
There's nowhere we can hide



11 Years
Athena I
07-12-2013, 10:26 AM

A very soggy, saltwater drenched wolf drug herself up out of the water and onto the white, sandy beach. She didn't know what had possessed her to take off across the ocean. She had spotted the patch of green that was the island from the far shore and her curiosity had gotten the best of her. She shook out her white pelt, her thick fur spiking up in clumps along her back. As soon as she got back to the mainland, she decided, she was going to wash off in the first freshwater pool she could find. Saltwater was awful. She sighed and looked up at the island in front of her, her ears flicking forward as she heard the overwhelming sound of what seemed like hundreds of birds. When she looked more closely into the tropical forest further up the shore, she could see white birds dotting the tree limbs. She blinked at them, wondering how in the world all these birds got here in the first place. Nature was a strange thing.

The fea padded further up the shore to one of the many boulders that were sitting randomly in the sand, gracefully crouching and leaping up on top of the large rock. The sun-warmed surface felt good on her chilled skin, so she laid down on it, letting herself bake in the sun so her fur could dry. Looking out at the ocean with the sun sparkling on each wave as it lapped at the shore she guessed the trip out here wasn't so bad after all. It was relaxing at least and she certainly could use the relaxation. After the turn her last job had taken she found herself stressed, thrown off her game. Her life had been taking weird turns that not even Alena, with as bright as she was, could understand. Her shoulder still ached from time to time from the awful bite she had gotten and she still had no idea where the leader of those rogues were. The trail had gone cold by now. She rested her head on her paws, her violet eyes looking out into nothing, letting her mind clear as she wondered what else life could possibly throw at her.



07-12-2013, 09:00 PM


      Their eyes were everywhere -- everywhere, everywhere... bottomless, black and beady, their eyes were everywhere. White avian bodies thriving on such a small piece of land, an island. Such an isle seemed to hold itself unlike any other he had stumbled upon. They watched him as he wandered; it was their domain and so, they were not quick to fear the earthen wolf -- or likely, any wolf at all. They were loud, calling out to each other in their unknown languages; they had been disturbed by the arrival of other creatures, surely.

      A new place, isolated away from the whispers of the mainland, and thus he felt himself adsorbed by it. A gentle lull of a different shade of silence, despite how the area was far from soundless, and yet there was an edge to it all. It was a new place, with a different air and a bombarding sense of unknown. The warmth and the ambience reminded him of things aplenty, so it was not too unfamiliar of a new place. His wandering was on a whim, and slowly he had found himself upon the one of the shores yet again. -- A scent, it had grown stronger despite him not pursuing it; someone else was around.

       He walked forwards, lingering in no fear of being noticed by non-avian eyes.

- - - OUT OF CHARACTER - - -

"Say what you want, I know how you think,"

      Tags: Alena, Private



11 Years
Athena I
07-14-2013, 04:46 PM

The ivory-hued fea lifted her head as the scent of another wolf reached her nose. She breathed it in, noting that it was the scent of a brute and that there was no noticeable signs of a pack in his scent. A loner like herself then, hmm? Her ears twitched as they caught the faint sound of someone nearby and her head turned so she could lay her violet gaze on him, watching as the earthy colored brute moved without care by her. She nodded her head politely to him, but didn't speak. She wasn't the most social of wolves unless it benefited her or if it related to a possible job for her. However, she was not against the company if he chose to come over to speak to her. She left it up to the brute to decide, not so inclined to leave her perch on top of the bolder just yet. She was comfortable laying here, listening to the waves crash against the shore, blocking out the sound of the flocks of birds in the trees behind her. She was curious about the wolf though, wondering how long he had been on this island and if he knew anything about the seemingly endless about of winged creatures on this island. Still, sticking to her original decision, she waited to see if he would approach her.
