
Part the Waters



07-06-2013, 01:08 PM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2013, 01:09 PM by Chrysanthe.)
And with Spring came spring weather. Chrysanthe never thought that Valhalla's location to the West would put them in danger of flooding. Yet the rain would not stop pouring, and the water just kept coming. It had seemed like any other storm, coming and going - but even after the rain stopped the flooding just kept getting higher. The plains were rather flat, there were few areas that went untouched by the natural disaster - but there were higher grounds for some to escape to. She herself was rather tall, and could swim about should she have to, but most of her time her feet touched the floor. It was the health and safety of the young that she was most worried about. Valhalla had a great many pups between the litters that had been born in months previous, and they could quite possibly drown if not catered to immediately.

The alpha would tilt her head back and howl for the attention of her members - something needed to be done about this. For the duration of the flood, they would need to find higher ground in this area. She worried not about the pack being overtaken, there was no way that she could mark lasting borders with the water so high, and she would keep a close eye on the area regardless scouting for members that might have been stranded. "Valhalla! If you haven't noticed, we have something of an emergency! Get the children if you are near them, bring them to higher grounds. Warriors, look out for the rest of our members, help anyone that seems to be struggling."

They would worry about hunting and what they would do while their territory was flooded after gathering their wits about them in one general area. She needed to take a headcount as soon as possible. She herself was near the pack's most used denning area, prepared to fish out anyone that seemed to need assistance.


07-06-2013, 01:44 PM

Spring had come and with it it's usual weather. Spring showers were not uncommon in Alacritis, but this particular shower had turned out rather disastrous. Instead of stopping like it usually would about after a day or so, this particular storm hadn't stopped. And instead of draining away like the water usually did, it had begun to collect. And to the young Adravendi surprise, it had flooded the entire plain! He was a particularly tall individual, so the water didn't bother him much, but not everyone was as tall as him. The image of the young boy Garbiel flashed across his mind, as well the little boy's ivory sister. Just because he could overcome the water didn't meant that they could. A summoning howl erupted into the atmosphere, catching the young man's attention. It was his aunt Chyrs; she was calling the pack to arms.

Not wasting any time Gael made his way towards her call, struggling against the rising water, but still managing to get there before anyone else had, in time to catch his aunt's words as she urged Valhalla to gather the members and head to higher ground. Chrysanthe, how may I be of service? Tell me what I can do to make this gathering move quicker and I'm on it. A nod accompanied the young man's words as he looked steadily to his aunt and alpha, awaiting to see what she would appoint him to help out in.

Talk like this


07-07-2013, 03:21 AM
he had not been staying in Valhalla long, though any that would have been paying attention would have figured out the reasons behind his behavior rather quickly. It didn't take a fool to notice his attraction to the Queen, and it certainly took less than that to realize that something was going on. Fact of the matter was, he loved Chrysanthe, she admittedly loved him, and he was doing his best to make up for it, regardless of the fact he oft fell short of the expectations she should have had for him. He wasn't a bad man, he just wasn't the best for her. He had grown up around different traditions and trying to make his own work for her, well, it was complex and a mission all in itself. He had spent some time with her, in her den, (doing who knows what), and he had spent his time trekking alone. He had been at the wedding, and thus Valhallans knew he was safe to be in the area, though, there was no question that he was treading a bit farther than he should have been in terms of what he had a right to do. That would change with time.

One thing that felt false to him having been staying in valhalla so long, was the immense rain that seemed to just pour, and pour, and pour. He had been turned to notice that he was rather tired of it, and that he had thought, from multiple visits, the land was as rich, green, as the sky was meant to be blue and clear. No, no, such was not a fact. It was mildly miserable and he had to admit that finding the time to things other than chrysanthe was insatiably hard. Still, what came next was relatively withoout warning and the man pulled himself forward as soon as her tones lingered through the air. Limbs excused him from the den, as water began to rush around him, limbs threatened to buckle and bend at the current, but immediately he found to get uphill. Still, through the falling rain, his gaze would turn out to the side and his ears would rock back against his head. The water; it was still coming. Tail pressed against his hind leg and teeth immediately became present. This was the equivalent ot a battle, simple as that.

A young man, quite large, immediately came forth, his tones ringing out in an offer to assist the Queen and for whatever reason even something so simple and innocent made the man jealous. Still, it was no time for him to make banter on what was okay and what wasn't. Besides, chrysanthe was totally out of the kid's league. Shrugging his shoulders he turned his gaze to the right as the floodwater came and came, rushing in, burying what they knew, "Get her out of here!" head turned and he snapped at the child, pressing his shoulder against Chrysanthe's side before turning off to the side, "GO! I can swim just fine, I need to find any children," and just like that he set off, immediately throwing his eyes around, thrashing, and moving staying up high where he could to make sure no children were stuck lost in the wreckage and helpless. Valhalla would not lose a life today, it simply, simply could not.

-Gideon is searching for those in need-



07-07-2013, 04:18 PM

Rain. Rain everywhere. It began with little warning, other than the threatening grey storm-clouds that had begun to fill the sky. Arella had been wandering on her own, somewhat oblivious to the impending danger; she wandered happily, without a care in the world. At first, as it began to pour, the water seemed fun. On her own she wandered near the borders of Valhallan territory, letting the rain soak her to the core. Her black fur clung to her small frame, making her look very much like a drowned rat -- but a happy, smiling one nonetheless. A smile seemed permanently plastered on her face, tail wagging behind her with startling speed.

Her Aunt called -- from a great distance away. Was the storm getting too bad, she wondered? Curious, she bounded forward, briefly pausing to shake some water from her coat. Not that it helped in the slightest, for the rain seemed incessant, almost as though it would never stop. Tongue lolled from the side of her mouth as she began to run forward, as fast as her small paws would carry her.

Everything seemed to change as she drew nearer. Here, the ground was softer, more unstable. She had been gone for a few hours at the most, and it seemed as though nearly half a foot of rain had accumulated in some spots! She grew more nervous as she got closer to the sounds of others, to the familiar scent of her Valhallan family members.

In a split second, she seemed to stumble forward, sliding and falling down a small hill. Though the land was relatively flat, the plains were sometimes uneven in areas -- and it seemed the rain accumulated in these uneven areas.

She always thought she was a good swimmer, but she felt much less capable as she found her body engulfed by a sudden burst of flood waters. "Help!" Arella suddenly shouted, hoping terribly that someone could hear her. Paws beat against the current as she struggled to keep herself afloat, limbs all lashing out to grasp for solid ground. Someone would surely have to help her, right?



7 Years
07-07-2013, 08:03 PM

Surreal stood staring down at her home, which now looked rather different. It wasn?t the verdant green, that had quickly become familiar. It was the water. The rain had fallen non stop, and the boundary river had swollen, overflowing its banks and flowing out into the territory. Her family?s den was safe, as her mother had been very particular in the choice of den location. Even though it was underground, in a ravine that was six feet deep, it was located on a hill, and beyond the reach of the flooding. The little waterfall was now flowing down the raving, making exits and entrances rather wet, and driving Gabriel insane, but there was the choice of the path her mother and father had dug and carved that led out above the ravine.

Mother and Papa had instructed them all on safety and where to go should something like this happen. And she was very glad they had drilled the lessons into them. When the gurgling roar of a flash flood had sounded, Surreal had been able to get to high ground. Just in time, too. The water had crashed down the path she?d scrambled off of a second later. The lanky nine month old silver female had stared as branches and boulders tumbled down the path, and a tiny crumb of her innocence fell away with that water. Another stepping stone in life.

Surreal was shaken from her musings as Chrysanthe?s voice howled out to them all. She turned and started picking her way through the heavy rain, eyes carefully finding paw holds in the steep path side, and then she stopped and stared at the roiling flood water in front of her. The earth before her crumbled, and she back tracked swiftly, lanky legs tangling slightly before she did a roll back on her haunches and scrambled up the hill. She found a place that was well away from the water, and stared down through the rain, fur slate black from water logging. Was mother alright? Papa? Where was Gabriel, and Castiel, Lyric, and Arella?

?Oh? Darn.? Mismatched eyes watched carcasses tumble past on the flood currents. A deer that had been minding its own business, a racoon. No wolves, but she thought she saw one for a moment. A fox, as it turned out, still paddling weakly against the powerful water. They were swept from view. Death was no secret to her. They killed animals to eat, after all. However, she didn?t want to die yet, she had to become the great warrior. So she sat still, waiting for the water to die down, like her mother had taught her. Flash floods were quick, lethal, there and gone. But the problem here was that the rain wasn?t stopping. She was in for a long sit.

Finally, this occurred to her, and Surreal tipped her head back to howl for Chrysanthe. Her eldest sister was close by, she was sure of it.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.


07-08-2013, 02:06 PM

He was quick, the man maneuvering himself to be perfectly positioned in the waters. He could not face anything with less than perfect stability and a miss step would cost him and anyone that needed help their life. It was rare to see the man so serious, but alas, it happened and he was prepared. Tail acted as a counterweight, slowing him, allowing him to step slower, and test the ground below the pool Valhalla had become. Still, it was not a long check and with every step it seemed as though the water slammed into him more. he was faced with a dangerous situation: lives were dependent on him, and the selfish side of him wanted to turn back, to take Chrysanthe and leave dodge. He had no desire for anything else. Tongue lashed over his soaked muzzle, and eyes narrowed down to prevent some of the water getting in them. There was little time for fooling around and he was quite aware of this. The man ducked his ears up, barely, off of his head and heard the tiniest squawk of a child. His direction was changed and he began his trek towards her.

Eyes found that seeing the child was a hard thing to do, but admittedly, the babe was not in deep water and Gideon had a much easier time of getting to her as he got closer. Noticing the ever so slight bit of slopes that had began to show beneath his feet, he would take a step, bend his limbs, and lower his head, allowing himself to slide a ways before he could lift both fore-limbs up and make a bounding motion. Practically, it looked awkward, but it allowed him to be careful and it allowed him to get near the babe. Teeth darted out attempting to grab her by the scruff and from here he would direct his attention. It would be foolish for him to try and get her back to where Chrysanthe was, the distance was too great, and he had almost slipped going downward. upward would be nearly impossible. Worry spread over his features and he narrowed his head back aiming to take the child back the way from which she had come. Ears remained up in case anyone else was in need, and silence became him. It would be awhile before they were able to return, until then he'd have to watch the child.

Gideon is taking Arella to safety, seeing if others need help & possibly exiting.


07-08-2013, 02:27 PM

She had been waiting for the rain to stop, for the warm sun rays to return. But they never did. Endless amounts of water poured down on Valhalla, puddles steadily growing into rivers before finally everything was covered in water. The water was deep in most places, standing at 33 inches, the water teasing her belly, soaking her pelt. She had heard her Queens call, but getting there was exhausting. Currents constantly sweeping her away. A frustrated growl vibrated from her chest. Dry land would have been wonderful. Over the sounds of rain and rushing water, a howl caught her attention. She didn't recognize who it came from, but they called for Chrysanthe. She was closer. Turning her directions, she headed towards the source.

The water had picked up its pace, carrying branches and the bodies of animals unable to escape. She stuck to as shallow waters as possible, but the earth kept giving away beneath her paws. Ears flattened against her skull, steps slow and wide. Ivory pelt was slick with mud and water, making her nearly unrecognizable. A hill jutted out of the water, a lanky figure sitting on top of it. Eyes scanned the waters, trying to find a shallow, calm place to cross. She would come up behind the younger wolf, not at all quiet. Paws getting stuck in the mud, her slipper steps and irritable growls. She just wanted to be warm and dry. Once the earth hardened beneath her paws she was able to stop a few feet from the younger wolf. Two toned eyes where oddly familiar. Erani and Nova. Perhaps this one of the pups from the couple. The ivory woman never got to meet them all, she just seemed to stumble upon them. They had grown so fast. "You're Erani's daughter...?" Her statement held a slight question to it, just to verify she was correct.

Haunches dropped tiredly to the ground. Two toned gaze settling upon the younger wolf. They had a long wait in front of them. She wanted to know if the rest of the pack was okay. Where would they all be going? So many questions, and so few answers.

OOC- Rayne found Surreal

"speech" thought


07-08-2013, 02:31 PM

It was time to show the others that he wasn't just all fun and games, and that his muscles could be put to good use. Other wolves were moving about in the water grabbing pups and what not as Natsu's sharp blue eyes looked about. His paws creaked in the water as he firmly stood in the currents looking for any source of life that would need his help. Flood like this happened a lot in his old home, so his was adapted to swimming in these currents. As he moved forward with ease pulling himself with effort onto a ledge and looking up to see if there was anything he could see better. His sharp barks flowed out of his lungs to see if he could get any response, and he was close by the alphess as well as the other. Natsu was staying calm, and quiet, if you freaked out now you could be in danger indefinitely. As he flicked his black tipped tail. His head snapped towards Chrysanthe. "We have to make sure no one has fallen under the water." He frantically yelled and suddenly jumped into the water again looking around the currents. Pups could easily get trapped in here, and he wouldn't let them drown not ever.
Using his forelimbs to press against the dirt the water was up to his chest the 32 inch tall male let a growl slip inside his throat as he continued to let out a series of barks. Damnit why couldn't they just get this over with quickly. He cursed in japanese before digging his claws into the muddy dirt looking to see if he could be of any help.

ooc: I left an opening for any pups or members that could be drowning so that Natsu can save them possibly.




07-08-2013, 03:01 PM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2013, 03:05 PM by Chrysanthe.)
To her relief others started trickling forward. Gael was the first - and she was glad to see the yearling was alright. He seemed to struggle a bit more with the water, and a part of her worried for him, he was younger than she, but around the age where he truly could start making himself helpful and making a difference. "Listen out for anyone stuck, keep a sharp eye out for Erani and Ookami's litters, they're younger than you and could use some help." Erani couldn't carry them all out by their scruff anymore, it would take some effort to get them all out safely. "And be careful!" If he was hurt while going out of his limb on this rescue mission she wouldn't forgive herself. She was the one that had sent him out - he was her responsibility.

Gideon's arrival calmed her frayed nerves slightly, seeing him meant that he was alright. He was safe for now, she hadn't brought him to Valhalla only for the pack to drown him nearly upon arrival. He wanted she and Gael to leave - which was valiant, but there were more children here than he could have possibly accounted for. "Please be careful." 'You had better come back to me' She muttered in the moments that he was at her side, wanting to press closer as he pulled away - but would have to let him go. There would be a time for comfort, for rest, but at that moment she could not ease her tired nerves, she had to find the rest of Valhalla. "Gael, if you don't find anyone on your way to higher grounds, wait there. We will be with you as soon as we find more members." As for she herself she had a few laps of the flooded territory to do before she could comfortably travel to safety.

The appearance of another member eased her somewhat. A newer member, one that she had barely gotten to get acquainted with. Chrysanthe was grateful for his willingness to help out other members. He may not have been the largest of males, but his courage was definitely commendable. Without another word he jumped into the swirling waters, looking for anyone that may need help.

The sound of one of her siblings startled her, and she nearly jumped, hearing Surreal's voice calling out for her. Immediately the alpha staggered toward her, water sloshing around her sides as she did. "Surreal?" The alpha had to swim where she was now, avoiding debris of both plant and animal varieties. Scenting her out was near impossible while surrounded by all of this water, and she snorted as liquid tried its damndest to find its way up her nose. The current was working against her at every shift and turn, and she coughed, her body quickly tiring of all of the swimming that she was doing. Mixed with the panic, she knew that if she didn't calm down she could end up in danger herself.

When she finally caught sight of the girl alongside one of the pack's healers, Rayne, she sighed, carrying her frame swiftly over to them. Standing on solid ground, if only for a moment, she did her best to catch her breath while sticking her nose in her sibling's fur. The girl was warm and safe and there, and she could quell the panic that had flooded her senses when she first heard the girl's call. Yet if she was here... where were the rest of her siblings? "Have either of you seen anyone else?" She asked, her blue eyes flicking toward both of them before looking out at their flooded paradise. The debris that drifted by made her uneasy - she feared she would spot the fur or face of someone she held dear at any moment.



6 Years
07-12-2013, 01:06 PM

Valhalla was dying, slowly drowning. Torrential down pours setting her home afloat. Given that it was edged by an ocean, it shouldn't surprise her but it did. She was soaked, clinging to wheat higher ground she could find as she tried to find other Valhallans.

The pale wolf was soaked to the bone by the time she finally found others. Chrysanthe was the first she saw. Water sloshed as she trudged toward them. Well worn paths were hidden in the murky, debris filled water making it impossible to know if they were on trail or off. "Chrysanthe!" As she called out, distracted, she stumbled. The yearling fell into the water, finding it abruptly deeper than before. As her body tipped forward, her legs flailed, it was an impossible venture, saving herself. So she fell, unable to catch herself. Her face went under and as she hit the ground below her paws righted themselves to shove away.

She came up coughing violently, water in her throat and nose. She staggered forward, stopping when she near. When she caught control of the fit she was having as her body purged the water, she spoke again. "Chrysanthe. Where is everyone?!" She cut herself short before she could go into a full blown panic attack. Where was Soleil? And Collision? What about Sarak? The list of wolves went on of course, but those were the ones she worried about the most. Those closest to her would always come first, she was just happy to know that some of the ones she loved were not in Valhalla at all to be in the situation.




7 Years
07-13-2013, 12:24 AM

Surreal blinked away the rain that clung to her lashes and brow whiskers as a white wolf sloshed through the rising water to her high point. Oh. Rayne. She gave the healer a water slinging wag if her tail, and tried to shake off the water. She answered Rayne?s inquiry with a nod. ?I?m Surreal. Wet day, isn?t it?? She frowned at the water. ?I hope Papa isn?t back yet, him and Castiel went out for a while to teach Cas Forest craft and hunting and stuff.? Her from brightened to a smile as Chrysanthe arrived. ?Mama and Lyric, and Papa and Castiel should be alright. Our den is safe from the floods. Papa and Castiel are out on a trip to teach Cas about hunting and fighting, and other things. Mother was out taking Lyric herb gathering outside Valhalla, but Arella. She was out for a walk last I knew. Gabriel?s been missing for ages.? Her ears drooped.

A shiver went through her. The water soaking her pelt was beginning to feel chilly, and she pressed toward Chrysi?s legs.

Short and crappy *Waaaah*
[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.


07-13-2013, 04:37 PM (This post was last modified: 07-13-2013, 04:38 PM by Ryker.)

The boy ran through the mud as he tried to avoid the water. White lines ears pinned against his head as he hated the sound of the rushing water. Ryker couldn't think with all of this noise. The stars forbid he got into trouble what if no one heard him either? The pup had been around the territory when he had heard the floods. The rain was welcomed but he didn't know it would rain this much! Aqua blue eyes with a green flint in each settled on a thick fast stream before him. Backing up a few steps the boy looked in horror at the waters. Turning around behind him he saw the foliage become overrun by more flooding waters. Ryker was trapped; he was in a fork of land and water. Hesitant and confused the pup wondered if he could swim across. The waters were moving way too fast to swim in though.

The boy looked ahead at the fast running stream and wondered if he could clear it. If he did then he would be able to make it to the others. And if he didn't? A shiver ran up the boys spine as a cough escaped his maw. His persistent cough had seemed to dissipate but it came up every now and then. The young brute shook out his fur in an attempt to shake off excess water. The pup took a few steps backward before focusing his aqua blue and green gaze on the stream. Maybe he was just still smaller or it was a big stream, but Ryker didn't care. With a huff the boy ran towards the stream and jumped. When he pushed off the ground he felt his hind paws squelch in the mud as he jumped. Surely his white toes feet were brown now. The boy looked ahead as he jumped. His forepaw a landed on the other side but as the rest of his body followed his hind legs landed in the water. The young brute let out a growl as he tried to pull himself up onto the bank. With another try Ryker managed to pull himself further up, he was almost there. Soon enough another wave of water came and the boy felt himself be pulled down further. There were tiny claw marks in the mud as he tried to hold himself on the edge.

The young brute's front flew paws were soon swept away as well as he let out a yelp as he was taken with the water. His head disappeared under the water while his eyes burned from the touch of the water. Moments later his head broke the surface as the pup fought to keep it above the surface. His legs paddled the boy to the surface while the current brought him to the bank. Ryker stretched out to reach the ground as he pulled himself onto land. The young brute lay there on the bank catching his breath once more. He wondered where his parents and siblings where. Hopefully his sister and brother were alright. Resnera and Ravine were always safe right? And then where were his parents? His father had been around but he hadn't seen his mother in a while. So the bkynlaynthere trying to catch his breath. Hopefully the floods wouldn't come up too far while he was resting. Ryker wasn't going to move anytime soon, he was exhausted.

[b]"Mudder, Fadder, Resnera, Ravine..." He cried out feebly as he lay there resting.




9 Years
07-14-2013, 07:32 PM
The rain had been falling for several days now but the boy had never before seen it as anything other than an opportunity to play in the mud. At first that's all it was...a bunch of mud and several small puddles, but as the days whent on and the rains only seemed to get heavier puddles turned into streams and those streams eventually left most of Valhalla looking like a giant lake with currents that could kill even the toughest of creatures.

Today Ravine had wondered off on his own to play. Every now and then he would get brave and start into the deeper waters but would turn back just before he got to the point he could no longer touch bottom. He had been told it was dangerous to get into water with a current so he always made sure it was a small pool with no current before playing in the clouded water. It didn't take long for the boy to wear himself out. So he reluctantly lay down to take a nap.

His dreams were filled with sunshine warmth and play. Had anyone been watching him they would see his legs twitch and hear yips come from him as he slept and it would all be beacause he was dreaming of playing with his siblings and letting out playful barks as they carried on. With in seconds the dream turned nightmare. Water dark as night washed away everything and he could no longer breath. When he coughed it only made it worse and more water rushed into his lungs.

His eyes opened wide and he fought for air. A gulp of oxygen and he was hit by the carcass of an adult dear. At first all it did was hold him under aged what seemed like ever but was only mere seconds he pulled his way to the top of the floating animal. With claws dug in he was terrified for his life. His small snout rose to the sky as he screamed for help. He didn't care who came he just wanted out of the water.


07-17-2013, 01:10 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2013, 01:13 PM by Thane.)
The brute had kept an eye on the pouring rain. He wondered when it would stop but then came the floods. Panic struck the male as he looked around for his mate and children.

"Ryker!?! Ravine!?! Resnera!?!" he screamed out trying on call for his children.

White lines ears pressed against the man's skull before they perked up again and he leaped over a fallen log and started into a run. Thane ran towards the scents and sounds of his pack mates before coming upon a stream in the way. There was a bigger stream then a smaller one. On the other side by the smaller stream he squinted to see who was laying on the bank. Aqua blue eyes settled on one of his sons.

"Ryker!" he yelled, hoping to get the boy to move.

The wolf's white lines ears perked up once more at a cry for help. Wait, he knew the voice, it was Ravine! Aqua blue eyes searched for the boy as he soon caught sight of his son. The pup was hanging onto a deer carcass. White lines ears pinned against the Bruce's head as he looked on in horror. It felt as if his heart had stopped in his chest and went to his throat. For the first time h didn't think. For the first time he didn't plan, he just jumped!

Thane leapt into the larger stream of muddy murky water this pulled at his limbs. The water threatened to pull him down but he kept his paws kicking at the water. Adrenaline courses through the wolf's body as he neared the deer carcass that was flowing fast with the water. The brute had jumped a few moments before the deer carcass came by so he could go in front of it. When it came by the male pushed off of the ground beneath the water with slight resistance from the water. His forepaws landed around the carcass as he pulled himself further up to grab his son by the scruff.

Letting go did Thane make sure to keep the boy's head above water and his own as well. Thane's paws pushed the water behind him even though he was being carried by it. Eyeing the bank where his other son was at the wolf pushed towards it. The water seemed to settle down more than in the main part of the flow of the floods. With a grunt he pushed against the water with his paws one last time before lashing out to claw at the mud. His hind legs were being pulled back a bit before fully getting out.

He put Raving back down on the ground before speaking after catching his breath.

"Are you alright?" he asked before sitting on his haunches for a moment.

"Ah...scared me half to death" he said to himself before tuning towards his other son Ryker.

Standing up and walking over to the boy the Bruce's aqua blue gaze settled on the rise and fall of his chest. A sigh of relief escaped Thane's maw before he nuzzled the pup gently.

"Come on Ryker, get up. We have to go to the others. You two will be safer there." he said while nudging the boy with his nose.

Then turning towards Ravine the brute licked some of the mud off of his head before speaking once more.

"Have any of you two seem your sister or mother?" he asked before looking back and forth between his sons.

Thane looked at the stream beside the bank. It seemed to be calming down.They were safe here for now but they had to get a move on soon.

Aqua blue eyes looked back and forth from his boys. A sigh escaped the man's maw before he picked up Ryker by the scruff and set him down beside Ravine. Then laying down on the ground himself he curled around the two pups before waiting for an answer or reply. If not then he would sit here curled around them and keep them warm.

Looking back up at the waters once more did Thane hope his beloved and daughter were alright.



07-23-2013, 01:38 PM

The brute had been in agony ever since the rains started, because of his injured jaw. It never had time to heal, so the poor wolf stumbled out of the den and into the floods. Afterwords, he began to howl for his alpha female.

"Chrysanthe! Are you okay?" His loyal to the alpha female meant more to him than his own safety.

The brute saw a wolf in front of him rescue pups that looked like him. Bunching his muscles, Demaro jumped across the stream. His hind legs dangled limply in the water for a moment before his claws dog into the ground and he climbed up. He easily jumped across the smaller stream, without any danger. He paused and stared at Thane and the two pups.

Trusting Thane to his sons, Demaro licked the small star beneath Ryker's eye.

Then Demaro realized there was only one pup, and heard a cry for help. Before Demaro could move to save the pup, Thane jumped in the water and rescued him. Demaro stopped as he saw another stream, this one larger than the other two. The ground was crumbling from the strong current.


Aislyn I


Extra large
07-24-2013, 05:45 PM

At first it seemed like a pretty normal day for the Valhallan beta. She was sound asleep in her den with her daughter Liberty, catching up one some much needed down time. They had been extensively training, and with her old age and her daughters restlessness, they were both pretty wore out. Liberty was pretty big now because next season she would be one year old. She was so proud of her daughter, she had been training so hard to take her place as beta. she was very grateful that the queen had accepted her plans for Liberty, because if the girl would have had to train for no reason, that would have been a disappointment.

Her right ear twitched as an odd sound woke her from a deep sleep. She was still rather drowsy, so she did not bother opening her eyes; instead she listened while she was half way awake. It sounded rather odd, almost like a river, but there was no river in Valhalla. It was raining at the moment, so it must be the rain echoing off of something. The sound became louder, causing her left ear to swivel forward too. "Chrysanthe!" Her head instantly popped up when she heard the screams, and before she could get up to further examine what was going on, water viciously poured into the opening of the den.

The force was very sudden, and before Aislyn could react she was slammed into the very back wall of the den. The impact knocked almost all the air out of her body. Liberty, who had been whisked away too, was rammed straight into her mother, which broke most of the impact force. The impact was still rough for her, but with her mothers cushioning the air in her lungs was spared. Aislyn's legs kicked wildly as she tried to make it to the very top of the den where a small pocked of air was quickly diminishing. She needed air, and she needed it fast. Her instincts kicked in and she grabbed Liberty's scruff between her jaws and pushed against the den floor with all her might. Her body was propelled upward, and with a few more kicks her head surfaced, but her ears were already touching the roof of the den. She gasped for air while holding Liberty's head above the water, but with her child's fur in her mouth, her struggle to stay afloat, and her own need for air she as quickly starting to sink again. She had about a foot or so of air left, and within 30 or so seconds, the air pocket would be gone.

She couldn't do it anymore. With the forceful current coming in from the opening of the den it was hard for her to kick her legs, so keeping her head surfaced took all her strength. "Mom!" Liberty screamed as Aislyn went under again, taking Liberty with her. She was going to drown, there was no way out of this; and if she didn't act fast, her daughter would drown too. Her paws touched the bottom of the den again, and with all her might she pushed up again, bringing them to the surface. Her head hit the dens roof, and she had to tilt her head up so her nose and mouth would be above the water. With her panting and holding Liberty she couldn't stop the water that poured into her mouth. She coughed, trying to get the water out of her lungs, but with her coughing she was forced to release Liberty. "Liberty!" She tried to scream, but water was rapidly filling her mouth and nose. She frantically looked around for her, but she couldn't see her anywhere. Things were starting to fade.

"Mom! Mom I can't keep my head up!" She heard her daughters voice behind her, and she frantically turned her body against the current. Liberty was by what she assumed the entrance of the den, because she could see her being pushed in her direction. "Liberty! You have to go! Now!" She tried to yell over the rain and rush of the current, but her words ended up sounding like a gurgling noise. With only inches of air left, Aislyn knew what she had to do. She had to sacrifice herself for her daughter.

The woman went under again, and as she opened her eyes and looked up she could see the air bubble vanish. Liberty was still up there frantically doggie paddling as she looked for any air pockets. With the last bit of her strength Aislyn pushed herself up again, grabbed Liberty, (by what she did not know) and pushed her upward and toward the entrance of the den. With her push, and Liberty's paddling, Liberty was sucked out of a space at the very top of the den, and pushed away from the current and den, but into deeper waters. At least now she was out of the den; but now Aislyn was stuck, and things were fading fast. She remained under the water, her body being pushed back against the back wall of the den. She held her breath as long as she could, her lungs burning for air; but they would never receive any.

Her mouth involuntarily opened as she gasped for air beneath the water. Liquid filled her lungs, her vision completely blurred, and her body started going limp. She was consciously aware of what was happening to her, but her aged body had already lost the fight. Her mind switched gears to death realization and brought back all the memories in her life. Her as a pup, her mother and father, her birth pack. Her travels as a loner, her acceptance into Valhalla by Cairo. Cairo... His name sounded so sweet in her mind. Her living in Valhalla as an outcast, her coming up to beta, her becoming alpha, the volcano eruption, Collisions rise to power, her returning to her rank as beta. Her sensual experience with Cairo, and then Friction. They had been the only two males who managed to steal her heart. Her and Frictions bond, him coming to Valhalla, her birthing Liberty, Friction and hers marriage. Watching Liberty grow, watching Cairo die, her growing a stronger bond with Friction and the rest of the pack. So many things had happened, but those where the moments that flashed through her mind during her last moments. And she was happy. With a smile on her face the old beta totally relaxed and accepted the fate that was coming to her. thump, thump, thump, thu-. And she peacefully passed with wonderful memories in her mind, and a smile on her face.

Long live the Valhallen Beta.

OOC: Aislyn is now dead, she may be retrieved after the waters have went down. She is in her den, and Liberty will go for help, but she will already be dead before anyone gets to her.

Australian Accent Speech


07-24-2013, 06:11 PM

The little woman felt as if she'd just been cast away. Her mother had pushed her out of the den, and now she was in deeper waters with rain pouring down on her head. She struggled to keep her head above the water as she turned to look behind her where she assumed her mother would be. Little did she know her mother wouldn't, and couldn't follow. "Mother!......Mother!" She screamed through the pouring rain and rush of water. She was starting to get pulled under again, and she knew she needed to get to dry land, but she couldn't leave her mother behind. She just knew any second now her ivory head would pop above the surface and they would retreat to safety together. But she didn't, and she never would.

"Mom please! I can't swim any longer!" Her legs were growing tired, and water was filling her mouth and nose. She spit it out the best she could, but she was quickly losing the battle. This is when she decided she couldn't wait any longer. She would have to come back for her mother. With a kick toward her right she turned her body the best she could away from what she assumed was the den. Her legs kicked back and forth beneath her as she doggie paddled through the deep water. She was still a pup, only a few months old, so she was still pretty small compared to a full grown wolf. Her paws couldn't touch the earth beneath her, and she wasn't exactly sure how deep the water was. All she knew was if she stopped swimming she would drown, and her mother would too. "Help! Someone help! Someone! Anyone!" She screamed to the best of her ability, but with the rushing water and pouring rain her voice was easily drowned out. Hopefully someone could hear her.

OOC: Someone needs to come save her please



07-24-2013, 07:26 PM

Off again, always off and always wandering. Though lately it had been with a light heart and an easy smile. Since the last pack meeting and since asking Aislyn to be his mate the male had strengthened considerably, an easy pace carrying him along the higher edge of Valhalla. It had been raining like crazy lately but nothing too much to worry about in the males mind, nothing to cause concern or so he thought. But a distressed call caught his attention and gaze turned from the outside of the boarder towards the interior. What he saw made him freeze. He felt as though an icy hand had reached down his throat and tightened around his heart. A flood... It wasn't Friction's first flood but the devastation and distraction of the last one had left him scarred. It had been how his mate had died as well as his mother. But it wasn't the time to dwell on it, no, Liberty and Aislyn had been training all day and were in their den. Had they gotten out? He had to check. He was running before he could even think and then he was bounding, long legs propelling him through the slowly deepening waters. There was a group and he half swam and half leapt when he could to them, breath already coming in gasps to him when he reached them. "Liberty? Aislyn?" he half asked and half demanded, gaze frantic as he looked past the alpha and at the few wolves surrounding her and the wolves that were retreating. None of them were his mate or daughter. He didn't wait for an answer, instead turned towards the den and leapt into the waters. He had to swim there, it was too deep to get into the den though, he knew the exact location but by the time he got there the normally huge trees were half submerged. Where were they? Panic began to settle over him as he began to tread water, spinning in a circle and glancing around frantically. "LIBERTY! AISLYN!!" He shouted, eyes darting too and fro.

And then there it was, a tiny voice crying out over the downpour. Immediately he turned towards the sound, following the current until he finally found her. "Wheres your mother?!?" he asked though dread was already beginning to settle in even as he grabbed her by the scruff. Now was the struggle. He began to paddle back towards the area of their den, struggling against the current with Liberty in tow. He had to check the den but first he needed his daughter to be safe. Aislyn would never forgive him if he didn't put her first. He moved to a tree that had marked the entrance of their den, claws scrabbling at the submerged branches before his forelegs finally found a higher one and he lifted them slightly out of the water. Another heave and he would lift her out of the water about a foot, leaving himself in the water. "I need to find mommy, stay here until I return..." he said, trying not to let his voice shake as he rested for a moment, reaching out to clean the water from his daughters eyes. He steadied his breathing though he was still shaking before drawing a deep breath and submerging himself. His paws grabbed at the branches, dragging him down for what felt like forever. At least the further down he went the clearer it got. His lungs were already straining by the time he reached the bottom, ears ringing. It was stiller down here, the current not grabbing at him as much.. He pushed himself into the den, thankfully small enough that it was no time before his jaws clamped around Aislyn's ruff. He didn't wait to see if air bubbles were coming out, he simply pushed himself off and started the tedious climb back up the branches dragging the weight of his mate behind him. She had to be alive...

He broke the surface and gasped for air the best he could as he tried to hook his paws over the branch Liberty was still on and pull Aislyn up onto it with him. The feeling of dread felt like lead in his stomach now as he looked at her, unbreathing and motionless. She couldn't be dead... But now was not the time to weep... "We have to get her to dry land so we can see what we can do. Get on my back and keep your head above water" he instructed after a moment more of catching his breath. His legs were shaky and his vision was beginning to tunnel, there was no way he could swim all the way back to the others. No... He had to bring them elsewhere, follow the current until he could bring himself to dry land. As soon as Liberty had settled her weight he pushed his face into Aislyn's soaked ruff and willed the tears not to come. He knew in his heart that she was gone but he couldn't leave her. They had just settled everything, they had just finally found each other and now this. Why did god hate him so much? A shuddering breath was drawn in before he settled his grip high up on Aislyn's neck so he could tip her head back as they floated down. "We'll find the pack when we can..." he promised his daughter before he pushed off, legs moving enough to keep them all afloat but allowing the current to carry them. It felt surreal, like a flash back only he had never found his first mates body. At least Liberty was safe and well, he would swim until he died before he ever let anything happen to her.

He didn't know how long it was before the current seemed to slow, seemed to allow him the chance to begin moving towards the right and out of the valley. He could see high ground and he moved diagonally towards it, praying the current wouldn't carry them away before he could bring them there. Another lifetime seemed to pass before his paws finally scraped against ground. He was shaking as he heaved Aislyn towards the shore and then when it was shallow enough he lowered a forleg so Liberty could drop to the ground. He kept pulling until he brought Aislyn completely out of the water. But it was still raining and the waters were still rising. They were not yet safe. "We need to get to higher ground Liberty, scout the way and I will follow" he said as he gasped for air, the tears that were now flowing freely from his eyes masked by the water that streamed down his face. He turned his face towards his mate, her body still and her lungs no longer drawing air. There was nothing he could do for her other then to give her a proper burial when he could. And now was no the time to break down, the water was rising fast and they had to go.



07-27-2013, 12:54 PM

One moment she was playing in a puddle then the next she was being swept up by the water. The little girl was scared, but he was trying to be brave. Little legs kicked hard, trying to keep her head above the surface. The rain had stopped by now but the water was like a river, twisting and turning against small hills of her home, sweeping her further away from her family.

Eyes were water, a single tear running down her cheek before she was suddenly yanked down. Paws thrashed around, eyes closed, ears back. She twisted and turned, trying to move, trying to find the surface but she couldn't.

After what seemed like hours the water released its grip on her small dark body, letting her thrash wildly, breakig through the surface gasping for air. "Daddy!" She whined, coughing up water that splashed into her mouth. She shook her head, getting it out of her eyes, looking for something she could grab and hold onto.

There! A stick was poking out of the water, no, a branch of a tree that must have been dragged down here by the rushing water. Kicking as hard as she could the little pup made her way over, trying to use the current to help her so she didn't use up all her strength. Grab it, now! Resnera lunged forward, jaws snapping shut, grabbing a smaller branch coming of the main one and pulled herself forward. Paws smacked the water, legs kicking to push her forward until finally she could wrap her little paws around it and hold her head just barely above the surface. Every couple seconds the water would rise, leaving only her little snout visible.



07-27-2013, 02:08 PM
The brute lay curled around two of the three of his children. White lined ears were perked up as his eyes were fixated on the area around him. Hoping his daughter was safe with her mother Thane could only hope. Looking back down for a moment to his sons he licked the top of both of their heads gently. This was scary, admittedly scary! It scared him because he didn't know where the rest of his family was and if they were alright. It scared him because his children almost drowned. It scared him because his pack members might be drowning or still need help. Sighing, Thane still remained alert, just in case.

Aqua blue eyes wodened as a familiar voice reached his ear screaming "Daddy". It was Resnera! Quickly standing up the male was ready to take off and go find her. Then looking back down at his two children the father debated whether to take them with him or leave them here. But if he took them with him they would be in even more danger as well. With a grunt Thane turned towards the water and saw that it wasn't rising anymore, they will be safe. With a nuzzle to both of his children the brute was off.

"Stay here!" he said to them in a stern voice before leaving.

He ran upriver frantically searching for his daughter, his little princess with the stars in her fur. Aqua blue eyes ran up and down the surface of the water as he searched for his daughter. With Thane's heart pounding in his chest he soon spotted her. She seemed to be holding onto a branch as her head slowly went under. The brute quickly hurried to jump into the muddy and murky water as he watched her muzzle only be shown above the surface of the water.

"Resnera!!!" He screamed or garbled as water filled his mouth. The male kicked at the water as he also cleared his mouth of it. White lines ears pinned against his head as Thane neared the pup. Exhaustion started to set in; swimming against the current across isn't that easy. With a final grit he reached the branch and opened his maw to be ready to grab Resnera's scruff. Water poured into his mouth but the brute still kept his jaws open. Leaning forward Thane gently picked up his daughter by her scruff. Looking down occasionally to make sure her head was still above water the wolf made his way to land. Geez, she had put on a few pounds lately. She want heavy but just growing up. Of course Thane remembered carrying her by the scruff when she was only a little thing.

[b]"It's going to be alright, Daddy's gotcha."
he said through his teeth.

Thane was tired, but he still kept on moving. He wanted l get Resnera to land and return to his other children with her. Soon enough his paws reached land and Thane didn't even put her down. He started to run. The brute ran towards his sons and hurried toget to them. Thane didn't like leavings them alone in this situation. But he hasn't gone far; reaching them did he lay his daughter down besides Ryker and lick her clean.

"Are you alright?" he asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

Aqua blue eyes averted to the boys as he looked them over as well. A sigh escaped the male's maw as he resumed his position encircled around his children. Now he knew where his children were. But he still didn't know where his mate was. Keeping an eye on Resnera waiting for her to respond he wanted to make sure she was alright. With a sigh ThNe rose his muzzle to the air and howled. He called for Ookami and didn't know if she would come or not. Hopefully she would but if she didn't he would eventually find her right? Worry plagued the brute, yet he curled tighter around their children and wished for things to be alright.