
We crave a different kind of buzz


07-12-2013, 12:27 AM

The smells in this place were awesome! The sweet smelling wildflowers that dotted the landscape made the black brute practically bounce from place to place, taking it all in. He could smell all the flowers, the earthy dirt under his paws, the tall grass that tickled his legs. He could tell subtle scents of wolves that had been here before, most of those too faint for him to really follow. His amber eyes darted from one flower to another, a permanent lopsided grin pasted to his muzzle. It was almost comical, really, the way his tongue lolled from the side of his mouth as he hopped through the field.

Bob stopped after a while, flopping down on his haunches and panting. Running around like that was tiring! But there was so many flowers to smell! It was a conundrum indeed. Maybe if he had someone helping him he could finish faster. But how would that work? Other wolves couldn't smell for him. Only he could work his nose! He chuckled at himself and looked around the field, wondering if there was anyone else here all the same.



07-12-2013, 01:18 AM

One, two, three, stop. A mass of grey crouched low to the ground, trying to hide within the wild grass and flowers. Almost, her shoulders were just poking above the surface. It didn't matter though, Cana's prey did not spot her yet. Good. One, two, three, stop. She whispered again, coming to another stop, crouched close to the ground. Dark eyes focused on the creature ahead of her, a sandy color with spots along the body, large ears with pieces sticking out at the top. Euro. She giggled to herself, her companion would never notice she was there.. even though the jingling of the tag on her collar would give away to anyone nearby that she was there.

Euro walked through the grasses, he would be hunting here for the both of them. As soon as they found an area for Cana to play in and not scare away their food. Amber eyes scanned the prairie, looking for something or at least an area where he could start hunting once he could. Ears twitched though at the noticed caused by his large friend, the rustling of the grasses, jingling of her collar.

Then she made her move. Cana sprinted forward, eyes focused on her prey, Euro's tail. She closed in fast, long legs closing the distance in no time. He didn't have enough time to react until the last moment, when he felt her swipe at his tail. The tom immediately shot off, a laughing Cana following right behind him. Damn it Cana, leave me alone! He hissed, making a sharp turn and darting up a lone tree.

cana talk.
cana think.
euro talk.
euro think "


07-12-2013, 08:59 AM

Roberto's head tipped to the side as he watched the weirdest thing happening several feet away. A animal that looked kinda like a wolf, but not exactly, was running full speed after what looked to be a cat of some sort. He watched the pair with amusement, his signature crooked grin pasted to his muzzle. He wanted to have fun like them too! He hopped up and trotted over to the racing, gray animal, sitting back down a little bit away to wait for her to stop and notice him. When she finally did he grinned happily again bouncing up to introduce himself. "Hiya! My name's Roberto, but you can call me Bob. Everyone does." He nodded excitedly and looked over at her cat friend. "You can call me Bob too! I like all kinds of new friends, even the cat kind!" He looked back up at the wolf-like animal, remembering vaguely that it was called a dog. His amber eyes caught the ring of color around her neck and he leaned closer to look at it, his eyes wide with curiosity. "Oh what's that? Do you wear it all the time? Where'd you get it?"



07-26-2013, 10:59 PM

Cana laughed as she chased Euro up a tree, jumping around on the ground, watching him with those big dark eyes. She barked and yipped at him, tail wagging like mad, collar jiggling around her neck. She even tried climbing the tree too, taking a few steps back then darting forward. She had enough speed but lacked the claws needed to pull herself up. The dog jumped, trying to use her paws to climb, but failed miserably. She ended upclawing at the bark, and falling back down on her side with a thud.

That was when she heard a voice nearby. She scrambled on the ground, trying to stand back up and when she finally managed to her gaze fell upon a dark colored wolf, a male from the sound of his voice. He greeted her and told her his name was Roberto but she could call him Bob since everyone did.

Her tail started wagging again as she watched him, tongue hanging out the side of her jaws. Ears twitched as he continued talking, saying she could call him Bob, again, and that he liked all kinds of friends, even cats which made her glance up at the tree to see Euro shaking his head.

When she looked back at the wolf he was leaning over and staring at her Precious, causing Cana to jump back with a growl. "Cana's! It's Cana's Precious!" She barked, narrowing her gaze on him. Nobody touched Precious, only her and Euro! She took another jump back, keeping her gaze locked on Bob. "Precious is always with Cana or Euro, Cana's mother had Precious before Cana was born." She told him, lifting her head, watching him.

cana talk.
cana think.
euro talk.
euro think "


07-27-2013, 09:04 PM

Roberto was a little surprised by the dog's reaction, his ears folding back at her growl. She didn't really introduce herself, but he guessed that she was calling herself Cana so that must be her name and Euro must be the cat's name. Never one to be daunted by meeting new friends, he just smiled and nodded, his tail wagging behind him. "Your precious is very pretty," he commented.

His amber eyes glanced from Cana to Euro and back again, a huge, friendly grin on his muzzle. "So what are you guys doing? Can I play? I love to play." He hopped up, his tail wagging. He loved making new friends, everyone he met instantly becoming his new best friends. He waited excitedly to see if he could join in Cana's fun, wondering what she was doing that seemed so exciting.



08-01-2013, 05:34 PM
ooc: Post finally! xD

She watched him suspiciously, ready to pounce if he dared move any closer to steal her Precious. It was everything, and she wouldn't care if she had to fight him in order to keep him from getting it. But after she had jumped back growling, the wolf only smiled, nodded his head and wagged his tail. Her brows raised, watching him curiously, taking a step to the side as he said her Precious was pretty. "Thank you." She finally said after a few moments of silence, lifting a paw up to rub at her ear.

Bob then asked what they were doing, asking if he could play and that he loved to play. Cana's ears moved forward, jaws parting, tongue hanging out the side. "Bob play with Cana?!" She barked, dropping her front to the ground with her rear in the air, tail wagging like mad. "Cana likes to play! You catch Cana, okay?" And with that the dog bounded forward, nipped at his neck then turned and ran off. Tag would be their first game.

cana talk.
cana think.
euro talk.
euro think "


08-01-2013, 08:05 PM

Roberto was happy to see that his offence against her precious had been forgiven as she hopped up, more than happy to play with him! A huge, goofy grin spread across his muzzle as she hopped up and ran past him, nipping at his neck and running off. Oh, a game of tag, huh? Bob was more than game! He scrambled to his paws, pushing off against the ground as he loped after her.

His legs pulled him forward, his lightweight frame speeding along easily. He was a scrawny wolf so it wasn't hard for him to be very fast. His paws pounded against the ground, his tongue flopping out of the side of his mouth. After a while of chasing after her he finally chaught up to her, nipping at her side to tag her before quickly changing directions and running off through the field laughing. This was loads of fun! He hadn't found anyone that wanted to play with him is sooo long, he was more than happy to play with Cana!
