf will not let many words fall from his lips, preferring to focus on incoming information as much as possible. He's quick to answer if confronted by his mother, other than the she wolf that birthed him speech comes sparingly. It's unclear how much emotion he feels, with his face scarcely showing anything but mild curiosity. He's hardly apathetic, but he rarely ever lets another wolf see the emotion that lurks beneath.

Hunger for Knowledge Knowledge is power and to attain the approval he so desperately craves that power will one day need to come to him. With his quiet and somewhat sneaky behavior he acquires it as best he can, as a pup it will be a bit more awkward. Plausibly getting caught spying more than a few times.

Warrior Driven Even from an early age the tiny wolf loves to engage in battle, slowly increasing with intensity as his age climbs. Eager to receive the knowledge his mother offers him to perfect the art. His drive and purpose will forever be pushing himself to become better than he was the day before. He doesn't thirst for blood, but he does want to be dominate. Be the best, you can't be the best with out beating those who are stronger than you.



07-17-2013, 06:17 PM
i have a question! i want to apply for him, and i love that he's of average height - but can i change his overall weight / build? I don't want him to be lanky later on and i'm probably being picky but i thought i would ask ^^


07-17-2013, 06:29 PM
yes, that is fine c:

Jupiter I


7 Years
07-18-2013, 03:09 PM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2013, 07:02 PM by Jupiter I.)


Running through roots sunk deep within his conscience will forever be trust issues, fueling every rejection and wary action he will ever make in his life. His heart will forever clutch to his mother and his siblings, a part of them all tucked within himself and guarded with such ferocity that they will almost undoubtedly at some point be bruised by his tight grip.

Derived from her essence, he will love his mother like no other and will vow that, when she grows old, he will defend her until his ownlast breath even if she uses her own to ward him away from it. Codeine will take her rigorous training to heart and will commit every last bit of advice to memory, desperately cherishing every praise she will ever lay upon him. All of this will churn under a sort of even professionalism that'll come into existence at the age of about three months old, his undying devotion glimpsed only in his early puphood.

He will attempt to be the self-proclaimed father figure that they never --the over-protective man sitting on the porch with a shotgun when his siblings bring home a significant other; the one who warns his sister to "never see that boy again" and the one who cautions his brother to "not lay a hand upon her unless she wishes." Despite the fact that he will always be aware that he will mostly be met with snaps of "you are not my father" and other similar phrases but they will glance off of him, sliding off of his conscience as liquid glides from the feather of a water fowl. The man will always seek respect and a relative acknowledgement toward his assumed dominance from his siblings, at the very least, and though it will inwardly bother him if he does not receive it, he will merely be persistent in his insistence for such shows.

When his paws grow quicker than the rest of his body, he will be a klutz in denial of his ability to trip on flat surfaces. His ego will grow before his body and before he will believe that he is the most sure-footed and swift creature whose paws ever graced and kissed the earth. He will see himself as the ultimate warrior before he even knows of the vital currents of blood in the less conspicuous areas of the body--before he knows that the wrists can be cut and that the tendons upon a hind leg can be ripped out to render a limb useless. In his youth he will brashly boast his prowess and will probably grow into his words, filling the gap between bluff and reality as he soars to be an elite combatant.

His feelings will be communicated through the smallest of subtleties in his actions, his expressions taking the form of a one-way mirror in the sense that the only emotions he will project will be those personally perceived by those who look upon him. This will fall around his family, crumbling and failing to apply to them. An open book around his mother and siblings, he is never afraid of allowing how he feels to be known and it is another trait that will likely cause problems among his blood relations.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



07-19-2013, 05:16 PM
possessive - relentless - resentful - violent - loyal - quiet - calculating

Mother dearest has raised such an intricate little beast. With sleek ivory fur and silver eyes, he is a pale being, a simplistic creature - at least, according to his stark appearance. As he grows, his personality will grow with him, weaved by his mother and personalized by his own thoughts and feelings. He will start an obedient child, quiet and constantly listening to what Morphine has to say, watching over his family with unyielding loyalty. They will be his anchor, and he wants so badly to be their armor. To fight and to prove his strength to the woman who raised him will be the basis of what he knows, and he will strive to keep his family close to him at all costs.

The boy will grow jealous when his mother or siblings give attention to outsiders, and immediately bristle when anyone seems to get close to the family that isn't blood. As he grows this petty jealousy will become quite daunting, and he will be extremely possessive of those of the Elysius lineage. Outsiders are not to be trusted, they are weak, and he will fully believe that his family is superior to any other in Alacritia. He will be power hungry and blood thirsty soon after he tastes his first fight. Bringing others to their knees will be a rush he constantly craves, there is no greater power than being mentally and physically superior to another. Not even his siblings will escape this dark competitive edge to Codeine's nature - and if they are not careful, he will step out of hand even with them. Placing a wound too close to a vital, biting too long, too deep, with too much pressure, when he looses himself and his instincts rush in there is little save for his mother that can snap him out of it until his opponent lay at his feet.

Failure is never an option, when he looses something he will fight tooth and claw to claim it back as his own. Forgiveness is never a trait that he will hold deep within himself, those that cross him once will not get the chance to do so again. Codeine will be a vengeful beast, one that lusts for power and loyalty from all others. Sooner will he fall in love with his own family, and his own power than truly care for someone or something that is unrelated to the two. Weakness, naivety, innocence, when he is young they will make him upset, perhaps a bit bitter, but once he is an adult these traits will make him angry. He will purge ignorance any chance that he gets, whether with his words or with his teeth won't matter to the brute at all.


07-20-2013, 04:12 PM
you guys, i really hope you know that i honestly hate having to choose one of you because it makes me feel bad knowing that you all put good work into these apps; and you did -- i love them all, honestly. i hope you guys don't hate me for not choosing you ; n ; but i have to just choose one cause there's only one to choose :/

seren, i feel that your personality for codeine fits well with how he's going to be raised, so if you would please get a profile for him up soon, that'd be great <3

kat && star ily both really ; n ; if you wanna keep those personalities for the future i don't even mind, it's up to you, but morphine will be having one last litter in the future. either with isardis or creedance -- idk what's going down. but thank you all for the apps <3