
I am on my way

Dutiron i


8 Years
09-30-2014, 08:13 AM

ooc: Set early on into the storm, you've got to love liquid time. Novel I first please then any family can join in and say hello

Dutiron had tried to press on for the sake of returning to his children swiftly, he knew Novel too wished to return to them quickly and not to mention Myth too ought to catch up to them all. There was an ache returning to his back once more now he pressed on, one he hadn't felt so much for quite some time though there was no ignoring it. He risked completely putting it out if he continued to push on too hard and so he would pull back, his aim to stop with Song and her pack for a while it seemed they had lingered within their own lands though the storms here didn't seem quite as fierce as the one within Threar lands. Perhaps he was simply telling himself that.

Of course Novel would insist on staying with him though, the two had never been parted since their union so long ago and truth be told he could barely recall those early days without her now. A part of him wished she had continued with Myth to deliver the message and return to their children though even he couldn't deny there was a part of him still grateful for her constant companionship. The children would be fine with Novella for a while anyway and he was sure that Symphony too would help in caring for them.

And so now the pair found themselves moving further into the Sawtooth Lands. Many of the springs had gathered into one larger pool and though they had once been a great comfort for his aches no longer did the rippling waters seem anywhere near as inviting as they once had. Now all he really wished for was his and Novel's old den, hopefully far enough away from any water to have avoided flooding. He would let out a call as they moved, alerting Song and the rest of the family that for now, he and Novel would need to stop here with them. Hopefully it would be heard over the winds.

Novel i


8 Years
09-30-2014, 03:04 PM

She would stay beside her mate dutifully, leaving his side was not an option, especially in the likes of such a storm. They hadn?t left the other?s side in years and she was not about to start now that a storm was brewing. She had every confidence in Novella to care for their young pups, but they would not be joining them quite yet. She?d keep her shoulder close to Dutiron?s side, though the danger was very real she could still enjoy his comforting presence. She knew that spending the extra time with Song would be a welcome change, though she was disappointed in the circumstances they found themselves in. This storm would serve at least one purpose, bringing them together once again.
The wind would blow fiercely over her coat as they came into the spring. The lands looking so much different flooded then what they?d looked like when they?d stayed within the borders of Ludicael. She was absolutely soaked through, the cold water causing shivers to run over her spine as her mate called for their families presence. She?d blink back the water from her eyes and lean into Dutiron?s side, maybe their old den would be available for use.




10-03-2014, 11:32 AM

She was thankful the waters had not totally taken over the hotsprings, though still the levels were dangerously high they would be safe to stay there through out the storm. She hoped the rest of her family that lived on the coast were doing okay. This was a big storm and she had no doubt it had enveloped the whole of destruction territory. She'd gathered all but two of her family, both Saga and Requiem were missing. She felt an immense anxiety from this revelation, but she'd searched all she could with out putting her own life in danger. She knew she would have to look for some sign of them as soon as the storm was over, she couldn't let them just disappear. Even if they had perished she needed to find their remains and lay them to rest.
Her paws would carry her back to where everyone was now gathered, heavy thoughts weighing on her as the sound of her parents Howl found her ears. Immediately she would shift her path to collide with their own, praying they were alright and brought good news from Threar. "Mom? Dad?" her features would tilt curiously as the worry in her voice was evident. We're they okay?


Dutiron i


8 Years
10-05-2014, 04:29 AM

Their call would be heard it seemed, Song soon coming into view. She needn't ask the questions running through her mind, she wore the expression of worry rather well upon her features, seeping through into her voice as well. "Threar have evacuated for a while. Sorrel had an accident, he'll be alright, but with all the children I don't think they wished to chance anymore." Dutiron first would explain how he and Novel had come to be here alone, reassure her that the rest of the pack would be ok. There was however than annoying chance that he wouldn't be quite so ok if he continued.

"My back is starting to ache again, I feel the journey will worsen it. Your mother and I hope to stay here a while, if that is ok?" Though he had never been a particularly proud man, the weakened back still shamed him to admit especially to his children. The signs of age of course reached all, Dutiron was aware of that fact but it wouldn't stop him hating it. This feeling would refuse to be hidden, his voice quietening slightly as he explained his own condition.

The storms here had eased slightly in comparison to the falls and certainly from the sounds of things the bay as well. What state the delta lay in he had no idea though so close to both the Threar lands he figured it wasn't fairing much better. The floods here at least were contained as well, no quickening current that could carry anyone unfortunate enough to fall in and the wolves of Sawtooth would hopefully remain safe here.