
Ocena's Babies<3


07-06-2013, 02:23 PM
So guys, with the fact that I'm moving and everything, I'm afraid that I won't have enough time to keep all of my chars active. The tough decision has come down to the fact that I'm going to be putting two of my darlings up for adoption. They're both involved in plots and I want to find them players who can be active and play them well. <3

So! If you're interested in adopting one of these lovelies, I'd like a retelling of their personalities in your own words. I don't care about word count, but I'd like it to be descriptive. And I would also like a sample of you role playing them. Again, I don't care about word count!

For those interested, this is Lovatt, and this is Tiberious.

Please consider adopting them okay because I love them and I want to see them get the activity they deserve and I know I'm not going to be able to provide that.


07-06-2013, 02:55 PM
Da App!: Tiberious's Personality

Tiberious has his emotions under control, more so than other wolves his age. whereas some may have needed time to acclimate to social situations outside of a family unit he needed no such buffer, instead jumping in with gusto and social grace. He is smooth when he needs to be, particularly with the ladies even if to him it is all in good fun, and he would never intentionally use them or lead them on if he thought it would cause them grief. The right words seem to roll of his tongue, giving him an intellectual air. Tiberious is quick-witted and empathetic as well, combining these with his gentle nature makes him adept at picking out a wolf's inner emotions, even if they try to hide them. It was not a skill he needed to develop, but instead one which came naturally to him.

Unfortunately, this is only his surface layer. Below, when he is alone with his thoughts, things get somewhat more complex. He is not beyond dwelling on the circumstances of his birth, and as grateful as he is for the life he was given, he sometimes wonders what it's all worth if he was in truth just an accident. Of course his confliction melts away like spring snow if prompted to talk of it, and he is never more than one verbal quip away from re-directing a conversation in the way her prefers, safely away from his emotional state. Just as he would avoid verbal confrontation, he also chooses to avoid physical confrontation whenever he can. The circumstances of his existence caused enough strife for a lifetime, or so he thinks, and it would be cruel of him to create any more in the world. Instead he works to make up for the bad karma he feels looming over him, that he can neither control nor forget.

Da RP Sample!
Tiberious lolled about in the faint spring sunlight. It felt undeniably lovely on his stomach and he grinned, wriggling to scratch his back as well. Patchy clouds passed overhead, and on the far horizon he could smell rain but he wagered he didn't have to worry about that just yet. Ah yes, spring was a glorious time. His long legs were relishing in the lack of snow, his paws enjoyed the feeling of soft grass beneath them, and his nose savored the smells of new life. Having been born in summer, this was his first experience of spring and he was enjoying himself immensely. There were bugs to chase and new creeks to splash in and small animals to chase. He had even caught a rabbit the other day, even though it was only a small one. He had been proud of himself nonetheless! All in all he decided that Spring could well be his favorite time of year, not that he remembered too much of the summer when he had been born. Rustling in the nearby bushes caught his attention and he rolled upwards. Curious he pressed his nose to the air and, when coming up with nothing, rose to investigate on his own instead. He didn't know what he faced, if it was anything at all, but the young male couldn't bring himself to care. After all, a day like this was meant for adventures.


07-06-2013, 03:04 PM
Congratulations, he's yours! <3 I'll PM the account information to you shortly! <3

Thank you so much for adopting him! <3


07-08-2013, 03:34 PM
Lovatt's Personality:
Lovatt is a strict wolf, probably more strict than any other wolves his age, even though he's older. Although he may be more strict than most wolves, Lovatt has a slightly looser side to him, not making punishments too rough. He also has a selfish nature, only doing things that benefit him or other wolves he cares about. He also has a fierceness and stubborn personality. He doesn't like violence because of what happened to him. Lovatt doesn't seem to have the best relationship with pups. Maybe it is because he is too strict for his own good. Maybe he just isn't one to have pups. Who knows? Maybe he will one day. {{He will.}}

RP Sample:


07-08-2013, 03:47 PM
Hate to break it to you Azaya but Lovatt's mate cant have puppies


07-08-2013, 07:10 PM
I kinda like his personality the way it is :) maybe i can change it later if i decide to put for character development. Other then that he's my type of guy X)

RP sample:

The towering brown male wandered the woods in search of a hunt. He had decided that he wanted to find a challenging one, maybe a boar or something as equally challenging. The one he was searching for had stories of destruction around it. It had gored young wolves who were unlucky enough to cross paths with it, bloodied and maimed even the experienced ones, unsuspecting of its presence. He'd put an end to it once and for all, a personal goal he had set to aid those he loved before they got hurt. The brute traveled alone, not wanting to put anyone in danger during this solo mission. This was something he'd do on his own, seclusion was his friend and that's how it always was. Lovatt's ears perked forward as something rustled ahead. He stopped, one paw in mid air as he stretched his neck forward to scent what was ahead. Grunting, he continued ahead after noting that it was only a deer. He wasn't looking for that mindless drone, he wanted the one he sought after. To feel his teeth sink into its thick skin and feel the lifeblood drench his maw.

The muscular male stopped after an hour of searching, the darker part of the woods seemed promising...his gaze fell towards the northwest section, the marsh. Of course! Why didn't he think of that earlier!? Hogs liked to root around for mushrooms and the occasional frog, he'd find it there. He set off at a swift run, he'd go deep into the solace of the marshland to find his prey. Mud spattered his paws and coat as his feet made contact with the sodden ground. The boggy scent masking his own, perfect for sneaking up on the demonic blood bathed monster. He skidded to a halt as he saw the backside of a form pushing out of the brush ahead. The reddish brown coat that was carpeted with thin coarse hair as far as he could tell, moved slightly. His ears perked, head lowered as he strained to scent it. He could detect a faint trace, the sound of shuffling in the mud. As soon as he was about to circle around, the creature burst from the reeds and charged at him. It was the boar he had been looking for!

The male barely dodged the raging fury of the tusked pig. Rolling to the side, mud coating him as he scrambled to stand. The boar ran past a few yards, turning to face his enemy. Lovatt growled, eyes narrowed as he watched the massive beast, eyes glinting with a cold light, foam at its mouth. The brutes eyes widened in realization, the thing had rabies!? He'd have to be extra careful with this one...the boar charged again, a wild light in its eyes, aiming to kill this intruder. Lovatt leaped out of its path once more, twisting around to face it, vicious snarling erupting from his maw, echoing in the woods. The moment his feet touched the ground he charged, making a wide berth to come at it from the side. He ran at full speed, to kill it as quickly as he could, he'd have to grab its throat. And for that, this reckless move was both dangerous and necessary. He closed his eyes, tucked his head, and rammed into the beast with his powerful shoulders. Bodies collided, both creatures rolled into the mud, the boar disoriented due to the impact and sickness. Both creatures scrambled to their feet, facing off once more.

The boar charged him again, Lovatt prepared to spring but his paws slipped in the mud, bringing him down. He flipped over as the boar came on top of him, trying to gore him with its tusk. He managed to hold it at bay with his powerful legs, the boar viciously trying to rip him apart. It's sharp hoof like feet scratched at him, battering his ribs. Squealing and barking with a mixture of growling echoed in the world around him, as predator and predatory prey battled for each their own reason. Lovatt, so that no more would be killed by this creature, and the boar for reasons invalid save for its raging sickness. The boar slipped forward, and the brute found an opening. Quickly and as fast as lightning his teeth struck forward, latching onto the boars jugular vein...

The forest fell silent after after an ear splitting scream.
Lovatt reappeared, victorious.


07-08-2013, 07:37 PM
He's yours, Dragon! <3 Keep him active, please, lovely! c:

I'll PM you the account stuff shortly, along with posting in maintenance! <3



07-08-2013, 08:38 PM
YAY! Thank you I will! ^_^