
Song of a sad reunion



4 Years
09-29-2014, 12:45 PM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2014, 01:00 PM by Nona.)

Here she was now, finally within the lands of Isokan. Nona was pleased that she finally got to meet Quelt, the man she never got to know much of at all before coming here. However that wasn't the exact reason she chose to visit Isokan. Allen, she wanted to see him as everyday now apart from him seemed to kill her. To know that he didn't live in Abaven, to help ease her troubled mind again now that the storm hit Abaven and took the life of a member. Things seemed bleak but it seemed they were hit as well with the storm, did anything drastic happen here such as a death she wondered. However her questions would have to wait as Allen was on the top her list of things of who she wanted to see and what she wanted to do.

To the say the least she was rather entertained by the idea of them becoming mates but she didn't think it would ever be possible now. But maybe it could be possible, she would willingly move here to be with him if he also felt the same way more than just their current bond. For now Nona was simply calling out for him in hopes that it might help her find him a bit quicker "Allen, where are you? I've come to see you today and visit". Right now what Isokan could use to help a little she thought was something of a song but she had to think of the lyrics and long before she knew it her lips had parted and a song had come to play

"Jikan wa watashitachi no kokoro ni sonshō no sai ni odotte, watashitachi ga shitte iyasu, nagaremasu. Konkai wa, asai kangae no sai warutsu, ka wakaranga, iku. Watashitachi ga shitte iru made, nejiru to sasayaku tsuneni, senkai, sonotoki wa nagare, dono kurai no kikan, watashitachi no iyashino kokoro ni motodzui odotte, watashitachi ga shitte iyasu"

(Time will flow, heal we know, dancing upon our damaged hearts. Time goes, what do we know, waltzing upon the shallow thoughts. How long, till we know, twisting and turning, always whispering, that time will flow, heal we know, dancing upon our healing hearts.)

Perhaps her lyrics would catch Allen's attention if he was near enough to hear her voice singing. Nona had stopped and sat down thinking about what she just sung. Lyrics seem to come to her but sometimes she never took the time to think about them and why they were the way they were. Right now though, Nona thought with what she had seen of the storm that maybe Allen could use her voice again to sing him a song. Maybe continue the one she had sung for him some time ago.


(OOC: Making use of liquid time for this to make sense since I'm sure Quelt would be ok with Nona visiting Allen and this thread would've taken place after the Nona x Quelt thread)
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


09-29-2014, 01:48 PM

Ooc:: Also making use of liquid-time. This is happening after Allen meets with the thread ?Change The Formality.?

Allen was at a loss. He was hurting in ways that he didn?t think he would ever hurt. Losing Hajime had been hard... Yet this seemed to strike him even further. It was to the point where the man felt like he was going to break. Just completely break at what he witnessed, what he heard. The accusation, the hate of his eldest son... It lingered on his mind. He could still see Gavroche?s lifeless body at the paws of his own brother... Had Allen truly been lucky to have his life spared? It honestly felt that he was dead inside right now.. Since returning he had isolated himself. The pack was counting on him, to be able to support them as a counselor, one of advice to help them be able coexist better. But right now he could barely will himself to look at another.

Hours. It had only been hours. His mind was breaking. The tears he cried had left stains upon his cheeks, but no longer would they fall. He could only assume that he had cried every tear that was within him right now. His heart ached, cold, and Allen just felt sick. How could Kau have done that to his own brother? His own blood? Gavroche had been nothing but kind... Sweet... And now...

Ears would twitch hearing the call. It was fainter to him, drawn into his mind as he was. Part of him would register it, but he would not move from where he hid himself. He didn?t think he could face another. He felt just getting up and walking... Would kill him. Just moving... Seemed to be a most impossible task.

But then he heard the song. Nona. It was her voice, her sweet voice that drew Allen out of himself. Quietly he would rise, but his expression was one that was grave. When he moved there was no life to his step at all. He?d go to her, silent, his dark eyes full of sorrow. Seeing her... His heart would ache more. Allen would swallow, wordlessly closing the distance and pressing into her. He would hold her, shaking. He needed her now. Gods he needed her now.




4 Years
09-30-2014, 04:10 AM

Something was clearly wrong, what had Allen so down. He was shaking but she would save her questions more than ever now and focus on what to ask him and how she would ask him things. For now Nona had to make sure she could get him to talk to her about what got him this way but for now it was time to comfort him as best she could. Her lips parted so she could speak "Allen, I'm here now, if something is truly bothering you, you know you can speak to me, I'll always listen to you... just speak when you're able to Allen and I won't be going anywhere until you're feeling at least a little better even if it isn't much... I just want you to know you're very dear to me and that I care about you" Nona didn't know exactly what to say. She didn't know what had happened so she was just doing what she could with what she could guess.

However she tried to leave it open enough to let him know that she did care and whatever it was that was bothering him, he could talk to her about it. The thought of leaving Abaven came to mind now, perhaps if she joined Isokan she could be closer to Allen. Wouldn't have to leave his side for days maybe months at a time. Nona would stay right there for Allen as long as he needed her. Perhaps Bass and Motif would understand her extended leave, but it was now for something far more important than just a visit. What started as Nona's visit for Allen became one to comfort the kind man, the man she was able to get smile on their first meeting and he comforted her on their second meeting when he came to visit her.

This seemed to be a pattern now but Nona paid no heed to it because to her Allen was someone who was special to her, he was so very kind, polite, and respectful. He cared about her and she cared about him. Nona softly spoke once more only a whisper for only Allen to hear "I won't leave you until I know I've done some good here, some good for you to help ease your mind despite not knowing what ails you...and if that means I must be here till the end of time then let it be so" She spoke ever so softly and then another soft three words came forth "I love you".


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


09-30-2014, 05:16 PM

For a long moment he just held onto her. Gathering himself, pulling his conscious together. He was no stranger to death, yet, witnessing his loved one in such a state, from his own blood. It was so much of a shock. How could this have happened? What... What kind of life had his children truly lived before this? Gavroche did not touch on such dark subjects... Yet... It was dark actions that claimed the poor boy?s life. Taken soon, far too soon. Her presence, her gentle presence, was so sorely needed. She had helped him before, and then he her... It seemed that fate brought them together in times of need. There was a stronger bond there, something that the male had been becoming slightly more aware of as he thought more of her while in Isokan. A low whine leave him.

?Nona...? Allen spoke her name softly. If his expression and body language hadn?t been enough to show he was hurting, his emotion-filled voice left no doubt. He would cling to her tighter, shivering. He didn?t want her to leave anytime soon... But he knew that being a member of another pack she would have to eventually. Yet she said otherwise, giving her word to stay until he was better. ?Gods I?ve missed you... Oh Nona...? There was a deep relief too, in seeing her. In knowing she was safe. He had been terrified of something happening to her.

?I... I love you too.? He would swallow, finally drawing back slowly. He would give a shuddering breath, his dark gaze upon her. ?I...? He was trying to collect his thoughts. He had told Nona of his children... At least the two he knew before this. But now... Allen would lower his gaze, the next words coming out barely above a whisper. ?I just buried my son... A few hours ago... His... his own brother killed him... I... I had been too late...? The words would fade out, leaving the news hanging in the air for the other wolf to acknowledge.




4 Years
09-30-2014, 08:39 PM

?I just buried my son... A few hours ago... His... his own brother killed him... I... I had been too late...?

What! this was terrible news to hear and thus Nona would proceed gently press her head gently over his or at least try to. She truly wanted him to feel that she was going to hold onto him for as long as possible. His shivering, his voice, everything that she heard and felt screamed for her to come and live in Isokan so she could always be close to Allen. Now more than ever this decision was coming ever so quickly to her mind.

She wished she could say some magical words that would make everything perfectly better but no such words would ever exist but she would speak using what she could "That's just terrible, Allen, I don't know what to say as there are no words I could say that would make all the pain go away but I'm here for you Allen and will always be here for you or at least I'll try to be... and to be honest I might come and become part of Isokan, to be with you Allen... you help give me ease of mind and settle my wandering heart and I want to do everything I can to make sure I can always help you Allen".

She knew that it would be something that would pain her to do but if it meant she could always help Allen, and do some good for everyone else in the pack as well she would join Isokan, it would also help stop her from wandering off in search of someone to be with. Her expression was rather grim as she didn't know what to say but she repeated the lyrics she had sung when walking to see Allen,

"Jikan wa watashitachi no kokoro ni sonshō no sai ni odotte, watashitachi ga shitte iyasu, nagaremasu. Konkai wa, asai kangae no sai warutsu, ka wakaranga, iku. Watashitachi ga shitte iru made, nejiru to sasayaku tsuneni, senkai, sonotoki wa nagare, dono kurai no kikan, watashitachi no iyashino kokoro ni motodzui odotte, watashitachi ga shitte iyasu"

(Time will flow, heal we know, dancing upon our damaged hearts. Time goes, what do we know, waltzing upon the shallow thoughts. How long, till we know, twisting and turning, always whispering, that time will flow, heal we know, dancing upon our healing hearts.)


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


10-05-2014, 05:30 PM

Nona spoke, and though there were no perfect words, no words that could take away the ache of his heart and relieve his pain, there was no doubt that the words she spoke were the most suited for this moment. Knowing he helped her, and that that she wished to be there to help him, it eased some of that ache. They had a bond, a connection, that eased the strain of life. They somehow balanced each other, and it seemed more than in a way originally thought. Part of his heart was saddened at the thought of yet another leaving Bass, the kind man who had taken his family in to aid them, yet... He hoped, at the same time, Nona would honestly join Isokan. To have her so close... Both would have sunny days even when the bright rays were not present.

The man would listen, and this time, as she sung, he found himself picking up on some of the foreign words. The thing was he knew the language, or had, but in lack of use had lost much of it. But some words he would pick up, the meaning coming to him, if a bit broken. Time would heal, even if they did not know how long it would take, the damaged heart. Things would get better again... Somehow... Someway... The calcio man would look upon Nona now, a small, though still sad, smile appearing on his face.

?A song of healing...? He would say softly. ?Even if not all the lyrics come to me, I feel their meaning, Nona... And I thank you, from the bottom of my heart.? He would embrace her again, wrapping his head gently around the back of her neck. ?...I do not wish to push you to choose... But... I know... I know I?d be happier... With you here.? The male closed his eyes. Even if she didn?t come... They were connected. There was an invisible thread of fate tying them together, and it was something nothing would ever severe.




4 Years
10-05-2014, 06:02 PM

Nona felt a different set of thoughts creep upon her mind. They were certainly closer than she initially thought. Hearing his voice brought a strange warmth to her heart, what was this feeling that she felt. Allen was someone who she would always be able to come to and well now that she thought about it, she wanted to join Isokan so she could do more as a potential healer and help Isokan as well as be with Allen no matter if the sun's rays were down. They would have each other no matter how hard things would get.

"...I do not wish to push you to choose... But... I know... I know I?d be happier... With you here.?

Nona felt Allen move his head behind her neck and the feeling of the strange warmth grew a bit hotter. What was it she was feeling, was this what real love felt like. Again she would dismiss the feeling and would open her maw to speak to Allen
"I... I honestly want to join Isokan, to be with you Allen... to always be able to wake up and think of new ways to make you smile, to make you happy because I want you to be happy... because its you who I love...would you come with me if I were to tell Bass that I would be leaving Abaven so I may have company on the travel to and from Abaven?"

Nona had a lot to say but nonetheless her words stayed true. Her eyes looking over the surrounding environment. Nona tried to figure out everything she could see to make herself useful if she became a healer here. Perhaps there would be a lot she could do here and make herself use and not just as a healer. Perhaps her voice could also help, so far it has helped Allen so why not use her voice to help those who need a comforting song. Hopefully Allen would come with her to Abaven once more so she could have a travel companion... but it was all up to Allen, she would leave Abaven for Isokan regardless now... to be with him.


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


10-08-2014, 10:07 PM

Her warmth soothed his aching heart, his aching soul. She touched him deeper, more gently, than any being had ever managed before. What was it about her kind nature, that soft voice, that allowed the man to feel a bit of hope when she returned to his side? Perhaps it was because she could rekindle that hope and, unlike others who would make similar words and promises, when Nona gave her word that he could come to her he was able to without fail. She helped him, and he her. Their bond would strength, a tie that had both wolves thinking of each other even when apart. She gave him wings and strength -- all that he needed to carry on.

When she spoke of wishing to join Isokan it felt as if one of the weights on his heart was lifted. Allen would slowly draw back from her, but just so that he could look upon Nona with his dark forest green eyes. "I would follow you to the ends of the earth if it meant you'd be with me, Nona. I... I've been missing a vital part of my life it seems... and this time I'm not going to just let us go our separate ways." This... this had to be fate. To have Nona come be with him... would he have guessed their bond would be this strong? No. Not at a glance. He was simply being who he was. But, as he had always believed; fate worked in mysterious ways. It had taken from him a son, losing yet another he barely knew... and yet... seemed to offer him another chance all in the same day. Yes... fate was a funny thing. "But... let us stay here just a little while... I want to be selfish for a time, and keep you to myself. I've missed you so, Nona."




4 Years
10-08-2014, 11:10 PM

Selfish? Nona didn't think that he was being selfish, after all how often did they get to see each other when they were apart. Being given the chance to truly spend time with him made her smile. Her lips started to form the words and her voice gently flowed from her,

"I guess I want to be selfish too, I want to spend some more time here with you and just you, and how I missed you so when we were apart".

Nona affectionately licked Allen's muzzle before moving her head to be under his. They would be together at last in what would become Nona's new home with the person who she felt where her heart belonged. The strong pull towards Allen felt somewhat odd to Nona but she went with what her heart screamed at her even if her mind said the same thing just differently.

Nona wasn't going to move any time soon. hearing Allen say that he would follow her to the ends of the earth made her heart soar, she meant a lot to Allen or she believed and she truly thought she did. Would this mean that she might one day be a mother, to have children with him. The thought brought excitement to her mind. Nona knew if that day were to come she would have to prepare herself for it as she thought about a couple herbs that she was once told about by someone who she had met. Nona couldn't help but share her thought with Allen.

"I was just thinking about what if we had children of our own... the thought of it made me excited, I think you would be a very good father to them because your such a good person Allen... you are truly someone I can be with until the world's time comes to an end and nothing will ever stop me from being with you because you truly bring the most beautiful of lights into my heart and mind"
her voice was again soft and gentle.


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


10-14-2014, 11:53 AM

Allen gave a nod as Nona?s words flowed from her maw, so gentle, so soft and warm, reaching his ears with such kindness. The calico male would gently hold her as she moved her head under his, his muzzle still tingling some where her kiss had graced it. This would be Nona?s home along with his, and Isokan would stir, perhaps, with new life. Their reunion this time truly showed the male that their presence together was just something that worked, something that was meant to be. No matter what... They could weather anything if they were together. Good things and bad.

Allen let his dark eyes close, letting her presence be both a comfort and shield for his pain. He felt that, had Gavroche met Nona, he would approve of her. She was an ideal fae, the kind of wolfess who you would expect to be a mother, a healer, and the best friend of all in the pack. Such kindness... Was something Allen had been longing for... For such a long time. The love of another was what the calico man had been missing in his life.

When Nona spoke again he would open his eyes partly, his heart skipping a beat. Children... Of their own. The idea had him both excited, happy, and scared. ?Oh Nona... Your faith in my makes me so happy... One of my deepest regrets for my first litter is not knowing of them, for not being there to be the father they needed and deserved. I swore to myself if I ever got the chance I would do better the next time around... And... There is no one I would trust more to be the mother of my children.? Allen would manage a little smile now.

?They would be raised with such gentle kindness in their hearts, and the ability to make others smile even in the darkest of times... It truly is as if we are each other?s suns... Shining light no matter the situation.? His heart was fluttering some. ?I admit the thought of becoming a father again... Scares me a little. But... If the time comes... I?m sure I?ll work through it. Especially with you by my side.? Allen would draw back just a little, enough to lick Nona?s forehead before drawing close to her again.




4 Years
10-16-2014, 03:37 PM

?Oh Nona... Your faith in my makes me so happy... One of my deepest regrets for my first litter is not knowing of them, for not being there to be the father they needed and deserved. I swore to myself if I ever got the chance I would do better the next time around... And... There is no one I would trust more to be the mother of my children.?

Allen's words kept Nona's attention as she listened to him with a smile that crossed her own maw. They were indeed meant for each other or so fate brought them together anyways. Crossing paths a couple times but now, now it was going to possibly be something that would last lifetimes for her. Nona felt excited and then a somewhat tingling sensation when she felt Allen lick her forehead making her smile even wider. However there was still the matter that Nona would have to tell Bass what could be upsetting news but she felt like she finally truly belonged somewhere however what would he tell her.

?I admit the thought of becoming a father again... Scares me a little. But... If the time comes... I?m sure I?ll work through it. Especially with you by my side.?

Nona had to reassure Allen that everything was going to be alright when they had children of their own,

"I know you would be able to work through it, it won't just be you and the kids, you will have me as well and I'll have you Allen with me... together I believe we can work through anything... I need to get back to Abaven soon though for if I'm to move here, I need to clean up my den since the storm hit so someone else can live in there once that is done... hopefully Bass will allow me to leave Abaven though"

She spoke softly and gently.

But that was part of why she wanted Allen to be with her when she went to tell Bass, to be able to prove that She was wanting to be with Allen and that she was willing to go to him, to be in Isokan with him. However things had to be done first and right now they weren't done so the sooner she could deal with them the better.


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


10-23-2014, 04:28 PM

Nona believed in him. She always had, always would, but it helped the calico male to hear her soft voice say that he would be able to overcome. She was right though... He would have her to lean on as well. He wouldn?t be alone. Not ever. He could count on her. Allen would give a nod, managing a small smile. ?You?re right. As long as we are together... We can overcome anything.? Breathing in her scent was calming, so calming, and the calico felt hope blossoming once more in his chest. Things were... They were going to be okay.

?I understand, Nona. I am sure Bass will understand. He is a kind man. He would not just simply hold you against your will.? The calico male drew back some, his gaze gentle. He felt bad to leave Bass but... Sometimes things in life changed. You would be grateful to those who helped you along the way, bringing you smiles, giving you hope, but sometimes... You just had to keep moving forward. No one truly knew what life had in store for them.

But... Allen felt that Nona was meant to be in his life. Every time he was near her... He felt better overall. Happier... More hopeful... He felt cared for, loved. He did not want to have to keep living life without her by his side. He hoped that meant they would be in Isokan... However... Part of the aging man wondered if this would be their true home. What did the future have in store for them? Time would only tell.




4 Years
10-23-2014, 10:08 PM

She couldn't help but let a small laugh escape her maw before thinking about what he was saying. Indeed, she did come to know Bass as a kind man but with the times as they were would he still be the kind man she had met him as or would he be different and not let her go. For now she couldn't think of that but right now she had to tell Allen that she had to go for now. Nona knew it would cause her heart to ache to be away from him again but this time it wouldn't be for so long or so she hoped. Nona wanted to make sure what was once her home, her den, was fixed up and clean, ready for the next wolf to make it their own.

Nona felt like Allen was her shield when she was around him, to protect her from what may come to cause her harm and her pillar to hold her safely and giving her a chance to be with someone she felt she belonged with. She once again opened her maw drawing in her breath and then letting her words flow forth,

"I love you Allen... I truly do, though it pains me to be away from you for a short time but next time we're together, we will be together and we won't be apart..."

Nona gently pulled herself away from Allen but giving him an affectionate lick on his muzzle,

"Watashitachi wa futatabi issho ni watashi no saiai no ōkami ni narimasu" ("We will be together again my beloved wolf")

With a heavy heart she proceeded to leave, before completely leaving she turned around to look at Allen,

"We will always be together Allen, keep your chin up and head held high, we will be together again, no longer divided by where we are... until then my love, I must bid you goodbye".

Nona couldn't help but quickly move away, for if she were to linger any longer she wouldn't ever leave then and that might cause some issues with her being away from the pack lands despite only wanting to be away for a short time due to the events of the storm. Despite staying later than she planned it didn't matter, she got to spend it with Allen and that was all that mattered.


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-