
Just like you, like me, like everybody else


07-11-2013, 09:53 PM

(OOC: I'm hoping for Roberto here to join a pack or have someone claim him as their companion of some sort. He's not exactly the smartest guy so you could tell him pretty much anything and he'd do it lol)

"What is that...?" the young, black brute mumbled to himself, his nose to the ground. He zigged this way and that across the barren plain that was the battlefield, picking up the dark, metallic scent that seemed to be everywhere here. He stopped mid step, freezing in place as he came across a particularly strong spot of the scent he had been following, looking at the dark colored patch of ground in front of him uncomprehendingly. His head tilted to the side as he considered it, but he couldn't place where he had smelled this scent before. Rolling his shoulders in a shrug, he gave up on it and trotted over to a nearby pool of water, lapping up the cool liquid happily, coming up with water dripping off of his muzzle. He looked up at the bright spring sky, sitting down at the edge of the pool and watching at the fluffy white clouds drifted past his vision. It was a lovely day, he thought with a nod. His crooked grin crossed his muzzle and he hopped up so he could trot across the battlefield, practically bouncing with happiness.

He suddenly came to a halt and looked around him, his head sweeping from side to side. It was so quiet someone could drop a pin and he'd be able to hear it. Absolutely no one was here! He frowned and flopped down onto his haunches with a thud, reaching his back paw up to his slightly floppy ear and scratching at it. When he was satisfied and lowered his paw again, he sighed and looked around. Nope, not a soul around. He sighed, frowning unhappily. What good was such a lovely day if no one was here to share it with? He sure would like it if someone could tell him what that smell was coming from too. That metallic scent was everywhere and he just couldn't remember what it was from, no matter how hard he tried. He whined softly and his ears folded back against his skull. It was so frustrating, not knowing what that smell all around him was. And it was just sad, not having anyone to spend time with. He hoped someone came along soon.




07-11-2013, 10:21 PM

The beast stalked the blood ridden ground in a stiff mannered fashion. Cerulean gaze flickered back and forth across the landscape. So much had gone on here recently. Battle after battle had took place. How could the slayer not be attracted to the place like a moth to the flame. The Greek wasn't overly curious nor was he looking for a fight. He merely just wanted to observe and learn. It was a soldier's job to be privy to such things and he soaked knowledge up like a sponge. He would not be oblivious to such events. He refused.

Another scent drew him from his investigations. It was another wolf which was of no surprise to him. They came and went here. Such pitiful little things. Some came here to be claimed. Those were the ones that were weak. So intimidating by making just a simple decision as to which pack to join. Why join one at all when you could be yourself? Sure he came from a pack, but he'd been born in it. Now he was out on his own. He quite enjoyed being a rogue. No one told him what to do and he owed nothing to no one. Instead he did an assassin's job and went along with his business. Of course it wouldn't be without a proper reward for himself, but he would kill whomever the wolf asked him to so long as whatever he received was equal to it.

It didn't take him long. His nose barely recognized the familiar metallic scent. Instead it trained on the scent of the male he smelled ahead of him. He found the blackened creature by a water source. Glacial eyes observed him. He didn't seem to have any particular talents. Hell, he didn't even seem to belong here. Was he one of those weaklings searching for something greater, but needed guidance of another to help make such a simple decision?

"What brings you here kid? This place is not for you?"

Greek tones rolled easily from his chest. His voice was as stoic as ever and rather brash. He wasn't going to sugar coat things. He'd be blunt and to the point. It was a much faster way to get through conversations. He wasn't a very social wolf. That much was obvious.



07-11-2013, 11:14 PM

Roberto was a simple creature. He had simple desires and no plans of any sort for his future. He took life one day at a time, never really knowing what to do with himself. He could catch a scent and follow it for miles and that's how he entertained himself. That's what he was doing today, following this metallic, dirty scent, trying to figure out what it was. He sighed and looked sadly at one of the dark patches that radiated the scent around him. It was a mystery that he wasn't sure how to solve.

Suddenly a voice spoke up behind him, breaking his attention. His ears perked up instantly and he turned to see the deep brown and white marked brute. Bob's mood was instantly lifted. So he wasn't alone out here after all. He considered the stranger's comment for a moment. He didn't belong here? And why not? He hadn't smelled any of the pack's scents here and he would have smelled them if they had been there, he was sure of it. So why shouldn't he be here? It seemed a little rude to him for the stranger to automatically assume things, but Bob quickly lost interest in worrying about it. He had someone to talk to! That's all that mattered.

"I was tracking this scent!" he answered simply with a nod, beaming happily at the stranger. "I do that. I track scents. Alot. I'm good at it." It suddenly dawned on him that the brute might know what the scent was from and his eyes grew wide with curiosity and his head tipped to the side. "Can you tell me what that smell is? That metally smell? It's coming from these spots all over the ground." He looked at the wolf expectantly, eager to hear his answer.




07-11-2013, 11:39 PM

It took the boy a moment to respond. Sasori stood calm and patiently waiting for an answer. He really had no place to be, and even though he wasn't the most social of creatures, he didn't mind learning things about others. This male was merely another means to learning something more. Perhaps he'd even be able to share some intelligence with the other beast. He seemed to be looking for answers anyways. Wasn't why they all came out here? To either find something or find a means to an end? There wasn't many other reasons to be in this god forsaken land.

Brown ears flicked forward as he finally got his explanation. Tracking a scent was he? Had he never smelled blood before? If that was the case Sasori felt sorry for him. How pitiful. So he really had no idea? He seemed cut off from the world. Sasori didn't like it. How could one shelter the boy in such a fashion. It left sour thoughts in the soldier's mind. As the other male asked what the scent was Sasori came up with a solution.

Without a second thought Sasori lifted his right leg and clamped down on it with ivory incisors and nicked the flesh right above the joint of his ankle. A soft trickle of the crimson substance escaped the confines of his flesh. He held out his leg for the male to smell.

"This is the scent you smell. Each pool of blood has it's own distinct scent, but in the end they all smell similar. It's all blood. Battle upon battle has been fought here. Some have even died. That is why I said you do not belong. Those who have no purpose to be here really should not linger for their own safety."

He was not a sympathetic creature. He normally was not merciful, but the male enjoyed teaching. He enjoyed sharing his knowledge to others who were deserving. Some part of him wished to shelter the male. He obviously hadn't learned enough of the world if he didn't even know what blood smelled like. Had he ever gotten in a fight? Had he ever even witnessed his own blood? Much less someone elses? It was hard to tell, but Sasori at least somewhat felt like enlightening him to things so he didn't die, or even worse breed. god forbid he breed and have more like himself. Those pitiful children wouldn't even have enough knowledge to survive more than a few years. Not in his minds eye. Of course he wouldn't say that out loud. He wouldn't offend him to such a degree. He didn't normally care about other's feelings, but he wouldn't purposefully start arguments that could be avoided.

"Tell me, have I satiated your curiosity and other than that, what is it you seek? Everyone seeks something."



07-12-2013, 12:11 AM

The young brute's ears folded back against his head and he looked on in horror as the brute bit his own leg. The horror was quickly replaced with fascination, however, as his nose caught the fresh, concentrated scent that he had been tracking all day. His ears flicked forward again to catch the brute's explanation, the realization finally dawning on him. He knew what blood was from hunting and eating of course, but he didn't put two and two together till he saw the red liquid running from his new acquaintance's leg. He also caught the explanation of why he shouldn't be here and he guessed that made sense. Bob didn't like to get in fights, he liked to find things. He had never really been in a fight though so he guessed there really was no reason to be somewhere that fights happened. Seemed simple enough to him.

Roberto felt content now that he knew what that scent was connected to. It didn't occur to him that knowing what blood smelled like should probably be common knowledge. This fact went completely over the black brutes head. Simple desires, simple pleasures. His amber eyes looked up to the brutes blue gaze and he listened to his question. Bob nodded enthusiastically, answering, "Sure, sure, you answered my question. What do I seek? Well, I was seeking that scent... I dunno what I seek now. I haven't found another smell yet." He looked at him with a huge crooked grin on his muzzle, tongue hanging from the side of his mouth. What a silly question! he thought. How was he supposed to know what he was seeking till he found something to seek. Clearly. "Oh!" he exclaimed, "I forgot to tell you my name! I'm Roberto. But you can call me Bob. Pretty much everyone does." He nodded happily again, just content to have someone to talk to for a while.




07-12-2013, 12:53 AM

The horror on the males place pleased him. So he'd managed to shock one of his own kind. How humorous. He supposed it wasn't often that the male saw self mutilation. Horror and shock was replaced by curiosity and Sasori applauded him. He was learning and that meant he'd done something right in nicking his leg to show him first hand what blood was. It was a much more efficient way to teach than just merely explaining things. Experience was a much better teacher than just plain words.

The Greek was proud that he'd managed to teach something to someone. Knowledge was something he believed everyone deserved to have. This male obviously lacked and he was intent on sharing. Even if they didn't quite need to know the secret knowledge of his pack he could at least share the basics with those less privy to the things that needed to be known. He wasn't selfish. He didn't want his race to be overcome by idiots, even if most of the time he didn't care about things one way or another. He at least cared enough not to have imbeciles running around. It was selfish, but he had no desire to be around anyone who had no brains. Except for this one. This was was impressionable and could easily be taught. If he was interested Sasori would take on an apprentice. A follower if you will.

"Well now that you've tracked your sent I have a proposition with you. I'll tell you my name and teach you things that I feel that you might want to learn. You'll be my apprentice so to speak. I'll teach you whatever you'd like to know, and in return you travel with me until I find a suitable home and then we settle down and I teach you more things until you feel as though you're ready to move on. Fair enough Roberto?"

He quite liked the idea. It meant having a companion and even though he wasn't particularly fond of having someone follow him all the time perhaps the company would do him good. He liked having something to do, and this would be an interesting project. A very interesting project indeed.



07-12-2013, 01:24 AM

Bob's head tipped to the side like it tended to do when he was thinking about something, his one ear dropping slightly as always. Teach? He wanted to teach him? He had taught him about the scent, the smell of blood, and Roberto had liked learning that from him. That much he knew. And to have someone that he could spend time with all the time, learning this stuff, that sounded fantastic to the enthusiastic male. Who knew where this brute would take him or what he could teach him? The black wolf, after his careful considerations, nodded in agreement, the wide grin finding its way back to his muzzle. "Alright! I think I'd like that. I like learning stuff from you." With a nod that finalized the deal, Bob hopped to his feet, his tail wagging excitedly behind him, anxious to get started on this journey and become this wolf's "apprentice". Whatever that was. It sounded interesting to Bob all the same.




07-12-2013, 01:00 PM

Sasori waited quietly for the male to come to his verdict. Finally after a lot of thinking it seemed as though he came to a conclusion. Roberto nodded his head enthusiastically and with much vigor in his voice he agreed to accompany him. If he'd been any other wolf he would have smiled at the thought, for it brought him pleasure to have a student. It wouldn't be his first time teaching someone, but it would be his first full time apprentice. Especially since the male was older than what he was used to teaching. Back in his old home he'd taught pups. Whelps that needed instruction at a young age. His training was coming late, but it would still arrive. It's probably just take him longer to learn things. The younger were more impressionable. Then again Roberto didn't seem completely hopeless.

"Sasori Nara. Glad to have you join me Roberto. If there's no other reason to be here then shall I take you to my home?"

Sasori normally wasn't one to share where he dwelled, but the island that he had taken residency on was absolutely perfect for training him. He wold dabble in herbs and medicines, learn things about fighting and hunting, and learn about many types of wildlife. First he had to know if the male could swim there first. It wouldn't be easy. One false move and the current would suck you under and drag you to jagged rocks. From there you'd be battered to bits. He couldn't help but wonder if he could handle it. He made a mental note to take him when the tide wasn't as bad. It'd be easier. He wouldn't test him that harshly. Not so early at least.



07-12-2013, 01:18 PM

Roberto took a second to store the brute's name in his memory. Sasori Nara. That was a nice name. Much more interesting than Roberto. Bob nodded again to his new teacher's question. Of course! They should go home. He was Sasori's companion now so it made sense to the young wolf that he would stay with him. He had no idea where this wolf lived, but Bob was determined to follow him to the other side of Alacritis if he had to. He was his apprentice after all, right? He assumed that he was supposed to follow Sasori around until Sasori told him not to. He'd get to learn all kinds of new things, see a bunch of new places, track so many new scents... Roberto was so excited and ready to get on the road. He bounced slightly in place, his tail wagging furiously behind him. "Yep! Lets get going, teacher! I'm ready to go!"




07-12-2013, 01:23 PM

His chocolate and white covered head dipped down as he acknowledged that he was ready to go. Without a second thought he flicked his tail and motioned for him to follow. It wouldn't take them but a few days to get there, but they would reach the edge of Alacritis. He had no idea what was in store, but if he kept up that attitude he'd make it somewhere yet. First he'd have to cross the dark waters to get to Black Island. If he could do that then Sasori might even have found a prodigy worth keeping around for a while. So long as he didn't try to get on his nerves. Sasori wouldn't have that, but so far he'd manage just find. His enthusiasm was a good thing. He'd need it in the long run.

-Exit Sasori-
