
we must hide our love


07-03-2013, 08:15 PM

The red woman lay herself easily beside the hot springs, head tipped down and eyes closed as she breathed in the sweet sulfuric scent. So much like home, such a reminder of her childhood it was almost painful. All she wanted in life was something solid, something tangible and easy. She thought she had had that when Morphine had come to rule but everything had fallen to crap when Kaien had given his life because he was just that worthless. Then Morphine had pissed off Desdemona and been banished and everything had fallen apart. Vi had agreed to remain in Tortuga to spy but that had backfired as well after she had been stripped of her rank and thrown to the dogs to fight for it back. She was tired, tired of fighting, tired of it all and before even her 4th birthday. So this day she had left the mountain she hated so and had followed her nose to this place. This lovely place that reminded her so much of the caves that she had been raised in. Fur clung to her lithe, lean form, damp from the steam rising from the pool before her and the ones in the area as well. What would make this better? A visit from her queen... Head would tip back, sweet sound calling to Morphine easily. She didn't know if the white woman would be around to hear it but if she was Vi hoped she would maybe join her for a dip, for a chat or whatever. She just wanted to be around the white goddess she had come to care for so deeply.


07-03-2013, 08:32 PM

Elongated, serpentine limbs pulled the petite wraith quickly over the dampened spring grass as the familiar song of Vi writhed through her auditory passages, causing a soft smile to stretch across her velveteen lips with the commemoration of their previous meeting. The ice queen was beginning to worry that the russet beauty had completely forgotten about her and had pushed their devious plots into oblivion, waiting on every beck and call of the newest Tortugan queen who was unfit to uphold the crown in Morphine?s eyes. In her diseased mind, she alone would forever be branded as Tortuga?s first and only superior despite the fact that it was truly Nnoitra who deserved the title and her plans to thieve back the crown were still intense within her. She would succeed once she felt capable of defeating the behemoth queen and once her young were old enough to fend for themselves ? that was one thing the pallid babe would ensure.

Finally, she breached a steamy plain, metallic eyes flashing over the scene to locate the assassin she had grown fond of during her reign, spying the pristine, russet coat of the woman with ease and navigating with immaculate poise in the direction she had rooted herself. She approached the woman from behind, allowing her muzzle to dip into the plush fur blanketing Vi?s lithe form, a smirk wrapping about her countenance all the while. I was beginning to think you had forgotten me.


07-03-2013, 08:45 PM

Surprisingly the wait wasn't long, it never was though if she truly thought back on all their previous meetings. Morphine had never been one to disappoint or leave the red woman waiting. It was one of the many upholding qualities that Vi loved and admired so deeply of the woman. A shiver rippled up her spine at the white woman touch, the feeling similar to that of cold water running down her spine arching through her. Maybe there was more truth behind the title ice queen then Vi had originally known. Sly smile slid over her lips as sharp yellow gaze turned to the lady. Slowly she would push herself into a seated position, rolling her shoulder back and returning the touch, pressing her nose to her shoulder tenderly before chuckling at her words. Forgotten? Could the white woman ever be forgotten? "Never. I just didn't want to call you without any news." she purred in response, gaze following the witches every move. Was there something different about her. "After our last chat I've been waiting. But the bitch stripped me of my rank and made me fight for it... I still don't know my place." she practically hissed, obviously still peeved about the little incident with her new 'queen'. For a moment she forgot what she had called Morphine here for and hackles raised. "She's pregnant." Plain. Simple. The words venomous as hateful yet devious gaze returned to her one true queen. Would she be pleased with this news?


07-03-2013, 09:17 PM

Metallic gaze peered into the yellow depths of Vi?s own as if searching for any trace of rage or sorrow that could hint to the russet woman?s motives for beckoning her to the springs, but they were void of emotion as they appeared to be during every encounter with the woman, leaving the white witch all the more curious. She rolled her mass back upon her haunches to mirror the assassin?s movements, placing herself adjacent to her counterpart as she awaited her impending speech, pupils flickering across the spring landscape to search for unwanted company before turning back to meet the woman as she pressed her leathery nose ? so cold in comparison to her flesh ? into her shoulder in an affectionate manner, accompanied with reassuring words that piqued the queen?s interest. Her assassin had come with news? A singular brow quirked upon her forehead and she searched her comrade?s visage with evident intrigue, ears flicking forward to catch the woman?s words with fervor. So Morphine had not been alone in being stripped of her rank ? Desde had managed to do unto all Tortugans in the same manner. Her features hardened at this, a frown caressing her features at the realization of Vi?s bitterness with the lack of her prestigious title ? something Morphine could empathize with. Vi.. she began, desiring to spill her plans unto the ears of her loyal lackey to reassure her that everything would be well in due time, but she stopped herself, wanting to hear of this news first.

Her eyes widened at the piece Vi offered, momentarily stunned with this new information that could not have been more perfect, and a sly grin to match the russet viper?s own slithered across her lips in acceptance. Well, well, she started, inhaling deeply, Wouldn?t that be funny if she would lose something she held dear to her? she glanced at Vi, wondering if she would catch on. If we took something just as she has taken from us?


07-03-2013, 09:41 PM

The red bitch had always been so careful with her emotions, so very careful to keep everything so far beneath the surface that those around her only saw what she wanted them to see. Morphine was the same way it seemed, quiet and reserved, withdrawn almost. Vi had always considered herself quite perceptive to others, able to read emotions so well. Often she mimed the emotions of others, matching herself to them to make them accept her or like her more. It was what she had done with Steren when she had first joined, it was what she had done to Kaien... But with Morphine it was different, there was something about her that made Vi want to follow her to the ends of the earth. But as the rage broke through the surface once more, rage directly focused on the white bitch who dared called herself queen of Tortuga. The white bitch who had ripped everything Vi had known from her. The white bitch who had dared banish Morphine. But like a tidal wave the rage came, swept over her and left. She was aware of Morphine's soft voice speaking her name. Vi couldn't deal with any weakness right now. They needed to plan... And plan they would. Morphine was stricken silent for a moment and Vi's sharp gaze zero'd in on her. She had done good, she didn't know how good but she knew she had brought Morphine something she desired. A deep sense of pride welled within her though her expression remained carefully neutral. And then Morphine spoke, her words settling heavily around them. Though her smile widened as Morphine spoke a dread settled over her. Vi would be more then happy to rip Desdemona's womb from her body or to destroy her mate but to kill a pup after it was born? She was uncertain, though you would never tell from the sadistic smirk growing upon her features. "Oh please my queen. Tell me whats going through that devious little mind of yours?" Her words were a murmur, a hushed tone but still she seemed to be begging. She wanted to know what was on Morphine's mind. What she wanted to do with this new information.


07-03-2013, 11:45 PM

Anticipation emanated from her core as she awaited the assassin?s judgment, the sly smirk that told nothing less than maleficent intentions still dominating her visage despite the fact that the silence wracked her nerves. Perhaps the praise the russet babe offered the white witch time in and time out was what Morphine had thrived upon ? had desired from so many more ? so if her schemes were met with approval, she would undoubtedly ooze her confident regalia that had almost dissipated with her lost title. But the wench still did not seem to breach an awareness to what Morphine was attempting to hint at, and she drew in a deep breath, preparing to relay her possible blueprints unto the eager woman. I want to make her pay, she spoke easily, her voice eerily calm and quiet even though the message lingering behind her words was dark. Metallic gaze averted from the other?s figure, landing upon the mountain that jutted so far above where they resided now, the same treacherous domain that Desdemona roamed. I will take them ? I will take them, she spoke vehemently, lids draping over her eyelids as she maintained steady breaths. ? With or without you. I will take their lives or I will hold them hostage in Tortuga where their parents shall never see them again. The promise was ardent ? the promise to reclaim the throne she had lost because of his incompetence and her foolishness.


07-04-2013, 11:53 PM

It fell like the whole world was holding its breath, waiting for the ice queen to give her decree. Whatever it may be Vi would follow her blindly, she wouldn't question it. But somewhere in the back of her mind she knew... She knew it would come down to killing children. Thus far the red woman had been able to avoid the task, none had ever before asked her to take the life of a child. Well... She had killed wolves before their first birthday before but only twice and Vi had been their age as well. The goddess had always preached that it was the betrayal that made the kills all the more sweet. To gain their friendship and then to destroy them in their most vulnerable time. Vi had mastered that skill at a young age, moulding herself to gain trust and then ripping it away just as she ripped out their arteries. Ky had never quite gotten it, never been as good with others as she. But he had also excelled in so many other tasks that she had not. And in the end he had been the one to continue the Sovari name rather then she. She was slightly bitter about this, though she had never wanted to destroy her body with child birth she had also wanted to raise some hellions of her own, to raise them in the ways of the goddess. To steal them away into the night and train them as she and her brother had been trained. Maybe she could simply adopt? Maybe Morphine would allow her to keep one of Desdemona's children, to punish her further by sending the child to kill its own mother? Only time would tell... The smile widened across her lips, pure joy evident at the thought of making the woman pay. She had ripped their family apart, she had ruined them, ran Tortuga to the ground. Vi's gaze would follow her queen's and her head would tip curiously though ears would remain attuned to the white woman. "I am yours my queen, to command as you wish." Words were a promise, just as Morphine's were. Though something akin to dread settled in the pit of her stomach there was an unwavering resolve in her tone. "Command me as you see fit, but perhaps you would be interested in a suggestion?" Devious mind churned as eyes turned back to meet the white woman. Would she take Vi seriously as an equal or command her as a pawn? Either way she would remain with the lady, forever loyal...


07-05-2013, 01:02 AM

The russet viper?s vow to remain faithful to the former Tortugan queen appeased her, and yet, simultaneously it perplexed her. The pallid wench still hadn?t quite determined what qualities she possessed that attracted the former beta ? or anyone, for that matter ? to her rule, but she would refuse to question the woman?s unwavering loyalty and would allow it to be kept a mystery that would remain unresolved, forever a nagging question to burn at the back of her brain. Perhaps questioning her charisma and silver tongue that so easily won the favor of her peers was a route to avoid when she needed to maintain the fa?ade of an imperial ruler, especially around the one canine she had grown quite fond of.

Lids fluttered back to reveal the windows to her internal feelings, blockaded by the emotional barriers she had constructed and preserved, as the other female piped in once more, again confirming her support to the white wraith?s cause and questioning it all in the same breath. Curiosity struck her rather than anger that her plots had been refused ? sure, she possessed certain traits of a tyrant, but she was open to each and every suggestion should they prove to be favorable. A curious hum resonated from her leathery lips to beckon the woman to proceed, ears cocked in her companion?s direction expectantly. Surely Vi had proven to be competent with her many viable qualities, so the witch did not suspect anything less than brilliant would fall upon her ears.


07-08-2013, 08:53 PM

Every since their first meeting Vi had felt a particular pull towards the white witch, one she couldn't exactly place or name. It had been unexplainable, hard to understand and almost overpowering to the red woman who had never felt any particular loyalties to anyone before. She had obeyed orders before from previous alphas in packs that she and Ky had offered their services to but had never felt like she wanted to stay with them. With Morphine... Even the stripping of her rank hadn't angered her nearly as much as the woman's banishment from the pack. Desdemona had just done one thing after another to piss Vi off and it was coming to her tipping point. Yes... She could kill the children, if and when it came to that. She could and she would at Morphine's command, she would break the world for the woman or die trying if it came to that. A curious hum came from Morphine and Vi's head cocked, so she was interested? For a moment Vi measured her words, testing them on her tongue before she would speak. She had to tread carefully here... "Would it not be all the better to throw a bit of betrayal into the pot perhaps? Kill all but the strongest child of hers?" She question easily, head tipped easily, curious as she watched for the woman's reaction. She was prepared to be shot down, for Morphine to stick to her guns and simply slaughter the whole lot. "Pups are so easy to manipulate, maybe we could raise it to be of some use to us" she said with a simple shrug, shoulders lifting to show a certain non chalice towards her own idea. Though she was speaking from personal experience, her own upbringing had been nothing but grooming towards being a murderer. Not that she would ever recognize or admit to it, the goddess was her one true love, the only being that would ever trump morphines hold over the red woman. Luckily she wasn't here, and even if she was they pair would have probably gotten along smashingly.


07-08-2013, 09:51 PM

The viper seemed hesitant for a moment but Morphine pushed the matter no further; if the woman had decided against relaying her scheme unto the pallid wraith?s ears, then the plot to slaughter all of Desdemona?s children would be set into action immediately. After a moment?s pause, however, the babe began to speak, sparking the ice queen?s interest at the mention of bestowing a sense of betrayal upon the current behemoth sovereign. But as Vi continued to inform Morphine of her ideas, a slow smile developed upon her countenance with approval, though she refused to verbally state the acceptance of the new plot just yet and simply probed at the scheme in the depths of her diseased mind while the russet female awaited her verdict. At last she inclined her muzzle in Vi?s direction, mercury eyes flashing to greet the vibrant yellow of the wench?s while she spoke to praise her former beta. I must admit, my dear, that is quite brilliant. Not that any product of that bitch should be competent, but we could train it to possess some skill to defeat mommy dearest. A soft chortle embellished her tones as she spoke, visualizing how the scheme that Vi had conjured would play out. Surely witnessing Desdemona's child tear her limb from limb would be a sight to relish, Morphine just hoped they could manage to pull it off.


07-08-2013, 11:11 PM
ooc;; might get mature in my next few posts XDD

Vi didn't doubt Morphine's abilities, she didn't know why since she had never seen Morhpine fight or spar or anything. Something about her... Vi had just deemed her capable right off the bat and had never lost that faith, she had never once had the tiniest hint of a doubt that Morphine wouldn't be able to handle herself in a fight. Maybe it was the constant praise and reassurance Vi got from the white woman. The mutual respect they shared and the fact that Morphine seemed just as convinced that Vi was capable of handling herself as well. Sometimes that was all the red bitch needed, was for someone to praise her and smooth some ruffled feathers. She was a rather shallow in that sense, desiring the higher ranks and the praise and prestige that came with them. Maybe all she wanted in life was to be appreciated and respected, Morphine gave her that... The smile that slithered across her queens lips rubbed her in all the right places, though words were casual a devious sense of pride arose within her. "It will take time, but by the time the child is ready her heart would have healed and we can rip those old wounds open once more." Words were purred, the female feeling the usual sense of arousal she felt when speaking of betrayal and murder. Head would cock easily to the side, eyes sliding along the females lithe frame. That coat of hers, Vi wanted nothing more then to burry her face within it, to make the witch her own. Since the day they had med Vi had felt a sense of desire for the female, but now it was almost overwhelming.


07-08-2013, 11:49 PM

Anticipation flooded her system as she contemplated their impending endeavor, her thoughts almost pleading with the world to work in her favor so that Desdemona could push her incompetent spawn from her womb all the more sooner ? but Morphine was unaware as to how long she and her deviant would need to wait before their scheme took action. Undoubtedly, the duo would be faced with the ferocious jaws of horrified parents once they realized the maleficence of their intentions, but all the curiosities that wracked her brain subsided as she accepted their fate for the time being, deciding upon living in the now rather than attempting to prevent the possibilities of the future. A shiver coursed throughout her petite form as she digested Vi?s appealing words, causing the immaculate, pallid fur lining her spinal cord to bristle with a sense of delight. She spoke no further, drowning herself in the fantasies of their adversary?s bloodshed while a comfortable silence loomed between her and her counterpart, unaware that the russet babe?s gaze lingered upon her form, swimming with desire. Although the ice queen had never experienced the sensation of lust for herself, there was something about the woman that interested her and kept her on the edge, always anxious for their next meeting once they departed their separate ways. Perhaps, this encounter would not have an ending and there would be no need to anticipate the future meetings.

What is it, Vi? she questioned softly as she realized the russet female had fallen completely silent for a while now, her gaze travelling up the woman?s body to meet her's with an evident curiosity.


07-09-2013, 06:59 PM

ooc;; sexy times later XDD when Vi tried to con morph into giving her a high rank :P

Vi wondered if there would ever be a line she wouldn't cross for this woman, anything she could ask of Vi that the red woman just wouldn't do. She had thought that her line would be children, it had always been a touchy subject for her, at least until they were a year, but here she was smiling and nodding along to this devious little plan her queen was concocting in her mind. It was a delightful thing, whatever it was that they had between them. Though a strange feeling of desire welled within the red woman Vi made no move to reach forward and initiate contact. In her mind Morphine was so far above and beyond Vi's reach that she could never, would never, be able to reach her. No, as much as Vi wanted nothing more then to close the space between them, to make the white witch her own she dare not move from her seated position. Even as the silence stretched on between them and eventually Morphine seemed to tune back in and called Vi out on it. "Nothing that needs to be discussed now." Vi replied with a chuckle and a wink, though the desire was slowly beginning to come under control. Another time perhaps, after Vi had served Morphine the world on the platter. "In other news on the Tortuga front I was sent to Seracia to speak to their king about an alliance of sorts. Desdemona and Nnoitra went to the other packs to speak to them as well. So much less fun this way, no one to kill, no one to fight... Damn peace is boring." She said, sighing rather dramatically. If Morphine wanted to know about the packs Vi would tell her what she had found out but for now she was content to share the ways Desdemona was making life in Tortuga more and more boring/unbearable. She didn't, however mention her chat with their original alpha and the wavering feelings she had felt there.


07-10-2013, 07:24 PM

A concoction of amusement and confusion shone upon her countenance, offering the viper an insight to the true emotions residing within her rather than the vague expression that seemed to haunt her visage more often than not. Mercury depths narrowed slightly in playful suspicion as she registered the wink and the soft, mesmerizing chuckle that cascaded from the babe?s inky lips, allowing her skull to shake slowly as her own chortle graced the atmosphere to intertwine with Vi?s; so she wasn?t going to tell her what was churning in that devious mind of hers, eh? Fine; Morphine would just extract the information from the russet female in the future, one way or the other. But for now, she allowed her intrigue to subside, succumbing to the comfortable silence that had befallen the duo beforehand that expired almost as soon as it had consumed them as further information spewed from her cohort?s jaws, still revolving around Desdemona but concerning how she functioned as a superior rather than how the duo could manage to make her life miserable. So the behemoth queen had played the diplomatic role, attempting to unite the pack with the protection of the others around the island? It was a smart move, the ice queen had to admit, but the soft nature Desdemona was forcibly bestowing upon a pack that housed rebellious misfits almost caused her to gag ? it just didn?t fit Tortuga, so why was Nnoitra so complacent with it? ?Seems as if she?s leading the wrong pack,? Morphine commented bitterly, the canines within Tortuga?s ranks heavily on her mind. ?How is Nnoitra under her rule?? she dared to question, unaware that her companion?s loyalty partially resided with the pallid king.