
Rise of Darkness


07-15-2013, 07:16 PM

Splash! The boys limber, lithe limbs careened into the river with purpose and stride, water flew, rising into the air, with every beat of the powerful lads limbs! Muck and grime, water and fun flew into the air behind his fast propelling limbs, like a bullet he shot, pelt of gray and black, gleaming in the fading sunlight! Soon the stars would gleam high above him! Soon his destiny would enthrall him with laughter and love and possibility, taking the form of gleaming beacons of hope perched high above him, resting in constellations in the sky. Blindly purple oculars sought the heavens as he raced onward, excited, strong and able.

The edge of the river simply stopped and the male pulled his heaving bodice to a halt directly at the waters edge. The element rushed around him, eager to take the plunge off the cliffs and down into the valley's far below, the rushing pulled adrenaline and sent laughter and love coursing through his veins. He threw his head to the heavens, a howl of freedom ripping from his larynx, calling the stars, calling the night, calling the ever-lasting darkness to chase him into oblivian!

He would stay and watch the light as it began to fade, chasing away the blinding daylight and bringing about the warming blackness of everything that the young male held dear. Everything that encompassed the very core of his being.




07-15-2013, 08:26 PM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2013, 03:05 PM by Maija.)

The night had consumed the whole world of Alacritis, reaching into every nook and cranny the continent possessed. Rocks, corners of underground caves, and even the depths of the deepest body of water could not escape the grasp of the night. Once everything was cloaked with shadows and blackness, the stars would eventually come out to play. As the moon started to rise and make a scene in the sky above, a lone figure below was moving.
Long legs carried a slender form, one that appreciated the darkness for all its worth. Golden fur was touched by the moon, casting the shadow of her body to stretch to her right. She carried on, not worrying about anything in the world. Since the world didn't care about her, why should she even give it a second thought? Oh yeah, that's right. She lived on Alacritis now. So, maybe she should care a little, since the continent provided game for her and her husband.
Ahhh, yes. Dragomir. The love of her life. Where was he now, she wondered. A fleeting image of affectionate nuzzles and licks shared between them flashed in her mind. She soaked up the pieces of that time, because she couldn't remember how long it had been since she saw him. Dragomir had decided to explore the world they now claimed home, and with a heavy heart she did the same. Maija told herself that his bitter half probably wanted to stretch his legs and loins on another female, which was fine with her. The contempt that brewed in her chest from the idea of his alter ego was evident in her snarl and the faster rate of her pace. She continued to run, but then realized that if another wolf intended on catching prey tonight, she was obviously in the right spot. Her crafty mind switched gears and she cantered towards the nearby shadows.
Once Maija felt the safety within the trees and bushes, she relaxed. Leaf green eyes flashed around her as she took in the scents, sights, and the atmosphere that surrounded her. Slowly, she stoically walked through the underbrush and darkness, keeping track of where she had been in case she had to backtrack. The sound of running water met her ears, followed by merry laughter and a howl. Such emotions rarely surfaced in Maija's persona, especially when she wasn't around Drago. Defenses rose and her heart's many layers of ice and rock hardened as she curiously walked in the direction of the noise's source.
Maija halted a few feet away in the bushes. A starry male was standing at the edge of the earth, looking down at the water that flowed nearby. How she would like to see him be pushed in...but no, she wasn't in the mood for senseless harm tonight. Maybe another time, if she found herself in the same position. She lowered herself to the ground, legs bent and tail standing out behind her for balance. Her head perked and rose to look up as she felt the night breezes. His scent danced towards her and met her nose. Yeck. Anything that wasn't prey or Drago made her want to sneeze. Silently, she turned her head back to face the male through the bushes, knowing her green eyes blended in with the dark shrubbery. With how the wind was blowing, she figured her scent couldn't be traced. Defenses stayed raised as she dug her claws in the earth beneath her, secretly wondering what he would do next.

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