
As we roll down this unfamiliar road


5 Years
Athena I
07-12-2013, 02:47 PM

The timber-hued fea shuffled her feet nervously as she stood side by side with Gael on the edge of the Valhalla territory. She was jittery to say the least. She was so excited, but so nervous at the same time. There was a whole new life waiting for her, she just hoped that the pack liked her. She thought back to when she was on the battlefield and that kind, black wolf with the gold and blue eyes had greeted her. Cormalin, that was his name. She wondered if his invitation to Valhalla was still open even though it had been quite a while since then. Maybe with Cormalin and Gael inviting her the rest of the pack would accept her as well.

She turned her teal gaze up to her best friend, her cerulean eyed man. Seeing him here with her made her feel a little better. She smiled and tried to not look so on edge, which she was sure she failed at. Taking in a deep breath and letting it out in a slow sigh, she nodded resolutely. "Okay, what do we do now?" Gael was completely in control in this situation. This was his home not hers. Yet, of course. She kept looking down at her paws and turning her head to look down the length of her body to make sure her fur was clean and not disheveled. She wanted to try her best to make a good impression.



07-12-2013, 03:08 PM

It had all come down to this. Their last month together had narrowed down to this single moment in time. From their first meeting at the willows, where he'd recued her, to all their meetings after that. All the moments spent together, all the words exchanged, now it was time to bring them all to the table. Meili was finally going to join Valhalla. The young Adravendi was bringing in a new pack member to join the family, to become part of his family. Was he nervous? Of course he was. No one in his family even knew that he'd made a new friend, much less that it was such a pretty woman like Mei. He was nervous about how they would react. Would they jump to conclusions? Most likely. It was hard not to when a young man was bringing in a woman to join the pack. But he wasn't too worried. His family was pretty accepting of others and they would be the same with Mei.

They had trekked the day all the way from wolfpaw lake back to his home. It hadn't taken them very long, just a few hours, and they were here now, standing at the Valhallan border, his little woman glancing up at him to ask what they were to do now. Now, we call my aunt to come meet you. A mischevious smile curled his inky lips, knowing that just presenting Chrysanthe as his aunt instead of the alpha would make her even more nervous. But that was all part of the plan. They would love her, he knew it already. Silvery crown was tossed back, a summoning howl bursting into the atmosphere as the yearling called out to his aunt and alpha, requesting her presence at the borders in order to properly welcome Meili into Valhalla. He would've allowed her to join himself, but since he didn't hold a high rank, it was up to his aunt. After a moment he let the call die, dropping his head back to its normal position, shoulder bumping the teal eyed woman's. Don't worry, they're going to love you.

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07-12-2013, 03:28 PM
The woman responded to the howl as quickly as possible. As per her own personal protocol, she didn't like leaving others to wait on her very long. The alpha tilted her head back and howled in response to the familiar voice. One of family, male, one of the younger Adravendis, but he really couldn't be considered a child anymore now could he? The woman wouldn't take long to follow the call to Gael, she wondered what the male needed from her - but as she drew nearer it became more clear that he was not alone. He brought a female with him, one that did not smell of these lands or their family at all. Instantly Chrysanthe was curious, and as she stepped onto the scene, she took a moment to gaze curiously at the lady he had brought with him. "Gael - it's always good to see you." The woman smiled at him, before her lips quirked just so, and he might just have known her well enough to see the flash of mischief that crossed her visage. "And who is the lovely lady you have brought with you?" She could be entirely wrong about the two being anything distinctively romantic, but he had been gone for a little while, and when he finally returned he had with him a pretty dame. The girl didn't have the look of a warrior, but was wiry and lean. A scout perhaps? Or a hunter?

Her teasing was not meant to berate the woman though - and with that in mind the alpha politely dipped her head toward the unfamiliar fae. "Welcome to Valhalla, I am Chrysanthe Adravendi, this pack's alpha. I do hope that Gael has been treating you well." Her tail swished gently behind her, her stance friendly, but there was a seriousness set in her eyes despite her small smile. "To what do I owe this meeting?" The question was for whichever lupine wanted to answer. She supposed the other female wanted to join, but there was no point in assuming so soon. If Gael were just a season or two older, she would wonder whether he had come to her to formally request that he be able to take her as a mate.


5 Years
Athena I
07-13-2013, 01:30 PM

Wait, his aunt? She blinked at him, her nerves picking back up again. She gave him a semi-joking glare at his mischievous grin, nudging him with her muzzle. Only moments after his howl drifted off into nothing that an answering call reached her ears. It was no time at all before an ivory and russet colored fea walked into their view, greeting Gael and asking who she was. Meili wondered what kind of assumptions she made about the two of them, wondered if her first impression would be the same as the other members of his family.

She introduced herself as Chrysanthe, the alpha of Valhalla. So not only was she Gael's aunt, but she was the alpha too? Talk about needing to make a good impression. Meili returned her smile, dipping her head respectfully to the alpha. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Chrysanthe. No need to worry about that, he's been a perfect gentleman." She glanced over to Gael, her tail waving behind her softly before she turned her gaze back to the alpha. "Well, Chrysanthe, I... I was wondering if I could join your pack. I've never had a home and Gael makes it seem so wonderful, having a place to be and being with family. I'd really like to join you if you'd have me. I'll do whatever I can to help out." Meili waited anxiously for the alpha's answer.



07-13-2013, 02:56 PM

Of course his aunt would be quick about her response, a returning call ringing back towards him, his aunt's figure appearing in the distance not long after her call. He hadn't seen his aunt in nearly a year, but she was just as he remembered her, if not a bit smaller looking thanks to his growth spurt. Same creamy fur, same clay face and sapphire blue eyes. The only thing different about her was that she was an alpha now. It seemed to suit her well, from as far as he could see.

He could see Mei glaring at him from the corner of his eye and he smiled to himself, nudging her back with his shoulder as he focused his attention on his approaching aunt. Gael - it's always good to see you. And who is the lovely lady you have brought with you? He could see the mischievous glint in his aunt's eyes and it brought out his own playful smile. He could see the wheels turning in her head as she tried to figure out just exactly what kind of relationship Meili had with him, but he knew she wasn't going to jump to conclusions. At least not yet. Afternoon aunty Chrys. This here, He gestured towards Mei. Is my friend Meili and I've brought her here to meet you. He smiled at his aunt, bowing to her in a sign of respect before allowing his friend to speak for herself, explaining her reason for wanting to come to Valhalla. Cerulean gaze flickered from his friend to his aunt, wondering what Chrysanthe would think of his little woman.

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07-17-2013, 06:31 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2013, 06:34 PM by Chrysanthe.)
The woman seemed kind enough, she was pleasant and as polite as one would expect of someone requesting admittance. Chrysanthe watched as the other tentatively explained herself, she had the background of a rogue, one that had never had a home or place to call her own. This would be a big change for her - and the alpha was glad it was one that she seemed to be anxious to make. As for what she would do here, she would perhaps need to find out later, although if Meili had a skill that she would like to persue Chrys would gladly let her do just that.

She looked her over a moment, and she knew that she would remember Meili's soft hesitant gaze for days to come. Perhaps here in Valhalla she would find her confidence, and hopefully she would grow confident in Valhalla all the same. "Of course Valhalla will have you." How could she turn her away? Especially when Gael took such a shining to her. That boy had run off while he was young only to recently return, it must have meant something that he had brought her back here even after that. "A few things to keep in mind - remember to respect for your higher ups as well as your fellow members, and remain loyal. No spilling our secrets or leaving without asking."

She eyed Gael a moment, only a glance before she looked back to Meili. She was the one that was new here, she was the one that received the attention for her run down. "Say something if you want pups with a chosen mate, protect our young and our borders when danger arises, and should you ever need anything, I am always here." The alpha finished with a small smile and a tip of her head. If Meili had any questions she would answer her, but if not, she was now free to call herself a member of Valhalla.

"Right now, we're in dire need of a few good hunters. Would you be interested in aiding the few we have? Ashtoreth will teach you everything you need to know." She had faith in her lead hunter, despite the woman having a somewhat quieter disposition.


07-17-2013, 08:47 PM

He hadn't spent much time under his aunt's rule, but he could already see that was an excellent alpha. He didn't remember much about when his own father had held the Valhallan crown, but Chrysanthe was handling it like a pro. He would've thought that she'd been doing it for some time if he didn't know that she was only about a year or two older than him. She was so professional and yet friendly at the same; it was the perfect combination for an alpha. At least that's what he thought. He watched with growing curiosity as Meili introduced herself, revealing the want to become part of a pack. A gentle smile curled his silver lips as his aunt confirmed that she would love to have her here in Valhalla. He could've howled with joy, but since his aunt was so composed and professional, he figured he had to be the same. At least while in her presence. Going all crazy was certainly no way to act around an alpha. And plus he was a yearling now. Too old to do silly things like those.

He noticed his aunt's azure gaze flicker to his and he flashed her an innocent looking toothy grin, the kind that said I'm-behaving-myself-even-if-I-don't-look-like-I-am, ivory tipped plume wagging behind tawny haunches, audits pricked forward with attention as his aunt continued to give Meili the low down of the rules, offering up her help were the teal-eyed woman ever to need something. Lips remained sealed, cerulean gaze merely jumping back and forth between the two woman as Chrysanthe asked his little woman if she would be interested in helping the hunters. That was perfect for her. She was quick on her feet and not to bad at hunting. It should be the perfect task for her.

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6 Years
07-17-2013, 09:46 PM

The young female walked along the border, zig zagging in and out over the invisible line that said what land was owned and what was not. To some, like her mother, the unclaimed lands were dangerous places to be. Valhalla was a good enough place, might as well stay forever without ever leaving unless there was due cause. Luckily for her, Soleil has a laid back parenting style, letting her children find their own way in life. If she had been a litter tighter roped, perhaps Soleon would be here and Gael would not feel as though he needed to put so much effort into fitting in.

Then there was Azalea, thirty for knowledge and adventure but never enough to stray and not return. Not the Gael sort of return, she would return without twenty-four hours.

The female moved lazily, full from her most recent meal. Fawn, a meal enjoyed with friends. Her amber eyes gazed around, paws gluing to the ground. She looked confused for a moment. It was Gael... and it sounded like he was near the border. Why would he be calling from the border? She pushed into a trot, moving easily in his direction. She still took her time, no reason to rush.

He was farther than she had predicted and when she arrived, Chrysanthe was already there and a good deal of conversing had already occurred. She came in at the tail end of whatever Chrys was saying. Something about Ashtoreth. Azalea conjured an image in her head and tried to figure what the silver female would have to with her brother, and then she saw that it was not only Gael standing there. Dwarfed by him stood another. A female. The two stood near each other and Azalea quickly slunk forward to investigate.

She didn't even spare anyone a greeting. Her eyes gave the average looking female, who was extra petite, the once over before she looked to Gael. She stepped toward him, to where her mouth was to his ear. "Older women?" Was her snarky comment, pulling away with a straight face but amusement in her eyes. She backpedaled until she was standing beside her aunt and mentor. "I'm Azalea, Gael's sister." Already she had wrapped her head around what was going on and restrained herself from making any other comments, such as a referrance to her superiority to her brother in brains, beauty, and pretty much anything else she could think of. Like a good sister, she had to give Gael a hard time but when it involved a newly recruited wolf, she figured it was best saved for another day.

Besides, she didn't want Chrysanthe to chide her and hit her or anything like that. Azalea glanced at the female, most similar to her in looks, her mind cringing at the thought of the can of whoop-ass she knew Chrys could release on her.



5 Years
Athena I
07-17-2013, 10:44 PM

The moment that Chrysanthe said that Valhalla would have her a huge grin crossed her muzzle and her tail waved furiously behind her. Her teal gaze glanced happily over to Gael before turning her attention back to the Alpha. It was hard to keep her excitement contained, but she controlled herself, for the most part, so the fea could explain the basic rules to her. They were easy rules, nothing that didn't make sense to the small, timber-hued woman. She appreciated the alpha's offer of help whenever she was needed. It was nice knowing that even the leader of her new pack was willing to help even the newest members.

Meili's ears perked with interest when Chrys informed her that they were in need of hunters. She had wondered how she could serve the pack, but that was a perfect solution! "I would love to!" she replied, nodding eagerly. She thought she was fairly good at hunting already, but having someone to finally really teach her how to hunt would be fantastic. She hoped that her way of hunting wasn't too far off from the way they hunted here. Maybe she could even show them how she hunted and they could learn from each other?

A new comer to the party walked up to them, looking strikingly like the alpha. She watched as the fea came up to Gael and whispered in his ear and Meili looked at him curiously, wondering what she told him. The fea introduced herself as Azalea, Gael's sister. Meili was actually surprised. If anything, she would have guessed that she would have been Chrys's daughter, but instead she was the alpha's niece. Ah well, genetics were weird things. Meili dipped her head to the younger wolf, giving her a friendly smile. "It's nice to meet you, Azalea. I'm Meili." It seemed that she was gonna get to meet Gael's family sooner than she thought! She wondered briefly how many siblings he had, but figured she would find out soon enough.




07-18-2013, 09:54 PM

He had been patrolling, still floating on the happiness from his daughter coming to him. He fully intended to spend time with her. He wanted to see what she knew, if she was a fighter or a hunter. Or maybe a healer. He wanted to make sure she knew how to fight and defend herself. And he wanted to find his sons, bring them home, introduce them to Valhalla. His tail swayed in a wide arc. He had settled himself into the life he had here, thinking that he?d never see his children before his died. He had been absolutely content, believing that they were happy where they were. Now, new horizons were opened, paths that were blocked by rock falls were clear.

His head lifted as the wind turned direction slightly, bringing several scents to his nose. One of them was familiar. It pleased him. Meili was here. His paws took him into a lope toward the scents. Chrysanthe was there as well, along with Azalea, and a male who closely matched Azalea?s scent, apart from gender and his own unique blend of scents. One of the brothers had come home! He came into the scene, giving a welcoming woof to the group. ?Meili. It?s wonderful to see you again. How have you been?? Warm baritone rumbled with happiness. Not just from seeing her again. He was pleased that she?d chosen Valhalla, and looking at Gael, the innocent look on the boy?s face, he guessed that Gael was a big part of what had made her choose. He dipped his head to Chrysanthe and Azalea, Alpha and Heir.

?Good day Azalea, Chrysanthe, Gael. I trust your days are going well?? Heavy tail was in constant motion, swaying in slow wags just beyond his hocks.