
White Blank Page



1 Year
09-29-2014, 06:27 PM

It seemed that the worst of the storms were over, even though a light rain fell from the still grey sky. Charm had finally had enough of being cooped up in that den for a whole season, she just wanted to run around and actually play. Plus it wasn't all stormy and muddy like it was before, it was much better! Teal eyes shone brightly as the small girl left the den, her feet sinking into the soft ground. She giggled as the mud pulled on her paws, she had fun pulling them up and then slapping them back down. Mud sprayed around her, bringing more wild laughs from her. The masked pup jumped around in the mud, coating herself and everything around her. Charmeine had to snort the mud out from her nostrils and shook her head, scattering clumps of damn dirt away from her grey mask. "Playin' in the mud! Playing in the mud! I playin', oh playin' in the mud!" She sang, jumping from one pile to the next. Being an only child she had no issues entertaining herself, plus what could be more fun than a girl kicking mud about?

Pausing, the girl turned around and looked back at the den where Guin was resting, wondering how her mother would feel if she ran up and smothered her in mud. It would feel nice, right? Huffing, she knew that she would probably get in trouble for that. Pinning her grey ears down, the pup went back to stomping around. The mud and dirt flew every which way as she jumped, more giggles leaving her form. She jumped around like a frog, trying to hit every puddle of mud and water that she could find. The poor girl was coated in mud, it was hard to tell that she was ever white at all.

Because of nearly drowning, Charmeine is very afraid of water and may panic if she gets to close to it.



10-03-2014, 10:53 AM

Pale o saws would carry her through Sawtooth lands, her mind occupied so completely by the worried thoughts that had been bestowed upon her. Novel's attacker was yet to be brought to justice, Anthems children were being held captive, and the damage from the storm still very much visible. She would sigh heavily as she carried on, her pale body happening by Dhiren crescent shaped caves. Her boy was proving much more trustworthy and capable than his father had ever been. Everyday she would thank the gods for him and his support in alphaship.
The sound of little giggles and squishing mud would catch her attention as she passed by the dens, and instead of continuing on with her responsibilities the woman would let herself slow, bicolor ed eyes falling on the small child Dhiren had taken in as his own. Another testament to his amazing character. She would bring herself up slowky, a curious smile playing on her features before she would crash into the mud at the girls paws. A mud bath seemed the perfect solution to the stress that was overcoming her. "hello," She'd chuckle as her own paws would splash the wet earth.




6 Years

10-05-2014, 08:26 PM

Steel had been mostly wary about leaving the den he shared with his parents. The rain had been intriguing at first, but quickly the light drizzle had turned to something much more sinister. The storms had ravaged the lands for weeks now, forcing him to stay inside the shelter of their den. Boredom had plagued him. Slowly the skies had brightened as the tropical storms slowed, and though rain still fell gently from the heavens, he couldn't stay inside any longer. He was a careful boy, often unwilling to stray from his parents' side. Slowly he would pry himself from his mother's sleeping grasp, silent as a mouse as his oversized paws carried his small body toward the den's entrance.

There was a bit of hesitation to the young boy's step as he found himself slipping into the cool autumn air, abandoning the safety of his immediate home. He had a strange feeling he ought to feel afraid, for his parents had told him the world wasn't always a good place, but instead he felt nothing. His gait was guarded and wary as he ventured further into unknown territory.

It wasn't long before he came across a peculiar scene. A girl, with extremely dirty fur, a complete stranger to him -- but he knew few others beyond his family, so it wasn't surprising. His life mostly consisted of his parents and his older siblings, though his sister Ara had told him that there were other young children that she was taking care of that could play with him soon. A slight scowl painted his features as he watched her, wondering if she was having fun. Another older woman, her fur a gleaming white, stood nearby. "Hullo," he would offer softly, eying them both with curiosity. His mom and dad had never explicitly told him he couldn't leave the den alone, just that it could be dangerous; and that he certainly couldn't go beyond the borders of his home.