
Family Lost, Family Found



07-12-2013, 05:10 PM

Cormalin padded across the ground, tail swaying happily behind him, mismatched eyes glancing over to the little black female who walked with him as though he was afraid she?d vanish. His daughter. His Claire. He had children. They had been in his mind ever since he?d left them with Amber and Laoch five years ago. He had missed them, mourned Akana, blamed himself for Akana?s death, because of his size. Akana had been small, dainty, and he was large, and his size had passed to his sons. Claire was just like her mother, in build, and almost in size, though she had an inch or two over her mother. The green eye glinted with the same spark Akana?s had always sparkled with. Life, mischief, fire. Where were his sons? What did they look like now?

They reached the Borders, and Cormalin stopped, settling onto his haunches, and glanced over to his daughter, waiting for her to reach him. ?Are you ready to meet Chrysanthe?? Tail beat the earth at his haunches as he gazed at his daughter. He could hardly believe this day had come. Would Amber and Laoch come as well? He hadn?t asked Claire what had become of them. First thing was to introduce her to Chrysanthe. He had the power to accept Claire, and he would, but he wanted his Daughter to meet the Alpha who had his heart.


07-12-2013, 05:42 PM

There was something to be said for meeting your father the first time. There was something to be said for the sudden rush of emotions, and for the fact that Claire wanted nothing more than to bury her face in his fur until her brothers returned and she could introduce them all to the wolf that had brought them into the world. Though Laoch and Amber had raised her, and would always have a special place in her heart, this was her true father. And he was a good wolf, a kind one, the kind of wolf that she would want to be her father.

Taking a deep breath, Claire wagged her tail behind her. "No turning back now," She murmured, half to herself as she settled down daintily, wrapping her tail around her paws, "I think so." Claire breathed, shaking her head head slightly. There was no point in getting too anxious. Chrystanthe would like her or she wouldn't. She would be accepted into Valhalla or she wouldn't be. All Claire could do was be polite and hope for the best as she waited for Chrysanthe to arrive.

Tail wagging gingerly, Claire gazed expectantly up at her father. She was nervous, but oh, she was excited. Excited to meet the rest of her family.




07-12-2013, 06:04 PM

Cormalin smiled as he looked her over. She was nervous, excited, it was all there in her eyes, in the way she moved. But she had the same tenacity of her mother. He grinned. ?Here goes, then.? He sat straight, head raised, and muzzle tilted to the sky. He called out to Chrysanthe, a happy invitation to come meet someone. His muzzle lowered, ears perking forward to listen for a reply or her approach.

Chrysanthe was a fine Alpha despite her young age. She was fair, listened to both sides of a problem or incident before giving her judgment. She was a lot like her father had been. He too had been fair, kind, strong but gentle. She made Cormalin proud to be a Beta under her rule. And she considered him family. And he trusted her with Claire?s future. He wondered what Claire would do in Valhalla. Would she be a hunter? They needed more hunters. They needed more healers as well.

The thoughts rolled through his mind, one after another. He hoped his sons would find their way here, or that they would find his sons. He wanted to see his family completed, and together. Akana would want this to happen.



07-17-2013, 06:47 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2013, 07:03 PM by Chrysanthe.)
The call from her beta was a pleasant surprise. She had been looking after Lyric, the girl was growing just as quickly as the rest of her siblings. When she heard the call, she decided to bring the young thing along with her - Cormalin was her uncle after all, if it was a good natured call she saw no harm in bringing her sibling along. "Hurry up we have someone to meet." She teased the girl before trotting off toward the male and his guest, wondering just who it was that he would have with him.

As she neared him, she noted the scent that was mixed with his was that of a female, but entirely familiar in contrast. Family perhaps? Erani had quite a bit of family, at this rate she would have trouble keeping up with this particular branch of it, the Adravendi's were already growing quickly enough. Yet she was happy that a new addition would be known to her, and glad that she had decided to bring Lyric along. The girl could use a bit more socialization, she was getting a bit too quiet in Chrys's opinion. Ever since the repeated disappearance of her sibling she had curled quite deeply into herself.

When the two were in eyesight, Chrysanthe could definitely see that the two of them were family. "Cormalin!" She greeted the male, her tail wagging behind her as she looked the male over. He seemed to be alright! As did the female that he was with. "And who have you brought with you?" The question was asked to the stranger, she was welcome to introduce herself if she would rather do it than let Cormalin speak for her. If Chrysanthe was going to give a good guess, this woman seemed to be a younger sister to the beta that she was standing beside - but she could be his daughter or niece as well. "I'm Chrysanthe, Valhalla's alpha. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"And this is Lyric." She motioned for the girl to stand beside her and not behind her, and she slowly obliged. This woman would be some sort of direct family to her, it would be good for her to know her a bit.

Lyric I


4 Years
07-17-2013, 06:54 PM
Lyric wasn't sure how to feel about Chrysanthe. Of course, the girl was her older sister, and she cared about her just as she did the rest of her family. Yet the alpha was just so... upbeat. The girl just wanted to rest, to mourn the loss of her sibling that had promised that he wouldn't leave her again. It saddened her that he wandered away, and she felt like a bit of a fool to have believed him so easily when he came back. Lyric had begun to move around a bit less, and as soon as Chrysanthe realized that the girl was pouting more than she was spending time with the family that hadn't left them behind, she had suggested, or rather, half demanded that they do a little patrolling together every day.

She didn't push her too much when she was truly feeling out of it, and Lyric had to admit that it was sort of nice being around the older female. She had taught her a little about hunting and tracking that she hadn't known before. Yet all of that energy put the younger female to shame, it was impressive...

Today they were responding to a call made by her Uncle Cormalin. Lyric couldn't help the small smile, she liked being around the older male a lot. So she tagged along willingly, a little nervous about meeting someone new, but happy to see the pack's new but beloved beta. The whelp peeked from behind Chrys when the alpha started talking, only to be put on the spot when she introduced her too. "Are you related to Uncle?" She finally asked, her tail twitching slightly behind her. Yet her lips raised into a smile when she glanced up at Cormalin, and she had to work to retain a small yip seeing him. Her tail began to wag without her direct concent.


07-18-2013, 06:36 PM

The appearance of two interestingly colored females was met by a blink on Claire's part. The female took the two in without comment, tilting her head slightly as they approached, her ears pricking in their direction. This female - Chrysanthe, she realized as the other introduced herself - seemed to know her father well enough, though Claire was unsurprised by the curious glance turned her way. "My name is Claire Aobhinne, and this is . . . well, this is my father. It's a pleasure to meet you as well." Though her tongue stumbled slightly over the word 'father,' Claire was still polite to the female, "And it's a pleasure to meet you, too, Lyric." For the first time, she focused her attention on the little pup who stood before them, a smile crossing her features.

Had she ever been that little? It was hard to Claire to believe, but she supposed that she must have been. She was smaller than many wolves anyways. She had once likely been that tiny as well. "Your uncle is my father, Lyric." Tail wagging slightly, Claire examined the youngster with a fond look in her gaze. Would she ever have little ones of her own? Hopefully, she would. Hopefully. But there was time before that would be any sort of pressing concern. "I guess that makes us cousins!" Family everywhere. It was a startling thought for the female who had only had her brothers for so long.

Here, however, Claire turned a nervous gaze towards Cormalin. Had she messed anything up? She wasn't normally a particularly insecure wolf, but this had turned her world up on its head and she was more unsure of herself than she would have ever been during any normal circumstances. It was good that her brothers weren't in the area, because this would have only served to convince them that she would forever need their shelter. Ears twitching slightly at the thought, Claire shook herself, pricking her ears in the direction of Chrystanthe and Lyric, examining them all carefully.

Could this be her new family? Could they help fill the emptiness that had haunted her since she lost her brothers? Could they fend off the nightmares of drowning? She thought they might be able to do the former, but the latter? That would be her battle. Still, Claire felt her tail wagging behind her as she stood as tall as she could with her tiny frame, feeling more content than she had since losing her siblings.




07-18-2013, 09:56 PM

Cormalin?s ears pulled forward, tail waving as Chrysanthe arrived, with Lyric at her heels. He too had noticed his niece hanging off to the side since Gabriel?s most recent disappearance. Something told him that,. This time, Gabriel was gone for good. He was pleased that Chrysanthe was bringing Lyric out to patrol with her. He smiled to his nieces. He was about to introduce Claire, but the little black female took her introduction into her own paws. Heavy tail smacked the ground with absolute pleasure as she said he was her father. He had dreamed of this.

Claire?s nervous look to him was returned with a smile of approval. She showed everything her mother had been. He turned to Chrysanthe, smiling. ?I never told you that I had fathered children. I honestly didn?t think I would ever see them after I left them with their foster parents. I left them there to find Erani. This is one of them. She was recently separated from her brothers while they were trying to find me. If? If you would, I would love dearly to find the rest of my children. And bring them home.? It was a plea to an Alpha. He wanted very much to have his children with him here in Valhalla. To see them find mates and have children of their own. But he would need help to find them.