

Medusa i


5 Years
07-08-2013, 02:00 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2013, 01:33 PM by Medusa i.)
There was a chill upon her spine as she set upon the island, mostly from the chilly voyage there. Medusa was not certain what had compelled her to voyage upon the frosty northern waters, but she had voyaged upon them nonetheless. Shivering, the Madame arrived, looking around the wintery, volcanic island with curiosity. What if she could expand her territory here? It would certainly prove a good place to get away to, in the event of an emergency. Arrival at the island was marked with exhaustion, although the woman would not let herself relax before she gave herself a bit of a grooming.
She was much too distracted in her own vanity to really bother with much else. After all, what would she do if she were to stumble upon somebody in such a state? How was she supposed to seduce them? Plus, if she didn?t try to remove excess water from her pelt, she would be rather uncomfortable. With a sigh she set to work, concentrating on getting her pelt clean and dry, unaware if she had any company.


07-08-2013, 03:48 PM

Gargantuan paws set down on the new land, cyan gems roaming the unexplored territory. An island. How interesting. He would've never thought a place as big as Alacritis would have such islands like this one. It was a living contradiction. It was volcanic in nature, he could clearly smell it before he even set foot on the place and yet some of the island was covered in ice. The hellion didn't quite understand how the island could be volcanic and wintery at the same time, two seemingly opposing forces, but it appeared pretty stable and so the brute continued on, curious in his search for some new ass. The mainland had been devoid of any females good enough to fuck, minus his sister of course, so Demyan had wandered out to the islands, hoping that if there were any females around there, that they would be a lot more willing than the mainlanders.

Obsidian nostrils quivered, pushing past the nearly overpowering scent of volcanic ash to find hidden among it the tantalizing scent of a female. Barely arrived and already he was graced with a female presence. Seemed like his luck was looking up. Powerful limbs pulled the large man forward, steel-like muscles gliding smoothly beneath a steel shaded pelt, gems of cyan locking in on the seductive silhouette of a midnight temptress who was busy at the moment, consumed with the grooming of her pelt, unaware that Demyan had come into the area. Didn't know such beautiful women lingered around these parts. He rumbled huskily, coming to a stop several yards away, lustful gaze directed to the darker woman, eyeing her, sizing her up, coming to the conclusion that she was definitely fuckable. She was pretty hot after all; not it was just to get her into the idea of him having his way with her and she would be golden.

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Medusa i


5 Years
07-08-2013, 07:14 PM

She was not left alone for long, as it seemed she was approached by yet another bold male keen on getting something from her. Medusa eyed him, noting the desaturated hues of his pelt and the look in his eyes. This was a man who wanted, and the snake was only all too open to provide him with what he wanted. There was no reason not to; she was not going to be in season for a while yet, and no harm ever came from pointless sex. She wondered what games this male would play, or if he would get straight to the chase. Did he like it rough? Did he like to be in control? Oh, she would give him whatever he wanted, for she desired nothing more than the attention and intimacy that came with such moments.
His compliment was accepted, although Medusa did not let such compliments get to her head. ?Don?t you sound like a man on a mission," she hummed. ?Beautiful women linger everywhere, my dear. We are a species who knows no bounds," she informed him, pulling away from her grooming as she took him in. Yes, he would do for the night, although she didn?t quite know what sort of night she was in for. Rough and fast? Slow and steady? Kinky? What would this man ask of her? It mattered little; there were few things the harlot would not do, few people who would not find her malleable and willing.


07-08-2013, 07:37 PM

She was a fine specimen. Silky obsidian coat, svelte figure, eyes pale enough to compare to the moon. She was a beauty. Certainly not what he was used to with his sister's silvery figure and bright coral eyes. It was a welcomed change. He could get into darker females. They were pretty sexy. At least from what he could tell of the woman before him, her pale eyes roaming all over his body. The cocky grin widened across his pale lips, muscles rippling beneath his steel pelt as he extended himself to full height, knowing that he was a pretty impressive man to look at. He would know, he had seen his reflections plenty of times before. Even if females ended up hating his guts, none of them could deny that he was a handsome specimen. They would have to be stupid and blind to not realize how hot he was.

Don?t you sound like a man on a mission. Beautiful women linger everywhere, my dear. We are a species who knows no bounds. Velvety lyrics fell from dark lips, encouraging a chuckle to drip from his powerful jaws. I'm sure it's a mission you are very familiar with sweetheart. He rumbled, taking a few steps close to lessen the gap between them. But as far as beauty, I have found none that could quite compares to yours. Husky lyrics fell from his lips like sweet honey, dark paws carrying the significantly larger man to prowl around the midnight woman, cyan gaze drinking her in, the lust beginning to pound within his veins. She would be his tonight; he could feel it.

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Medusa i


5 Years
07-08-2013, 10:56 PM

What a presumptuous man this was, assuming she had come across many with his intentions. Oh, she took no offense to him. She was hardly the woman to find something offensive, instead she cackled slightly. Rather, she preened, as if such a compliment built her up, as if it buttered her up more when she had already decided to let him take her. ?Perhaps, shall you punish me if that is the case?" she teased. What sort of brute would he be? Rough, controlling, dominating? Would he be gentle? Medusa was not certain, but she was intent to find out. She moved as he approached, hoping to circle around him, close enough so that her long midnight-colored pelt would brush against his lighter pelt, a contented noise rumbling in her chest.
He spoke such lovely things to her, attempting to perhaps pull her under him with what he thought was a silver tongue. Sweet nothings were not needed; the serpent knew that they both desired an intimate encounter. It was simply a matter of how long they would hold out, how long they would try to tease each other. ?Are you quite certain?" she inquired, hoping to stop her movements to his right, so that they would be parallel and facing the same direction. She leaned upwards, the height difference making it difficult for her to press her lips to the outer shell of his ear.
?I bet you say that to all the girls," she whispered hotly, wishing to press firmly into his side before trying to step away, hoping to walk forwards and away from the male, as if she felt like leaving. She wanted to see what he would do, if he would try to stop her with words or force or both.


07-09-2013, 01:31 AM

Had he been another man, he would've apologized for having insinuated that she was a whore, but he could smell on it. Despite having a million other scents mingled in with her pelt, he could still detect the subtle smell of sex. She was experienced in proving the types of services he was looking for. Perfect. Perhaps she could make the experience different for him. Either way, she was as good as any to fuck. And that's all he wanted. A low chuckle rumbled at her words, audits rotating to attention. If you push me hard enough, I just might baby. He crooned, winking suggestively towards the dark dame, watching in satisfaction as she began to circle him, her midnight pelt brushing against his lighter one, a content rumbling emerging from her clamped jaws. Demyan allowed his body to brush just a bit more against hers, allowing her to feel the raw muscle hiding beneath his pelt. He wanted her to know just exactly she was going to roll around with that night.

She made a full circle around him, coming to stop at his right side, questioning his statement about her beauty while claiming that he said to all the ladies. He shook his head, watching as she began walking forward, his own
powerful limbs bring him to stand behind his new obsidian conquest, muzzle brushing against her haunches, nipping at the skin before speaking. Extremely positive sweetheart, because none of the girls I've been with could even compare to your dark beauty. He rumbled appreciatively, his body beginning thrum with lust as he gazed towards the dark woman, needing to take her already. All this talking was making him impatient.

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Medusa i


5 Years
07-09-2013, 01:32 PM

She was ready whenever he was, but she supposed they still had a bit of small talk to go. Medusa was a woman capable of great patience, but even she had her limits. She didn?t want to romance this male, no. The serpent wanted the passion of an intimate encounter, the warmth of a body pressed to her, the pretty lies that a night spent together could tell. ?Is that a threat or a promise?" she asked him in response to his statement of punishment, cheeky, and offering consent if he chose to get rough. Medusa minded not; the Madame would be ready for whatever he threw her way. She noted the way his muscles felt as she slid past him, deciding that he would certainly do. She liked many kinds of men, but in the moment there was something to be said for one who was so strong.
He moved to stand behind her, ready to take her, perhaps. She stopped, hoping to move her tail along his front legs. With his size he would be much like a drape over her, but Medusa didn?t mind all that much. She groaned ever so slightly when he nipped at her flesh, chuckling at his words. Oh, she knew of a girl who was far more beautiful than anyone she?d ever met, and yet she put the thought of her aside in this moment. ?You can have me for the night, lovely, if you tell me your name. I?d like something to call out," she purred. ?You can call me Medusa," she added.


07-09-2013, 05:22 PM

Is that a threat or a promise? She didn't seem opposed to rough housing and that boded well with the giant man. Not that he had any rough handling in mind, that was usually reserved for his sister, but it was good to know that she wasn't about to start squealing if he suddenly decided to go for it. Both if it suits you sweetheart. He rumbled, a pleased smirk tugging at his pale lips, the muscles around his thighs tightening at the sound of her groan. She was practically ready. It was only a matter of when he was going to take her. You can have me for the night, lovely, if you tell me your name. I?d like something to call out. You can call me Medusa. Medusa. Very fitting for the midnight temptress. He wasn't usually one for introductions, but since Medusa had agreed to be his for the night, he could grant her the simple wish of letting her know his name. Demyan... He rumbled huskily, muzzle dipping towards the sweet spot between her legs, salmon tongue brushing against the lips of her entrance, testing her to see if she was ready to welcome him or not.

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Medusa i


5 Years
07-20-2013, 12:25 AM

Demyan. Medusa would be certain to play a good little whore and let his name be known to all the residents of this island. She wanted the gods themselves to hear her, to cast their shame upon her, to scowl and roar and find her the most atrocious sight possible. Thus, when his tongue brushed against a certain sensitive portion of her being, she shivered. ?Oh, Demyan," she groaned, her reactions somewhat dramatized (not that the male would ever know). Her tail would move out of the way, permission for Demyan to mount her if he so desired. He would find that she was suitably ready for him, prepared to accept his attention, prepared for the passion of a lover who she would only ever call temporary. ?I want you," she groaned, as if not getting him would rob her of life itself, as if she were in such desperate need of him. She enjoyed the attention, lathered herself in it like a true sinner, finding herself complete in her acts of harlotry.


07-20-2013, 06:09 PM

His touch was welcomed, the shiver running up her spine causing a satisfied smirk to curl his pale lips. Of course she would love it. There wasn't a female who would be able to resist his touch. Oh, Demyan. She groaned his name, causing his hips to clench in response. She certainly knew how to treat a man. Her dark tail flicked out of the way, revealing her sweet spot that was more than ready for the taking. I want you. He growled quietly in his throat, cyan gems locked on her sweet spot. Then you can have me. The hellion raised himself onto his haunches, forelimbs reaching up to grab Medusa's hips, pulling himself closer to her as he drove himself inside of her, spearing her with his length as he began to pump against her, determined to give her a good night while pleasing himself.



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