
What do ya say baby? Lets be friends


07-09-2013, 04:21 PM

She had heard rumors circulating. Rumors of pack. Of a pack who couldn't seem to keep their alpha for more than a week. Such a pack was vulnerable. Large paws kissed the earth, steps slow and calculating. She wanted to investigate this so called pack. Would it be worth her time to join? Ally herself with the Alpha? To begin her conquest of ruling? First she had to meet this new Alpha, see what their plans were, what act she would have to play. Silvery shadow wasted no time, weaving in and out of the shadows, the suns rays teasing her pallid pelt. Anticipation welled up inside her, all while outward expressions remained neutral. Emotions were placed in a box in the back of her mind, this was business, and would be treated as such.

The scent of a pack reached her. Several didn't scents marked the borders, all from different wolves. She took a moment to assess her possible future home. A mountain could be seen, the terrain rock, difficult to navigate if one wasn't careful. Spring had brought new life to the territory. Didn't look to bad from where she stood.

She had heard very little, if anything, about this new this new Alpha. What were their morals? Man or woman? Did they have a mate? Another ally? So many factors played into it. Should she join, she intended to make herself useful, but not without her own benefits. She would have influence. A say. She refused to be a useless member who was just there. From what she had heard, was the pack was founded to be neutral, taking in all the outcasts of society. How bad could it be if all the murders, rapists, and crazies of the world lived within one pack?

Posting herself a few feet from the borders edge, crown tipped back, jaws parting to form an 'O' as she released her song. It was surprisingly sweet sounding, pleasant to the ears. It was natural, she didn't sugar coat her howl, but it certainly didn't match her hardened personality. Dropping her head to its normal level, she dropped her haunches to the earth, plume curling around her as she settled in to wait. Audits twitched, listening for the approach of another. She sat tall, light pelt cleansed of any blood or debris. She stood out against the ever changing scenery. Bodice was motionless, expect for her eyes that flickered around, along with her ears. Heart beat steadily, she had stifled her emotions, there was no excitement or nervousness. The woman was simply calm and collected.



07-20-2013, 03:32 PM
so sorry for the wait <3

The white witch had readjusted the slipping crown atop her skull, positioned it so that it was perched firmly upon her cranium with no intention of faltering once more ? no, the one true queen would secure her prestigious status this time around or she would greet her untimely demise while attempting to maintain it. It was true that she possessed few militants to justify her title as Imperial Queen, but that did not mean she would never rally troops to command on her own in due time; she suspected not many would be willing to pledge allegiance to a pack under a constant shift in ruling, so once she had proved her title was there to permanently brand her, perhaps then there would be a noticeable increase in recruits. But, for the time being, she was content with occupying the realm with only her brood, educating them to be future diplomats and elite combatants whilst fueling their minds with pride and constructing the foundation for overfed egos. They were the superior breed in her own, twisted opinion, and she desired nothing more than to witness as they adopted a similar opinion to their mother and attempted to forcefully take what they wished when it appeased them. But those were the impending endeavors of the future, and the focus of the now was raising them while she raised and developed the new Tortuga.

A soprano howl alerted her to the presence of one that the ice queen assumed loitered near the borders that had been drenched in her feminine scent, demanding that she make her appearance for a business affair. The wench ceased the examination of her realm then, pivoting in the direction the beckon had emanated from, breaking off into a brisk trot so that she may cross the path of the stranger without keeping her waiting for too long. Despite the crown she upheld, her stance was neutral aside from the plush and elevated tendril draped above her rump to assert her dominance over the territory, a wry grin contorting her velveteen lips as she approached the creature. Mercury eyes traversed the plains of the stranger?s physique, lingering upon the warrior?s build she possessed as well as the peculiar markings beneath the alluring, rosy eyes of the babe. Despite the positive first impression the female had graced her with, Morphine refused to allow the pleasure to seep through her pores, instead maintaining the vague smirk that haunted her countenance more often than not as she halted near the borderline of her domain, rooting herself there without mimicking the girl?s seating position. ?I am Morphine ? Imperial Queen of Tortuga as of recently,? she introduced herself, tones completely void of emotion. ?But let?s not talk too much about me, who are you and what brings you here, my dear??


07-22-2013, 04:19 PM

Her call didn't go unanswered for long. A pallid dame soon made her appearance. There wasn't a speck of color on her. Flawless ivory pelt, strange silver eyes. A vague expression lingered on her flawless face. Morphine - Imperial Queen on Tortuga. "I am Cateleya, and I'm here to see what you can offer me in exchange for my services." Sweet lyrics fell bluntly from darkened lips, her statement bold without crossing line of disrespectful. She was vague, as always, giving very little away, letting the tones of her voice lure the woman in. However she expected her to be wise enough to catch on. If she was going to claim a spot within this pack then she knew that she needed to rein in her tongue. She spoke as emotionlessly as the woman that stood before her, neither giving anything away.

"If you would be so darling as to share what your pack is all about?" The slightest tilt of her head, very mild curiosity coloring her words. She needed to know exactly what this woman stood for before she made the decision to stand beside her. It was already risky choosing this pack, the only pack that didn't have a constant leader, until now perhaps? She allowed her ears to slide forward, giving her the appearance that she hung on the womans every word, when in reality she was only listening for key points that could benefit her. She was such a selfish bitch. The thought almost brought a smile to her face.

Cena had yet to make an appearance. The little ocelot was probably hanging around nearby, hiding in the shadows, watching and waiting like always. She didn't let herself worry about the feline, focusing rather on the puppy scent that rolled off the new Alpha. So she had a family? She guessed no mate, at least she couldn't smell him on her. Either this would make her weak, or her brood would be quite impressive little hellions. She expected the latter. Power rolled off the pallid babe in waves, the curl of her tail and lift of her crown screamed to the world that she was in power, ruling these lands called Tortuga.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"