

Medusa i


5 Years
07-08-2013, 01:37 PM
Adventure was not often worth the effort; often Medusa, in her days as a rogue, would traverse across the lands in search of entertainment. Travel was exhaustion, however, and thus when she?d settled into Ludicael she hadn?t traveled much at all. Now that she was in Amenti, she found herself bound to the lands as its ruler. If anything went wrong, she needed to be there. It was not that she minded, for the lands were new and rather unknown to her, but everybody needed a break at some point. With a few pack members there who she trusted to protect themselves, the serpent felt comfortable with slipping out for a little while.

Today brought her to the islands, having decided to explore the previously unknown lands. Stepping foot upon one, she frowned at the state of her coat. The harlot made certain to clean herself of the sand, not wanting to be dirty in the least. The sun was just starting to set before her, creating a clich? romantic scene that she certainly wouldn?t have minded sharing with a certain someone. In actuality, any company would be nice at this point. Medusa had not had much play time lately, and she missed it. For now she would enjoy her solitude, prepared to leave when she grew too bored.



10 Years
07-08-2013, 03:08 PM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2013, 04:09 PM by Kaprasíus.)
Kapras?us was on a mission. He had grown painfully lonely at his dear brother's sudden departure. He did not blame his kin in the least -- rumors had pushed him from the band of marauders that they'd been born into, rumors of his depravity. How he hated the hushed tones talking behind Jaeger's back, whisperings of sifjaslit, of incest. His mother had been with no other men -- none that anyone knew of. Kapras?us was certain what his brother had done, but he had still defended him with certain tones.

But it hadn't helped the cause. In the midst of the night, Jaeger Finnvi had slipped away. It took a mere few weeks for Kapras?us to grow painfully lonely, longing for his only surviving sibling. With that he had gone, leaving everything he'd ever know behind. But no, he did not leave with a heavy heart, but instead he felt rather optimistic. The promise of freedom was tempting, and after some serious thinking, he found himself compelled to search for him. And so, following in suit with his brother, he slipped from the familiarity of the wolves he had grown up with, and headed into the unknown.

Being all too familiar with his brother's scent, it wasn't terribly hard to catch his trail. However faint it was, it was there -- and he followed it with little hesitation. For most of his journey, Kapras?us kept his nose close to the earth, unwilling to let that scent go. He had grown somewhat distant from his brother before he left, though he knew far more about the man than Jaeger realized. Not only did he know certain things about him, but he adored him more than he'd ever cared for nearly anyone, even his other siblings. Their values seemed to fit perfectly together, and he figured it was about time that Jaeger knew his brother had not shunned him like the others.

He lost his trail near the shore of what seemed like a vast ocean. The lanky, tan-furred wolf finally lifted his head, eyes narrowing as his gaze sought the horizon. He could see a wide array of islands, some much closer than the others; he wondered how many there were. It would be a bit of a gamble to swim across to any of them, but... he had all the time in the world. And lucky enough for him, the weather was calm today, the waters nearly as still as he could ever expect. Kapras?us was a picture of serenity as the slender man begin to wade in the waters, tail flicking contentedly behind him. One way or another, he would seek out his brother, whether it took weeks or months -- it mattered little. The sooner the better, of course, but he knew the gods would aid him in his journey. He had never been anything but devoted to the Aesir and Vanir, and he knew he would be rewarded justly.

The swim was long, but not at all overly exhausting. As the island drew nearer, he began to doubt that this was the kind of place that Jaeger would find himself drawn to. A frown barely toyed at the corners of his lips as the water grew shallow and he began to walk on the sand beneath. The expression was soon washed away, though, as he averted his gaze upwards. Praise Odin! The scent of a female reached his nostrils. It was certainly not the musk scent of Jaeger that he was trailing, but something far sweeter. It was difficult for him to resist such a lovely lady -- and she certainly seemed to be quite the looker, even from a distance. Grinning to himself, he loped nearer to her. The sand felt pleasant on the pads of his feet. Warm and reassuring, promising better things for him around every corner. The distance between them closed quickly, and his tail swayed behind him with a steady, slow peace.
"If I knew better, I'd swear that I had died and gone to Valhalla," his sultry tones came forth, blatantly flirtatious, as a smile drew itself across gentle features. Would she be pleasant? He could only hope so, for he deserved no less. He was growing lonely, unused to being on his own for such a long period.

(Note: Valhalla is a place from Norse mythology, where warriors who die in battle supposedly go~ it's real nice and stuff there, he has no knowledge of a pack here called that)

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.

Medusa i


5 Years
07-08-2013, 06:57 PM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2013, 07:00 PM by Medusa i.)

She was not alone for all that long, at least it didn?t seem like long. Moonlight-colored eyes set upon a man, one whom she didn?t know and who didn?t smell like any packs. Well that?s relaxing she thought as she observed him, the look on her face somewhat hungry. It had been too long since she?d last had a conquest, and Medusa yearned for one. After a moment she had decided; the Madame would have him for tonight. She would pull him in if he was unwilling, although the way he looked at her and the words he spoke made her doubt that he needed any convincing at all.
His words brought musical laughter to her lips. A flatterer. She noted this about him, wondering if she could label him as lecher or charmer or a bit of both. His words confused her, but she realized that he probably wasn?t speaking of the pack in these lands. Why would he have to die to go there? "What bold words fall from your lips. One might believe you?re trying to charm me," she purred, making no secret of the way her eyes roamed over his figure, eating him alive. "A decent lady would scoff and turn you away," she mused, as if she were contemplating the very thing.

"Lucky for you, there are no decent women here. Tell me, my sweet, what shall I call you?" she inquired. She would not offer her name first, instead listening for his in curiosity. She wanted to know what sort of man she kept in her company, what sort of background he came from, and what sort of things he wanted to do to her.



10 Years
07-08-2013, 10:33 PM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2013, 10:59 PM by Kaprasíus.)
Kapras?us' green eyes gleamed in the sunlight, masking whatever darkness lurked within that dark heart of his. The female was a welcome distraction from his self-proclaimed sendifer?, for he knew the gods would guide him to his brother as they saw fit. But they had so graciously given him this woman instead, a black-furred beauty whose coat contrasted so sharply with his own. Excitement bubbled up, unconstrained within his gaze as he drew himself closer. His sudden burst of energy was not quite manic, but perhaps a bit excessive. Lanky body would twist as he paced to her side, hungry eyes examining her readily. "And as beautiful as Freyja herself," he uttered softly, the smallest hint of a smirk tugging at the left corner of his mouth.

Kapras?us was the kind of man who, once his mind was set on something, rarely settled for less. And immediately upon stepping foot on this island, and letting his eyes rest upon this woman, Kapra knew it was she he wanted, and how badly he hoped she would oblige! He didn't feel like spilling blood today -- he never really did, but he knew his brother would do such things for him, and oh how he missed that man. His tongue slid from between parted jaws, gliding smoothly over his lips as he eyed her.

"Of course I wish to charm you," he said with a carefree laugh. "I aim to please, after all." Yes, to please himself -- and perhaps she would enjoy his company as well! But, a true hedonist, he cared little for how others felt about things; though he also knew that the best pleasure came from a woman who was enjoying herself, rather than one who was struggling. Kapras?us felt the burning desire well up between his legs, and his voice grew even more sultry as he parted his jaws to speak. His accent was clear, his lyrics rough yet charming. "My name, beautiful, is Kapras?us Sigrunn Finnvi. Call me anything your heart desires." He slipped forward a bit, fur barely brushing against her own as he looped around her backside, coming to a halt near her front again. Testing the waters, so it seemed. "And what name do you wish to be called by?"

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.

Medusa i


5 Years
07-08-2013, 11:13 PM

He was eager, almost reminding her of a puppy with his enthusiasm. And yet, the resemblance was lost in his handsome appearance, moonlit-colored eyes looking over his form. Yes, he would certainly be able to sate her appetite. In all honesty, she probably would have accepted anyone?s presence, but he was handsome and he knew how to say the right things. She knew not who Freyja was, but she certainly believed she was a beauty. ?You speak as if you?re writing a love letter," she teased, letting lose a bit of laughter at the thought. No, love was a dead emotion.
She found him charming, although she was not a fool. Medusa knew exactly what this exchange was; she?d gone through it many times before, and now this man was just another notch on the bedpost. ?I am very pleased, lovely. How could any woman not be with a man like you saying such pretty things?" she teased, knowing that a stroke to the ego was good for many men. She watched him as he moved, although not to the point that she herself was moving. She was granting him a significant amount of trust, although she doubted at this state that he wished to harm her.
He provided his name, one that was long and somewhat difficult to pronounce. ?Your name is quite the?.mouthful," she purred, looking the male up and down before continuing. ?I will just call you Kaspra. It?s much easier to say when one is preoccupied," she announced, allowing herself to be bold. She enjoyed the way their pelts barely rubbed together as he moved, although she did not let herself flinch. She would not give in; she was a harlot, and she would bring this man to her with want. ?My name is Medusa, although I do not have any fancy titles. I am merely a siren, willing to sing a song for you," she said. Oh, this would be fun.



10 Years
07-09-2013, 02:16 PM
Kapras?us Finnvi was the kind of creature who never really had a goal in sight... he preferred to go along with situations as they arose. Never would he seek out a woman with the intent of harming her. Not because his morality demanded him so, but he simply preferred other methods of obtaining pleasure. However, if a woman he sought out struggled... well, Kapras?us didn't take denial very well at all. But this lady seemed eager to join this game with him, and delight was painted plainly on his gentle features.

"Love!" He laughed, his tones care-fee and light. He loved women of all kinds, especially ones like this; but his love would quickly fade, bubbling up from within him and dissolving as quickly as it came. For him, love was the same as pleasure. He'd never been able to distinguish a difference. "A woman like you deserves all the love she can get," he murmured, leaning closer to let his mouth rest dangerously close to her ear. Words meant only for her, his rough accent sliding effortlessly from his tongue. Briefly he let the appendage slide from his lips, briefly connecting with the tip of her ear, before retracting. "And you are in luck, today, for I am man well-versed in the language of love." Not the kind of love that most decent creatures would consider as love, but Kapras?us was by no means a decent wolf.

The twitching of his groin was nearly impossible to ignore as he eyed Medusa, but he saw no need to take her by force. He shifted where he stood, searching for a more comfortable position. He stood by her side, his head tilted slightly to watch her with keen interest. Many women would not allow him to stand so close, nearly side-by-side, until they gained his trust, but it seemed this one saw that posture was rather relaxed and not at all threatening. His tail curled around his backside, seeking to gain contact with any part of her he could manage to find.

He words brought him great delight. Eyes were alight with interest and joy, watching her as though she were a meal he was about to devour. The world was his for the taking, and how badly he wanted all of it! Nothing was off limits to him. "Medusa," he mumbled softly in return, his tones sultry. He was eager to press his body closer to her own, but he would practice self control -- for now. "I like songs," he said conversationally, though his voice was alight with glee. "Sing me a song of pleasure, Medusa, and I will sing along."

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.

Medusa i


5 Years
07-09-2013, 09:56 PM

Wasn?t this just marvelous? A game of meaningless passion that was playing out exactly how planned. It required no manipulation, no effort, just the presence of two souls near one another seeking the same thing. Come the light of morning they would part, likely to forget one another in time and equally as likely to never see each other again. ?What are you willing to give me, Kaspra?? she hummed. His lips found themselves near her ear, the heated breaths trickling into her fur and running down her spine. An electric shock ran through her system, familiar and desired. Desire fumed from her like a corporate fat cat?s factory, sinful and shameless and oh so obvious. ?I want your everything, but only for the night,? she told him, appreciating the lick that found its way against her skin. She wanted to feel his body against hers, to show him what an experienced woman could do.

What he told her was reassuring; they were not fumbling virgins too caught up in anxiety and awkwardness. No, they both very much knew what they were doing. ?Talk to me, my sweet. Tell me your sweetest love poems,? she requested, pressing into him as a sign of her consent. She would let him take her, let him control her, let him keep her as a rag doll. Pretending was oh so nice, after all. They could get lost in one another?s embrace, laying it all out for the night.
She was lost for the moment in their contact, enjoying his presence and desiring more, but acquiring patience all the same. Her ecstasy was broken by the sound of her name, moonlight-colored eyes placing themselves upon him. He spoke of music, and oh, she was quite so willing to give him something. If he wanted her to scream she would do so until she was hoarse, but he would have to do his part as well. Pressing as hard against him as possible, until it felt like their very bodies mind melt together, she let out a vociferous, sultry moan. It was not classy, no in the slightest, and was followed up by a smirk on the Madame?s ebony lips.
?Play me like an instrument, lover, and I will make the sweetest music you?ve ever heard,? she told him, hoping to move position herself so that her rear would be closer to him, enticing him, offering him permission to take now if he so desired.



10 Years
07-19-2013, 10:03 AM (This post was last modified: 07-19-2013, 10:04 AM by Kaprasíus.)
Sure Sj?fn herself was watching Kapras?us today, and he had gifted him so graciously with a woman as lovely as this one, who called herself Medusa. What a blessing! Had the goddess of love herself graced the earth with her presence, giving him this lady? It seemed probable; at the mere idea of it, his emerald eyes glimmered with delight. The only thing that could make the evening any more splendid was if his brother somehow caught scent of him, and turned back to meet him here! It was unlikely, given the situation, but Kapra was sure he would find him soon enough

"I will give you anything you want -- and more. Just tonight." His own desire, his need, was just as blatantly obvious -- he hid nothing from her, even pulling back ever so slightly as his tongue left the tip of her ear and retracted into her mouth. The slender male's posture was relaxed and nonthreatening, his blatant desire for her rather hard to miss unless the poor lady was blind or stupid -- and he was rather certain she was neither. But she returned the contact, and he eagerly returned the pressure, seeking more. Who was this lady, he wondered? Her name was Medusa. She was a siren, a female version of himself, who craved pleasure and valued little more. At least, this was what he gained from the meeting thus far. What a lovely way of life! Thirstily he drank in her scent, pressing his nose against the back of her neck and drinking in her tantalizing aroma as though he might die without it.

She was willing to give more, and he would not even have to convince her that playing with him was a good idea. She was a strong woman, and yet so willing to give to him exactly what he wanted! A soft laugh escaped his lips, a sound of delight and desire that bubbled forth with little constraint from deep within him. His head was already positioned behind her, but he swung the rest of his body around -- his front pressing rather roughly against her back, his jaws parting to grab hold of the scruff at the back of her neck lightly, not enough to harm her. He slid his mouth near her ear again, pressed hard against her. "Ich m?chte innerhalb sie sein," he mumbled into a mouthful of her fur, his tones deep and alluring. He doubted she knew the language he spoke, and yet his tones were simply brimming with lust regardless.

(I had Kapra say the same thing that Jaeger did to her, maybe so she can be kinda like "wut"? you can do with this as you see fit xD)

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.

Medusa i


5 Years
07-22-2013, 09:22 PM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2013, 09:26 PM by Medusa i.)

Oh how grand this all was, how well this was all playing out. Here was a man who would not claim her, would not try to make her his, who desired her merely for a night as she desired him. Here was a man who was willing to drink from the lips of sin, sipping the very substance that Medusa liked to think ran through her veins. The scene was perfect, the moonlight cascading down, illuminating her wicked smile, entwining itself into her lovely black pelt. Medusa was a vain woman, and she knew she looked good enough to not just eat, but to devour. Oh, she would let him think he was in control, but she knew who had the power here. She knew who held the end of the lease, and who was attached the collar. Seduction gave her power, power that she didn?t even think this man realized he had given her.
He moved closer into the position, lifting his snout to whisper into her ear. A little bit of laughter rushed from Medusa?s lips, recognizing both the language and the words. Was she wicked enough to have found herself two relatives to warm her up in a very short period of time? Oh how scandalous she felt. If only she were in season, then it would be a true drama. "Sie sind nicht der erste habe ich geh?rt, dass von," (you are not the first I have heard that from) she mentioned. "I think I have met a relative of yours, Kaspra. Does that repulse you, being second?" she asked, curious.

"Or does it urge you on? Does it make you wish to force his name from my mind, to rid him from my memory and replace it with you," she said, devilish words falling from her mouth. Would he take the bait? Would he be jealous, eager to prove himself a better man than the other whom had said something so similar? Medusa was intrigued, curious, lustful. Whatever he did she would appreciate, finding such joy in the perverse, in the things that society refused to accept.



10 Years
08-08-2013, 06:09 AM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2013, 06:56 AM by Epiphron.)
What a magnificent woman. A fire burned between his legs, making his skin crawl and his mind slip ever so slightly. She was like a goddess herself, forging pleasure where she saw fit. Perhaps, in the future, they could meet again. But.. perhaps not.

But her words caught his attention, and his ears pricked forward as he leaned closer, belly pressed firmly against her back. "You have met my brother?" He inquired softly, though nearly groaned at the prospect. Had his brother taken this woman? It was a tempting thought, and he felt his groin twitch in anticipation against Medusa; wondering why he had not split her in half and crawled inside her. He recalled briefly watching how he had treated their sister's body, and shuddered in forbidden delight. Were Jaeger's tastes changing? Or perhaps he thought his brother to be more wicked than he really was?

Teeth grasped the skin on the back of her neck more firmly, teeth never quite puncturing flesh. "You are quite mistaken, beautiful," he said, laughing sweetly, sound of delight filling the air. "Quite honestly, it only arouses me further. I am honored being with a woman that my brother has taken..." His voice was merely a rumble now, overflowing with sudden arousal and pleasure. His brother was around, and later tonight -- he would find him. How the gods favored him today, yes! Hips pressed readily into her own, wanting badly to take her now.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.

Medusa i


5 Years
08-12-2013, 10:05 AM

Medusa fully intended for this to be a one night stand, although who knew. She knew the future only as well as the next person, and here on the beach of an isolated island, she didn?t feel like troubling herself with failed attempts at being a prophet.
He was so close to her, upon her back but yet they had not committed the deed. The immature part of her yearned to snap and bite, to pull him down and end the conversation and start the action. Nonetheless, there was something of a thrill in knowing that she would get to add too brothers to her list of midnight lovers. "I suppose so," she hummed, although she had no way to confirm it. She knew Kapra?s name, but she didn?t know the other strange man?s name. "He was a most interesting sort of character," she purred.

He grasped tighter the back of her neck, and she would allow him, her body never voicing a protest to all that he did to her. Medusa never had protests?well except for her early days, but after that they had been beaten from her. Well, and recently?she refused to think about that, refused to think about the time between her disappearance and her return. She listened as her partner spoke, beginning to wonder just what sort of family she?d come across. "Then drink from my body like the finest ambrosia," she purred, almost demanded of him, arching her back and hoping to tempt him. Take me, take me, take me?