
Write To Me & Escape


07-02-2013, 11:49 PM

Spring. The season that brought life back to the world. Snow and ice melted away, leaving behind the sleeping trees and grass that were hidden beneath them. Naked branches began to warm up to the sun and less frigid breezes, revealing fresh buds of leaves and potential flowers. Grass would become bright green again, cushioning the paws that explored the unknown areas of Alacritis. Birds could be seen and heard returning from other climates, eager to begin their twitterpated acts and make families for themselves. It seemed that everything was coming together in spring. What a marvelous season.
This was all that Aeil observed as she explored the lands surrounding her new home. Seracia was grand in size, 'tis true, but she was pulled towards the prairie for reasons unknown to her. She felt it was the right time to be there, so she trusted her gut and continued to explore. As she walked across the unfamiliar land, she felt warmth from the fresh grass. It rose into her paws and she couldn't help but happily bark and increase her pace.
"Spring is here," she happily sighed, smile evident across her once quiet features. Eyes dazzled with the sun's light as she looked around, taking in the details with more focus and excitement. At a brisk trot, she began to see the height of the trees that occupied the prairie, softly swaying in the breeze around her. Aeil closed her eyes for a minute and felt that breeze run its fingers through her stormy gray fur. Ohhh, what could make the beginning of her day even better?



07-03-2013, 12:17 AM
His ears twitched. Stirred by the breeze rolling in over him, he opened his eyes to be greeted by the morning light. A warm wind was on its way, heating up the past frigid winter season. Stretching and yawning, the giant rose on silvery black pillars. He smiled, welcoming the heat onto his pelt. It had been a while since the sun was even remotely warm enough to send any kind of heat through his thick pelt. He shook leaves and bracken off his pelt, and sat to scratch his ears. His stomach grumbled, begging him for breakfast. Luckily, he had saved a rabbit from last night to eat. Though now he figured there would be more prey about since the warmer weather was melting away the snow. He rose to his paws, broad muscled mass began to move through the tall grass he had been hiding in. Not that he really needed to hide, but he didn't want to attract unwanted attention from any nearby packs. His hidden prize was within a small rock outcrop, safe from scavengers.

Dragon had emerged from the tall grasses, the wind sweeping his fur around as it greeted him in welcome. He took in a deep breath, smiling to himself. Moving forward, he caught sound of something upon the wind. The beast halted, ears erect as he strained to hear what it was...the wind switched, playfully toying with his ear fur. At the same time, it brought to him the sound of another voice. A voice that sounded happy and excited, perhaps this creature was as excited as he was about the spring season arriving as well. He decided he'd check things out and see who it was that came into this land. He had scented other wolves before, but he always avoided others since the first thing they wanted to do upon seeing him was fight or flee. Never giving him a chance to meet them. He wasn't a mean wolf, heck he wasn't anything close to that! Dragon was a relatively calm and docile wolf, never harming anything without just cause.

The scarred male came over a small slope, standing atop it to scan his surroundings. There, down below, was another wolf. The scent indicated it was a she-wolf. And she seemed to be enjoying the weather that the season brought. He remained where he was, tail up slightly and ears perked. Watching her.


07-03-2013, 01:47 AM

The newfound warmth that spring brought made Aeil's more playful side show. It seeped into her bones and muscles, resulting in energy spreading through her whole body. Her eyes opened as the breeze faded and she took a few steps forward before falling towards the ground. What may have seemed like her collapsing was, in fact, her deciding to romp in the grass. Aeil rolled across on her back, legs greeting the air for split seconds before she rolled to the other side. She rose on all fours, shook all over, and happily barked as she ran in another direction and mimicked the same movements.
It didn't take much for Aeil to be happy. After the second roll, Aeil rose and padded towards the nearby grove of trees. As she let the sunlight soak in her fur and prickle her skin, she could feel the shade inching towards her from the grove's heart. Tentatively, Aeil took a few steps in that direction, but thought better of it and shook her head. "Not yet," she said softly. With her mind made up, she turned away from the taunting fingers of the shade (and a possible nap) and padded back out and around the same piece of grass she had left.
Aeil also knew that when she had a perfect grassy knoll and the right amount of sunlight, a nap would follow there, too. Shade or sunlight, she couldn't lose for either one. So, without even realizing there was anyone else around, she let her guard down and settled down. Stomach met ground, left side was rolled on, and head was lowered to a soft patch of grass. Ears flicked mildly and tail swayed around and twitched lazily as she closed her eyes. Big blue opts saw the shade of trees nearby, also beckoning to her (as was the sun). The last thing she happened to see before she started to doze was that small slope that rose above the canopy of mid-height pines. The dark figure that stood on the slope didn't register until she was completely at ease....Wait. Dark figure?
Her eyes snapped open. The sun had made her brain fuzzy, explaining her late reaction. She raised her head and her gaze met the one that was a fair distance away. Her claws extended and dug in the dirt as her full weight moved to her legs. Slowly, she rose, guard up and curiosity peeking over it in her eyes. Had he been watching her this whole time? A gruff bark escaped her, one that held a growl in its silver lining. In response to her growl, her ears flattened slightly, pointing to the back of her cranium. With all senses heightened and on edge, she waited to see what he would do next.



07-03-2013, 03:31 AM
Dragon watched the she-wolf. Amusement clear in his fiery colored eyes. A small smile came to him as he watched her prance and jump and run around like a pup would. His tail began to wag slightly, he so badly wanted to join in...but if he had gone charging down the slope to play, she probably would think that he was a black demon aiming to charge her or something. He sighed, tail stopped wagging at the thought. Everyone he had come across always fled from him...and if not that, they'd fight him before allowing him a chance to speak. His ears flattened to his skull at the thought of the most recent encounter. It had been about a week ago, he came across a wolf who had obviously belonged to a pack. The young warrior had instantly started a fight with him before the larger male could identify himself or even ask a question. He had easily put the wolf in the dirt, though without causing major harm. Just enough so that he'd leave him alone.

He didn't exactly enjoy hurting other wolves. It was the last thing on his to-do list. However, he wouldn't back down from a challenge either...especially if the other ignorant ruffians deserved it. Shaking his head and pulling himself from his thoughts, he observed the young maiden more closely. She seemed to be taking a rest, she couldn't decide on whether she wanted shade or sun it seemed to him..yes, he found her quite amusing indeed. He watched as she finally decided upon a patch of grass where the sun caressed her fur with warm kisses. He gazed warmly towards her, debating whether or not to go down and approach the female. Just as he relaxed his pose, forwarding his ears again, he had decided that he'd turn around before he scared her off again. But just as he had decided that, he saw her lift her head and stare in his direction. Oops...too late. He thought as she sprung to her paws. Well, there no turning back now.

He hesitated, she seemed to be angry now. Perhaps not fond of his watching her...he felt uneasy as he thought about what to do now. With a sigh, his feet began to move him towards her. Down the slope he would go, there was no turning back now...not now that she had already spotted him. He left all traces of hostility hidden. Not wanting to intimidate or alarm her...though that was very hard for him considering that his appearance alone was enough to scare anyone off. He carefully and slowly approached her, eyes cast to the ground so as not to cause a hostile rift between them or scare her off. He stopped a couple yards from the female, head cast at a sideways angle. So that his face scar and chest scar were angled away from her view. "I don't intend to harm you...I apologize if I intruded. I just thought what you were doing was...quite amusing."


07-03-2013, 04:03 AM

When the stranger first approached her from the slope, she had mentally stayed behind her guard. It was raised so high, the drop from above would have been drastic. She maintained those defensive walls as he continued to get closer with each step in her direction. Her tail twitched behind her nervously every other minute as the gap between the two reached a respectful distance. Just what was going to happen next, she wasn't sure.
His height made her a bit nervous at first, but he did not seem aggressive. As he moved his face to the side and began to speak, her ears started to unfold. She took in his words, listened to his tone, and the walls lowered themselves a bit. The curiosity that had been evident in her eyes became more obvious and she slowly inhaled.
Aeil didn't realize she had been holding her breath while he had made his descendence to the grassy knoll. Once she had more oxygen reaching her brain, it became less fuzzy and she blinked a couple of times. Words weren't automatically said after the male finished talking. Instead, she took a couple of steps towards him, stretched her head out, and sniffed. A gentle whiff brought his scent to her and she stored it in her mind for later memories. It definitely wasn't someone she knew, and she could tell he wasn't from a pack, either. Since he posed no threat, she had openly done this without worrying about being reproached for it.
The dark fae brought her head back and maintained her proper posture. Eyes beseeched his and when their gazes met, she replied. "Well, I admit, you did catch me offguard." Her tones were surprisingly gentle, bashful even. "I'm not used to having other wolves - ones I don't know, especially - watching me. But, I suppose that since I am out and on my own, I should have been mindful of other wolves being around." His height made her look up to meet his halfway gaze, but she didn't mind. "I accept your apology...I know you didn't mean any harm from seeing my playful antics." A light smile appeared on her muzzle, making her features relax a bit. "Not many people know how I act when I'm alone...'tis something I don't show to others that often."



07-03-2013, 09:15 PM
The large beast turned his head away shyly as the she-wolf reached out to sniff him. His ears remained half slanted, unsure if she'd chase him away or reject his approach and flee. However, she had merely sniffed him and stood back a bit. Flicking his eyes to her, he slowly and carefully slid his head to be level in front of his body. More in a lowered manner, showing that he wouldn't hurt her. His ears perked forward, showing interest in her words as she spoke. His fiery eyes glanced over the smaller female, while she was much smaller then he, he had slunk his body down the closer he had gotten to her so as not to scare her. If he stood straight, he'd tower over by a landslide. He couldn't help it, it's just how he was born. If he fully stood now, he'd probably scare her off.

The males ears stood forward and erect, tail wagging slightly and losing its stiffness. She didn't seem scared anymore, and he thought as she spoke. For some reason, the way the sun cast onto her eyes, it made them glow clear deep blue. He could see lighter blue flecks encircling her pupils as well. He admired the way the light drew out the color in her eyes, something he never got to notice in anyone since nobody gave him a chance. He smiled a bit at her, still attempting to hide his muzzle scar with dirt he had rubbed in earlier. Likewise, the huge scar on his chest and back were also muddied. Hidden from the worlds prying eyes. He always felt embarrassed by them, therefore he never liked to show them. Instead, always hiding them beneath crusted dirt and mud.

"Pardon me. I didn't mean to spy on you or anything, I just happen out here on my own. My name is Dragon, Dragon Armstrong. What's yours if I may ask?"


07-03-2013, 09:52 PM

The protective stance the male took intrigued Aeil. She figured that, if he did stand to his true height, she would end up being in his shadow. Aeil was tempted to rise an eyebrow, but she stopped herself and just continued to look him over. Silent blue opts noticed the dirt and mud that caked his chest and one half of his face. This only peaked her curiosity, but since she didn't know him at all, she pushed the rising questions into the back of her mind for later. If he was comfortable with how he carried himself - dirt or no dirt - she wouldn't point it out.
Then, for some reason, she felt as if he was trying to read her, too. She caught his gaze watching her, studying her gaze and trying to see the details in it. For once, Aeil was caught offguard. It had been some time - a long time - since anyone had looked her in the eyes long enough to notice anything extravagant. She hoped that he found what he was looking for, despite the unfamiliar feeling of being appreciated. By a stranger no less!
Her ears slightly twitched as he spoke again, apologizing once more for startling her. He then revealed that he lived in these parts. Odd, to have a Rogue live near the Seracian lands. Aeil hadn't considered Rogues settling down in one place for too long. She recalled her own experience of staying in a cave during a thunderstorm with Adonis, but that had been a coincidence with fighting with Nature's play time.
Dragon's introduction pulled her back from the thunderstorm memory and she let his name process in her mind. Dragon...hmmm. She had never heard of a wolf with such a name, but she hadn't met any to form a based assumption. Aeil tossed the thought out of her mental window and her small smile grew a bit. "Your apology is accepted...and I had no idea I was walking past your place of residence, Dragon. It's undertstandable that you only came out to see whom was around. I apologize myself for disturbing you if I did." Light blue eyes twinkled as she introduced herself. Dipping her maw and raising a paw up and beneath her chest into a smooth curtsy/bow, she said, "I am last name, I am afraid." As she rose to return to standing, she leaned her head to the side and said softly, "Tis an honor to meet you, Dragon Armstrong."



07-03-2013, 11:42 PM
He gave a small smile, "Not many know that I reside here. I was in fact going to retrieve some breakfast I had stowed away not far from my den. Then, I scented you around...ahem,'s mine pleasure to meet you it alright if I call you Aeil? tongue seems to be unable to pronounce your name." He smiled with embarrassment, his dirt coated fur hiding a blush rising in his cheeks. Thank god his coat was black and dirty...or...wait...he was dirty. She must think he was a lazy lump of fur that bummed around on pack lands! He sighed inwardly. embarrassing... He felt even more embarrassed now that he had realized this. Oh well, it was too late now.

He looked back from where he had come from, then back to her. His meal could wait, he didn't feel hungry anymore anyway. He wondered what she thought of him, dirt and all. He didn't like to be always made him feel gross. But his scars...he was always so self conscious about them. He hated them in fact, made him feel...disfigured. He shuddered, he could have been worse off. He could have been as unlucky as the band of wolves he was with that day he acquired these scars...he was lucky to have survived. The others? Not so lucky. His dark past racked his brain, seeping into every nook and cranny it could hold onto. His eyes widened with fear at the memory.

"" He stopped himself. He would NOT allow this to happen, not in front of her. He shook his head as if he were shaking off flies. Playing off what had just happened, hopefully she didn't notice it too much. Quickly changing his composure and to distract her, he asked "So, you're in a pack eh? I can smell it on you." he asked with a gentle tone.


07-04-2013, 12:14 AM

When he tried to pronounce her full name, Aeil couldn't help but giggle. It wasn't one to pick on him, more like she was tickled and couldn't fight the urge. Her smile was coy when she nodded and said, "Aeil is fine with me, Dragon. If it helps your tongue when you say my name, then I won't oppose it." Nothing really upset Aeil, unless it was something she held close to her heart or truly believed in. This wasn't one of those major things.
As he spoke of food, her ears slightly flattened. "You were on your way to eat?" Guilt lightly traced her tones, but it disappeared once she spoke again. "I'm not used to the game that lives around here...what kind of prey did you find?" Curiosity peeked and she gently reclined to her haunches. The sun began to shine a bit more upon the pair and was welcomed as evidenced by the prickles of Aeil's skin. Her fur rose and fell in a wave, indicating the prickles from the sudden increase of warmth. She shook all over and sighed lightly, smile still remaining on her face.
Aeil had raised a hind paw to scratch an itch on her neck. Eyes were closed as Dragon inquired about her scent. Slowly, eyelids opened and she looked at Dragon in mid-scratch. It was for a split second, but she finally lowered her leg and nodded. "Yes, I am. There is a pack not far from here called Seracia." The fae sat up straighter, pride evident in her posture as she wrapped her tail around her hind legs. "I have only been a member for a few weeks, but so far, it is lovely. If I hadn't come across Gerhardt-" a light twinkle flashed in her eyes at the mention of the King, "who is the ruler of Seracia, I don't think I would have thought about joining. I had been a Rogue for awhile before I made up my mind...and I'm glad I did." Her friendly smile widened as she spoke of her pack. "And what of you, Dragon? Have you thought about being in a pack? Or do you prefer the Rogue life?"



07-04-2013, 02:27 AM
Dragon's ears perked as the young dame spoke. She seemed to look almost guilty or something after he had mentioned he was on his way to eat. He sat, listening to her voice. With a lighthearted chuckle, he threw his head back in a hearty laugh. "Don't fret Aeil, it is fine! My rabbit will wait...unless a coyote or other scavenger found it." He lowered his head, blaze colored eyes resting as she asked him about the prey around here. Chuckling again, he found it...cute, when she talked. "Well, so far I've just been hunting the smaller game. Rabbits mostly. Sometimes the occasional fish if i'm lucky...but I'm a poor fisher. I don't hunt the bigger game like deer, horses, bison, or anything like that. I don't think your new pack would like it if they found a mauled bovine on their lands, then hunt down the culprit." The brute shrugged his shoulders, I don't risk the big game. Sometimes I'll chase a squirrel or two if i'm lucky to get one. The small game seems to get me by day to day."

He sat down, turning to look at her as she spoke again of her pack. She looked kind of...cute, scratching her ear. A thoughtful look crossed his eyes, Seracia...? Her pack...where she belongs. Do I want a pack...? Somewhere to finally call home...?Yes. He wanted somewhere he could call home. He looked at her again, eyes softening. Nobody had asked him what he wanted before...and in a way, he was grateful that he had met Aeil. He didn't like the rogue life at all as a matter of fact. It was lonely...full of unwanted mystery. Having to worry about where you'll sleep or what to eat the next day. He hated it. He disliked solitude, and being him, he didn't have a single friend here.

Taking a deep, shuddering breath, his eyes began to appear slightly watery. He swallowed past a lump forming in his throat. He was indeed, very grateful that by some miracle, Aeil was here. The only wolf he ever encountered that sat with him, unafraid and talked to him. Even more so, asking what he wanted. "To tell the truth...I don't like being a rogue. It's a lonely life, one that I would leave behind in the blink of an eye. Most wolves that see me, either flee or fight. None have ever stopped to simply talk. I thank you, Aeil. I am truly grateful that we crossed paths." Without thinking, he quickly touched her neck fur with his scarred muzzle. Thanking her for something he was extremely grateful for, and that meant alot to him. Pulling back, he looked down and mumbled a quick sorry.


07-04-2013, 03:07 AM

"Ahh, but Dragon, the big game can be the most fun!" She excitedly spoke of hunts involving deer, bison, even the occasional moose (if she dared). "You have a chance to take down a magnificent beast and eat the meat that had it running just moments before..." A manic glint in her eyes shined, something that rarely appeared in the usual calm fae. It disappeared just as fast as it arrived and she licked her chops with a pink tongue. "Of course, the small animals are better to have when you are hungry and in a rush. I don't blame you for enjoying the rabbits and squirrels that show up around here. We wolves have to eat as well, no matter what."
"I wouldn't have known you weren't a fisher, Dragon. I suppose that's what I get for not asking, huh?" She gave him a soft gaze as she leaned her head in and said, "To be honest, I'm not a master at fishing, either. I splash around so much when I do, the fish thinks I'm one of his cousins." She pulled her head back and continued to speak. "I don't really mind not fishing that well. Practice makes perfect, but for the most part, I don't worry about it unless I really have no other choice."
Her ears folded a bit as Dragon talked about not enjoying the Rogue life. She knew that familiar feeling, too. Sure, being able to explore and sleep anywhere you pleased was nice, as well as meeting new faces. But, having that place to call 'home' and knowing you were in a safe and secure place...that was nice, too. Aeil made a gentle whimper as he revealed how he truly felt about his lifestyle. "I have been where you are, Dragon. Having a home means more to me than being a free wolf for the rest of my some point, you have to find your place...Seracia is mine." Ears unfolded as an idea came to her. " would you feel about coming and joining Seracia? I know we have just met, but, from what you have told me, I am sure you wouldn't want to keep on living the way you are...Not that there's anything wrong with it," she hurriedly recovered. "I just know that I am happy where I am...and I think you could be, too."
"They have?" A small twinge of guilt appeared in Aeil's eyes. She had almost been one of those wolves, scurrying away without even talking to him. Aeil did add in that he had been watching her and that caught her offguard, but who wouldn't be? Now, after she had talked to him for a bit and gotten to know him, she was glad she hadn't done it. His nuzzle surprised her, but she couldn't help but lightly laugh and wag her tail in a joyous manner. "I'm glad that I got to talk to you too, Dragon...Although, I must admit I was unsure at first. Since we have spoken...I'm more sure than ever that you and I were meant to cross paths."
Her eyes roved over the patches of mud and dirt that covered his body. Aeil assumed that the extra warmth surrounding them was making it harden on his fur. Pretty soon, the clumps would be hard to get rid of if he waited too long. It was then that she boldly said, "Umm...Dragon. I couldn't help but notice the dirt that you have across your face and chest...because of the sun shining on it, I am afraid it may become too hard to get rid of..." Aeil didn't know if she crossed a line, but she eagerly waited to see his response.



07-04-2013, 03:57 AM
Dragon nodded, listening to the dame speak of her antics. He particularly liked when she spoke about hunting and fishing. He caught the light in her eye about the thrill of the chase, and then her enthusiasm about fishing even if she wasn't good at it. "Hahaha, don't get me wrong Aeil. I do enjoy hunting the big game...what I meant was, I don't think your seracian pack would like the fact of finding prey remains stolen by a rogue. I learned that lesson over in the east near Tortuga...vile creatures they are. He shuddered, remembering some killings he had witnessed recently. Never did he want to see a wolf ripped apart like that again. It made him sick to his stomach just thinking about it.

He listened to more of what she had to say, chuckling and laughing at every other word, amused by her stories and experiences. When she came to the part of his being turned on, he nodded. "Aye. I'm a big one as you've no doubt noticed, even in this hunched position...but in full stance, my stature towers over many. Not to mention, my, other features. They don't give me a chance. He explained to her. He really did hate it. Judged based on looks as opposed to personality. He was a sweet guy, and here was his chance to prove it. This young she-wolf, was really giving him the chance to show that he was not a bad guy at all. His perked when she began to talk of Seracia. A place where she belonged...then, a place where he could belong too...? Did she want him to go to Seracia with her? Offering him, a barely known stranger, a home in a real pack? He swallowed, it seemed fate did bring them together for a reason.

His ears flicked nervously when she mentioned the caked on dirt and mud. She was right though...the sun was baking it onto his pelt, and if it stayed on for much longer it would stick and make clumps on his pelt. And that, would very uncomfortable for him...He cleared his throat, hesitant to reply. He was afraid that she'd turn away from him when she saw his scars...his horrific etched skin, reminders of what he had endured and nearly lost. Looking down for a moment, he returned his gaze to her blue eyes. "Aeil, are you implying that I need a bath? Because if you are, then you are right! Come, let us find water to bathe in...I wouldn't want to look like a muddied old dog before being introduced to your pack eh?" He replied humorously. He had implied that he'd clean up before going with her to Seracia. He had looked in numerous places, and none seemed to entice him to it. Perhaps...perhaps Seracia would be it. He smiled at her, a toothy childish grin that was full of joy for once in his lonely life.


07-08-2013, 05:50 PM

"That makes sense from your point of view...and very considerate of the pack's wellbeing," Aeil gently observed. "But, I am sure that we wouldn't notice a large caribou or deer missing. The varieties we have for prey in the spring and summer gives us more choices for food, so you wouldn't put a dent in our supply." She hadn't met many wolves who were thoughtful enough to sacrifice their desires of food for bigger packs. His small shudder caught her eye, causing an ear to twerk in another direction for a split second.
"Tortuga..." her voice faded as she thought of the former Queen's mate, Demonio. "I have actually met the husband of the pack and he wasn't vile in the least..." Her blue gaze met Dragon's and slightly burned with a gentle fire. "I suppose it depends on which members you meet, especially in these days. From what I have heard, though, the pack has disbanded and a new set of wolves have come to claim the territory..I have yet to meet their own Alpha." Aeil was completely ignorant of what all went on in Tortuga, but since she was a part of Seracia, it wasn't bad.
Aeil's eyes looked over Dragon as he spoke of his height. She imagined him standing to his full set of measurements and a smile appeared as a result. The way he spoke about himself was shy and hesitant. This was something Aeil didn't mind one bit. Men taller than her made her heart race and the possibility of swooning was high. "Oh, on the contrary, I don't find that a problem, Dragon." Other features? She didn't see any outstanding marks, so she assumed they were in places that not many had recently seen. "Height doesn't mean everything, but it can add to character."
When Dragon spoke of cleaning up before seeing Seracia, her tail wagged in response. She rose from her haunches, stood to her fullest height (which wasn't a big difference from sitting), and looked up at him. "Yes, you are definitely right, Dragon. Unless the story was you got muddy from chasing down a wild boar." Those blue eyes danced with humour and she took a few paces towards him to turn and stand beside his shoulders. "We shall head out to find that river...or stream...or any body of water nearby." Ears perked forward and she turned her head forward to listen. "I hear running water through the set of woods ahead." Aeil eagerly padded ahead, before looking back.



07-08-2013, 08:31 PM

Dragon chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he shrugged. "Still out of courtesy I suppose." He answered as she continued to speak. He sat fairly close to her, a smile on his maw and gentleness in his eyes. He listened to her speak of the new ongoings about Tortuga, the wolves he had seen were vicious ones. He had not seen the Alpha, and did not know about the new pack that had moved in recently. Still perhaps, the new wolves weren't like the previous ones. Then again, who was he to know? He didn't know a single wolf around here. Except for Aeil. And even though he knew her for just a short while, he felt something...a bond between them.

His ear flicked with embarrassment at the mention of his height. Add to character? He felt clumsy with his huge paws and over large body. But if she liked it, then who was he to argue? He welcomed it, in fact. Someone who began to accept him for who he was on the inside, and not judging based on the outside. He liked this new feeling, something he had not known since before his accident. He laughed, eyes squinting in joyous laughter at the mention of telling a story of boar chasing to her packmates. Now that, would be interesting. He shook his pelt, standing to follow the girl. He kept his shoulders and head low, appearing just slightly bigger then her. He did not yet want to show her his full self...not yet. He still felt uncomfortable about it. And now that he was following her to find the water source, which he now heard, he wasn't sure. What would she say about his scars? The one on his back and chest were no small cuts. The one on his back was scored right across his back, as if separating his torso and abdomen from reaching each other. With the injury he sustained that day, he was surprised he had even been able to walk after his body had been nearly sliced in half. And the one on his chest...he thought he wouldn't make it with that one. Any other wolf would have been dead...but he was lucky.

He followed her, watching her every step. He admired the girl, optimism etched into her soul. Or so it seemed to him anyway. This was definitely someone he wanted around in his life...his first friend. One that didn't shun or turn him that, well, actually wanted him around. He nudged her with his nose, then quickly dashed forward towards the trees. "Last one there s a rotten egg!" He called over his shoulder as he bounded across the ground.

Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis


07-10-2013, 10:15 AM

His sudden burst of speed caught Aeil offguard. It was evident in her facial expressions that she hadn't expected him to start running. Aeil's mind quickly began to work and the gears inside her head told her body to MOVE! The body mechanics she possessed pushed her legs forward and before she knew it, she was racing in the wind. "That is sooo not fair!" she yelled after the large he-wolf, laughter ringing in the air as she attempted to catch up.
The changes from sitting to running, just minutes from each other, made Aeil appreciate how easily she could move. By doing this, she further enjoyed the way it felt to just run. With her swift paws moving beneath her and the balance she maintained within, she felt light as a feather with increased speed. As she covered more ground, she got closer to Dragon without even trying. If she could find someone who would run with her just for the fun of it, as well as to enjoy it, she would be content. Who knows...maybe she had already found him.
The fun she was having was evident in the light that shined in her eyes. A sliver of seriousness could be seen, too, but it was still surrounded by warmth. Aeil barked at Dragon, but it wasn't a serious one as she started to laugh before it even ended. She also attempted to nip at his tail, teeth hitting thin air as they continued to race. She put on a burst of speed and came up next to his left side. Her eyes met his and she playfully growled, snapping gently out towards his neck. Another snap to thin air, but she laughed all the same.



07-11-2013, 04:22 AM

The brute laughed, paws flying across the ground like a deer bounded. He was enjoying this. He turned his eyes to the woman as she bounded alongside him, playfully nipping towards his neck. Laughter and joy danced in his amber yellow gaze. For the first time in a long time, he was actually having fun! The trees they were racing to were nearing, he could either continue the chase therein, or slow down to locate the water better. Eh, perhaps he'd keep going. "Still too slow Aeil!" He playfully growled, as he put on an extra burst of speed. He was flying over the ground now, like a cheetah after its prey. He sped past her, massive paws thumping loudly across the hard ground, dirt and grass flying up behind him. Muscles flexed as he sped forward, like an out of control locomotive.

Nearing the trees, he leaped a bush that blocked his path, clearing it with an easy bound. Ears perked forward, tongue hanging out in the wind, tail flagging behind him, he pressed on. Leaping bushes and startling small animals, his laughter ringing throughout the woods. He of course, completely forgot about what they were doing. He was having so much fun, he didn't want this to end. He was nearing what seemed like a flat rock patch of land. Oblivious to the fact that the land stopped there, and continued on the other side. Turning back to see if Aeil was able to keep up, his paws fell from under him. Eyes widened in surprise as the brute fell like a rock, the world gone under his feet.

SPLASH Water. Dragon rose out, kicking towards the rock he had fallen off of. Clinging to some small ones jutting out under the overhang he flew from. Ears splayed sideways as he spat water from his mouth, shaking his head. Oh boy...what would Aeil think? She'd laugh, that was for sure. Looking up, he only saw rock above him. To the sides were the bank, for now...he'd cling here in humiliation and maybe try to play it off when she caught up.

Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis


07-11-2013, 08:52 PM

The rush that Aeil got from the running made her feel great. All of the adrenaline that had been hiding in her body came out as she pushed herself to the limit. Time had been ticking slowly since the last time she had a great rush like that. Now, she tried to think of why she had stopped in the first place. After all, the wind that ran through her stormy gray fur and the way she breathed in deep to keep up the oxygen supply were two main greats that she enjoyed. Maybe it was because she had done nothing but travel for the past couple of years, and the fun of running had died out. That is, until Dragon had renewed it.
With the joy that came from meeting someone who intrigued the spunky side of her, Aeil continued to race after Dragon. She leaped over the bush that Dragon had covered in a single bound, merely showing off and laughing as he did so. She shook her head in playful shame, laughing herself as he left pocket marks in the ground beneath him. Her flight didn't leave such obvious trail bits, but she did make some dirt fly and fall like snow as she picked up her pace. It wasn't until she heard the SPLASH that Aeil's speed halted.
Aeil stopped short when the loud noise vibrated in the air to her ears. At a brisk trot, she curiously headed in the direction that Dragon had taken. The water had been disturbed, she could tell, as ripples widened and continued from their source. Slowly, she peered over and saw Dragon clinging to the slippery, wet rocks that stuck out above the surface. A smile broke across her maw and she politely refrained from laughing. "My, my, my. Look who decided they just couldn't wait to get wet!" Humor was evident in her tones and she reclined to her haunches, wrapping her tail around her paws. "I suppose you are all right down there? If not, I would be more than happy to help."



07-15-2013, 10:29 PM

Sighing, the man looked up with perked ears and an embarrassed grin when he saw Aeil peeking over the rock overhang. Ears fell back as he blushed deeply, clearly embarrassed that he had fallen in the water. Luckily she hadn't seen it though, or he'd be utterly in the red zone of embarrassment. He wondered if she'd ever let this go, or tease him about it in the future. Amber eyes settled on her as let out a laugh. It had been quite a while since he laughed like this, and frankly, he didn't mind. He liked her laugh, it made his stomach feel strange. Like something was flying around in his stomach. But he hadn't eaten this morning why did his belly feel that way?

"If you'd like to help I won't complain. I can't really reach my back or see if I've gotten everything off...or, are you afraid to get that pretty fur of yours wet?" He teased as he kicked away from the rock he was on and swam towards the middle of the pool. He grinned teasingly at the dame, letting her know he was joking and not insulting her about being afraid to get wet. He had just made a friend, and didn't want to ruin that. He flipped over on his back, legs bent as he stared up at her, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.

He playfully barked at her a few times, his tail acting as a rudder as he changed course to pass underneath her. He looked like a floating grey log, looking up at her comically. Eyes calling her teasingly into the water.

Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis


07-15-2013, 11:18 PM

Her blue eyes met his and she could detect the warmth that glowed from within. His laughter and obvious mirth danced in the liquid pools that were his opts and she drank them up. The laughter inside of her subsided, but she continued to enjoy watching him as he spoke to her. When he made it out to see if she was brave enough to face the water, she raised an eyebrow. She played off being offended as she said in a dangerously low voice, "Is that a challenge, sir?" before she began to walk back and forth across the bank. Her paws caressed the ground beneath them as she appeared to take in the details of the situation in front of her.
Aeil's opts roved over Dragon as he began to kick the water on his back. She watched him change direction in the water and her stomach did a slight flip as he swam closer to her. Her tail flicked behind her as he implored her with his own gaze, beckoning her to the water. With a playful huff, she turned and walked away from the bank. Aeil then sharply turned and raced towards the water. She cleanly leaped from the ground and up in the air before diving in nose first with her eyes closed. Her body rose to the surface and she took in a sharp intake of breath. The feeling of the water across her body and fur felt relaxing, especially after dozing in the sun a few minutes before. Aeil dove under the water again, did a couple of swirly loops, then resurfaced closer to Dragon. She looked at him with the water dripping from her maw and her fur flattened against her prominent features. A grin broke out across her face and she doggy paddled around him with a gentle bark. "I, sir, am never afraid!" she shouted regally, though a laugh was hidden between her words. "You never know what life may bring to you, so never be scared!" Aeil met his gaze and her tail wagged near the water's surface, causing it to splash and spray in all kinds of directions.
It was then that Aeil playfully splashed the large male, causing water to rise and fall in a mini shower of drops. "Catch me if you can!" She laughed and dove under the water again, this time intending to swim like a fish to get away from Dragon. There was a hope in her chest that he would catch on and play. It had been so long since she had done something like this, let alone with someon else who enjoyed it just as much.



07-16-2013, 01:25 AM

The man ducked his head away as Aeil splashed around with her tail. He grinned and flipped over, making his way towards the dame. Audits perked forward as he listened to her words. "Never afraid huh? What if a lake monster decided to come up and eat you for breakfast? Then what? Don't think that I'll be here to fight it off, if you're not afraid then I'm sure you can handle it on your own!" He replied jokingly to her. Fact of the matter was, if anything like that did happen, he would probably risk his life for her. But he wouldn't admit it, they had just met. He was sure many others had told her that and bailed out on their promise. If that were the case, he didn't want to be another statistic. Not again anyway.

He turned around, looking up to see her disappear beneath the surface after her bout of splashing. His ears dripped with the water she had thrown his way before she had disappeared into the water. Looking around, he saw her grey pelt swimming under the surface away from him. He flattened his ears and ducked his head under, catching a glimpse of her tail just leaving his shadow as she swam away from him, towards the center of the pool. He pulled his head out, taking a deep breath as he kicked forward, following her. He kept an eye on her, tongue hanging out as he sneezed out water from time to time. When he felt he got a little closer, he sucked in a deep breath and dipped his head again, his body following the movement.

The man was diving down, kicking out each stroke with powerful well built legs. His thick tail swaying side to side like a shark would. Dragon was a powerful swimmer, sometimes he figured maybe he should've been born as a fish, seeing as how he was an excellent swimmer. He even had great stamina and strength to cross the most unruly parts of a river, something most wolves couldn't even boast without getting hurt or bashed against the rocks down stream. With his thick powerful body, he was usually able to swim straight across without difficulty, even with another on his back or jaws. Though swimming with something in his jaws was difficult, as it didn't allow his front legs to extend much. This, however, he enjoyed. Amber orbs burned through the darkening water, light streaming past him as he kicked to catch up.

Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis