
4th Bronze x Silent pup!



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-11-2013, 12:34 PM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2013, 06:07 PM by Epiphron.)
So -- Bronze and Silent are having kids, probably for the last time! They are both 9, so it is quite a pleasant surprise for them, since they weren't sure if they were able to have kids!

If you want to adopt one of these, we sincerely hope you'll be active. This pup might not be the best choice if you already have 10 characters here. :/ For me and Wynn, Bronze and Silent mean a LOT to us -- they've been together on and off for most of their lives, and we've been playing them for over 10 years now..

Pup #1 - taken by Wolfie
Pup #2 - taken by Wynn - ref here
Pup #3 - taken by Nyx

Gender: female
Adult size: small
Parents' profiles: Silent & Bronze

Name possibilities -
Alayna, Fenella, Persephone, Asteria, Kallisto
Khensa, Azenath, Jendayi
However we're very flexible, so let me know if you have a better idea!

Her personality is rather open as well, but -- keep in mind who her parents are as well. :) Silent is a wonderful, loving mother -- as is Bronze, though he is more of the 'tough love' sort of guy.

Also, let me know if you'd like anything on her reference changed!

For this pup, we would love to see a detailed personality, appearance, and roleplay sample. <3

user posted image



07-11-2013, 12:39 PM
That pup is adorable :3 Hope she finds a good player



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-11-2013, 07:36 PM
Thanks Shrap!! :)



11 Years
Athena I
07-12-2013, 02:25 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2013, 12:22 PM by Alena.)
Cause I can never have too many charies, right? lol

Name: Jendai
Gender: Female
Size: Small

Appearance: She's a little scrap of a wolf when she's a pup. She's naturally very petite and doesn't lose that trait when she gets older. Growing up to be only twenty-seven inches tall and weighing seventy five pounds, she's extremely light and small. Her fur lies flat to her body and only looks even slightly fluffy during the winter. Her coat is a solid light gray, with only the tips of her ears, her paws, and her stomach being a darker, charcoal color. The only spot of color on her whole body is her vivid green eyes that pop from her gray-hued fur. Her legs are thin and willowy, but still strong from the lean muscle that covers her body.
*EDIT: A quick manip I did of her: (click)

Personality: Jendai is small, but feisty. She has a big, fiery personality to make up for her tiny size. She can be a bit of a hothead at times, getting irritated quickly and sometimes snapping at others at get on her nerves. Under her temper Jen is really a very sweet wolf, she just shows it in strange ways sometimes. She would be the kind of kid that would beat someone up to show that she had a crush on them. She tries to take on big challenges and wants to stand up for herself even though that's hard with her being so small. She doesn't let anything, including her height, get in her way. She'd be the pup to constantly be giving her parents problems with her temper, getting into fights, and generally just getting into trouble, but in reality she just wants to prove that she can do things for herself.

RP sample: She hated having to look up to everyone. Absolutely hated it. It was a constant in her life. Needed to ask someone a question? Look up. Needed yell at someone for running into you? Look up. It was infuriating. The small gray fea turned away from where her siblings were sitting around, talking and playing, stalking off. Why did she have to be like this? There was nothing she could do! She couldn't hunt, fight, anything. The only thing she had been even slightly useful at was finding herbs and things for the pack's healers, but that wasn't exciting at all. She sighed and climbed up on a nearby rock, flopping down and resting her head on her paws. She guessed maybe if she worked at it she could be good at running, but what would that do for her? Herb fetcher, runner, that's not what this pup wanted to do. She wanted to fight, be a worrier, be a protector. She wanted to be strong like her father. She looked around at the wolves of the pack, hoping maybe one of them would have the answer, but she didn't see one. Sighing again, the little pup let her emerald eyes close, shutting out the noise of the pack and letting herself drift off to sleep.


07-12-2013, 06:40 PM


Adult size:

When she is born, Persphone will start out pure white, eyes blue as the sea. Her size will be rather average, a cute little ball of fur full of energy and smiles. Her tiny little tail will be stuck in a state of perpetual wagging, even though she's constantly tripping over her too large paws. Her little legs are longer than most, for some odd reason, which makes her oversized paws look even bigger than they really are. Her crystal blue eyes are tinted with green, and others are often found to be staring into them, for they're so strange.
As she grows older, her extremeties, chest and belly fur will darken, like a siamese cat. To add to her catlike appearance, her eyes will turn green, and earn a catlike glint. Her voice is rather high pitched, almost squeaky, but adorable in it's own sense. Laughter is a passion of hers, and it sounds angelic, trilling like a sparrows with joy.
Persephone is to be a beautiful whitish-grey she wolf, with darker grey tints on her paws, ears, and underside, though strangely her long, thick tail is pure in colour. There's only one thing wrong, she's only going to grow up to be 28 inches tall. While she's small, she's more agile than a fox, and faster than a rushing river. Her ears are long, almost jackal like, and are rather sensitive. The only colour on this woman are her bright green eyes, like the algae that grows on still pond waters. They're strangely enchanting, bright and crystalline, filled with emotion. Flecks of darker emerald and moss surround her ebony pupils, giving them vibrance, making them even more brilliant in colour. They seem almost catlike, filled with intelligence and mystery. Her paws, which used to be way to big, are now dainty and proportional. Charcoal colours cover them up to the ankle, like she was dipped in ashes. Her long ears are also deep grey, which fades as it gets farther down her jackal shaped auds. As she gets older, her voice gets slightly deeper, becoming more like a purr, silky and attractive, making some wish she would talk more. Her laugh becomes more like a menagerie of tropical bird calls.

The little girl is constantly happy, playful and cheery. When she's with her siblings, she'll play for hours and still want to run around and explore. Persephone is also very curious, always making attempts to sneak away from her family and check out the world around her, to find new things she hadn't seen yet. Because of this, she often gets in trouble with her parents. The little girl is definately not quiet or shy, happy to approach strangers and introduce herself. Though if she senses someone is not going to be nice to her, she will simply sneak off, knowing better than to get into something she can't get out of.
As she grows, she becomes more and more cautious around strangers, though is still rather outspoken. She's remained a cheerful wolf, but has a dark side now, known to simply disappear and be found far off, wandering and killing anything that crosses her path, the only exception being other wolves, for even in a state such as that, she does not want to harm others without reason. With friends, she is very playful, often leaping around and laughing. She's quite family oriented, prefering to keep those she loves close to her, speaking with them frequently. Her happy-go-lucky nature makes her one of the most likeable wolves you could meet, and she will gladly talk to anyone who offers. This, of course, doesn't make her exactly social, she's perfectly content to be by herself, or with just another person.

RP Example:
She looked over her siblings, smiling at them, pink tongue lolling out of her mouth in a wolfish grin. Standing, she made her way over to her mother, stumbling slightly over her giant paws. Her tiny tail wagged quickly as she walked, bright blue eyes taking in her mom's pure ebony pelt. Persephone had always loved her mothers eyes, wishing she could have the same colour when she was older. As the ivory pup neared her mother, she collapsed within the space of her front paws, snuggling into her chest fur with a sigh of contentment. Curling up into a tiny ball, she relaxed within the warmth provided by her mommy's body heat, taking in her scent, the one thing that would be forever imprinted in her memory. Suddenly feeling restless, she nuzzled her mom and stood once more. Looking around, she saw that her father had silently disappeared to go hunting, and looked around. Stumbling as quickly as she could towards the shadows on the edges of the den, hurrying towards the mouth of the warm little burrow. The taste of fresh air was what she wanted right now, and the feel of grass beneath her giant paws. Deciding against it as she heard her mother shift, she tumbled her way back into the warmth, ready for a nap.



07-14-2013, 01:31 AM
My pup Mercury:

user posted image



07-24-2013, 10:51 AM



Pup Appearance:

Alayna is a beautiful pup, right now. She has the fluffy fur of a normal pup, but still seems small. She is lighter than she will be as an adult, but nobody will care about her coloration right now, except for vain wolves. The black on her paws, underside, and ears will just be a light gray. The cream on her will just be white. Her eyes will be the normal color of a puppy. A dark blue color, almost black. Alayna is odd looking, but who says they don't look odd? Nobody can.

Alayna is a small wolf, and she always will be. She is much skinnier than the other pups, even at her young plump age. Her legs are long and thin, and look as if they might break at any moment, leaving Alayna unmoving and dying. Luckily for her, her legs never break and she can travel on until her legs give out and her muzzle is white from age and she dies a peaceful death.

Alayna actually has muscles underneath her skinny legs and shoulders. This makes her be able to run faster than any of the other pups. Her fur is longer, though, so she doesn't run as long. Her tail is bushy and thick. It is like a banner when she runs. Alayna doesn't really care.

Although Alayna seems to have black eyes, they are like fire. They have the light of intelligence and fierceness in them, and it makes them shine bright. Alayna is beautiful in her own way.

Adult Appearance:

Alayna is a bit larger than she was as a pup. Her fluffy fur has turned into sleeker fur. Alayna has become darker than she was as a pup, and has become quite prettier than she was as a pup. The light gray on her paws, underside, and ears will become a black color. The white on her will become cream. Her eyes will change color. They will become a different color. Alayna still looks odd, but she is still pretty.

Alayna has grown even skinner. But, because of her long fur, Alaya looks fatter than she really is. Her legs are still skinny and weak looking, but they look stronger than they were as a pup, but still look like they might break at any moment. But luckily, her legs are slightly thicker and stronger, so she won't fall.

Alayna's muscles are larger than they were when she was a pup. She can run even better than she had, now. Her fur has grown slightly longer, so she doesn't run as long as she used to. Her tail has grown larger than it had. It waves when she runs unless she tucks in her tail. Alayna tries to do that now.

Alayna's eyes are like green fire, and they shine bright. They are an odd color of bright green, almost neon green, only slightly darker than neon green. Wolves find themselves staring into them because of the odd coloring.

Pup Personality:

Alayna will start out like every pup in the world. She'll be playful and want to play all the time. Alayna will also want to prove herself to her father and her brothers, if she has any. She'll want to be the leader of her siblings and lead them on adventures. Alayna will 'fight' the pup who seems that they could be a better leader than her. Alayna will grow attached to her sibling Mercury. She'll only talk to Mercury and stand up for them, no matter what. Alayna is very loyal to all her family, though. Go ahead, insult them, see what happens to you.

She is very quiet, but will talk to her siblings if they need something. If Alayna trusts you, she will become a good friend, defending you every day. If she doesn't trust you, she will never speak to you and you will be left wondering why she hates you. If you insult her family, she will insult you with every pup word until her voice goes away and she is panting from how fast she insulted you.

Although Alayna is quiet, she can become fierce in less than a second. Her tail can become even more fluffy, and the fur along her back bristles. Her ears become pinned back, and her mouth forms a snarl. She only snarls, not even speaking a word. Her blue eyes narrow until she looks dangerous. Alayna is about to fight you.

Alayna is a worthy opponent in battle. She never speaks and lets the other wolf get their hopes up before she uses all her force, making it look like a deadly dance. Alayna is very fast, and that proves to be an advantage even as a pup.

Adult Personality:

Alayna has grown more mature than she had been as a pup. She will not want to play anymore, not even with pups. She'll still try to prove herself to her father, if he's still alive, and her brothers, and anybody else like her. Alayna will want to be the leader of her siblings if they all travel with her, or just anybody traveling with her. Alayna will not fight for leadership unless she thinks she has to. Alayna will 'talk' to Mercury, talk being imagine Mercury is there and talk to them. Alayna is very loyal to the friends she makes still, and has an odd sense of humor around them. Alayna is very loyal to her friends and family, and wouldn't let nobody hurt them. Now her fights last longer and she is better.

Alayna is still quiet, but is twice as fierce. When she gets ready to fight, she pins her ears down first, then snarls, then bristles, then narrows her eyes, then lunges. Alayna becomes a fast blur in her fights. They have grown into looking exactly like deadly dances with fangs and claws.

Alayna has grown to love water. She loves swimming in water, drinking water, fishing, washing wounds, and fighting in water. Her thick fur makes her at an disadvantage, more than it would a wolf with sleek fur. She cannot swim and fight as well.

Alayna is brave and loves going in dangerous places, even if she was having pups. She would crawl into a hole that had something about to fall over it and have her pups right there. Whoever her mate is, better make sure she doesn't get hurt.

RP Sample As Pup:

Today was Alayna's day, nobody else's, just hers. She had always wondered if her siblings were full grown and that was how they could walk. Now she decided to go into grown up land were they could walk and talk and howl and yip and play and pounce and hunt. Oh, and don't forget play, the most important thing of being in grown up land.But before she could play, she had to work to get into the right position. She put her paws under her and pushed the ground down. She suddenly felt really tall, taller than she had felt. She was in grown up land! Well, Alayna would be in grown up land soon.

Alayna felt herself get smaller and the ground hit her chest. She would not give up being in grown up land, not until she was. Alayna pushed herself up once more and felt herself grow taller. This time, she stayed up, although her legs wobbled and she had to fight to stay in grown up land, and play with her siblings.

Alayna wondered how her siblings were moving, and struggled to move out of her statue pose. She raised a paw, and moved it forwards before it fell to the ground not far away from her. Alayna let out three yips, before she collapsed to the ground again. Huffing and yipping, Alayna pushed herself up once more and moved her paw again. She wobbled over to Mercury. Alayna yipped again, feeling the weird wag thingy on her start up.

The small white and light gray pup moved even more, faster and faster, until she was running. She was moving so fast, so much faster than that wobbling she had been doing! Alayna had made it in grown up land!

Silent I


11 Years
07-28-2013, 09:08 PM
Okay, you guys! We have chosen the lucky person who gets to roleplay our gorgeous fourth pup.

Drumroll please.....

Wait for it...

The winner is...

SHELBY! Congrats, bbydoll. <3 We look forward to you taking care of Jendai and watching her grow. :3



10 Years
Athena I
07-28-2013, 09:11 PM
Omg thank you guys sooooo much! ^_^ I'm so excited to play her!!



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-28-2013, 10:02 PM
Thanks everyone for applying! :) <3