
I'm still yearning for your touch


07-05-2013, 09:23 PM

She hadn't seen her brother for a few weeks, ever since their last fight. He had stormed off, thoroughly pissed that she had stolen that little red bitch out from under him. She didn't mind, he had stayed out of her way, allowing her to do as she pleased. She had enjoyed herself, finding herself in the company of that pallid brute, along with a pup as well. Today she sought solitude. She had found her way to some cliffs that overlooked the ocean. It was a gorgeous sight. The edge dropped straight down, plummeting to a narrow beach that gave way to merciless ocean waves. Leading up to the cliff was an endless field of soft grass that was beginning to grow back, and flowers slowly starting to bloom. All the small details of beauty went unnoticed. The evening sun had set, taking away the rays that had warmed her bodice. Eyes remained shut, dozing to the sound of distant waves. She lay curled several feet from the cliffs edge, anyone foolish enough to sneak up on the dozing woman would be tossed over the edge to fall to their death.

The temperature slowly began to drop, the moon rising higher, bathing everything in its eery glow, including herself. The moonlight turned her pelt nearly while as it danced across her. Her minor wounds had healed, disappearing into practically nothing, covered once more by a thick pelt. Breathing was slow and steady, a gentle rise of her chest. Her massive frame had flattened the grass she resided in, leaving her in a makeshift bed. The salty breeze teased her nose.

It was scene of perfect serenity. Until one looked at the whole picture. A fallen doe lay nearby. Torn to shreds, her blood staining the grass. The animals blood still stained her muzzle, spattered along her chest and paws. The crimson liquid contrasted her light pelt, staining it red. She hadn't yet eaten, only wanting to fulfill her desire to kill, to feel the life draining from another, to have their blood flooding her mouth. But it wasn't the same as killing another wolf. There was no fight, only desperation to get away, there was no will to become the victor. There was no begging for mercy, hearing their cries as she merciless tore into them. There was no fun.

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07-05-2013, 09:58 PM

Fuck this entire place and of the fucking wolves and animals in it. He hated it. Absolutely fucking hated it. He wanted to murder every single fucking wolf that crossed his path and torture them until their cries filled the land for the next hundred centuries. Every time he went out looking for someone to fuck that wasn't his sister, things always fucked up. Someone or something had to happen to ruin his fun. Why was it so damn fucking hard to find a fucking bitch to fuck in this damn place? He wasn't horny; he was murderous right now. He wanted to feel a wolf's throat crush beneath his jaws, their blood trickling down his throat, their blood-curling cries filling his ears as they begged for the mercy that was never going to come. He wanted to murder, he wanted to maim, he wanted to torture.

First his sister with the red bitch, and now the two idiots with the white bitch. Was fucking not allowed in this fucking land or what? He didn't give a shit if the bitch belonged to a pack or not, if she was around Demyan, he was going to fuck her, regardless if she wanted to or not. That is, if there wasn't anyone there to stop him, like what had just happened. Jaws clenched together as the gargantuan man moved towards the cliff, each step with his right hind leg a painful one, but nothing he couldn't handle. Those fucking nosy bastards, coming in to rescue the helpless white bitch before he could have his way with her. Just because she was part of their pack didn't mean that they had to come in and help her. Fucking pack wolves and their need to protect each other. By now the sun had dipped far behind the mountain rage, plunging the landscape into darkness. In it's place was the luminescent moon, illuminating the landscape with her brilliant silver light. The meadow before him was breath-taking, but the beauty was wasted on him. The only thing he could see what his sister's figure curled up near the edge of the cliff, the mangled carcass of a dear lying beside her. The giant man halted at the edge of the meadow, the left side of his body hidden by the shadows, the right illuminated by the moonlight, cyan gems intent on her figure. It was her fault he hadn't been able to get any ass. She'd cursed him.

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07-05-2013, 10:21 PM

There was a shift in the air. Eyes snapped opened, revealing pools of vibrant pink. Head lifted, eyes scanning. Looking back over her shoulder, a familiar shadow watched her intently. Her brother. For a moment she simply watched him. Even from a distant she could the fury in his eyes. The murderous frustration that rolled off him. He must not have been able to find some other bitch to fuck. It was so nice being a woman sometimes, no one would turning fucking her. She didn't rise, her posture didn't change. Audits pushed forward, waiting to see if he'd come closer. Half of his mammoth form was hidden amongst the shadows. His steps. There was something off. It was almost as if he was hurt, favoring one leg. A brow lifted in question. He must have gotten himself into quite mess then. Serves him right. Though she wouldn't dare say that now. She knew how and when to push her brother. And now was not the time.

"Demyan." Her voice a soft purr. He would hear her, even with her softly spoken words. Her attention returned to the scenery before her, eyes resting on the endless expanse of water. She really didn't care what she was looking at, she was just simply waiting for her brother to come closer. "What happened?" The question was meant for when he approached, otherwise her words would be lost to the sea. She was interested to know what kind of trouble he had gotten himself into. He wasn't mortally wounded so she wasn't to concerned, he still walked on all four legs, no mass amounts of blood covered him. He was fine. His ego, however, was not. If he had gone this long without fucking some poor girl, then chances were that he was ready to kill something, someone, anything in his path.

She stayed mellow, the only changes was the tones of her voice, becoming soft and sensual, but other than she remained nuetral. She wanted to keep her head tonight. With his approach, should he approach, her chin would tilt upwards to look at him, meeting his heated gaze. A foreign scent mingled with his own. A pack? Her had gone a tried to fuck a pack wolf? Sometimes he thought with the wrong head. She forced herself to keep her face void of emotion, brow lifted slightly, waiting for an answer.

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07-05-2013, 10:48 PM

He didn't say anything. He didn't have to. The chill ocean breeze that was winding its way through the area was his way of announcing his presence, his familiar scent making its way towards his sister. As he had expected she caught it, silvery crown raising, coral gems locking with his cyan ones. Of course she would know it was him. She wasn't a complete idiot. Despite having seen him, she didn't rise, didn't make any type movement except for the turn of her head to face him. Her lack of reaction only worked to infuriate him more. She should've been up on her paws already, coming to greet him, to see what was wrong, see if there was anything she could offer him. But of course, she knew better. She could obviously sense his murderous rage boiling white hot in his blood and so she stayed put, not making any type of comments or movements that would push him in the direction of hurting her. She apparently wanted to conserve that pretty little head of hers tonight. Smart move.

Demyan. came her soft purr, barely audible in comparison to the crashing waves below them. He took his time moving towards her, careful to make his movements looks fluid, natural, aware to keep any sign of pain from registering across his fa?ade so he wouldn't give Cataleya any reason to taunt him. Not that she would, if she wanted to keep her body completely intact for the night. She turned away from him as he approached, looking out to see as she asked what had happened. Why the fuck do you care? he snarled, ice sharpening his words. She was just playing nice so that he wouldn't rip something off her. And it was working; for the most part. Fire like cyan pools flickered to meet his sister's coral ones, her fa?ade deceptively void of any kind of emotion as snarl twisted his pale lips, though the sound stayed locked away within his chest.

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07-05-2013, 11:24 PM

His snarl and biting words came as no surprise. Her emotionless expression didn't waiver, she simply continued to gaze up at him. She paused for a moment before pushing herself into a sitting position. He was still taller than her, but she didn't have to crane her neck as much to look at him. She ignored his question, knowing it was only asked out of white hot rage "I'm not as fucking stupid as you think." The tones of her words barely changed, sharpening only ever so slightly, something most would overlook, but Demyan wouldn't. "You think I can't smell it on you? That packs scent?" Gems raked over him, not missing a single inch of him before stopping at his hind legs. His right leg. His toes curled to hold his weight on that side. Something only a healer would notice, but when you spent your entire life with someone, you start to notice the small things. Gaze shot back to his. A snarl remained stationary on his face, lips curled back over his fangs, though he remained silent.

"Well?" Lyrics had returned to their normal purr, loosing their bite. He was close enough that she could lean into him, pressing her shoulder into him, giving him the briefest of nuzzles to his neck before moving back to her original sitting position. She would wait. Eventually he would tell her. He couldn't walk around like nothing was the wrong every time he was around her, especially if something vital was wounded. Surprisingly enough he seemed to be void of any other kind of injury. How he managed that she couldn't guess. Falling silent, her intent gaze settled on his still raging eyes. Now was not the time to push him. She at least needed to calm him down first. If only it was that easy. The few times he was this angry, she found herself walking a thin line of being attentive without crossing any lines. It always a dangerous dance with him. One that she loved and could dance to all night.

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07-05-2013, 11:47 PM

He was in a very delicate emotional state right now. His body was screaming with pain, demanding vengeance, demanding blood and he was more than willing to heed to its demands, to give in the lust for blood that was burning hotter than hell's deepest pit. But his hock, it was hurting like a mother fucker. The bastard had managed to only nick it, but fuck damn, that shit hurt like a mother fucking bitch. It would probably feel better in the morning once he got some rest, but for the moment it was painful as hell. Despite the raging pain, the gargantuan didn't let on, keeping the pain away from his facial features, careful as to not let his body language give anything away, although he knew Cata had probably seen it already. She wasn't exactly stupid and she was quite the observer when she needed to. She knew her brother better than anyone, so it was rather hard to try and hide things from her, but that didn't mean that he was going to come crying to her everything he got into a fight with someone else and tell her all the details. It wasn't like she really cared anyway.

I'm not as fucking stupid as you think. You think I can't smell it on you? That packs scent? Her words took on a similar quality like his, though they weren't threatening enough to push him to the point of hurting her. She was walking a fine line with him, and so far she was staying on the right side of that line. For now anyways. Well? came her expectant voice again. That simple little phrase would've been all the fuel he needed to go after her, hurt leg or not, but not even a second later she brushed up against him, pushing her shoulder into his chest, giving him the briefest of nuzzles, something not common from the silvery vixen. Her unexpected touch soothe the raging storm within the gargantuan man, settling it down to a hot simmer, lids falling closed over cyan gems as he spoke. I went after this white bitch and it turns out she was part of her pack. Her little pack mates came to rescue her, along with this fucking horse. I got into with them and the darker man was able to nick my hock. After that I bounced. She wasn't worth my fucking time anymore. Lids peeled back, fiery cyan gems flaring down towards his sister, his the low simmer beginning to bubble again as he replayed the scene in his mind.

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07-06-2013, 09:09 PM

She could feel the change in him, feeling his muscles slowly start to relax as the rage slipped away with her simple touch. It was a rarity that she gave him a gentle soothing touch so it was no wonder why it worked so well. Lids hid his ocean blue eyes as he spoke, explaining what had happened. Fucking horse.. Brows shot up in disbelief. Perhaps he had gotten knocked on the head? Ate something? What in the hell was he talking about? A horse? Really? "A horse?" It was the only thing that stood out to her. It wasn't much of a surprise that the womans pack came to her aid, for some reason packs watched out for each other. Surely he knew that, after all they did grow up in a pack.

When his eyes opened again, his fury was renewed. He wanted blood. That bitches blood. He wouldn't let her go, he'd hunt her down again, taking what was stolen from him. All in time. Jaws parted, lightly grabbing the skin on the side of neck, pulling him down with her as she laid herself across the soft grass once more. Whether he admitted it or not, he had an injury, she would care for him for the night, then wake up in the morning a cold hearted bitch again. He was the only one that ever saw the softer side of her that was buried so deep within that only he could find it, he only ever found it when he least expected it.

Resting her head on her paws, she fell silent, gaze staring at nothing in particular. She would run her mouth later, tease him when his wounded pride wasn't so fresh. Lungs expanded, taking in their max amount of oxygen before exhaling it deeply. Thoughts mulled over this white bitch? She could be fun. A victim? Falling prey to her and Demyan's ways. They hadn't killed together in so long, perferring solitude in their hunts, but there was always a certain edge to hunting together. One that turned her on to no end. Tail swayed idly, flattening the grass and eventually thumping her brother softly as her mind plotted. The packs scent had already ingrained itself in her head, now all she had to do was find it. Gaze slid sideways to catch a glimpse of her brother, waiting for his temper to cool.

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07-07-2013, 12:26 AM

The soothing from his sister only lasted a moment as he began going over the events of the hours before. He had almost had that stupid bitch, she would've of been him has those two nosy bastards hadn't come in to ruin his fun. Damn packs and their need to protect their own! He could hardly remember his time in the foster pack they'd been adopted into. All he could remember of them now was how he relished rolling in their blood and prolonging the deaths of those who had been unlucky enough to have survived the attack from his sister. He allowed his mind to wander away from the memory of his loss of the white bitch to go back to the day they had murdered their pack. Oh, what fun it had been, to hear the helpless cries of the idiots who had themselves to be the pack-mates of the siblings. Fools. A horse? Cata's incredulous question broke him from his musings, cyan gems snapping to focus on her, a second snarl curling his pale lips. Yes a fucking horse. I'm not fucking blind, I know what I saw. Apparently the bitch's pack is taking in food as company. Obviously those fools didn't understand that horses were food and not companions.

The rage was coming back, his blood boiling hotter until suddenly his sister reached out to him, taking the scruff at the side of his neck and pulling him down with her. He would've snapped at her then and there, but there was something different about her touch. It was light, not demanding or lustful or even harsh. She just wanted him to lay down with her. Odd. Cataleya was never like this with him, at least most of the time she wasn't. There were a rare few times, he could barely remember, where she let her soft side out with him. Seemed like tonight was one of those nights. Allowing his rage to fade. Demyan willingly allowed himself to fall to the ground with his sister, limbs folding beneath him, massive frame kissing the cool earth, crown lowering to rest against his paws. He would get that stupid white bitch. He would make her pay for having her fucking pack members come to rescue her. She thought she'd gotten away? She was so fucking sorely mistaken.

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07-07-2013, 04:50 PM

Yes a fucking horse. His biting tones had returned, snapping at her. He had to admit it was a little hard to believe at first. Who takes in horses? It was all so...strange. "Could be interesting." Her voice a soft murmur as she let her sentence dangle. This bitch could make for some fun. His temper bubbled up again the more he thought about it. He caved nonetheless and followed her to the ground, anger slowly dissipating. She lifted her head to rest it across his shoulders, her smaller frame pressed against his. From what she had learned so far there was at least three to four packs, if not more. It couldn't be that hard to track this woman down again, especially if it was a habit for her to venture out, though now she may think twice about that. Apparently she needed the protection of her pack.

Packs. Such interesting things. Always looking for each other, helping one another, taking in the helpless. Much like their old pack, who had been stupid enough to take in the pair. She could almost smile at the memory. How wonderful it would be to take down a pack again. Or at least the alphas and rule the pack. Hm that sounded better. To be a Queen. It set her ambitions higher, but anything was possible right? She kept her thoughts to herself, not yet sharing them with her brother.

One thing at time. For now it would this white bitch. It was certain that her brother still had plans for her, no one got away from him. But did he have the patiences to lure her out into the shadows, away from the safety of her pack? Probably not. She could enjoy this. The thought of the woman's throat in her jaws made her mouth water. It was like a drug. She needed it, craved it. She was addicted. A blood thirsty, heartless bitch who had little regard for the life of another.

Throwing in a horse only made it more interesting. Had she ever seen a horse before? Not that she could remember. All she knew was that they were food, not friends, not meant to be protected. Their purpose was to fall and be killed, providing food for predators. Either this horse had some kind of value or the pack was just stupid. Silence enveloped the pair, both undoubtedly sharing similar thoughts but not sharing with the other just yet.

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07-07-2013, 06:51 PM

Of course she wouldn't believe him when he told her that the bitch's pack was harboring a horse. She had never seen a horse in her life, he knew that, so of course her disbelief at his statement was justified. But horses were nothing new to the gargantuan man. He had encountered in his search for his sister when they had originally been separated in their birth pack. Horses weren't stupid creatures, not too much anyway. They recognized danger. Wolves were danger. And yet that mare that had been with the two rescuers didn't seem to understand her role in life. She was prey and her supposed friends were predators. That stupid horse would have to learn her place one of these days and he would more than glad to help her come to that realization.

A touch across his shoulders pulled him from his musings, neck craning to glance back, cyan gems coming to rest of his sister's figure. She was being to calm tonight, so....sweet. It was such an odd term to use for his sister. She was never like this. And yet, he could feel himself becoming aroused. But it wasn't a I-want-to-fuck-her-brains-out kind of arousal. It was a different kind, one he didn't have a term for. He just didn't feel like being violent for once. Demyan rolled over, disengaging his sister's head from his shoulders as his spine pressed into the dirt, forelimbs folding down against his chest, hind limbs extended out away from him, his arousal standing tall and proud against his massive frame. He wanted to fuck. But not in the same way that they usually did. Gaze flickered to Cataleya, wondering what she would do, if anything.

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07-07-2013, 07:24 PM

She was forced to lift her head from his shoulders as he rolled onto his back. She eyed him curiously, watching as his legs stretched out. Gaze drifted casually down his frame, one brow lifting as she spotted his arousal. So why hadn't he attacked her yet? Pinned her down and fucked her senseless? For a moment she stayed still, uncertain for once of her brothers motives. She longed to lean in to touch him, but how? There wasn't a sweet or gentle bone in her brothers body. His sudden change in demeanor put her on guard, eyes assessing him carefully. Her gaze continually raked his body, uncertainty keeping her still.

Finally she rose, limber legs pushing up off the ground in one fluid movement. She stood over him, caging him in with her front legs. Crowned tipped forward as she looked down at him briefly before dropping her muzzle next to his ear. "I don't know what game you're playing brother." Lyrics were a husky murmur, breath teasing the sensitive skin of his ear. With a gentle tug on his ear, she backed her face away just enough to meet his gaze.

Audits flicked back and forth, waiting for him to inform her of his game. Surely he couldn't be serious? Burying her nose in the fur of his neck, she let out a frustrated whine, jaws parting to give him a small nip. What was she suppose to do when her brother suddenly decided that for the moment he didn't feel the need to draw her blood? It was foreign territory it happened so little, if ever at all. She couldn't even remember if he had been like this before. Coral searched his, her question lingering in vibrant pools of confusion and desire.



07-07-2013, 07:41 PM

He didn't understand why was feeling this way. He was never gentle. Wasn't in his nature, it wasn't even in his vocabulary. So why was he feeling like this? Whenever he was upset, his first instinct was to search for Cataleya. She was his punching bag for lack of a better word. She was the one he went to get out all his frustration out. Usually in the manner of fucking her senseless and injuring her until the earth was coated in her blood. But not this time. He didn't want to do any of that. Albeit he wanted to fuck her, that would never change, but the manner in which he wanted to do was certainly different than how he was used to handling things. Perhaps her soothing touches and attention to keeping her hide attached to her body that night had worked wonders on him for once in his life. There was always a first time for everything.

He could sense the wariness from his sister, see how her coral eyes roamed over his frame, assessing, trying to figure out what exactly was going on here. He almost wanted to laugh but he reigned himself in, keeping the neutral expression across his fa?ade. He wanted to tell her that he wasn't going to attack her, but what was the fun in that? Let her be scared of him; served her right. And then she was up in one fluid movement, caging him in with her forelimbs as he had to her countless of times. It was an interesting change and he liked it, though he made no outward sign of it. He watched her with nearly emotionless cyan eyes as she dipped her skull forward, whispering in his ear that she didn't know what game he was playing, her breath teasing the fur around his ear, goose-bumps rippling across his skin in response. No game sister... He whispered huskily, a guttural moan rumbling in his massive chest as she tugged at his ear, backing up to see him better. It was fun to see her so confused. Perhaps he would try this more often with her.

Cataleya leaned down, burying her muzzle into the fur of his neck, a frustrated whine slipping past her inky lips, bringing out a rumbling growl from Demyan as he forced himself not to react, keeping his body painstakingly still. Her nip brought out a reflexed thrust from his hips, his thick member teasing her sweet entrance, encouraging her to just go with the flow, to do with him what she wanted. He wanted to fuck her yes, but if she wanted to take control, then he didn't care that night. He would allow it, as long as he got to fuck her regardless.

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07-07-2013, 09:03 PM

No game sister. Husky words were followed by a guttural moan. He stayed decisively still, only his growl rumbling his chest. All she got was a reflexive thrust of his hips, a sweet tease, followed by her own lusty moan. She was still unsure. Veiling her emotions, she let her confusion slip away, taken over by lust. It was the only she would give into, the only thing she would submit to.

She would continue her assault of teasing nips and kisses, never giving into what he really wanted. She didn't want control tonight for reasons unknown to her. She wanted him to take her however he wanted. Her body craved his touch, it had been weeks. Far to long.

Her patience was wearing thin. With a throaty growl, her jaws gripped his throat, demanding his attention, for him to attend to her needs. Anything. She wasn't sure how she felt about his gentle touch, him handing her the reins, laying beneath her at her mercy, when so often it was the other way around. No words needed to spoken, her every caress demanding in the softest of ways, her touch only harsh at the grip she had on his throat before release him.

She stepped away, body dancing just out of his reach. Eyes glittered with desire and mischief. She had kept her gentle ways, body taunting him beneath the moonlight. Tonight she would make him work, injured or not. "What are you waiting for?" Sensual tones slipped from inky lips that curled back in a grin. He was even so lucky as to receive a light wag of her tail. Tonight would go down in history. Two cold blooded killers, playing in the shadows, putting aside their lust for blood, allowing other softer emotions to take control.

ooc- due to azzy and her discussion of bj's this is a terrible post XD


07-07-2013, 10:05 PM

She was confused and Demyan was loving it. For once, his lovely sister was confused beyond belief, unable to figure out just what her brother was up to. Seemed like she really didn't know him as well as she thought. Again, laughter threatened to seep through, but the large man kept it at bay, skillfully masked behind his neutral expression, the only hint of it in the mischievous glint to his cyan eyes. His teasing thrust brought out her own lusty moan, making his length thicken and harden at the sound. Despite being confused by his actions, she couldn't deny the want and desire that he was sure was now coursing through her veins. She could never deny it.

She continued her assault, nipping and kissing at his throat, finally giving him what he'd been wanting. But as much as he wanted to respond, he held still, only tilting his head back to give her better access, his low moans the only signal that he was liking what she was doing. But it seemed someone was impatient that night. Daggers clenched around his throat, seeming to demand his attention. She was yearning for his touch, he could tell; she was crossing a line with him by doing that. He could very well turn the situation around and possibly rip something off instead of fucking her, but he wasn't up to the challenge. Too tiresome. Fucking was on his mind and fucking was what he was going to get. She only held him there for a moment before releasing him, dancing away, tantalizing as always beneath the moonlight as she teased her, both with her body and voice.

Finally allowing some of the laughter to make an appearance, pale lips curved up in a smirk as he slowly rolled himself back onto his paws, taking his time to extend himself to his full height, lusty cyan gaze intent on Cataleya's figure as he moved towards the silvery vixen, movements slow, precise, measured, trying to not move his right leg too much, his hock still throbbing in pain.

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07-07-2013, 11:14 PM

It was a wonder how he hadn't snapped yet, how his fangs hadn't ripped into her, causing her some amount of pain. His moans egged her on, encouraging her. As she danced away from him, his laughter broke the silence, a smirk gracing his features. He pushed himself up, movements slow and precise as he sauntered towards her. He still favored his right leg in the most subtle of ways. She stood still, allowing him to close in on her. Audits pushed forward, eyes watching his every move. Once he was close enough, she stepped forward to meet him, bumping into his chest with a brief nuzzle before sliding herself down the side of him, walking a tight circle around him, only her soft nips letting him know just where she was. Coming around to his other side, she tucked her head beneath his jaws, arching her back against him as she passed, tail tickling his jaws as she slipped from his grasp.

Her every touch and movement was slow, tantalizingly so. There was no rush to fuck each other tonight, their growls and snarls didn't crack the silence of the night. But rather gentle caresses and low moans surrounded them. It was a welcomed change in pace for once, not that she objected to their usual fucks. But her brothers unhurried attitude, his lack of aggression, it was....enjoyable. Who would have thought he had it in him? To actually take him time, allow his sister to have her way with him. She would relish in the moment for as long as it lasted. It was one of the rare, nearly nonexistent, moments that she could drop her guard, allow her body to relax completely, allowing muscles to move with languid grace. "Demyan." She beckoned for him, vocals soft and smooth as silk, falling easily from her darkened jaws. Long forgotten was the desire for blood, the blood that still stained her pelt. Her main focus was her brother. One could almost say that she would bow to his every need. But where was the fun in that?



07-07-2013, 11:58 PM

He could see her coral gaze zeroed in on his figure, watching his every move. But instead of the usual calculating look, trying to figure out his weaknesses to exploit them, she was simply looking at him, waiting expectantly for him to catch up with her. And catch up he did, slowly but surely, a pace unusual for the large man. He was usually fast and hard whenever it came to his sister, but his calmer mood and throbbing hock persuaded him to take things. Plus, it seemed his sister was actually liking this slower pace of his. Once close enough to touch the moonlight temptress moved towards him, bumping against his chest as she slid the length of her body all around his, her gentle nips giving him clues as to where she was headed. It was only when she reached the other side of him that he saw her again, but only for a moment before she ducked her crown beneath his chin, arching against him, flicking her plume just beneath his jaws as she slipped from his grasp. Hm. This foreplay was rather fun. He liked watching her tease him. It was tantalizing and arousing.

This one time in their lives together, there was no rush to get to one another, to rip into the other and fuck until their voices filled the forest around them. For once, things were actually...nice between the siblings. Neither were throwing curses out at each other. They barely even spoke, and when they did, Cata being the first one, it was only to murmur his name, beckoning to him to come closer. And he complied, dark paws bring the large man to stand behind the silvery woman, salmon tongue lashing out to caress her sweet entrance, nipping the delicate flesh gently before traveling up, nipping all along her flanks, kisses following suit to soothe. The events of the day had been forgotten, his anger dissipated, his thirst for revenge and blood now dormant. It was just him and his sister, taking their time together, enjoying each other's touch before heading to the ultimate goal.

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07-08-2013, 11:15 AM

His gentle nips and kissed only fueled her fire. A moan reverberated in her chest, a shiver traveling down her spine as she leaned into her brothers touch. The world had slowed down, nothing else matter. One night that would be forever imprinted in her mind. She didn't know what had caused such a drastic change in her brother, it would forever be a mystery. All she knew was she liked it. She was growing impatient.

She continued to press herself into him, her nips becoming insistent, encouraging, no demanding him to play. The arousal that coursed through her veins was nearly unbearable. Her skin burned for his touch, the feel of his pelt mingling with her own.

She would go willing tonight, there was no desire to sink her fangs into him, to fight him every step of the way, exploiting his weaknesses. For once she would present herself willing to him, her teasing coming to an end as she desires nothing more than to feel him pressed against her back. Her features flooded with raw lust, her body screaming fuck me now.

Gone was the desire to understand her brothers mood swings, to taunt him relentlessly, to play with fire. Her needs primal, there was no fighting them, her only choice to give in. Gone was the heartless murder, leaving only his sister. The sister she would have been had the pair not introduced themselves to the blood of their own, had their inner demons not been unleashed. His sister the crumbled beneath his gentle touch, that yearned to please him. And it would all be gone by the time the sun rose, shedding light on their past once more, bringing out the devil and his mistress to play once more.



07-08-2013, 03:34 PM

His own fire was burning hot between his thighs, egging the gargantuan man on, pleading with him to just take from his sister what she was apparently to willing to hand over that night. But he didn't want to make it that easy for her. Yes, he was in a much more subdued mood that night, a mood that would disappear the moment the sun rose up the next morning, but that didn't mean that he was going to take it easy on her. He wanted her to work for it, to earn it, to beg for it. Her lusty moans were only the first part of his little game. He wanted to hear her beg for him to fuck her, to take her like he had never taken her before. Giving into it this early on would just spoil all the fun.

The moonlight vixen pressed herself against her brother's chest, her sweet entrance rubbing against him, sending shivers down his spine. He wanted her. And wanted her now. But he couldn't give in. Not yet. She was becoming impatient, her tail flicking away as she revealed herself to him, but Demyan denied her his shaft, the one thing she craved more than anything at the moment. Instead her buried his nose between her legs, salmon tongue lapping at sweet spot, first only brushing against it but quickly becoming more persistent, burying itself inside her as he tasted her, nipping at the lips of her entrance, wanting her weak with desire. This would be one hell of a night, a night he was surely never to forget and one he would make sure she never forgot either.

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07-09-2013, 08:13 PM

A gasp tore from her darkened lips. His tongue assaulted her, starting out light and teasing before diving in her without mercy. She locked her legs in order to keep herself standing even has she leaned into his touch. Feral moans were ripped from her vocal cords. Her body trembled, desperate for more. It was all she focus on. His tongue. So unaccustomed to such attention, it hit with undeniable force, her tense yet weak at the same time.

He was holding off, she knew it. But for what she didn't know, her mind was to clouded with desire to think straight. "Demyan" Her voice was high, mixed with a growl and a whine, a wild plea. She wanted to rip herself away from his touch, to attack him and tell him to fuck her already, but it was as if she was frozen, her body having a mind of its own. Breaths came in rapid pants, desperate for oxygen between moans. She couldn't take much more of this. Legs tremble, trying to hold her weight upright.

Helpless. It was a feeling she normally would despite, would chase away. But now. Now she didn't care that she fell helplessly to her brothers ways. She'd be foolish to let his current mood slide from her grasp, for all she knew he would wake in the morning thirsting for blood and if she was nearby.... All she could focus on was the here and now, every flick of his tongue, every nip of his fangs, it all shot threw her like fire, boiling her blood, making her flesh tingle. The world could go down in flames and she wouldn't care.

ooc- terrible..... DX


07-09-2013, 10:47 PM

She was at his mercy tonight and he wasn't one to throw away a perfectly good opportunity like this away. For once, he was able to bring her close to submission, through white hot desire. She had never been like this before with him because he'd never been like this with her before. As he assaulted her canal, he could feel her legs lock in place, an attempt to keep herself upright. It brought a cocky grin to his pale lips, encouraging him to renew his attack on her pussy, his tongue spearing her again and again, probing her pussy, curling around to feel her inner walls. She was his tonight, in a way she had never been before.

He wanted her trembling, quaking with desire, begging, pleading with him to fuck her. Her growling whine of his name wasn't going enough. He didn't just want to hear his name. He wanted to hear her beg for him, ask him, plead with him to fuck her. He knew she wanted it, he could by the way her legs trembled, the moans that fell from her dark lips accompanied by the fast pants. He hardly ever pleasured her with his tongue, so he was pleased to see that it was a having a powerful effect on her. He wanted to fuck her, each moment that he denied himself his released was another level raised to his lust. He could acutely feel his shaft pulsing between his thighs, screaming at him to bury himself inside of her, to show her just how much he wanted her but he held off. Not yet. He nearly had her exactly where he wanted her. She just had to beg and his shaft was all hers. Begging wasn't too much to ask, was it?

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