
I wash my hands of this weirdness...


07-03-2013, 08:30 PM
The day rose high as shadows cast across the warm ground. Spring had arrived, chasing away the chilly cold of winter. A smile arose on the rugged mans lips as he stared across the land. Paws itching for another adventure. Shifting the make shift pack on his back, he followed a trail down towards an expanse of rocky outcroppings. He had just finished another successful "hunt." Yes, a good day it had been for him. He'd go on another raid soon enough, just after he dropped off his new belongings in his hidden hole. He had been on Tortuga territory for a while now, biding his time till he would one day be the Pirate Lord.

The brown and russet colored man stopped among a shelter of jutted out rocks and hanging vines. He entered it, closing his hiding spot from prying eyes by replacing the vines to screen it from outside view.


07-03-2013, 09:50 PM

Sollei was glad that the last breath of winter had been overtaken by spring, she could tolerate snow...but the cold wind really irked her for some reason. She was in the Rock Garden to think and possibly play hide and seek with a field mouse. Yes...this femme wasn't entirely ordinary. She was a little strange but was entirely happy being that way.

However that wasn't exactly on the cards today as she stepped on a particularly sharp little stone.
"Yeowww! You sharp little time I kick you into a river." Sollei limped a little, licking the pad where she'd felt the uncomfortable sensation. She was glad that the only thing that the stone had done was poke her pad a little. However when she'd said all those things, she might have said them a little bit too loud. The dark brown female hadn't really taken the time to check the scents around the area...a potentially scary error if she were to do it again.


07-04-2013, 01:10 AM
Ears perked immediately, he turned his head towards the entrance to his den. Someone was nearby? He dropped the rest of his belongings in the back of his hidden den, and made his way out. The rugged pirate exited his hidden hollow, vines falling into place behind him. Glancing around, he slipped around the rocks to find the source of the voice he had heard. His dirty black and brown pelt was but a shadow in this domain. His domain. The place he had been hiding from all manner of wolves who'd probably be looking for him. After all, he had pillaged surrounding packs and rogues, and whoever else was out here who had something he wanted. He was a pirate, he couldn't help what he was. Though, he was a very strange pirate...he was not good, but he was also not bad. Lying somewhere in between.

After a few minutes, he had finally spotted something. A brown figure hopping about on a large rock several yards away. Brown eyes observed the chocolate brown creature. And judging by the sound of the echoing voice, a female. He made his way closer, staying out of her sights. He crept up, quiet as the midnight moon. Once there, he continued to stay out of sight. Hiding in a swath of bushes. Now, she'd be able to scent him, and hear him, but not see him. Not yet, anyway. "And what would a dame such as yourself be doin' way out here by yer lonesome? Don't you know there are all manner of dangerous creatures about? Like Pirates?"


07-04-2013, 01:39 AM

The pain in her paw had dulled, so she decided that now rather than later was the time to check whose scents were here. She raised her head and sniffed the air lightly, only to find that she was not alone now. Golden yellow orbs narrowed just a little as she mulled over the strange wasn't one that she'd come across as of yet. However that was to change, for it appeared that she had also been detected. In retrospect she knew she shouldn't have spoken so loudly.

But before she could do anything more, a voice came out of nowhere, making her jump.
"And what would a dame such as yourself be doin' way out here by yer lonesome? Don't you know there are all manner of dangerous creatures about? Like Pirates?" Her chocolate and onyx head turning about in an attempt to find the source of the words. She licked her maw in a slightly anxious manner before frowning a little....should she ask whom this creature was? Or say something so outlandish it would have to come out and talk to her? In those few moments, she chose neither and opted to respond to the questions that had been posed to her.
"I'm exploring, seeing what each territory is like. There isn't anything wrong with seeing the world...besides, I haven't encountered anything too dangerous yet. If I see a Pirate, I'm not likely to have anything of value anyhow. What about you, seen anything like a dangerous Pirate lurking about?" She responded, her voice calm and even for the most part. One might even say that she would be talking herself out of a potentially threatening situation.


07-04-2013, 03:21 AM
Jack thought as the woman spoke. His face remaining as blank as ever. When she finished speaking, he emerged from his hiding place, standing atop a boulder that jutted out just above hers. His head was high, posture straight and tail held high. His brown eyes fell on her as she looked around for him, though now he could be seen. His shadow fell across her, sun shining past him making him appear as a dark figure till he shifted so that he could be clearly seen from her angle. Her words sounded calm and innocent. A shame...what if something were to happen to her? He chuckled a little as he approached.

"Oh I've seen a pirate around these parts, and yer starin' at 'im lass." He lied on his belly, paws crossed and dangling over the rock as he lowered his head closer to her. "The names Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirate Lord. And don't you forget it lass." He emphasized on the word Captain,letting the name sink in. "And you lass? Who is the girl that is exploring these parts by her lonesome eh?"


07-04-2013, 03:42 AM

She turned as she heard rustling above her rock and her ears pricked up as a wolf stepped forward. When he blocked out the sun and then shifted, she took in his appearance. So....he had been aiming for a grand entrance? She tilted her head a little and watched him as he approached her.

"Oh I've seen a pirate around these parts, and yer starin' at 'im lass." When he laid down, she ventured one step closer and licked her maw. He was a looker...and most males that look like that...were practically walking around with a: "Danger" sign attached in neon lights."The names Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirate Lord. And don't you forget it lass." The name sunk in...of course it did. but didn't he have to have a crew in order to become a Captain? Or was that only in legends that they had to have a crew?

She stretched languidly and gave him a slight smile...just a slight one as he asked about her.
"And you lass? Who is the girl that is exploring these parts by her lonesome eh?" She thought about it for a moment...she'd already told him that there wasn't much point in trying to rob her. So what was he after? Apart from a name of course. Well, it was against her morals to not answer him, so she opened her mouth to speak. "Nice to meet you Captain, the name's Sollei and travelling's my game for a while. But as I mentioned before, not much point in robbing me...I travel light, ya know?" She responded with a laugh, a cheeky light coming into her golden orbs. "I shouldn't be holding much interest for you then I suppose. Though....have you ever played peek-a-boo with field mice?"


07-07-2013, 12:00 AM
The pirate lord raised a brow, did he hear her right? Playing with...mice? Well, he had seen weirder things...he studied her for a moment, ears perked and an amused smile upon his lips. So she thought he was gonna steal from her? Ha! He wasn't THAT kind of pirate...then again...he was always so unpredictable. He winked, noticing she was looking at him rather strangely...Did she not believe him? Or was she laughing at the thought of him being a pirate? Either way, she knew who he was now. He leaned down, shifting his weight a little as he stared at her with brown eyes. She was a young one, a strange and innocent one at that. Though she was very...peculiar.

"I know what you mean by traveling lightly lass. I too travel lightly, I travel without a pack. A rogue I am, but A captain I am as well when I start up my own crew. Perhaps on one of those new islands that were discovered recently. And you lass? where do you reside? Asides from playing with mice, though I've heard of stranger things..." He responded to her, smirking at the thought of her playing with field mice. He slid off the rock, landing neatly on his paws at her level, head high. "Though I am a pirate, I don't rob the innocent. Then again does a wolf hunt its own kind? Think about it lass. Besides, I've just done a bit of pillagin' recently, so i'm takin' a break so as not to get the Amentians after me. I've done well so far, still breathin' anyway. Where are you headed off to?


07-13-2013, 10:11 AM

She quirked an eyebrow lightly in response to his, a soft laugh escaping her maw as he smiled and then leaned forward. When he winked at her she tilted her head even further to the side.
"Do you have something in your eye? Are you alright?" She asked leaning up closer to him for a moment in an attempt to see if there was an offending object causing his eyelid to twitch. Finding nothing but his two twin orbs of chocolate she moved back, ears swivelling slightly in curiosity.

"I know what you mean by traveling lightly lass. I too travel lightly, I travel without a pack. A rogue I am, but A captain I am as well when I start up my own crew. Perhaps on one of those new islands that were discovered recently. And you lass? where do you reside? Asides from playing with mice, though I've heard of stranger things..." She stood her ground as he slid off the rock smoothly, her yellow orbs looking at him and she opened her maw to answer. However he asked her more things, Sollei opting to listen rather than to talk over him. "Though I am a pirate, I don't rob the innocent. Then again does a wolf hunt its own kind? Think about it lass. Besides, I've just done a bit of pillagin' recently, so i'm takin' a break so as not to get the Amentians after me. I've done well so far, still breathin' anyway. Where are you headed off to?"

She licked her maw as she contemplated her next words, his sudden burst of talking leaving her a little muddled for a moment. "I reside....nowhere in particular really. I sort of migrated here recently, currently assessing my options and all, ya know? And it's quite fun to play with mice, you should try it some time." The femme let out a little bit of a breath, her tail swishing from side to side before she continued on further. "I've seen wolves hunt their own kind unfortunately, but I shall take you at your word...a pirate is always bound by his word, is he not? I don't know where I'm headed next, I try and pick it by the wind." She said the last part with a laugh, but there was a sombre expression on her face that could make one believe she had seen more darkness than light in recent times. However she blinked and like a candle's flame it was snuffed out, a jolly expression replacing it. Only minute traces of the more painful expression remained as smoke from the proverbial candle. "So what do you do for fun Jack?"


07-23-2013, 05:05 AM
Dark brown head leaned back slightly as his thoughts turned into confused silence. Why did she lean towards him like that? It seemed as if she had been trying to see if something was there...brows furrowed slightly in confusion. The man watched and listened as the young girl spoke to him. So she had no pack and no place she really belonged? Why did it seem to him that there were more and more...? Recently he heard tale of an entire pack turning rogue, living on the land like nomads. Vagabonds with no home. His thoughts returned when his brown orbs caught sight of something on her features, but he then wondered if he had imagined it...She looked...troubled. Many a time he had seen that look on the faces of many. But her attitude was far too jolly and happy for that. Like a storm hiding behind the calm.

He breathed in a good deal of air as he waited to answer anything she threw his way. She certainly did have a mouth on her, and she certainly did seem very strange...but he supposed it wasn't a bad thing. What was life without peculiar and strange things? Especially ones that were using it to hide something underneath? Clearing his throat, he answered "Aye lass, a Pirate is bound by his word at all times. Unless you run into the scurvy bilge rats who have no honor and are among the lowest of the low. As for fun lass? I have my leisure time of women and drinks, and I suppose I just roam around and see the sights, while trying to stay alive. I have many after my tail, but none will ever get it. I'm just trying to survive my daily life. Perhaps I'll spice it up and play with a mouse or two eh?"

He turned from her again, swishing his tail at her nose as he passed. He stopped a yard away before turning to her, a question in his eyes. "Care to join me for a hunt? It's been a busy morning for me and I could do with a drink and a bite." He continued walking, the open invitation open between them. She seemed lonely, and though she was out on her own, something stirred within him telling him that, this time, he would not take advantage of a lonely soul.