
-- you're slowly killing me

Oberon I


3 Years
08-09-2013, 10:52 PM

To tell the truth, he wasn't too far from home, but at the ripe old age of three seasons, Oberon had finally left Ludicael territory for the first time. Never being one to do things halfway, he had set off with no destination in mind, and after quite a bit of travelling, he found himself in a strange place known as Saratoga Wood. Of course, Oberon didn't know the name of the place. What he did know was that it was quite interesting. His ever step stirred up puffs of ash and dust that made the youngster sneeze loudly every once in a while. He didn't seem to perturbed by his empty surroundings, which were entirely devoid of life.

Plodding along, Oberon seemed quite content in this desolate place. He was, in truth, enjoying the peace and quiet, and the time away from other wolves. It was something that he needed, if he was to be able to function properly. Space was an important thing. It gave him time to recover, though if you asked him, he wouldn't be sure what he was recovering from. Though he loved his sisters and his family, and adored spending time with him, sometimes he just needed to get away. And he couldn't explain why. For a long while, Ludicael's territory had been big enough for that. But recently, it hadn't been.

And that was what had landed him here, wandering along without a care in the world, stirring up enough dust that his peach fur was quickly looking far grayer than it had ever before.



08-10-2013, 03:03 AM
um i really tried to give you a decent reply but im doing this on an ipad and i can hardly see shit because it's 2 and i dont have my glasses so dont hate me if it sucks and typos are frequent xD

From the moment the porcelain babe had been presented to the earth, she had refused to willingly flee the premises of her mother's sight, behaving as a parasite while she latched onto the company of her remaining blood relatives, wary to vacate the realm that had been claimed in her surname with the knowledge that protection wasn't always a given outside the evident borders that marked her mother's kingdom. But as she developed and blossomed into the enigmatic and highly ambitious creature she had been destined to become due to the tweaking of her personality from mother dearest, the tyke had adopted the desire to explore the world outside Tortuga's domain, hoping to familiarize herself with the land that was hers for the taking according to the ice queen responsible for her atypical mannerisms. Thus, the pallid child had slipped under the radar of her mother who had been consumed by deep slumber, disobeying her mentor for the first time while she escaped the pack's territory even though she had come to terms with the fact that she would face serious repercussions once she had been located once more. The image of her mother's wrath intimidated the minuscule viper, but her rebellion was meant to be temporary for she was more than aware that her possessive mother would never comply to allowing her daughter to leave her sight; insubordination was the only option left for the eager tyke.

Serpentine limbs propelled the effeminate child at a hasty pace, triangular ears swiveling atop her crown with every distracting sound detected in her surroundings, ensuring that she remained vigilant throughout her dangerous endeavor. She had not ventured a great distance away from her initial site, but still she was wary whilst trekking areas foreign to her, especially when she was at such a vulnerable age and her physique far from prepared for combat should the need to protect herself arise. Fortunately for the hellion, the scents littering the makeshift trail she sauntered upon were far from fresh, the aromas hardly distinguishable unless she inhaled deeply. But the wench noticed that the further she traversed, the more complicated it became to breathe in the area, the once-clear atmosphere now obscured and shrouded in particles of ash and dust that entered her throat, causing her to expel the debris with throaty coughs every so often. Even her vision became tainted by the tangible atmosphere, causing her mismatched gaze to narrow as the child attempted to avoid blinking in the ashen matter, minimizing her line of vision so that she was hardly aware of her company until it was almost too late.

Her pupils digested the small figure of another developing canine akin to herself, failing to dissect the details of its physique and instead informing her that the distance between them was drawing to a close all-too quickly, forcing her amethyst and metallic eyes to expand in astonishment and her heels to dig into the soft sheet of ash adorning the earth to stop herself from barreling into him. She froze in her tracks, mere feet away from her peer, allowing herself to adopt a collected stance that neither pronounced authority or submission -- entirely neutral. Her pupils examined the plains of his features briefly, reassurance established within her as she realized that the child did not appear much older or more capable at brawling than she, comfort fluctuating within her though failing to surface upon her vague exterior. Once her brief inspection of the dappled tyke concluded, she allowed her gaze to travel back to meet his own lavender, dipping her muzzle slightly in greeting but allowing no vocals to vacate her hinged jaws. She was a creature of few words, after all, so silence was imminent.

Oberon I


3 Years
08-11-2013, 09:20 PM

Oberon Illiadis was entirely oblivious to the fact that he had the company of another wolf for several moments as he padded along, his steps slowing as it got harder to breathe, harder to process the oxygen that he needed in this thick, ashen air. For a moment, panic rose in his chest, but Oberon merely twitched his ears, snorting softly. He was overreacting. It was only ash. He wasn't about to suffocate out here. Not right then, at least. He was still a pup, after all.

His nostrils flared, taking in the scents of the air around him, and that was when Oberon noticed the other pup. She stood, perfectly neutral and definitely feminine, white with mismatched silver and light purple eyes. Nothing particularly intimidating, but Oberon was still on guard, his gaze never leaving her form as he came to a stop, standing with his head held high as he examined the female before her, lavender gaze flicking up and down across her form.

Silence reigned for several moments as the two quiet wolves surveyed each other, measuring each other against unspoken standards. To Oberon, this female was an enigma. She was nothing like his sisters, the only pups that he had met before this. She was as quiet as he was. Still, one of them would have to break the silence sooner or later, right?

She dipper her head slightly in his direction, and Oberon inclined his head just slightly in return, turning his attention towards the other formalities. She had greeted him, and he had greeted her. There was no need to waste his breath by saying hello. "I am Oberon of Ludicael. Who are you?" His voice was soft, and a little hesitant; he still wasn't entirely comfortable with the spoken word.



08-12-2013, 08:54 PM

Aside from the loose appendage licking at her heels that swayed minutely every so often, her entire form stiffened, muscles tensing as she stood her ground, the pressure of the male?s judgmental gaze lingering upon her skin as if it was tangible. Mismatched eyes never once strayed from the tyke?s lavender even as he allowed his pupils to freely wander her petite physique, still observing his through her peripherals with a sense of intrigue. His coat fascinated the monochromatic hellion for she had never once witnessed the dappled pattern upon another canine?s fur, jealousy sparking within her at the realization that her fur would never be embellished with the intricate markings that his displayed ? forever a blank canvas that was so easily tainted by dirt and dust. Abruptly, she glanced towards her paws to compare their appearances, insecurity breaching her as her pupils raked over the fur that had been greyed by the ash littering the air and the ground, embarrassment surging through her as she shoved her paws beneath the thin layer of cinders and into obscurity.

Almost forgetting her company, his vocals immediately captivated her attention as they flooded the atmosphere, causing her gaze to ascend back to greet his own once again, no emotion seeping through onto her countenance. He voiced his given moniker, causing the child to make a mental note of it, but she made no notion to return the favor, waiting for his speech to conclude. Skull tipped minutely to the side as he mentioned the pack he hailed from, oblivious to the fact that there were establishments outside of the one she had been raised in. ?Lucidel?? she questioned, butchering the name in her raspy tones, her vocals hardly audible even to her own ears. She straightened her skull as he asked for her name, allowing the name to roll from her tongue easily, softly: ?Artemis.?

Oberon I


3 Years
08-16-2013, 11:13 AM

It took the female a moment to respond, but Oberon was content to wait patiently. He appreciated the silence that fell for a few moments, something that was such a rare thing when he was around his sisters. This female was more different from Ananke and Aegira than he ever would have believed possible, but it wasn't a bad thing. No, it was more interesting than anything else. And he truly appreciated the silence. But she spoke before too long, and Oberon twitched his ears in the white pup's direction, waiting for her speech to finish. Artemis, He thought, committing the name of the strange female to his mind. "Ludicael," He corrected the female absently, "A pack. Where are you from?" He was curious. And Ludicael was not particularly interesting, in Oberon's eyes. It was all he'd ever known, after all, and there was no point in talking about something that he'd known all of his life when he could learn about other things.

Artemis. Oberon mulled over the name, flicking his ears idly. "Nice to meetcha." Oberon offered that response up carefully, trying to remember what the proper thing to say was after introductions. When he drew a blank, however, Oberon was content to wait and see what this Artemis wolf would have to say. There was no point in wasting his breath on unnecessary words. After all, in about two sentences, they had conveyed greetings and introduced themselves, which was more than he could say for many wolves. And Oberon liked it. He liked not feeling like it was necessary to fill the silences. They were so . . . peaceful.



08-18-2013, 01:24 PM
Idk why I always find muse for this thread when I'm on the iPad lol

Triangular ears involuntarily swiveled backwards as the male offered a correction to her mispronunciation, embarrassment coursing through her veins and heating the blood that lingered within. But the tyke seemed to care little of her fault, and the pallid babe allowed relaxation to consume her as he continued with his brief explanation. A frown tugged at her velveteen lips as her knowledge expanded, confusion forcing her brows to knit neatly together and her forehead to crease with rolls of excess flesh accordingly; Ludicael was a pack? The viper attempted to dissect this information momentarily, the hardened expression that had manifested upon her minuscule countenance subsiding as she pondered, breaching a plausible assumption in mere seconds. "My mom owns Ludicael too, huh?" she questioned, her tones hopeful as she searched his cream visage for a premature answer. After all, the babe pretentiously predicted that her mother held claim over every nook and cranny belonging to the vast island, so that would be the only sensible explanation in her biased eyes. If the male rejected her idea, then further confusion was imminent. "My mom owns Tortuga, too. 'S over there," the babe gestured to the jutting mountain behind her, evident pride lacing her soft tones as she voiced her mother's accomplishments. Surely the viper would extract a twinge of jealousy from the male once he realized that she was the product of the infamous sovereign that dominated the entirety of Alacritis.

Mismatched gaze returned to the dappled tyke as she craned her neck back around, ash writhing through her nostrils and immediately triggering a sneeze to expel the wayward debris. Pupils then searched the tainted atmosphere, offering the air a disdainful glance to indicate her displeasure with the foreign substance that floated in torrents. Although the babe was hardly fond of their discomforting setting, her company intrigued her and forced her to remain within the premises of this detonated wood, curiosity ebbing her on. This male greatly contrasted her own siblings and the change was one that was welcomed, and the babe nodded briefly to confirm that she was also glad to share his company, the tip of her pallid tail lashing briefly at her heels to portray her enjoyment despite the awkwardness of their encounter.

Oberon I


3 Years
08-19-2013, 10:35 PM

don't bother cause this love is a lie; i'm a chemical kid, you're a mechanical bride

Oberon hardly noticed Artemis' reaction to his correction of her words, his ears swivelling as he listened to the world around him. The only time that he reacted was when Artemis spoke, and that was simply a prick of his ears in her direction. For a moment, he felt confused by her words, but then simply shrugged internally. "My mother owns Ludicael." He offered the name up with a blink in her direction, then frowned just slightly. It faded swiftly, and then he said, "Are we siblings?" He didn't think so. She looked nothing like his sisters, but if her mother owned Ludicael, well, they had to be siblings.

He wasn't sure he could handle having another sister. Still, Oberon gestured vaguely back in the direction from which he'd originated; "Ludicael's that way." Oberon answered simply, still a little confused. His mother didn't run two packs, didn't she? Ludicael seemed to take up all of her time. He didn't know her name well enough to offer it to the other female; no, to him, Jupiter was just 'mother.'

Oberon glanced at Artemis as she sneezed. "Wanna head somewhere else?" He made the offer curiously, twitching his ears absently as the ash stirred in the air once more. This place wasn't his favorite so far, and maybe he could see Tortuga? If his mother ruled it too, it was surely an interesting place. Or maybe she was wrong and they weren't siblings. She was different from his sisters, and Oberon wasn't sure that she was correct on that front.



08-24-2013, 03:35 PM

As the dappled tyke responded to her inquiry, confusion evident upon his pallid countenance, the viper?s own porcelain visage contorted into a scowl, obviously perplexed by his retort. Thoughts and curiosities wound their way through her diseased mind as she digested his vocalizations, wondering whether or not the child?s mother was an ally to hers or if the woman whom had birthed the intricately-designed male before her reigned supreme over a pack without Morphine?s permission. As she pondered that possibility, she feared for the life and reputation of Oberon and his mother, understanding fully that her mother would find displeasure that another creature was attempting to establish dominance over the lesser canines as well, their ambitions similar. But as further words cascaded from the velveteen lips of the stranger across from where she had rooted herself, voicing a possibility, the pallid babe bobbed her skull briefly, allowing the idea to grow upon her. ?Well, we must be!? she confirmed, mismatched gaze sweeping over the form of her lost ?brother,? a devious smirk creeping up upon her typically vague countenance. ?Mom owns everything, so yeah!? the viper reasoned, plush tendril of a tail waving behind her rump to accept her new sibling. Although they appeared nothing alike and she hadn?t heard of any other siblings aside from Cody and Ares that belonged to Morphine, the probability of Oberon being her relative seemed to be the only logical answer in this situation. After all, Morphine was the ultimate sovereign of the island, and there was no more room granted for secondary queens.

A slight confidence enveloped the babe and she maneuvered sluggishly towards her sibling, her stance remaining entirely neutral although a desire to test this male?s combative abilities grew within her. As the distance between the duo closed dramatically, leaving only inches between their minuscule forms, the babe extended her muzzle towards the right shoulder of the dappled brute, allowing her dampened nose to press against the plush fur embellishing his form, indicating her adoration towards any who shared the Elysius blood and title, disregarding the fact that she had barely met the tyke. She allowed her neck to crane back to its original position, bringing her skull level to her spinal column once more as her pupils traversed the plains of his physique, oblivious to the fact that they did not share similar traits like she and Ares or Cody had. As the male?s suggestion breached the tainted atmosphere, causing the babe?s triangular ears to careen forward to greet the sound, she nodded, muzzle turning back towards Mount Volkan as she considered bringing her sibling back to Tortuga. ?Wanna go see mom?? the child questioned, her tones hopeful although her visage regained its emotionless fa?ade.

Oberon I


3 Years
08-26-2013, 02:57 PM

can you tell from the look in our eyes, we're going nowhere

Siblings. Hmm. He would have to introduce Gira and Ana to his new sister, then! They would be excited. They had to be; Artemis was their sister. It was perfect. Oberon liked the thought of having another sister. "Everything?" His eyes widened a little at the thought of his mother owning everything. The marvelous orange woman could surely handle it, but everything sure was a lot. That was like . . . two Ludicael territories!

Like I said, a lot.

Oberon stood stock still as Artemis approached, his muscles tightening as she came to a stop, mere inches away from his body. He remained silent, relaxing only minutely as she pressed her muzzle against his shoulder, unsure how to react to the sudden display of affection. Gira and Ana were the only ones who were very affectionate with him, and even that was pretty rough and tumble. Still, he figured that it was all right, since they were siblings too, and Oberon let his tail flick once, though he otherwise remained cool, listening to Artemis' idea with a tilt of his head.

Go see mom? Sounded like a plan to him. "Les do it." He wanted to prove to his mother that he was smart by discovering his other siblings! His mother would be quite pleased, right?



08-28-2013, 05:04 PM
hope you don't mind the minor pp of oberon <3 also, i'll get a thread up in mt volkan shortly!

Enthusiastically, the child bobbed her skull to confirm her previous statement as her sibling?s lavender eyes widened in astonishment, pride for her mother and family fluctuating within her veins and forcing a small smile upon her velveteen lips. She was gracious that her mother had seized the world in her paws just for the sake of her apparently numerous litters of children, promising that one day, they would possess the world once she was no longer able to. It was a thought that suited the pallid babe?s fancy and she could only expect that her newfound sibling would find as much joy as she did on the matter; they would take and maintain the island with forceful grace and all outsiders would bend at the knee when in their regal presence ? or so the wrongly influenced tyke believed.

Although there was evident tension that flooded the male?s interior as she approached him, the babe understood his caution and disregarded it rather than questioning why he refused to trust her, granting him a brief flick of her extended tail in response to his own before offering him a second grin as he accepted her display of affection. His words of approval greeted her ears and she pivoted towards Mount Volkan until she was perpendicular in regard to his positioning, metallic and amethyst gaze traveling to the highest peak of Tortuga?s domain where she suspected their mother lain. ?Follow me,? she commanded as she brought her muzzle nearer to the shoulder that she had previously nudged, allowing her jaws to unhinge and ensnare her sibling?s flesh gently to give it a brief tug in the direction she wished for him to proceed. She understood that returning Oberon to their mother would reveal her crime to the woman that had forbade leaving the kingdom without a companion, but she could only imagine the praise she would receive upon reuniting one of her siblings with the remainder of the family.

exeunt artemis.

Oberon I


3 Years
08-30-2013, 04:58 PM

Ears pricked in Artemis' direction, Oberon remained still as she gazed in the direction of her homeland, gaze impassive as he studied her curiously. He could see, now that he thought about it, similarities between Artemis and Gira. They were there enough that he was inclined to like her, but the two were so clearly not the same wolf that he could still feel like he was getting a necessary break from Aegira. As much as he adored her, to Oberon, it was just something that he needed, every once in a while. Time and space apart from everyone. He had had enough of both of these he hadn't minded the appearance of a new sibling, however, and Oberon had found himself enjoying her company.

Following the slight tug, Oberon inclined his head slightly in response to her words and padded contentedly after his new sister, paws carrying him effortlessly across the ground as they headed for an unfamiliar terrain. Oberon felt a curiosity stirring at the thought of finding the other half of 'everything;' a place that his mother had ruled without his knowledge. Would she be proud of him for finding her again? He certainly hoped so.

exit oberon
