
Careful don't want to get attached.


07-13-2013, 11:29 PM
Forest green optics surveyed the woodlands around her and ears pricked forward as she listened out. The mottled woman was no slight little wallflower, oh no. The reason she wasn't bigger was that her mother had mated with a smaller male. She mentally tutted at her mother's folly, scarlet tongue coming out to brush against russet lips. She brushed against ferns and moss covered stones as she revelled in the strange new climate here. It certainly wasn't the most easy to live in if your person was too thickly coated in fur, but this femme's coat was neither too fluffy nor too thin to pass muster. She was in the middle and proud of it.

With 35 inches of height at her shoulder, she was at the bigger side of 'medium' and she considered herself not to be messed with. Though she was a skilled medic she still had some slight blood thirst roiling underneath her skin at any time. However that blood thirst could easily be transformed into lust if she saw someone she liked. But oh me oh my, she had yet to come across a wolf who would happily put up with her personality to get to her body. It was such a shame really but she could settle down and pick just one person...eventually of course.

She came down a slight slope that led down to a small stream, where it burbled useless things to the tree-folk close by. Keeping a wary eye about for a moment she then lowered her mottled head and drank. She wasn't all bad....she was just mostly not good, at all. How often would you come across her being kind or gentle towards you? Unless she wanted to get in your pants or if you were a young pup....probably never. As she brought her head up she licked her maw and scented the air. Hrm....another living being, might as well say hello.
"The name's Bast.....and you are?" She vocalised, her tone neither harsh nor soft...they were just this side of unyielding in notes that were definitely feminine.


07-31-2013, 08:28 AM

A deamon from the pits of hell itself seemed to have nestled itself deep in the soul of the alabaster brute. The god stood at a larger end of the average height, standing tall and proud at thirty-six inches. Large paws had brought him to the eastern region of the lands, through Alacritis still sporting the bite-marks and mild wound he had received from his previous encounters, with others of the lands. Contrasting gaze, observed the forest around him, odd markings framing his intriguingly coloured orbitals. The god was a site to behold, handsome, powerful, everything that a god, even a god of hell should be.

A sweetly intruging smell caught his interest, and he found himself drifting towards it rather unconsciously. Voice, that rang with femineme prowess called out to him, bringing a rather sultry smirk to his jaws as he stepped into the clearing. ?The names Bast? and you are?? Her question prompted a response, not that he was willing to give it. Settling into the clearing, he took her appearance in, his eyes lingering on every curve of her body, taking the sight of her in, nearly tasting her without opening his jaws to even try a piece.

Stopping near her, his jaws would part, the sound leaving them low and monotones.


He would offer no more, for if she initiated this conversation, she could drive it.


07-31-2013, 09:41 AM
There was something that struck a chord in the despicable woman's very core as a large pale form came into the clearing. Emerald optics taking in the appearance of the other as she tilted her head to the side; she watched he watched her. He was like her...but darker, the stench of death permeating his very essence. She spotted the wounds on him and she mentally tutted. He seemed a little more refined than most, so why would he be getting into scraps like a common bull headed fool?

Well now, he was looking at her as though she was more a meal than a woman. She raised an eyebrow for a moment before he came close to her, one of her auds turning towards him. He was a handsome brute to be sure, however she turned her cranium to study the markings on his face and his dual orbs. ?Creedance.? His voice sounded out with one word, causing her to smirk lightly and realise that he was only slightly bigger than her.

"Creedance huh? Well...that's a mouthful, so even if you mind I'm going to shorten it a bit. So what brings you out here Cree?" She asked before frowning a little as she spotted a bite mark on his body. If he wanted a fight, he was going to get one; but if he wanted someone to patch him up then he'd have to make it worth her while. The beautiful tricolour woman wasn't too fussed about whether or not he'd kill her. If he did then he'd have to do it for a real good reason, otherwise she'd fight tooth and nail.

"You know should let a medic tend to those, if you know one that is." She pointed out, surprisingly at ease as she then lowered her head and drank again. Although she'd gotten into some scraps when she was younger, she wasn't so fussed with proving to others that she wasn't totally soft. The cool liquid slid down her throat and then she pulled her head up, her tail wagging a little as she thought of how she could possibly annoy this male.

He was handsome yes...but he seemed a little too dark to attract anything but dark femmes. She didn't mind his cream hues because he seemed more interesting, despite the mostly plain coat. "So...I reckon you enjoy a certain air of darkness, must have you winning over all the tail you could ever want." She said with a yawn before stepping to the side slightly to see if he had any other markings on that pretty form of his. There was nothing like meeting another creature whom was a little darker than most, made her feel a little more at home. It was akin to being connected via a red string of fate to another dark person; it was kind


08-11-2013, 02:58 PM

'Creedance huh? Well...that's a mouthful, so even if you mind I'm going to shorten it a bit. So what brings you out here Cree?'

Cree. In a split second, his eyes light up with hell-fire and a snarl escaped his jaws as he lept closer to her, fury radiating off his core. Hackles raised, lips curled to reveal his teeth, if she didn't move he would land close to her, drawing himself to full size, and staring down at her. The snarl would be guttural, the sound that of a demon.

"No one calls me Cree, you spiteful wench. Call me Creedance, or don't call me at all."

He radiated fury, his body quivering with the power of it. Her next words, did nothing to chill his fury, "These?" He asked flicking a glance at the wounds. "Fool, no medic will willingly tend to a demon." Was she a special kind of stupid? Who in the hell was she? Why did she get under his skin so easily?

Her last words, he found himself ignoring. He was to infuriated to think about them. He could only see red, only feel fury at the insufferable wench's outright idocracy in calling him 'Cree.' Who in the hell did she think that she was? Amaranth, was the only alive that called him Creedance. The only, and that inholy bitch was no where for him to find.


08-12-2013, 02:18 AM
His reaction was immediate, as she suspected it would be. After all, when one was adept at annoying others, one had to realise a sore spot when they saw it. The woman eyed him as he snarled and the tricolour deftly stepping just out of his reach when he jumped towards her. Oh, he was playing the height game now? Cheeky brute...but a dangerous one too. She kept herself at her normal height, still unyielding at his little display of temper.

"No one calls me Cree, you spiteful wench. Call me Creedance, or don't call me at all." At this she raised an eyebrow and stared into his two toned optics for a moment before giving him a slight grin.
"Well to be frank....I'm not spiteful and if I didn't know you better I'd think that you planned on letting me live. After all, I can't call you anything of you eat me...right?" She pointed out before shaking herself thoroughly as he fumed, her stress practically melting away despite the overtly tense vibes she was getting from him.

"Fool, no medic will willingly tend to a demon." She withheld a snort as she remembered that she hadn't told him a thing really, not even that she was a medic.
"Well if you'd calm down long enough for me to apologise to you, ya cheeky wretch I would have told you I'd patch you up. Demon or not you bleed, so that means I can treat you." She responded in slight amusement before officially apologising. Stepping back enough to sit down, ducking her cranium as she found that she was actually sorry for making him angry.

"Look....I didn't know that shortening your name would make such a fuss, I'm sincerely sorry. I also don't taste very nice....just in care you were planning on trying to suck out my soul. Is there anything I can call you that won't sound like a marathon when you say it?" The devious beast spoke in a surprisingly calm voice, despite saying a couple of slightly humorous things that could have possibly made him smile. If that is...he had a funny bone somewhere in that pale bodice of his. Besides, he was handsome......for a bloodthirsty 'demon'.


08-19-2013, 02:49 AM

She moved, which was mostly intelligent on her part, probably the only thing that showed of higher intellect since this conversation began. He would stand, where he had stopped, hackles raised and deadly sharp canines exposed as he glared at her. Her words didn't soothe him, no, they merely infuriated him more. Planned on letting her live? No, he was already contemplating the taste of her infuriating blood, how the liquid would feel as it slid down his throat.

He would let her finish her speech, at the end of it giving an non-com-mental grunt at her apology, he would slowly relax his fur, flopping down on the ground, and arrogant snarl exiting his jaws. "Why get on with it then, you so called healer." The snap would exit his jaws harshly, his temper shorter these days then normal, halfway due to his injuries and the other half due to his normal ass-hole-ness.


The last word would exit his jaws, the only name he was to be called, and idea struck him, nearly last minute.

"Or Mr. Voltaire."

Hmm, he could get used to the "Mr." particularly if a cute little fea was calling it out.


08-22-2013, 10:07 PM
Bast raised an eyebrow as he flopped on the ground seemingly having accepted her apology for now. The deceptive cretin...she thought for sure that she was dead meat there, all his snarling and carrying on.
"Why get on with it then, you so called healer." Emerald eyes sparkled a little as he snarled arrogantly and she let out a deep breath before running her nose over his coat, just to check for any injuries she hadn't noticed. Minor swelling....some bruising, the bite mark and a few other cuts and scrapes. She decided to deal with the bite first, seeing the staining on his coat from where it had bled. She licked it gently, backing off if he got short with her but frankly she wanted to clean the wound and make sure she got the debris out of his creamy coat.

"Better to have it cleaned now, rather than being patched up an it getting all yucky later." She murmured to herself as she also cleaned off his coat where he'd bled, a dark shiver going through her at that familiar metallic taste. No...she had to keep it under control or he'd figure out just how dark she could be.
"Creedance." His monotone wasn't bothering her any more, though it actually made her wonder if he was just...never happy? But then he spoke again and she gave him a slight grin. "Or Mr. Voltaire."

"Mr. Voltaire it is then...." She said, a slight smirk on her lips as she half-purred the 'Mr.' before looking around and frowning a little.
"No fire lilies what can I use to stop inflammation? Oh! I know that plant....that's Plantain...." The medic in her spotted the 'weed' that had both anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. She loped over and grabbed a few of its leaves before coming back and mashing them up with a couple of rocks from the riverbed.

She then scooped a little of the poultice up onto her tongue and pressed it as gently as she could against the bite mark, waiting until it stuck itself against his wound. She continued this pattern as quickly as she could before drinking from the flowing water beside them.
" just have to let it dry, in about a week it'll just fall off if you go for a swim somewhere. Then you should be as good as new Mr. Voltaire." She said with a stretch, her tail curling up over her back for a brief moment before she shook herself off and turned to look at him.