
Fix me Father


07-03-2013, 10:10 PM
The boy had ran after he had ran from the scene at the battlefield. His Aunt seemed to be very angry while his Uncle seemed mutual; and the stranger oddly enough seemed nice. He remembered the look she had given him, the snarls she had emitted. What had happened to the Aunt he had met at the Seracian border not too long ago? She said that she loved him and that she would take care of him and look after him. She lied! He lashed out at the wall of the cavern he had wandered into. Pushing himself against the wall the boy let out a snarl as he threw himself against the wall once more. Maybe the physical pain would make the mental pain go away. Maybe it would ebb his sadness and give him some hope. Augustus couldn't really see for his vision was blurry from tears. His white gaze settled on the ground as he wiped his face with a paw. After blinking a few times could be focus on his surroundings. The yearling was in caverns. He had heard that his father supposedly died or either inflicted his own death in a cavern.

Anger overcame the wolf once more as he went to scratch the wall. As he did so the boy's eyes widened as he saw claw marks that have already been there. They seemed to be out if anger...sadness perhaps? Could these be his father's could this show him the pain his father had felt? The similar pain Auggie felt? Like father like son. So he scraped the wall next to the other set of marks once. Sitting back to look at it his where very similar to the other marks. Then looking down was a paw print in mud that seemed to have dried. He walked up to it and put his own paw in it...almost a perfect match other than the fact it was a but bigger than his own paw. The Bo somehow knew this was from his father...and to think he could have almost gone down the same! He would not! He would live for him! Loved or not he would make it through!

His white gaze looked further down into the caverns he closed his eyes for a moment and imagined. Imagined Octavian becoming lost and breaking. Imagining inflicting wounds upon himself. There was another paw print closer to the entrance. Smaller than the other one. Almost like it would belong to a female. Loccian! His Aunt had been here! The dried mud was pushed back; she had been running. Running to him? To save him? The boy looked at it closely then looked up at the exit of the cave. He walked outside and stood in the middle of the tree-less space. He imagined a rainy evening which would have turned the dirt into mud. A pool of blood around the wolf that had been dropped into this upturning of mud and dirt. Grass faced outwards as all but bloodstained ground remained now.

Augustus lay himself down where the bloodstained ground was. Where his father had taken his last breath. When his father left his mother completely. When his father left his sister. When his father left his brother. When his father left his pack. And when his father left him...his son. A tear streamed down Auggie's face as he lay there. He looked over at the other dried mud with an indent in it where another sat, Loccian. She witnessed his final moments didn't she. But why did she seem so cruel today? Why does it seem like a shell has hardened over her heart so? The boy imagined once more as he closed his eyes.

Rain fell upon the land. A pool of blood around the two. They probably spoke their final conversation as both were probably scared. Sadness was what his Aunt probably felt. Scared was his father probably as he lay on death's doorstep. Broken was his strong heart. And broken was he by the paw of who? Who had driven him to do such a thing? Who had driven his father mad? The boy could only lay there as tears streamed down his cheek....longing for the father he never saw.

His Aunt wouldn't come for him. He knew she wouldntz she didn't love him anymore! Just like anyone else he had known! She snarled at him! Sent him away! She didn't give a piece of crap about the boy. But even if she came he would still be happy she even cared a little to come for him....but he doubted it. Maybe he would wander this area and grow up here. Or if she found him he would come back here eventually once grown and see if his law would fit his father's paw-print. Augustus felt so much pain at the moment. It was something that pierced his heart and hurt. His heart felt heavy and his spirits low. No one one loved...sometimes he wished he had never been born....



07-03-2013, 11:30 PM
"You are still so young..." A soft voice spoke, holding sadness and fear. Loccian moved out of the darkness, finally deciding now was a good time to show herself. The small shewolf had followed the boy, feeling bad for lashing out at him, but she did have good reason too. Her grey orbs held a deep sadness, almost making it painful to keep your gaze on her.her body was hanging as she walked a few steps over to the wall, looking at the marks her brother had made moments before he passed.

"You shouldnt have been there. Dont know the man, and you cant trust them immediately, cant feel bad to hear their story..." She lifted a paw to touch the claw marks, flinching when it made contact. Memories started to flash in her head of that day. "Sometimes you have to bare fangs to protect the ones you love..." she moved away from the marks, her gaze falling to the spot where she had found Octavian. "Even if it means they will hate you."

She was talking about when she lashed at her nephew, and him running off. She knew he would hate her for her actions, but she would not apologize.

Loccian examined her old pawprints, the day she came charging in here. "Your father, he was very intelligent. He always seemedto say what was needed to calm people.. so kind and a hard worker." She followed the pawprints but stopped a few feet from augustus. "He would be able to explain how much i truly love you..." she did not look at him once, didnt want him toseeher pain, didnt want. To see his anger.

"I am broken Augustus... i am sorry i cant show you love the correct way. The world wants me to be in pain... i will let you unleash your anger on me if that is what you wish." Her body hadbegan to tremble, gritting her teeth, fighting back the tears. "you should go to your uncle thane, maybe then you may get the love that will be properly given. I ffear i am not good enough for such a soul as yours..." a single tear ran down her cheek, feeling like a failure to this boy who needed her.


07-04-2013, 12:34 AM
Eyes closed, a small smile upon his lips...So she does have a heart after all. Let's see if she can patch things up with this kid.Eyes opened again as he frowned...he knew what this kid felt like. He was in his same exact place. Unloved, unwanted, branded as a loner who everyone hated. It was no wonder he was always so cold and unfriendly...nobody ever tried to help him. He hadn't intended to follow on purpose...after leaving the battlefield after they departed the hostile grounds, he had just wandered again. He didn't know where he was going! But alas, he had been led here without knowing. Seemed like the work of fate the more he thought about it...maybe he was meant to cross paths with the young cub. Maybe...they were meant to help each other. They were so much alike.

He stepped out of the spot within the trees where he had been standing. He heard and saw everything since the moment the young cub had arrived. And besides, if the she-wolf got mad, well tough. He was here before they had arrived, looking for the next place he'd sleep. And this time, all traces of hostility were gone. For him anyway. He stood in the center entrance to the cavern, his shadow stretching across the ground past Loccian and coming to a stop just in front of the boy. "Pardon my intrusion. But...I witnessed everything. Kid, I know how you feel. I was the same as you...I still am, as a matter of fact. In a way, you have your Aunt and your Uncle, and other family. I grew up with nobody but one friend, but she disappeared without a trace. Living a life of solitude is not what I wanted, but being solitary is all I know. I know what it's like to be alone. When I saw you earlier, sticking up for the lone wolf who knew not a kind heart, well...let me just say that nobody has ever done that for me before. Not since Ellone had disappeared all those years ago. You're a brave one, even standing against your own kin for what you truly believed in. That's pretty admirable, even if some won't admit."

He glanced at Loccian for a split second before returning his gaze to Augustus. His stance was tall but not threatening. Tail and ears raised, icy blue eyes fixated on the small figure. "Though your family may not like me due to first impressions, I'll say that you do have someone in this world who understands you. We're alike, you and I. Judgment should not be passed based on ones past. I am who I am because of that, but everyone can change. Even the most cold hearted killers will change given time, and the right influence. I, am just a loner, seeking a place I can someday call home.
He finished speaking, his words echoing throughout the caverns. He had been in this area before, he often slept nearby since it was a pretty sheltered place. He kept his gaze on the young boy, trying not to make eye contact with the she-wolf...he wasn't sure how she was or if she'd ever forgive him, but he didn't care. He had appeared for the kid.

Speech, Thought, You


07-04-2013, 05:02 PM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2013, 11:36 PM by Augustus.)
He lay there as his body shuddered and racked with a silent sob. The boy's eyes snapped open as he heard an all too familiar voice, Loccian. She said he was still too young....young for what? She then said he shouldn't have been there and all that. Augustus knew he shouldn't have but wanted to be with his family. He wanted to stand beside them... He turned his white gaze to his Aunt. Silently watching her flinch from touching his father's claw marks. What had she seen that day? What had she witnessed? It was all too hard to imagine. What he did imagine was probably the most he would ever be able to do. Then she spoke of him, his father, her brother. How he was kind and said the right things, even hard working. How can she say this now as he hadn't heard an ounce of these words in a while. Auggie felt as if his father had been forgotten...diminished over a few months.

Then his Aunt said if he was here he would be able to tell him how much she loved Auggie. Augustus still lay there and looked at her. He turned away. If... But the problem with that was that he was dead. He is dead! Then she said she will let him unleash his anger on her.As she stood there she said he should go to his Uncle Thane and receive the proper love there. But the boy knew his Uncle was in another pack. And he remembered she said he had cousins there. Augustus didn't want to be a burden to those in the other pack...but then again he didn't want to be a burden to his Aunt either.....that's what he classified himself as now, a burden. A burden was he to all he met and all he knew. Someone to take care of. Someone they had to talk to. Someone they had to feed. someone they had to teach. Someone they had to love. Someone they had to know...

Standing up and raising himself from the place his father died the boy silently walked over to his Aunt. She told him to unleash his anger on her if he that's what he would do. The boy came up behind her but diagonally so she wouldn't be able to see him without turning her head when he touched her. His white eyes still brimmed with tears but he kept on going closer and closer. As the yearling came right next to her he nuzzled her side and kept his head there. All Auggie wanted was love and he knew she loved him as her nephew deep down. That was what the boy unleashed onto his Aunt; instead of anger did he unleash love.

"No..." he said in so much as a whisper in the croak of his voice.

"I don't want to go to my Uncle; I'll only be a burden to them as well as I am here. But if I stay I'm still a burden to you and my Uncle. I don't know what to do. I feel empty inside. My heart're a healer....heal it, please... I miss him; and I feel guilty that I never got to meet him. What happened here on that day? And what were his last words? I must know what his last words were....I must." he said before looking up at her.

The boy's black ears perked up as he heard another voice. the voice of the brute from the battlefield. Augustus worried that his presence would set Loccian off again. He listened to Squall say of how he was similar to him; and that Auggie was the first to stick up for him like that in a while.He then said he had someone in the world that understands him. The yearling mustered a small smile and a small nod.

"Thank you..." he said to the man before turning back to his Aunt.

"Please don't get upset...we're off the battlefield. And we're in a place that I consider to be a place to be...quiet and somber. This is where my father died. This is where your brother died. Please respect that and give him a second chance? A-and there's one more request I would like to ask of you. Can you take me to the place where he's buried later? I would like to speak with him." he said in a calm voice that still trembled.

The wolf sat there beside his Aunt; with his head still pressed against her side. He leaned further into her. She was one of the closest things to his father. Same blood, similar looks. Same parents, same scent. thinking of that he looked up at her once more and let out a small whimper. He loved her as if she was his own parent. But she wasn't classified as one to him but he loved her as one. Augustus loved his Aunt more than she thought she did. If she wasn't his Aunt he would have almost called her mother a few times. She was his only source of love at the time and he wouldn't dare try to bite the paw that gave it to him besides be a bit stubborn. But is this what the brute had come to? A leech of love? So deprived that he had to search for it? with a small sigh he looked back at the indent in the dried mud and a small shudder ran up his spine. Closing his white gaze briefly did he imagine his father sitting beside them. He imagined him looking at him and Loccian with a soft and careful gaze. A small smile would be portrayed upon his face. Maybe Loccian didn't know that her brother was still alive in a way. He was alive in her. Alive in her heart as well and her memories. He was there wherever she was. Even when she felt alone he was there right?

The only way to calm his Aunt was to know the last words his father said. He would find some meaning and tell her what he though about it. Maybe it was about her, about him, about his mother, about their parents, about the stars know what. But the boy had to know. He was so eager and his paws shuffled as he thought. Looking back at Squall with his white gaze did he offer a small smile. The brute wasn't bad once you got to know him; and Auggie wanted to be his friend. Hopefully one day...and hopefully soon or someday.



07-11-2013, 10:58 PM

It seemed like it had happened a long time ago, Octavian's death. The night she figured he took his own life after the things that had happened to him, the darkness that had formed in his heart causing him to spill blood all over the floor of this cave. Loccian wasn't there to see the start of it, but she was there to see enough, enough that caused her great pain to just stand there.

Right now she felt like she had failed as a new parent for Augustus. She had lashed out at him while upset about the brute Squall attacking her brother for no reason, upset that he had showed up at the battlefield when he should have been at home. She didn't want to blame him for it, but he did upset her by going out there. He might be growing but he was still young, he would stand no chance at all against an adult like that black, white and brown male. Then he dare bring up Octavian when he didn't even meet him, only heard stories that were lies.

She didn't want to be mad at him, he had gone to the battlefield for a reason. How could she get upset about that? Before she could even think about that, how could she let her emotions get the best of her. Why couldn't she contain them like others could, that way she wouldn't hurt the ones she loved, even if they were new additions to the family...

When she told him to unleash his wrath on her, Loccian really id expect to feel pain stab right into her back. To feel a weight push her to the ground. And the thing is, she would have let it happen.

What she got though shocked the small shewolf. Augustus came up behind er, and instead of snapping at her flesh with his fangs, he nuzzled into her side, making her jump. Hr heart nearly jumped out of her chest, racing now as he began to speak. She could feel her throat tightening, eyes welling up, tears slowly making their way down her cheeks. All she could do was sit there, grey orbs staring straight ahead into the darkness as she listened to her nephew speak.

Her jaw dropped slightly at his words, he didn't wanna feel like a burden to Thane like he was here... No, he was no burden at all. He never would be. He started to beg her to heal his hurt heart, her own heart starting to crack at the pain in his voice Physical wounds could be healed, but the memories that came with them couldn't. That went for his heart, all she could do was try to soothe it, but she would never be able to fully heal it.

But then he broke into feeling guilty he never met his father, asked what happened that day, what his fathers last words were. Loccian couldn't take it. The shewolf turned around to look at the boy, lips parting to tell him something but then a new voice broke in.

Ears folded back and lips curled over, a low growl rumbling in the back of her throat. Why did he have to be here at a time like this? Why couldn't he just wait till she left so he could open his trap? She would however keep calm, there was no way she would lash out at him in the place her brother and Augustus's father had died. She would listen to him though, even if it seemed like she was ignoring him. Ears were partially up, listening to his voice. She did feel bad for him, but his actions on the battlefield prevented her from fully feeling bad for him enough to act in a friendly manner towards him. If he made it up somehow, she could warm up to him. She wouldn't admit that though unless they were alone and having a heart to heart talk.

Jaws clenched as Augustus asked her not to be upset. She didn't answer his question a bout her giving him a second chance, but she did nod her head when he asked to be taken to his father's grave. That she could definitely do.

Loccian lowered her head, rubbing her cheek against Augustus's, down and along his neck. I will not fight in your father's last place on earth Augustus... nor do I want to at all. She whispered, pulling away from him, gently licking a tear from his cheek. She did not look to Squall yet, she couldn't. So instead she pushed herself up, tail hanging behind her, head low, sadness still in her dull gaze.

Would you like to hear what happened that day... the day everything starting spiraling out of control? She asked her tone was full of sadness, but it held a sort of emptiness, like something was missing. Her question was directed mainly to Augustus, but if Squall would like to know he could since she would not try running him out of her hear. She needed something to calm her down, needed to hear hat her brother said before he died. The day I started to fall into the darkness...


Awesome table by Andy <3


07-12-2013, 12:10 AM
The man was still and silent. Observing the scene before him. The boy was broken, left with feelings that one his age should never feel. Not like the way he himself had...his heart went out to the boy, he wanted to help. But he dared not speak, not now. In some way, he felt like maybe he shouldn't have been here...but, at the same time something had drawn him here. He knew the she-wolf hated him, hated him for a mistake on his part. Sure, he was short tempered...but it was something he had grown up with on account of everything that happened to him as a pup. Being picked on was something that hurt, and he despised it. He didn't want this boy to feel this way. He didn't want Loccian to hate him anymore. Whether they eventually became friends, or something more, or not. He just didn't want to be forever seen as a hated mongrel who randomly picked fights. That last one, a mistake. Would he do it again? Perhaps not...unless the other deserved it if it was threatening someone. What the tri-colored male found abnormal, was that he was actually thinking of changing his perspective on things. And this kid was showing him that in such a short time. Looking towards the ground, he began to back away, to leave them alone. He turned away, hearing Loccian growl, knowing that it was because he was here. But if he walked away now, would it show that he didn't mean what he said? Would it show that he was a coward and didn't care? This was a little confusing for him...he wanted to help the boy, but he didn't want to dig a deeper hole with the she-wolf. But...she hadn't yelled or demanded for him to leave.

He sighed inwardly, he couldn't walk away...even if his paws begged him before she did decide to lash out. Instead, he quietly crept to the side of the caves mouth and remained there in the shadow, the only indication of his presence were his gaze on the ground, glowing in the darkness and with the light reflected. And his muzzle was half in the light, along with the visibility of the white in his coat. He wouldn't interrupt. Curiosity peaked him as she decided she would tell her nephew his origins. About his Father...he wished he knew about his own Father...about his Mother...they had mysteriously died shortly after his birth. Nobody knew what happened to them...and it seemed, that this boy knew nothing of his Father as well. Another thing in common the pair shared. The man remained silent, not wanting to further agitate the grey she-wolf.

Speech, Thought, You


07-17-2013, 06:57 AM
The boy sat on his haunches beside his Aunt. His attention on Squall averted back to his Aunt Loccian. She kicked a way a tear before gently nuzzling him. The young brute pressed himself closer into her fur before perking up his black ears. His white gaze then watched her get up and then turning around. She asked if he would like to hear what happened on that day, when she started spiraling out of control. Then she lastly added the day she fell into darkness.

With a nod Auggie agreed. He would like to hear what happened. No, he wanted to ear what happened. Augustus wanted to know everything!

"Yes, I would like to know what happened here. And I would like to know everything if th is alright. It may be a lot to ask but I want you to know I love you Aunt Loccian. And I couldn't have asked for a better Aunt. And sometimes I feel like you feel you're alone but I feel the same way too. And I just wanna say that we're hanging in there right? We're stronger than we know." he said before standing up himself and walking towards her to stick his head into her fur.

Auggie then retreated and sat back one his haunches in the grass. Out of the corner of his white gaze he saw Squall move. But the boy did my mind; all of his attention was on his Aunt Loccian. Black ears perked up to take in her words. They perked up to listened to what had happened here that day. They were perked up to be filled with knowledge. And knowledge would he get soon enough.

Patiently sitting as waiting did he look at her quietly. Auggie would wait forever if he had to. This is how bad he wanted to know...

OOC: Sorry, crappy phone post.



07-25-2013, 12:05 AM

Loccian stood there in silence, waiting for her nephew's response. She did not want to tell him what had happened that day, didn't want him to get the mental images but at the same time she felt like she had to. Augustus wanted to know about his father, how could she be selfish and keep that information from him? A brave and noble wolf he was, always managing to say what was needed to calm others down. Augustus would want to know that, but for now she would tell him what happened in Octavian's final moments.

From where she stood the shewolf could see the male turn and walk away, causing her to take a deep breath then sigh, turning her head away. She felt bad for being so harsh on the battlefield but at the same time she felt like he deserved the attitude. He didn't matter right now, it wasn't about him. It was about Augustus, he deserved to know this, deserved to know why his aunt acted the way she did now.

Finally he spoke up, Loccian's ears perking up to catch his voice. He wanted to know what happened there, to know everything. She slowly nodded he head with a small sigh, a smile forming but not that big when he told her that he loved her and couldn't ask for a better aunt. "Augustus..." His name came out as a whisper, looking to him with dull yet wide grey eyes. He told her that he felt like she was alone, very true indeed, but he also felt the same way. Of course, he had told her, why didn't she believe it?

"Okay... I'll start from the beginning..." She started, clearing her throat lightly, turning her head to look to the cave entrance. Suddenly the sad look returned, lips starting to tremble already. "I was out walking, just thinking about thinks going on in my life. It seemed like it was getting better, me and Octavian started a new life in Seracia. We were repairing our bond... But while I was out I caught his scent, curiosity formed, I was wondering way he would be so far up north and to get an answer I followed it." She paused, taking a deep breath, brows coming together.

"I followed his scent here, but at the entrance I heart these screams..." Her voice was already starting to tremble, lips quivering, eyes watering. "He called my name and it scared me... it was like nothing I've ever heard before. And... there was blood in the air, I... I ran inside. Searched the cave, looking for him and after a few moments I finally found him after he screamed my name again." Her eyes went wide, falling back onto her rear, remembering what he looked like when she had found him. "There was blood, oozing from his head and neck, slowly forming a pool beneath us." Her eyes closed, not wanting to look at the very spot where they had laid.

"He apologized for leaving me when we were younger, finally understanding the loneliness I dealt with, telling me to leave him to die... that he didn't wish to live anymore but suddenly started to whine about wanting to live and not wanting to die here. He begged me to take him before the darkness did." Finally the tears started to roll down her cheeks, throat tight, trying to contain herself, not wanting to break down in front of her nephew.

"It was my fault it happened to him." Her eyes snapped open, staring past Augustus, looking past the cave wall. "If I had been there for him, he would still be alive... If I hadn't been spending time with Bronze, Octavian would still be here. He would have been able to meet you." Her wide eyes looked to the boy, an incredible amount of pain in her eyes, guilt, misery. "My fault..." The tears streamed even more down her face now, whole body shaking badly. The guilt, so heavy on her shoulders. She could have prevented his death, could have given him the help he needed.

"I helped him stand up, supporting most of his weight. With how much blood he had already lost he was still strong, able to walk outside before finally collapsing." Slowly her head turned away to look towards the cave entrance, looking out at the grass before it. "Even just laying there for a few seconds there was a puddle of blood forming beneath him... He told me he was tired, sleepy... Apologized, told me he loved me and said he was honored to have me as a sister..." She gave a small nod, a sad smile on her lips. She was proud to have him as a brother, and still loved him very much.

"Then he asked if he was dying, told me he was scared. It made my heart drop, a feeling like n other overwhelming over my body. I knew he would die, there was no amount of herbs or sweat I could put in to save him, no other wolf could possibly fix him up in time..." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to control herself, keep her voice straight enough to speak. "I... I..." She gritted her fangs, turning her head to the side and closed her eyes tightly. The pain was becoming too much, the lie she had to tell her brother...

"I told him he wasn't dying, to not be scared because he was just tired..." She gulped, taking in a deep but very shaky breath. "I told him that he would be fine, to rest his eyes and when he woke up he would feel better... I promised him." She slammed a paw against the ground, making a thump that echoed off the walls and down some tunnels, a few tears dropping onto the cave floor.

"So many tears... so much blood." She shook her head. "He told me he didn't want to go, that he wanted to stay with me... So we lay there together, my head on his neck. He apologized for leaving me again, promised I would see him again... that he would always be there even if I could see him." Yes, how could she forget that... Octavian would always be there for her, in her heart and would never truly be gone. But wit that thought she finally broke down, sobbing, shaking, curling up into a ball on the floor but when she finally spoke, it was only long enough to say the very last thing he told her.

"With his dying breath... he said... I love you."


Awesome table by Andy <3


07-25-2013, 03:49 AM
The man shifted quietly upon black studded pillars. Silently listening to the story that the she-wolf was telling her nephew. So the one that had died here was her brother...? He watched, the different range of emotions emanating from the girl pierced him. Something stirred within him, wanting to walk over and wrap around her, to protect her from the hurt that engulfed her...they were alike in so many ways. The young one included. It was strange...for him to wander and find others like him. He practically held his breath, though even with that it was as if he never existed. He was always quiet, watching silently and being as if he was never there. He knew not to interfere in this, so he remained there in the dark. Though he didn't know the one named Octavian, he knew the fear that he was feeling...he could feel it now, fighting to stay alive but afraid of what was to come. Yeah, Squall knew what Loccian had happened to him the day he vanished from his birth lands. When he was but a young orphan, the only friends he knew remained...forever to feed the Earth. Ellone had disappeared when the enemy pack attacked.

It was a peaceful night. He and Ellone were asleep in a den they shared, barely a year old when tragedy struck. The pair had been woken up and told to run and hide in the caves on the mountainside, as a rival pack ambushed them and started an all out blood war. Wolves fell before his eyes. Some in front of him, barring his path and separating he and Ellone. He had seen her run off to help her mother, and as he tried to near them a group of wolves tore between them. When they had passed, he rushed over to Ellone's mother, Ellone nowhere to be seen. Her mother died right there in front of him, bleeding out by a fatal wound to the neck. Her last words to him, were to tell Ellone that she loved her and for him to take care of her. She had then slipped away into the spirit world. But since then, he had seen nothing of Ellone. He knew not of she was dead or alive, and the chances of her surviving that attack were slim. He himself had barely managed to escape, his slender body outmaneuvering those giving chase.

In a sense, he knew what this grey woman was feeling...he had been through it all at such a young age. He knew the pain, the hurt, the sadness, everything. But he had forced himself to shut out those emotions and close his heart to getting close. But in this case...they pair had somehow managed to get in and stir something within him...
As long as you don't get your hopes up, you can take feel less pain. He thought. Wasn't that true? He had been living by that for his whole life...never expecting much, never hoping. Looking down at his paws, he had decided to leave the pair alone. Perhaps...No...I...I won't get hurt again. It may have just been chance that I came upon these would just be the same as everything else. He sighed, giving one last glance to the pair. The tears he saw falling from the grey she-wolf sent a pierced feeling through his heart again. His throat tightened when she slammed her paw on the ground. So she felt guilty for promising her brother something that was inevitable...she knew she had lied, but in truth, he would have done the same thing.

The warrior quietly turned and left the cave. Whether the two had noticed or not, well...what was he to do? If he was truly meant to be led to any of them, then fate would walk him into their paths. For now, he'd continue his own blind path as before...the path leading to nowhere.

Speech, Thought, You


07-27-2013, 08:44 PM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2013, 08:45 PM by Augustus.)
The boy sat and listened as he perked up his black ears. His white gaze settled on his aunt and never left her. She whispered his name after giving a small smile. Then she said she would start from the beginning...

His Aunt started of how she had caught his scent far up here. Ten she said she went to investigate. The next thing gave him chills, the mention of screams. Auggiencpuldnimagine bloodcurdling screams ringing throughout the caverns. A lost and lone wolf calling for help, screaming. She said he was screaming her name. His father was screaming hisbsister's name. Octavian must have knew she would come. She wouldnalways come for him right? She said she found him, found him bloody at the head and neck. He looked down as she told him his father saidntonleave him there to die. But thenyearling's white gaze averted back to his Aunt Locciannas shensaidnsuddenlynhenwanted to live. Strange....did his father go mentally insane? But what caught the young male was thenhisnfather apologized for leaving her. Was that when he left before his mother could tell him about their pup, him? Or was it when he was courting her...

Aiggie saw the tears that began tonrollndown her cheeks. She then said it was her fault, that was ridiculous, right? Quickly after that she said if she had been there for him. But she was there for him right?!?! She was there when he needed her his death. On came a name, Bronze. She said it was because of the time she had spent with him. For some reason Auggiendodnt want to blame his Aunt, he just blamed the mysterious brute. Shensaodnhenwouldnhave been able to meet him. Proceeding that came the shaking and another blame to herself; saying it was her fault once more.

No this couldn't be true, she wasn't at fault...she couldn't be. Then came the words of how they made it outside of the caverns where his father collapsed. Augustus' white gave averted back towards the spot with the dried mud and upturned grass with dried blood. Closin his eyes for a moment he imagined js father laying there in a puddle of blood with his Aunt. Anothe raj over ran down the boy's spine as he thought about it.

She continued....on how he asked her if he was dying and that he was scared. Auggie held in the tears as he watched his Aunt let hers go. She seemed to turn Waynfor a moment before telling him what she had told his father. She said she told him he was goin to be fine. She said he told him to close his eyes and go to sleep and he would wake up in a better place and feel better.

What his Aunt Loccian said next moved Augustus. Loccian told him how they lay there as he apologized and told her he would be there with her even though if she couldn't see him. After that the boy jumped as his Aunt broke down and curled into a ball. He landed over her to make sure she was alright before listening to her final words of the story...hisbfather's final words. He said "I love you."

Tears streamed down Augustus' face as he felt the urge to flee and hide. He was a wolf of solitude yet he would never admit he needed his Aunt. His father must have really loved his sister. They seemed to be very close and that's what upset his Aunt.

"Aunt's not your's what drove him tondo such a thing. And you were there for him! You were there when he needed you his death. And when you told him that when he woke up and he would feel better you were right. He woke up in a better place right?"

"And when he said he would always be there even when you couldn't see him....I'm sure he meant it....My day's probably here now, sitting beside you, trying to comfort you. His final words were I love you and he meant it! He still loves you Aunt Loccian, he's here! My Dad isn't really gone...he's right here next to us....and in our hearts." he said through tears.

The boy clambered over his curlers up and Aunt lay beside her with his head over her neck.

"It's not your's absolutely not! I love you Aunt Loccian and I'll never leave you. You're the only family I have left along with Uncle Pontifex....but you were also the closest to my father." he whispered

A tear ran down his cheek before speaking again.

Pctavian would want us to be happy...not to grieve like this any longer right? And he's here with us too.... I also sometimes still feel like I'm in my own world. I don't even have a last name! Didn't my father have a last name? Don't you?" he said before nuzzling his face into Loccian's fur.

"Octavius....Augustus Octavius. That shall be my new name from now on. It shall be my father's legacy..." he said before turnin to look up at the sky.

"I promise..." he whispered to the wind

Closing his white eyes the boy let the wind coarse through his fur. He imagined a wolf as the wind, gently embracing him. His father, he could feel him. Maybe Aiggie imagined it but he believed that his father was always there...and he probably was....he promised too...

OOC: ignore phone post errors.



08-03-2013, 10:29 PM

Oh the emotions, washing over her once again. That day, it was filled with so much sadness and hate, it made her stomach feel as if it was twisting and clenching within her body at just remembering what had happened. The tears streamed down her face, sobbing into her fur. She felt so weak, pathetic before her nephew who she should have been strong for, no matter how bad the pain was. These feeling didn't go away either when Augustus has spoken up, only made her feel worse that such a young person had to deal with his aunt possibly going crazy like his father had.

Her ears finally lifted off her head, swiveling around to face him and catch his voice. He told hr it wasn't her fault, that it was the fault of whatever it was that made Octavian go crazy. She was there for him when he needed her the most, that was very true. But at the same time she should have been there more for him, the thoughts returning of what if she had talked to him more. What if she could have prevented his untimely death? A whine seeped from her lips as he told her Octavian did wake up in a better place, even asking her. He reminded her of when Octavan told her he would always be there even if she couldn't see him, that Augustus was sure he meant it. Slowly she lifted her head to finally look at her nephew, the boy now saying how the man could be sitting right here besides Loccian, trying to comfort her.

Her eyes went wide, front limbs lifting half her body off the ground at the realization that Octavian really could have been there besides her. Was he? She turned her head to the left, then right, grey orbs searching the darkness, trying desperately to try and get a glimpse of him. But then he lay beside her and lay his head on her neck, causing the woman to take a deep shaky breath, lowering herself back down and leaning into his touch.
Augustus was not done yet, he told her once again that it wasn't her fault, he loved her and never wanted to leave her, Loccian was the only family he had left along with Pontifex, the closest to his father. She licked away a tear, a warmth in her heart and spreading across her body from his words. He said that Octavian would want them happy and not grieve any longer, she gave a slow nod of her head. But then the boy said he felt like he was in his own world, and that he didn't have a last name, asking if his father had a last name or even her.

Loccian never thought about it, it never bothered her before. But now that Augustus brought it up it made her feel even lonelier. She was a nobody, yeah a somebody to the boy and Pontifex, but other than that she would only be known as Loccian, that one wolf. The lack of a last name started to put some weight on her heart, but thankfully Augustus spoke up to distract her from the thoughts. He would be known as Augustus Octavius, he would be his fathers legacy. All the woman could do was embrace the boy tightly, wrapping herself around him, not wanting to ever let go. It was the first time in awhile she felt so moved, adding warmth to her tired and hurt heart. "He would be so proud of you.? She mumbled into his fur.


Awesome table by Andy <3