



5 Years
07-08-2013, 01:31 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2013, 03:08 PM by Jaeger.)

he was thirsty. thirsty like a rachet bitch, hungry for that spent feeling. an unnatural craving to have all his energy drained; all his problems poured, literally, into some whore's jerking body. he couldn't help himself - he was drooling from quivering lips, aching to taste just a sliver of a woman. or hell, even a man. he didn't care. he needed release. his groin tightened and flexed periodically, a reminder to keep his mind on path. the hellion was usually a man of smooth, fluid movements. but now, urged and controlled by a lucid, predatory need to unleash his pent-up tensions.. he seemed rushed, paranoid even. his convulsive body weaved between reaching willow tendrils like a caged animal bent on destruction, twitching uncontrollably and nearly foaming at the mouth. he wasn't sure how much longer he could take; wasn't sure how much more his groin could take before he exploded out of his own skin. he needed to find someone.. something. and soon.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself



10 Years
07-09-2013, 01:41 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2013, 01:42 PM by Kaprasíus.)
How long he had been searching for Jaeger, he was not quite sure, but Kapras?us was confident he would find him, lest the gods deemed him unworthy of such a pleasure. Determined he had traveled, over vast mountains and through dense forests, even swimming across the sea to search for his beloved brother. He wanted to prove to Jaeger that he had not cast him out of his heart, as the others had, but instead longed to serve the aesir and the vanir by his side. Even as a young boy, he had felt perpetually drawn to Jaeger, despite his slowly deteriorating reputation and his knack for bringing trouble to him wherever he want.

But Kapras?us had not turned from boy with disgust -- but instead keen interest, taking to observing Jaeger's strange and depraved behavior, hidden carefully from sight. His carnal personality had thrilled him irrevocably, and he was in search of more. On this particular night, the scent of the Finnvi boy was strong, and he felt confident he was on the right track. The landscape changed dramatically during his travels, and he now found himself treading on warm sand. Overhead the haunting willows swayed, casting eerie shadows on the earth. Slowly he drew himself along, nose twitching as he sought out the man's musky scent.

He wasn't sure how long he walked before he saw it. Behold! -- it seemed as though Nj?r?r himself was with Kapras?us on this fine evening. The silhouette of his lanky kin stood out against the gleam of the moonlight, and with fervor did he seek to close the distance between them, eager to be reunited with Jaeger. "Br??ir!" he explained when he found himself within earshot, his voice hoarse, though his lyrics were brimming with relief. "It has been too long, Jaeger! My need for you was growing too strong bear on my own. I had to find you!"

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.



5 Years
07-09-2013, 10:15 PM

ribbed, sepulchral beast seemed to vibrate with an intense amount of uncontrollable dissatisfaction. excessively salivated jowls snapped hungrily, greedily at the air. he had to fight this. who was he? i am jaeger sigarr finnvi, he reminded himself. a harsh exhale burst from flared nostrils like a raging bull as the precarious hellhound hauled a usually luxuriously pristine coat across the knobby bark of a willow. the sensation created jagged spikes in his side, tearing at his tender carapace. a forced moan of lament pressed through clenched jaws, his far from stoic visage a cluster of frustration and angst.

the portentous nord found himself stirred uneasily by the piqued vocals of a kin. though it was obviously his brother, as proclaimed, jaeger couldn't help but feel a need to defend himself. the boy he'd grown up with was surely on his side - but with the rumors he had left him with, one couldn't be sure. they were rumors of incest and eventually, as the dots connected, the genocide of their brother and sister. had he known, dear kaprasius surely wouldn't be so willing to call him kin. it was time to test his loyalty.

contrastly colored maw split into a false showcase of relief. "surely vali has not sent you, my dear br??ir?" a hint of airy sarcasm lingered on his tongue as he stepped toward the familiar man. he cast a slight skeptical peal before continuing, "i'd always thought odin had a different r?? in mind for me rather than a downfall of irony."

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself



10 Years
07-12-2013, 11:25 AM
The distance between them closed as he approached him quickly. Kapras?us trusted his brother fully, and his posture was absent of both fear and hostility. He noted that Jaeger had initially seemed distraught, not at all an uncommon thing for him. He was keen to keep his composure, not wanting to seem too eager to see him, for his brother was likely to be wary around him. After having been cast out of the pack, the poor man surely unnerved by seeing his only surviving brother again. But the joy still shone in his green eyes, interest burning with fierce intensity.

Surely vali has not sent you, my dear br??ir?" Kapra shook his head dramatically, lanky body twisting ever so slightly as he shifted, coming to rest on his haunches near his beloved brother. "No, no, I come of my own accord," he explained in smooth, almost sultry tones. "I believe the gods meant for us to cross paths again," he noted simply, as though it were the most natural thing in the world. "I find it hard to imagine a life without you. The others, well -- they were much more.. disposable." He lifted a brow, cracking a wide smile then, finding himself quite humorous. Jaeger had kept his depraved past time a secret for some time; it was time to let the cat out of the bag, was it not? Rumors had surfaced, and yet Kaprasius has denied them all fiercely, wishing to protect his brother from the wrath of whoever deemed his behavior inappropriate. It seemed to him, the easiest way to let dear Jaeger know that he still cared for him -- and accepted him.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.



5 Years
07-16-2013, 12:02 AM

the bony frame of his guest writhed as he took a seat. with his theatrical head shake, a young smirk playing on jaeger's lips. the small figure they shared was perhaps the only key to telling they were kin - kaprasius obviously taking on their father's features while jaeger looked as if someone had combined their grandmother and aunt together. marbled sapphire and ivory watched intently as his brother spoke, a serious cast clouding the man's face as he now began to contemplate the best approach to the upcoming reveal.

a mirrored grin flashed across the chiseled maw of the damned jester, pleased that kapra felt eased enough to bring humor to the front. if there was any good time to confess your sins of incest and necrophilia, now would've been the time. skeletal frame slipped closer to his guest; curling loosely around the man, giving enough space for another body and taking his time with fluid movements. he spoke clearly, carefully - a tone leaning more toward seductive temptation rather than awkward confession. "you were there, kaprasius." he locked eyes with him then. "the night freyleif woke us to watch the beleuchtung. he curled in on himself, as tight as one with a vertebrae can, and mirrored his previous movements - he was pacing as slow as a snail. his reflective eyes trailed down to his kin's lips before his own parted again, a rough force barely louder than a whisper. "tell me what you saw."

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself



10 Years
07-25-2013, 04:28 PM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2013, 04:34 PM by Kaprasíus.)
How he longed to rush forward and embrace his beloved brother; and yet something within him contained his excitement. Kapras?us was not a creature who tended to be afraid of others often, and yet he was strangely unsure how Jaeger would react to his sudden arrival. While he trusted the man fully, he also knew he could be wildly unpredictable, and prone to bouts of anger and even dramatic mood swings.

His emerald eyes were alight with curiosity as his brother circled him, following his movements with some of his own. Kapra's body shifted fluidly, unwilling to let his gaze leave his brother's own. "I find it terribly difficult to remain away from you for long," he confessed, somewhat apologetically, although his voice gained a pitch, becoming somewhat excited as he spoke. Of course he had seen what had occurred! He found almost nothing as fascinating as watching his brother. "You know what I saw, my dear br??ir. Wonderful lights from the heavens above! They must've been a gift from Freya herself!" He was getting away from the admission that Jaeger was trying to pry from him, and he knew it. His eyes narrowed, brows furrowing as he considered. "I saw you and Einvir fight, Jaeger; I mourned briefly for Freyleif, for what a beauty she was, but I suppose that was how the the Aesir and Vanir intended things to unfold, is it not?" He grinned, a charming expression that took hold of him and refused to fade.

It was a strange conversation, and not one he had been entirely prepared to face, despite the rumors that had surfaced -- Kapra knew that Jaeger was guilty of all the things he'd been accused of, but it did not bother the lanky man in the slightest. Perhaps he and Jaeger were meant to leave, after all -- he knew he felt strangely excited, even aroused by recalling the evening, and knew that most others did not feel the same way about such affairs.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.



5 Years
07-26-2013, 10:18 PM

a knot arose in the ghastly man's groin as his brother's confession touched softly upon his ear. he wanted nothing more than to lay him down, press their bodies together, and whisper sweet nothings about how he longed for his company. of all the things kapras?us might know about him, this among all he would never confess. it was surely a curse played upon him by dear frejya, for having murdered young freyleif before she bore any children. after all, a brother loving his brother in the way a damsel might love her savior is perhaps the greatest drama of all.

dual colored eyes hid behind black and white as jaeger's face screwed into a look of angst. "yesyesyes, after, kapras?us." the words spilled from his lips before he could catch them, irrational anger spoiling his usual suaveness. he turned away from his kin, gazing off into the horizon at nothing in particular. the suspense, ohhh the suspense. and then the truth. the pretentious man felt like tearing from his skin, letting his guts splay out onto the ground like paint on an empty canvas. in time, perhaps they would. cautiously, finely sculpted maw drew back to look over his shoulder. funny, how he felt an uneasiness. never had he felt it before, except now when he was less than sure of his dear brother's acceptance of his macabre habits.

relief chilled through his abstemious veins, a buzz that could only be described as ecstasy fuzzing his mind. a wicked grin cracked across his face, one that looked like it might possibly hurt. and then he was spinning on his heels, turning to rush toward his dear kapras?us.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself



10 Years
08-06-2013, 08:08 AM
His own interest was piqued as he explained, somewhat animatedly, what he had seen. While he did not explain it in great detail -- for he had no need for such language, especially in the presence of his dear Jaeger -- it was obvious he had scene the boy slay their two siblings and have his way with their sister, quite violently no less. A bear attack was what he had claimed, and what a great actor he had been, taking on the role of a terrified child, when he had committed the crimes himself! Green gaze swept over the man, finding a strange sense of need place itself in his very chest, though all he could do was ignore it. He had missed his brother, oh so dearly, and it seemed only normal to feel so much pleasure at reuniting with him.

His brother's smile lit up his heart, though it was anything but warm; a twisted smirk that he knew meant acceptance. He would not suffer the same fate as his siblings had. No, the gods surely had something greater in mind for him. "I can only wonder," Kaprasius began, finding it difficult to not envelop Jaeger completely, wanting nothing more than to wrap his skinny body around the other's; instead he settled for a brief embrace, before pulling away and watching him with wide eyes. "How soon before what's left of our family begins to splinter and they seek us out. But don't worry, Jaeger, from this day on, I am yours."

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.



5 Years
08-07-2013, 12:54 AM

tremors of concealed delight rolled down every muscle and every bone in the man's slender frame, threatening to burst from him in a display of fireworks. he couldn't begin to explain the relief and excitement he felt for his brother's acceptance. briefly they embraced, but it wasn't nearly enough for the incestuous beast. he longed to tear his brother apart, split him right down the middle and perhaps live inside him. he yearned to be part of him. he knew he'd never get the chance, not without spilling his precious blood.

the painful grin splitting his thin lips apart would not depart him, would not falter even slightly. chartreuse eyes mingled with jaeger's deep cerulean and shiny mercury, their held gazes seeming to be frictionous. an electrical ccurrent constantly crashed through the man's charged veins, willing him to sink his pointed jaws into his brother's skin. it was a difficult task, but he held his darkest thoughts at bay as kaprasius spoke of their family. perfectly elongated maw gaped wide as laughter rumbled from his throat, perhaps heightened by his giddy high. he could feel an ever growing warmth in his stomach at his kin's next spoken words, the aching smirk refusing to leave. "and i yours, br??ir." he leaned forward, no longer able to suppress his need of touch. " bitte, n?her." it was an unexpected whine, even for the man who'd whispered it.

ooc; jaeger gettin brave ova here

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself



10 Years
08-07-2013, 05:40 AM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2013, 06:14 PM by Kaprasíus.)
: 100px;">

Truthfully, Kapras?us had anticipated a much more subdued reaction to his return to Jaeger's side. More hesitance, and a fair amount of skepticism. He had always erred on the side of caution around his brother, not wanting to fall into his path when enraged or otherwise disturbed -- and yet he felt himself relax in his brother's company now, egged on by the other male's pure excitement. Surely he had not expected him to cast him out, to condemn his wicked deeds? How badly he wished Jaeger had turned and seen him that day, peering at him from the darkness of night; how would things have changed then, he wondered? But as he gazed at Jaeger, he knew now that he could never disown him, no matter how depraved the crime. Even incest and homicide would not tear Kapra from his beloved sibling's side.

Green eyes glimmered in the moonlight as his gaze roved over Jaeger. The man's grin was mirrored with a dramatic one of his own, his own joy overtaking him and refusing to release its grip. What fate had in store for the two, he did not know, but he knew then he would do nearly anything to keep his brother by his side -- he was quite easily the only family left for him, especially after abandoning his previous kin for Jaeger.

It was only at Jaeger's plea that the smile faltered, for he was unused to such behavior from him. His body twisted, a confused expression contorting his features. But the offer was tempting, given Jaeger was never normally one he expected much warmth from, and he would give in to his own desires and lather in the man's affection while it lasted. And -- it had been so long since he had enjoyed his presence, and it seemed in just a season ... or was it two? ... that Jaeger had grown to be infinitely more attractive. A soft, barely-audible groan fell from his inky lips as he curled himself around Jaeger, their coats intertwining and his body writhing to fit closer to the other male's. He offered only the slightest bit of pressure downward, as though wanting to lie down with the man; he was not sure from where his desires stemmed, but he had learned to never ignore his body. Kapra was grateful it was night, for this was something private, something he wanted not even the gods to witness.
"Anything for you," he murmured softly, shifting to place his muzzle more near to Jaeger's ear.


WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.



5 Years
08-21-2013, 10:04 PM
this is a rocky post.. i'm sorry :l

a deep pang of regret flooded the man's heart, his veins draining of any warmth and leaving him cold as steel. had he taken a wrong step? had he offended his brother? disgusted him? the falter of his smile seemed like a death sentence, all of reality crashing down on his fantasy world of intestinal arbors and ribcage suits - a wedding fit only for the dispossessed and the damned. he had been a fool, to think he could be allowed to stay this close to someone who he not only wanted but needed. he'd committed the crime of all crimes, and for that he would be punished.

he was about to break free of his thorned chains, cast himself into the confines of empty loneliness, when the familiar tug of tangled fur brought him to a rigid halt. he was almost sure vali had possessed his dear kaprasius, ready to strike revenge on him with the ultimate form of irony. but instead he felt the steady rhythm of a thrumming heart against his ribs and the warmth of heavy breathing along his neck and ear. his own breath caught while his stomach tightened into a knot, heart accelerating and his veins beginning to boil. he could feel every muscle, every curve, of his brother. there was a certain electricity between their touch - one only meant for midnight lovers who'd binged on lust and alcohol. he knew it was wrong, knew it was unlawful. but how could it feel so right? it was as if sandman, oh so devious and demented, had cast him into one of his forbidden fantasies and allowed him to live it. his heart slowly overruled his mind, blurring all lines of morality and gave in to the pleasure. he could feel the light pressure on his back, but he did not collapse under it. he would not allow anyone to have the upper hand, not even dear kaprasius. he would have to earn his absolute trust first, to be given that right. he waited until he heard the deliriously forbidden tones of his kin, felt the warmth of his breath on his ear, before allowing a groan of weakened defeat slip from dried throat. he slipped beneath the man's neck, taking time to relish the beat of his delicious heart against his ribs. if he hadn't treasured this man so much, he'd tear into his very cavity within a moment and live within his veins for a week. but that wasn't the case. he wanted to share everything with his dear brother, however sinful it became. he curled his own neck around the man's shoulders, applying little pressure and allowing a simple word to fall beggingly from his quivering lips. "bitte."

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself



10 Years
08-22-2013, 06:11 PM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2013, 06:12 PM by Kaprasíus.)
: 100px;">

Usually Kapra was a man who was not at all hard to read; his emotions ranged very minimally. Initially upon seeing his brother, his joy had been hard to dismiss -- and yet it faded rather quickly, replaced by something rather unfamiliar to him. Confusion, hesitance ... his mind was spinning, and he felt unsure. His own insecurities seemed to bounce back off of Jaeger, who seemed taken aback by his expression, which was void of much emotion. So atypical; he would not have been surprised if his brother had revolted then and there, revoking the trust that had begun to grow between them, tearing his limbs from his body. And yet he received nothing in return for a long moment. He was confounded, and the lanky beast stood unsteadily on all four paws as he felt his brother writhing closer.

Everything about this was wrong. He felt it in his bones, sending a shiver down his spine and making his head . Wrong. Wrong. 'Bitte,' Jaeger whispered desperately. His voice was so different; so small that he couldn't it imagine it coming from a beast he had watched slay their own siblings. "So long as you promise not to leave me again," he nearly whimpered, feeling the dull thudding of the other man's chest against his own. "Your secrets are mine to keep, Jaeger; I love you," Such affection had not been displayed since their very early childhood, and yet the words fell effortlessly from ashen lips as their bodies intertwined devilishly. "Anything you need, just ask, and I will provide. This is what the gods intended for us," he murmured, pressing his mouth against Jaeger's ear. Overwhelmed with the urge for further contact, his tongue slithered out to run along the side of his ear, but he retracted quickly -- ever unsure. Slowly he would slide to the ground as his brother pressed into him, wanting nothing more than to let him know he would submit if he wished, for he wanted to truly earn his trust and love once again.


WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.



5 Years
09-18-2013, 03:46 PM (This post was last modified: 09-18-2013, 03:59 PM by Jaeger.)

he could hear the heightened beat of his brother's heart. the very thought of them becoming lovers, becoming something forbidden; it stole the breath away from the man's lips. he couldn't believe this was real - that he could feel the warmth of his veins or the plush, irresistible touch of his fur. he wanted to take it slow, relive these delirious moments over and over; he wanted to be gentle; wanted to take care of his dear brother; wanted take his time to make him feel weak in the knees and ride it out until sunrise.

the sweet tones of his kin played heavenly upon his ear, causing him to press more firmly into him. "never again," the words slipped out with a crack, hard to speak but with every intention of the truth. he couldn't imagine leaving this beautiful man ever again, even if for a few days. being more than a few minutes away seemed impossible for him now; he needed this man. kaprasius' next words fell hard upon jaeger, hitching his previously steady breathing. how long had he yearned for those very words? far too long. "and i you, kapra. more than anything." an unknown feeling swelled within him; pride mixed with something very unfamiliar with him... it was a strange feeling, but welcomed.

he felt his brother's tongue like poison along his ear, tingling and leaving a certain warmth behind. a moan slipped unwillingly from his penciled lips, temptation becoming far too unbearable now. "i need you, brother. n?." how forbidden. exciting. wrong. right. ecstasy-laced eyes watched as the man lay before him, submitting himself to jaeger. he couldn't linger any longer, couldn't keep their bodies from binding. his knees bent, his skin crawled. he pressed his groin against the man's and allowed salivating jaws to part with a groan. "i've wanted this moment since i tore our sister's heart out." the words were spoken softly, with a dripping acidity of danger beneath. he could feel the supple skin of kaprasius's stomach with his own; the warmth of his blood traveling through his veins. he was growing excited, his breathing becoming labored. sinewy neck brushed against his kin's chest, slick canines reaching for his throat. he only wanted a little taste of what could have been.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself



10 Years
09-27-2013, 05:35 AM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2013, 05:36 AM by Kaprasíus.)
: 100px;">

He was acutely aware of his heart pounding inside his chest. Each rapid thud sending blood flowing through his body, making his skin crawl and his limbs tingle with need. He had always admired Jaeger, far more than their other siblings -- he felt undeniably powerful as their pelts intertwined and their bodies melded into one. They would someday be reincarnated as gods, he was certain of it, and they would be welcomed with begging pleas into Valhalla alongside the Aesir and the Vanir.

Despite the thrill of it all, he couldn't help but feel vaguely nervous as well. Jaeger was unpredictable at times, and yet he did not dare show his hesitation. Kaprasius was not a man of violence, no; he was much more concerned with pleasure, both receiving it and offering it to whoever was willing. And yet he grew strangely aroused at thought of what the two were capable of together, pushing back roughly against his brother, feeling a shiver run inescapably down his spine.

The man whimpered, filled with longing and desperation. They could never truly become one, as man and woman could; as he suddenly wanted so badly. Had the gods punished them? Or perhaps they had just made them for something greater than simply worldly pleasures? He let a soft gasp of air escape his lips as he felt Jaeger's fangs slide across his throat. So much danger lurked before him, and he was all too aware of it. And yet he trusted him. "Taste me," he offered softly, groaning as the warmth between his legs became all too obvious. The wolf's neck would arch waiting for the man to get a taste of what could of been -- and hoping desperately he would not lose control of himself, because he was desperately looking forward to what they could do as a team now...


WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.



5 Years
10-01-2013, 03:14 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2013, 03:22 PM by Jaeger.)
!!!! things are starting to get steamy, so if mature threads make you uncomfortable, this is where you should stop reading <3

the gods had surely closed the curtains tonight - or so the man prayed. he had dwelt into such an intimate moment with perhaps the most forbidden lover, with no hint of hesitation. he'd waited for this scene of passion since they'd celebrated their first year of serving the aesir and vanir, and he was not about to miss such an opportune night. over the years he'd caught glances of his brother watching him, never occurring that perhaps he was admiring instead. had he known, all those sleepless nights he'd spent watching his kin's heart beat within his chest would have been much, much more enjoyable.

the heart was by far jaeger's favorite - not because it's useless ability to send rabid butterflies to your groin, but because it tasted so much sweeter when your dinner was still kicking. and now was such an ample opportunity to try; his brother trapped beneath his rigid frame. as tooth met flesh, the pretentious man couldn't help but groan. his tongue roamed along his skin, tasting the dirt and the grit and the tang of his hide. he could even feel the throb of his vein. he longed so to rip into his chest, to climb in and devour him from the inside out. his jaws tightened, pressure applied ever so gingerly. he had to be cautious. a heat flared within him as his kin grew against his stomach. their slick flesh touched and the electricity ignited the beast of lust within him. the heated contact between such sensitive organs, alongside the moist yet grainy friction.. he lost control. his hips buckled and his jaws clamped, a deep purr rolling from his satanic lips as he pulled steadily at kaprasius's tepid, delicate neck...

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself



10 Years
10-01-2013, 08:02 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2013, 08:03 PM by Kaprasíus.)
: 100px;">

Slowly his body would curl, until he slithered around and slowly found his back colliding to the earth. In the heat of the moment he had ended up lying on his back, gazing up at his brother with both thrill & curiosity. Kapras?us would never admit it out loud, but he was not feeling as confident as he normally did; he was trusting his brother right now with more than he ought to, but he knew the gods had him in their favor. They always had, and he knew they always would... But how easily his brother could become lost in the heat of the moment and end up slicing the thick vein in his neck. How easily a moment of forbidden lust could turn into something so much more sinister..

And yet he couldn't stop himself. Didn't want to. The rush was worth the slim chance of not just being maimed, but actually dying. The man was entranced, wanted more, needed more. His own manhood grew as his brother's belly pressed firmly against his own, his muscles twitching in anticipation of what would never come. The man readily accepted his invitation, jaws teasing the tender flesh of his neck. The skin would pull; the bite was vaguely painful, but in a strangely arousing way. He was no masochist, but he knew how pleased his brother would be at tasting his blood. It was almost a game. He would give some, but only if Jaeger gave some in return...

"Jaeger, jeg elsker deg," he groaned, the passion almost too much for him to bear. A moan would unwittingly slip from his lips as he remained in his alarmingly submissive position. He wanted more, needed more; they could groan and fumble about, but it would never be as satisfying as he needed...

"We must find a woman to share," he spoke softly and breathlessly, his lyrics interjected by a rather loud groan. "I will make her mine, and you will enjoy her afterwards as you please.. we shall please Lofn, and perhaps she will reward us, ohhh yes...." A gleam had entered his eyes as he watched his brother above. Perhaps someday they could join as one, if only they pleased the gods... Slowly he would twist his neck to the side, craving his brother's reaction to the flesh that would begin to tear ever so slightly.


WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.