
Muscle to muscle, toe to toe



11 Years
Athena I
07-07-2013, 11:16 PM

As the pale wolfess wandered silently through the crumbling ruins, her thoughts flashed back to the last time she was here. The last time she had seen this place she and her friend were beaten and bloodied, but still victorious. They had lived, and at the time that was enough. She wondered if she went back to that place, the scene of their attack, would the ground still be stained? Would the bones of their attackers still be there? These were the thoughts that plagued the violet-eyed wolfess as she crept along, weaving in and out of the stacks and pillars of rocks. The wounds had healed, left their scars, it was over. That day she had simply been admiring the view, enjoying the day. Today, she was on a mission. There was no time for these consuming thoughts, so she pushed them aside, even as her shoulder ached from the memory.

Alena paused, angling her muzzle toward the ground, searching the trail she had been following for several days now. This was only one of the places she had been the last few days. It felt like she had traveled miles and miles on this job, but she didn't mind. This was her hobby, her career as it was. It kept her busy, kept her entertained. The killing didn't bother her, it never had. She caught her trail again and went after it with the determination that could only be compared to a hungry wolf on a hunt. She was close, she could feel it in her bones.



07-08-2013, 01:00 AM

"Woah.." The loner mumbles amazed at the isolated area he?d managed to stumble upon, blades of green grass flourished everywhere, sprouting against between the solid masses of rock, this place had a particular feeling of mysterious to it, and being the adventurous, curious brute he was, passing this place up would be a huge mistake. He was already beginning to like this place more than the, ash forest, the ruins seemed so open, peaceful, and clam. While, that gloomy forest seemed be harvesting demons within it?s core, perhaps, he would venture towards the woodland another time, when the sun was more alive, and awake. Tail giving a soft sway, as he heaved himself onto a small rugged rock, no doubt a fallen piece of one of the many sculptures, now, he was given a more nicer view of the surroundings, feeling the caressing breeze of wind brush against his pelt, as he wondered on forwards, occasionally, hoping to one stone to the other, doing his best not to make any distracting sounds. After-all, the ruins where asleep, lost in time, only open to explores that where drawn to their past, or simply, having their eyes gaze at the marvelous amount of detail that where put into them, Crimzen himself wasn?t so keen on explaining his history to those that ask, even after all this time, it still bothered him greatly..but this? This was defiantly something he would want to share to anyone with an open mind.

"Huh?" The silvery cloaked male paused in his rather fluid movement, his crimson stare focusing on a passerby, the snowy pelt was hard to to miss among the sea of green, and grey, though, she seemed un-phased by this, her muzzle pointed downwards towards the earth, appearing as she had picked up the sweet scent of a meal. Features grew puzzled at the idea, he guessed that this would be a place prey to hide, but, somehow, he just couldn't picture them finding any good footing with all of these rocks in the way, blinking gently, he finally made up his mind to speak to her, besides, she was bound to pick up on his aroma anyway, the would have to speak to each-other at some point. Though, he would have to do this gently, woman did seem lost in her thoughts, very focus, yet so calm, the last, he wanted to do was to disturb this, and have an two ivory rows of sharp fangs shoved in his face. As such, when she came closer towards him, clearly occupied or ignoring his present all together, he greeted her quickly as to catch her attention, ?Hello,? He voices as considerate as he could, then, he shifted his body, slipping back onto the ruins floor, as best he could, smelling the air when he noticed her smell was getting stronger, he steps out, moving himself back as not have the incident of them clashing into one another, ?Um..What?re you looking for?? Ruby eyes shone with the familiar glint, he would always get when a situation or character peaks he?s interest, ?Maybe I can help?? Although, she hadn?t answered what she was doing out here, he was always willing to be a type of support, he needed to get used to these new land anyway, so, making a few friends along the way wouldn?t be a bad idea. He hoped that she would permit him to do so, and he wondered if he should smile or not, some girls where quite defensive, instead, he resolved in tilting his head awaiting her response.




11 Years
Athena I
07-08-2013, 07:30 AM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2013, 09:26 AM by Alena.)

Alena was so focused her task that she didn't even register that there was a scent of another wolf on the air. The most attention her brain gave that little detail was a tiny alarm bell in the back of her mind. She pushed it aside though, figuring that it was just a residue of some passing wolf. She hadn't seen anyone else in these ruins today so she thought that was a sound assumption. She was clearly proven wrong, however, when the voice of a brute echoed out around her. She jerked to a sudden stop, her defenses immediately going up. The last time she had let her guard down here it had ended badly for her and she wasn't about to make the same mistake twice. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Her fears appeared unfounded, however, when a young brute, probably not much over his second year, stepped out into her path. She relaxed a little, but still kept her eye out for other wolves all the same. Her ear twitched with slight impatience at the young wolf's questions. She hated losing a trail and the longer she stood here with him the more likely she was going to do just that. "I'm looking for a wolf," she answered simply, the gentle timbre of her voice not matching the cold intelligence of her violet eyes. She was made to deceive, it was what made her great at her job. The ability to lull wolves into a sense of security made it all the easier to get close to them. "I don't really have time to stop and chat, so if you want to talk, you're going to have to walk with me," she told him, brushing past the young brute and searching for the trail she had been following, finding it again after a moment and moving forward again.



07-08-2013, 08:54 AM

She paused. As many did when confronted with a stranger. He mentally prepared himself for a cold, icy stare, as he suspected he may have thrown her off her trail, however, instead, he was greeted with a settle purple gaze. And to think he used to be ashamed of his crimson eyes, an eyebrow arches trying to pinpoint where he?d seen this color before, the stranger?s where the first of this tone of color he?d seen in his entire life. Amethyst. That was the jewel her eyes had reminded him of, if he had recalled correctly. It was mysterious but all the more appealing, he briefly wondered which of her parents had passed down the gene, and if she was teased for having such a strange color, or swooned over. The dame didn?t seem that annoyed by his sudden appearance, minus the flick in one of her ears, he had cared enough to spot, she hadn?t shown her fangs, or growled at him as he expected to do. Maybe, she was in need of some assistance, he hoped that he could truly bring something to the table, it wouldn?t be the first time he?d ruined things with his reckless demeanor, and it certainly wouldn?t be the last.

"A wolf?" He repeats, taken off-guard by her purpose for being out here. Taking his eyes off over her for just a moment to survey the ruins surrounding them at every corner, twitching his ears for any sounds, or any other indicators that there was third wolf wondering here, however, it remained quite, the only smell he had picked up was hers. Eyes knitting with confusion, he returned his gaze to her, huh, maybe she knew something he didn?t? It was only his guess that she knew this place more better than he did.It was then that she told him that if he wished to continue talking to her, that he would have to walk with her, normally, he would grunt at the obvious seriousness in her tone, but, he endured it for now, since, she seemed determined of finding this wolf. Crimzen stiffens as she approaches him, half-expecting for the violent-eyed woman to snap at him, however, it looked as if she had much bigger things to worry about. "Alright.?
The male replies, announcing that he had heard her, and indeed would be following, he was all too interested and what she was like, and just who was she looking for. Pressing off, in joining the pursuit, the rogue beast came up beside her, slowing down his pace to match the sniffing damsel, his head tilting a little ways to the side bloody-eyes never unwavering, until, he pulled his eyes away form her trail to focus on ahead. ?So, uh..what does she or he, look like?? Crimzen inquires breaking the silence, he?d offer to help so, he would as he said, though, he?d never been the quiet type growing up. ?Maybe I?ve seen em?.?

He offers, gems glancing towards her way, shedding some light on their search. Although, that would mostly not be the case, he?d only just arrived, and so, would have lots of other wolves, places to see. Of course, he wasn?t going to let her know that, he figured she would have no use for him then, besides, he wanted to see if he could make a new friend, she appeared to be a interesting character, even if she was quite.




11 Years
Athena I
07-08-2013, 09:49 AM

Alena had never had the patience for talkative wolves or pups. She just didn't see the point in entertaining such things. She had things to do and places to see, there was no time to spend chattering away. It made her naturally very quiet, preferring instead to watch the world around her and make her own conclusions instead of asking questions. This young wolf seemed to be the opposite of that. But, he seemed to have good intentions with his questions and he seemed to truly want to help, so she decided she would give him the time of day for now. Maybe he could be of some kind of help. Her amethyst-hued gaze glanced to the inquisitive brute trotting along beside her, violet meeting blood-red, before turning her eyes back to her trail. Now that she was back on the scent, she let herself go on autopilot so she could answer his questions. The scent was strong enough that she didn't have to work too hard to keep up with it.

"I've never seen him in person, actually. From what I've been told, he's a fairly large brute with gray eyes. Black fur." She gave a little shrug and glanced at him again. "Not a whole lot to go on, but I do have his scent and that has to be something. Can't fake a scent. You can mask it, certainly, and some scents can be similar if they're in a pack, but a scent is unique to each wolf none of the less." Alena got the sense that this wolf was similar to her in the thirst for knowledge that they shared. When she was his age she had wanted to learn all she could about the world. Of course, she was also starting to hone her craft at that point as well. The pale fea was also slightly intrigued by the crimson color of his eyes, having only met one or two wolves with red-hued eyes and never one with a deep of a color as his. This was purely a side thought, however. Her mind was still on the task at hand. As a second thought, she told her newest companion, My name is Alena, by the way. Nice to meet you.



07-11-2013, 03:34 AM
Sorry it took so long. x:

Crimzen nodded as she described the male she was looking for. As he expected, the description hardly rung any bells in his mind, she was close to describing the rather chippy, passerby rogue he met - Ceaser, but, he was rather underweight so large, relieved him of that being the target. He doubted he could track the rogue male if he wanted, the amount of sot in the smoldering forest, refrained him form gathering any distinguishing scents. Surely, the man she was searching for was alive, apparently, his scent was still somewhat fresh, judging by her intensity. Dare he admit it, he pondered if this male meant something more to her, then again, she would know his name, wouldn?t she? He opened his maw to ask but closed it gently, almost abruptly, in the middle of him taking a breathe to voice his thoughts, figuring that it was none of his business. He had respect for her personal business, and wouldn?t ask any question unless, they didn?t seem much of a hassle for them to answer, for now this male was stranger without a face, at-least for him.

He was relieved to hear her opening up to him, it was he was beginning to realize that she wasn?t like the other females, that roamed within the pack he?d be fortune to find when he was just a youngster, they quite bluntly ignored him, with tosses of their heads, and turning of their backs. Yet, she seemed a little relaxed, he could almost say she welcomed his company, even if he he was prodding her with questions that weren?t really any of his concern, still, she hadn?t forced him away, so, he expected he wasn?t pressing so far into her personal space. Red eyes focused on the pale female as she mentioned her name, Alena. He?d mark her down as the second female he?d met in this foreign land, hopefully, she?d remember him after they?d parted ways, he couldn?t smell the scent of a pack on her pelt, and he wondered if she was a new arrival as he was, or did she enjoy being on her own. ?I?m Crimzen.? The rogue introduces himself, turning his eyes back in-front of them, ?It?s nice to meet you too, Alena.? Lyrics returning the honor, trying her name on his own tongue, pondering on what they could discuss next to break more ice, ?How long have you been here?? The brute inquires, curious as to how long she had stayed in his area, before, he would consider settling here.




11 Years
Athena I
07-11-2013, 12:49 PM

More questions. He was definitely an inquisitive wolf. Typically she didn't like questions, prying, and the like. It just slowed her down and kept her from completing whatever task she was on at the time. But, she reminded herself, he was young. It was hard for her to remember sometimes that not all wolves liked to learn from watching and experience like she did. Some just asked questions to find their answers and he was definitely one of those wolves. Apparently turning his attention from her tracking to her personal life, she asked how long she had been here. She assumed he meant how long she had been in Alacritis, feeling like how long she had been here in the ruins was a silly question. "Since I was very young. I was around three seasons old, I guess. My parents traveled a lot and drug us around him them and Alacritis was where we were went I left them." Her thoughts drifted away from her, going back to the day that her parents had banished her from their little makeshift pack, the day she had killed her sister. She felt no ill will toward them or that day, it was just a glancing thought for Alena and she quickly pulled her thoughts back to her task. "How about you, Crimzen? How long have you been here?" she asked, knowing it was polite to make conversation.

She paused ever so briefly to check the trail again, adjusting her path accordingly to keep following it. She could tell it was getting stronger so she hoped she would finally find the brute she was looking for. It suddenly occurred to her that the young wolf padding along beside her probably had no idea why she was even looking for this man and that might be better for him. Then again, maybe it was better if he knew so he would leave and not get caught in the middle of her fight. She was cold and calculating, not heartless. She didn't want innocent wolves to get hurt. "I should probably let you know that I'm looking for this guy because I'm an assassin," she told him bluntly, her gaze flicking over to his to gage his reactions. She had never been one for subtlety or breaking things gently. "This isn't technically for a job, though. This is more... personal, I guess you could say," she continued, turning her eyes back to the ground. "An acquaintance of mine and I were attacked here by a band of rogues and this wolf is supposed to be their leader. We made it out alive, but I'd still like a little revenge. It wouldn't hurt to take down their leader so they can't attack someone else either."



07-18-2013, 09:26 PM

?A few days ago..I?d guess.? He tells her, thinking back to the first day he wondered onto Alacritis soil, taking the time to asset her background as well. It seemed the place was pretty stable, giving the fact that her parents had brought her here, but, she hadn?t gone into much detail as he kinda suspected. The man could easily tell that she was hiding a few key points, of course, he wasn?t going to press his luck and pry into her personal business, he should be grateful that she was honest enough to give him what he expected to be the truth. Even so, he still had many more question to ask, what where her parents like? Siblings? Where they annoying like all the older ones claimed? It would do no good for him to know these thing when making his ways through the wild outside world, still, he felt it was something he could survive knowing. The pack he was taking in to wouldn?t even account for neighbors, and still he hoped that all families weren?t as cruel as they had been for years. The rogue would be an respectful outsider awaiting for them to form a stronger bound, before, he seeking out more history she was refusing to share.

Twisting his limbs to follow her on her invisible trail to this brute she seemed so eager to find. Bright red eyes still surveying for sight of the man she was hunting, until, the pale woman voiced her thoughts once more, he?d nearly stopped in his tracks. Gaze quick to focus at the girl ahead of him ?Assassin?? The rogue repeats still at a lost, as if he hadn?t heard the first time, the gears where slow beginning to turn, realizing that she - Alena - was doing all of this to bring some male to his death - hopefully anyways - he wasn?t going to question her skills. Perhaps at the far end of his mind he felt that this was kind of cool, he had made friends with a calculating murder, but still, at least she was justified in her acts, instead of killing for kicks as he was to naive to admit there where those so twisted. Not all to sure on how he should respond he voiced an meekly ?alright? still hesitant to be too loud, after-all the job was secretive as far as he knew, ?I can respect that..? Finally interrupting silence that had loomed over them, taking a moment to change subject a little ways so the air wasn?t so heavy, ?I?ll just stay here, while.. you er..finish?? Crimzen had no desire to witness a killing, nor was he in the least bit prepared to get involved, chuckling a little realizing that his last sentence may have sounded a bit uneasy, still a tad phased by her confession.




11 Years
Athena I
07-19-2013, 08:17 AM

Well, he wasn't running for the hills. That was a start. That's what she honestly expected him to do. Perhaps if she had been out on one of her regular jobs he would have. At his comment about waiting while she finished, she smirked. He was still innocent enough to not want to call it killing and he clearly wasn't as twisted as her if he wanted to stay away from her while she did the job. She appreciated that about him and silently hoped he would never lose that trait. It was a tough life she led at times and she wouldn't wish it on anyone. "If you'd like. You could tag along until I find him. Ask me questions, keep me company." She glanced at him, a smirk on her muzzle. "You seem to like asking questions after all."

She chuckled and turned her gaze back to the trail. He could leave or stay, she wasn't too concerned either way. As long as he stayed back when they did finally find this damn brute, she was fine with him being there. It was kinda nice, having the distraction from her thoughts. She slowed her pace a bit, wanting to be sure that she didn't rush into her target. "Well, go on. Ask whatever you want. I'll answer it... within reason." She wasn't an incredibly private wolf, but she didn't want to scar the poor boy with her gory life so she didn't want to tell him everything. She didn't mind telling him an overview of things though.



07-23-2013, 06:49 PM

The ruins around him continued to grow even more as they strolled into it?s depths, each enormous, lost, structures where covered in the webs of the overgrowth that twisted in turned, flourishing throughout their makeshift home, quite comfortable. His mind was more at ease now, as he hadn?t detected any change in her stance, or make any attempts to attack him, he was grateful that she had come clean with her duty, to save him form walking into a blood messy, that he?d rather not see. It was obvious that she trusted him, to some extend he could honestly say he?d felt so important, even if he was a rogue and could very well spill her actions out to any pack of his choosing, for his own personal greed, she respected him, and he would do well not to take her faith in him for granted. Once more, she speaks again, bring to light that he had been asking a lot of questions this entire time, to which he gives a sheepish smile, and a low chuckle, sometimes he just couldn?t control himself, the outsider was still growing accustomed to this place, taking the time to learn about the civilians before making this place a home for himself as well.

?Oh, uh.. sorry ?bout that it?s a habit.? Crimzen replies rather bashfully, keeping his chuckle in his chest, noticing her small tease of his constant questioning, when the woman before him slowed her pace, he regained his position beside her, turning his gaze to her as she basically pressed him to ask her questions that pertained to her job. All within reason of course. Ruby eyes blinked at her quite surprised she had interested in hearing what his mind was stirring,?Hm..? The man hums for a moment as she finishes speaking, normally, he would be loaded with ideas, however, it never occurred to him that he would have such a dark subject. Moreso having the chance to ask an Assassin, about their daily tasks, came as a surprise to him, still, he was the type to go with the flow, and make do with what he had to keep things simple. Finally, getting an idea, he voices his mind, keeping his voice low, with their surroundings in mind, along with the privacy,
" did you prepare yourself for this? Did you get any training?" Crimzen inquires, wondering if she had always had a skill in killing since she was born, or was she molded into it, allowing the silence to creep again, he awaited her response. Nearly blurting out how many had she killed already, instead, he was reminded to keep the questioning reasonable, besides, he doubted she knew. Giving the fact that she wasn't boosting about it.




11 Years
Athena I
07-23-2013, 10:03 PM

Alena waited patiently for the young wolf's first question, silence setting over the ruins for several moments. Finally his voice reached her ears once more and she raised her brows in surprise. That was a very good question. She pondered it over, wondering about the answer of it herself. "I learned from trial and error mostly, I suppose. I got a few suggestions from other assassins I've come across, but I have my own style so they didn't help much. They usually used intimidation and brute force, I typically use trickery or my looks to get close to them and then take them out with speed." She looked toward him with a sweet smile, putting on that innocent mask she wore when she approached her targets. "You'd trust this face, wouldn't you?" she asked with chuckle. Her own naturally gentle voice only aided to the ruse. With a blink the mask was gone and her usual cool, calculating gaze returned, but the playful smirk remained on her muzzle.

She turned her eyes back to the trail, taking a moment to make sure she was still going the right direction. She was beginning to wonder why it was taking so long to reach him, but figured that maybe he was running. She turned her attention back to Crimzen and added, "It did take some time to get that down. I have always been a little... sneaky like that I suppose, but to be able to slip in and out of that took practice. Of course, I had some basic fighting training from my parents, but I had to practice to get that down as well. It's an art form of sorts. A dark, twisted art, but one none of the less. Anyone could do what I do, as long as the killing doesn't bother you, and it never has me." She didn't mention that she had never once in her life felt remorse from killing another wolf, even her own sister. She had tried to feel sorry for that one since it had been an accident, but the ivory fea just didn't have it in her. She didn't want to tell the young brute that, however. She didn't want to think she was heartless. No, she was a twisted soul, but not silent.

Silence settled over them again, her paws moving along the grounds of the ruins nearly silently. That was another skill she had developed and did it without thinking now. Every once in awhile her recently healed shoulder would ache and her step would falter ever so slightly, but she didn't even let that happen very often. Suddenly she had a sinking feeling in her stomach. Something wasn't right here. Her smooth step slowed to a halt. Her brows pulled together and her amethyst gaze glanced around at the ruins around them. It was ever so quiet, but her ears flicked anyway, searching for any noise. She sniffed the air again. There was the obvious scent of the brute she had been tracking, but as she searched the air she caught the scent of other wolves, at least three. Her ears folded back, realizing there was a very good chance they could be walking into a trap. How could she not have noticed this before?! She glanced over at Crimzen knowing she couldn't drag him into this. Feeling her frustration rising, a short, quiet growl rumbled in her chest and she turned around sharply and walked back out the way they had come, motioning with her head for him to follow. She could feel the brute slipping through her paws once again. It was awful, having to turn her back on a target.

She padded completely away from the path, over toward the edge of the ruins. Once she felt they were a safe distance away she sat back on her haunches and closed her eyes, fighting off the headache that threatened to take over her head. "That tricky bastard... Smarter than I thought..." she sighed, she opened her eyes so her violet gaze could meet his blood red one again. "I think he figured out I was tracking him. There were more wolves with him. It was probably a trap. I couldn't risk going any further without knowing for sure, especially with you. I want him dead, but I'm not going to risk your life to do it." A frustrated growl rumbled in her chest and she paced back and forth. She wanted to be finished with all of this!
