



07-02-2013, 04:03 PM

She had gone fucking crazy. Everything in her brain was jumbled around into a hot mess, nothing made sense anymore to the once regal queen. At first the damage to her brain had been minimal. She had lost her memory, and in time she hoped it would return; and it had. Everything that had happened came back to her. Their marriage, their children, her time as a queen, and of course, their divorce. Everything inside her had turned bitter, disgusted, and her mind had become clouded with rage every time the memories haunted her; and they did, almost everyday. Her time in Valhalla had been short, because once her mind had begun to go, she left to live her life in solitude. She started hearing voices in her head, mostly Gerhardt's and her fathers, taunting her every move, her every breath. Her heart beat became an annoyance inside her mind, and on more than once occasion she had attempted to stop it. Scars littered the woman's body from her attempts, and the delirious adventures she went on daily. She saw things she would have never dreamed of seeing, she heard voices behind every rock, every tree, even just above the clouds. She could never get away from her nightmares, and at night, everything amplified. In the darkness she saw things around every corner and heard laughter and taunts everywhere she turned. She had fallen into a world of psychotic nightmares, and due to her raging thoughts she had ended up here, in the battle field, seeking everything Gerhardt had taken away from her. She pranced lightly on her toes as she trotted in circles around a rather large rock, her head lifted and tilted back as she sang for him. She would take everything he had taken from her, he would know what it felt like to have something so close and valuable suddenly ripped away from him without mercy. He would pay for what he had done.

OOC: I realize Andy is on vacation, and I have my hands full with a dm, so I give Andy as long as she needs between posting. I wish for an admin not to default this after 3 days unless either I, or Andy, asks them to. :) Also edited to put this awesome new table Lu made for me!!!



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-03-2013, 09:35 AM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 09:37 AM by Epiphron.)

A call rang loudly through the lands, alerting the white-furred woman of a stranger's summons for Gerhardt, her father-in-law. Epiphron Adravendi had been periodically scouting the borders since her husband's departure. She knew that Kamala was in charge, but she was also right up there with her, responsible for whatever tasks might come upon them. And so she went, paws carrying her confidently along, tail curled high above her back. Her posture oozed self-assurance, despite the fact that she found herself leaving the safety of Seracian territory and into the battlefield. It was a place she had never ventured to -- the stench of blood and decay was a bit nauseating to her, and she felt as though she might never smell quite the same again even upon leaving these lands.

Eyelids narrowed to hide her vivid sapphire gaze as she drew closer to the woman. Who was she, she wondered? Her call was deafening in its purpose, full of hate unmatched, brimming with the desire to see Gerhardt fall. And why? He was a great man, certainly one of the best she had ever met -- honorable and loyal and truly kind. A bark sounded as she approached, ears perked in full attention. Though she knew not who this was, nor her reasons for challenging Gerhardt, she hated her immediately. A stranger challenging the King of Seracia? Not only did this bother her, but the possibility that she might not see the change of throne to her and Maverick greatly fueled the rage that had begun to burn in her gaze. Normally Epiphron was a complacent woman, but the possibility of her throne being taken from her -- which she felt she deserved -- shattered any semblance of serenity that she might've been feeling before.

"I pray to the heavens you do not really think you will defeat Gerhardt," she spat, a smirk playing slightly on her lips, despite the rage that bubbled up, tainting her typically sweet lyrics and turning them as sharp as her fangs that peeked from behind her lips. And even if she did, she would fight for the throne herself soon after. This wasn't something she was willing to let slip from her grasp.



Extra small
07-03-2013, 09:51 AM

OOC: [ ]

he was tough on the outside and yet he were merely a king of his craft, of danger and of taking. A snapping sound his made as his teeth gnash back together and he aims to deliver his body along the side of Epiphron. His skull aims to touch the curve of her neck near her shoulder and he whispers to her, "I have faith in your new king," The prospect of her losing her home so early on did weigh on the boy, but, this was a world where only the strong survived and were allowed a chance at living. Perhaps, at the end of the day, Epiphron could be sitting at home and yet, that home would be Valhalla, not the one she was learning of. Acting as a tower of strength, the man glued his eyes to the woman that sought herself a crown. Why...she looked so familiar.





3 Years
07-03-2013, 10:23 AM

The howl came for her father, summoning him to the battlefield, but Kamala stirred all the same, gray head tilting slightly as she listened to the summons. By all rights, she should not have approached it, but she wished to see who would dare challenge her father. The pack challenges were getting a little out of hand. If a pack was well established and its members happy, why challenge? Kamala twitched her ears irritably as she began to lope across the grounds, legs extending to carry herself swiftly across the ground. Her strides carried her swiftly forward, and the lands opened up to reveal a vast plan. The battlefield.

Here, Kamala paused, still not entirely comfortable with these lands. She had visited them only once. But that didn't stop her from soldiering onwards, pushing her paws to carry her along once more. She came to a stop not too far from Epiphron and a strange, rather rough looking (if she did admit) red male, and let her gaze settle on the challenger that had called for her father with such hatred.

For a second, it felt like her heart stopped. Because the wolf that stood there was so familiar, and for a second, Kamala was the terrified, lost pup that had been rescued from the volcano's wrath by a kind woman and her kind mate, before everything had fallen to pieces. She had loved this woman once; still did, if she was totally honest. This was her mother, summoning her father to war for the pack they had both loved. "Mother..." Why? Why after all this time had the brown woman come back? And why had she come to challenge for her father's throne?

Kamala looked at Epiphron for a moment, green eyes blank as she looked at the Princess. What brought her here? Her ties to this land were only her brother. But that was an uncharitable thought and Kamala knew it. She was just . . . turned upside down. Inside out. Whatever was going on, she didn't like it. Her mother was back and challenging for her father's throne. Why? Why couldn't she have reached out to her family, let them know that she was alive? Did she know where Valkis was? The questions weighed on her mind heavily, but Kamala didn't ask them. Instead she rocked back on her haunches and gazed thoughtfully at Adette, wondering desperately if the female would greet her or even acknowledge her.




07-03-2013, 10:46 AM

The woman continued prancing around the boulder as she sang hastily for Gerhardt to come. She wanted him to see the damage he had caused, the heart wrenching aches he had inflicted on her petty soul. He deserved to see her scars, her mangled disgusting fur, the psychotic look that would forever lay in her eyes. She was a shadow of the woman she once was, cast into a never ending darkness that he had sent her in. With a swift motion she leaped upwards, placing herself on top of the rock she was so fascinated in. She looked out over the battle field, her right eye twitching along with her deranged facial expression. Off in the distance she spotted a figure coming toward her, and she clawed the rock beneath her eagerly, attempting to sharpen her claws as she did so. If it was Gerhardt she would charge with all her might, sending him into a pit of darkness just as he had to her; but it wasn't him. It was a white female, one who spat words of hatred. She could only laugh at her petty remarks, they did not phase her the least bit. "He was my husband you fool, I know where his weak spots lie." She sang to the female, a pitch of deranged laughter behind her words. She indeed know where his weak spots lie and how to bring him down, and she would go to her grave trying to throw his life to hell.

Another male came, but she chose to ignore him, because someone else far more interesting showed up. Kamala. She had loved her daughter once, but due to her memory loss and her sudden gaining it back the attachment she had felt toward her had vanished. She merely knew that this was her adopted daughter that Gerhardt and she had rescued from a fire, along with two other pups. "Kamala, my darling, fuel my hatred, tell your mother the truth. How many females has your father been rolling around with since I disappeared? One, two, six, seven? A man with his power and devilish looks must have everything he wants no?" Her lips curled up to reveal the bottoms of her two front canines. The fire in her eyes would only multiply until Gerhardt had come to face his ex wife. Only he had the power to extinguish her, but this time, the flame may never go out.


07-03-2013, 12:32 PM

He would move to the battlefield listening to the cry of the wretched wench that was trespassing on land that was no longer home. She did not want to rule a kingdom she wanted to humiliate and defile those that were happy, those that, in her egocentric mind, had wronged her. Tongue lapped over his lips as he fell in front, by the lines, and his eyes narrowed in on her. Her words echoed out over the land, those terrible words meant for her daughter, and immediately Gideon snapped at her, "He's lain with no other you abominable whore! He's touched none, and though there's desire it's none of your business. He should have had wives alongside you! You knew what you were marrying into, and before the day is done, you'll look like a walking failure, no man will want you," the beast hissed, his nails clicking in the dirt as his ears pinned against his head. He would try to provoke her, to get the fight to turn to him, and he prayed it would go the way he so longed.

The Judge


07-03-2013, 12:41 PM
Challenge invalid
Due to Adette not having sufficient funds for a challenge, her call is void. Gems must come from the challenging account with no outside help.


07-06-2013, 02:37 PM

[Since this is no longer a valid challenge, I will post this now b/c I like drama and I don't have to worry about a time limit anymore :3]

It was an ordinary day.

The King arose early on that morn, pleased to be back in his home. He and Maverick had gone off adventuring in attempt to bond and prepare his son for his coming coronation. Gerhardt had decided that it was getting near time to let Maverick take the reigns on Seracia. He was at the age of two now, and though he was still young his family was established and he had a good head on his shoulders. Amethyst eyes peeked open as he yawned and rose. Vitality and strength pulsated in his veins, as if his body had been waiting for him to realize that he would not have to be King forever. Though he loved his pack and would lay down his very life for it, he knew it was taxing on both his body and his mind. It was time for a change, some fresh blood was needed to invigorate his home.

A call rang out, not unlike all those he had heard before, only this one was directed at him. There was a challenger ? and by the pitch of the notes ? a female one. What queen wannabe would challenge his reign? He knew not the answer though he was eager to find out. Almost immediately he was on his paws, following the familiar path to where the battlefield was located. Adrenaline already coursed through his veins as he made his way ? taking his precious time to keep from using up too much energy. If it was a fight this woman wanted, it was a fight she would get. He rose up to his full height, and puffed his chest as he came onto the scene, tail flagging out behind him in dominance. Amethyst eyes blinked thrice as Adette?s form became visible in the arena.

It was not an ordinary day.

He slowed until he was only a yard in front of her, his bodice on the same plane as hers so that their heads were facing directly at one another. Tail flickered gently between his hocks, only slightly relaxed now that he knew who had called. A perplexed demeanor took over his face. The last he?d seen of her, she had no semblance of a memory, could it be it had come back? Should have known an ex-wife would come back to bite him in the rump.

?If it?s a challenge you present, might I ask what your motive is? Last I recall you were living happily in Valhalla, content to try and start anew.?

He looked around, noting the presence of several others. Epiphron, his daughter in law was on the scene, as well as Kamala, Syrinx, and his brother Gideon. He stood near them, but not so near that they would be harmed if his ex wife suddenly combusted into flames. He twisted his amethyst eyes toward her once more.

?My brother speaks the truth. I have lain with none since our divorce.?

Fact rang true on his lips, would she believe it?



07-09-2013, 12:38 PM

Elphaba had heard the scream, the vile, shrill call demanding the King of Seracia. A bellow, a call, a forlorn cry, that sound was not one of someone who still maintained their mental faculties. This was a summoning of desperation and unless her ears deceived her, a great deal of hatred. Golden oculars flickered, ears careening back to rest against her cranium. She contemplated the voice, she couldn't recall ever hearing it before. What did they have against Seracia? What did they want? Her eyes spun, shifting across the familiar territory, she scarcely found reason to leave the confines of her gilded cage, but she sought to do so now. Decision made, legs propelled the oddly covered dame across the earth at high speeds. She did not serve Seracia, she never had. She had served Gerhardt and she was willing to remain beneath Maverick's rule, both were worthy leaders. If they were to fall Elphaba would leave and, if they would have her, she would move with them. Her loyalty, once decided was absolute.

The ebony creature would draw to a halt, paws slowly in their ferocious gait as she reached the rather large gathering of wolves, from all walks of life or so it seemed. Her long limbs brought her to stand just behind Gideon and Gerhardt, a soft chuff escaped her vocals to alert them both to her presence. She had never met Gideon but she knew a great deal about him. Golden eyes hardened to topaz as she quickly realized just who stood before her. Gerhardt's ex-wife, the one whom had left him temporarily bereft of sanity back in the winter months. Anger coiled through her and she shifted, but she spoke not a sound. It wasn't her place to interfere, she was here for support and on the chance, that she could be of some use. She would not hesitate to take either one of her pack mates place in a fight.




07-15-2013, 01:22 AM

Her temper only grew as Gideon came onto the scene, singing his hateful lyrics to her as usual. They had always had a problem with each other, to her he was a whorish good for nothing prick, and to him she was the queen of bitches. Usually his comments slid off of her, but she had changed, and today they would all understand why. Her lips curled into a snarl as she stared the man down. So, there was a desire? And he should have had multiple wives? That would have never happened. She would have killed them. "Just because you think you deserve multiple pussies at your paw tips doesn't mean Gerhardt needs the same. He deserves no other woman, he deserves to be alone!" Her toungue rolled angrily as she snarled. She was so tempted to jump off her vantage point and rip him to shreds, but she was saving her rage for Gerhardt. And here he came. Just in time.
Despite her call for a challenge the king was calm and didn't seem to be taking this seriously. It only pissed her off more, which was fine, it helped fuel her determination. Gerhardt would pay for what he had done to her, and if it wasn't today, it would be another. She was sure of it. "Gerhardt, how wonderful to see you show!" Venomous words dripped from her sarcasm. She jumped down from the rock she was perched on and made her way toward him slowly, hips and shoulders rising and falling in sync as she slithered across the land. "You want to know my motives? Why, it's nothing more than revenge my king." She was slowly closing the distance between them. Her body was loose and casual, she didn't want to waste any energy making her way toward him, but she did want to be close enough to quickly strike. They were only a foot or so away from each other now due to the fact that he was only a yard away to begin with, and she had stopped.
His next set of words set bombs off in her mind. She had already made up her own story, and it was that the man had been whoring around with many females since her disappearance. No matter what anyone told her she would stick to that. There was no way a king as desirable as him had stayed lonely all this time. She was sure of it. "Your lies mean nothing to me. You have lain with many broads, you can't tell me a man in your position has stayed lonely this entire time." Her tail flicked angrily behind her as she prepared herself. She set her defenses by flicking her ears back, bristling her pelt for padding to protect her flesh, slitting her eyes so they were protected from any attack, and loosening her muscles so she could move easily as she attacked. If she couldn't have the pack, then she would challenge for something else; him. She would claim him and make his life miserable. She had already decided in her mind that he was hers forever, and on this day she would fight for him. All he could do was fight for his freedom, and whither he did it or not was up to him. "I might not be able to claim your lands, but I can claim something almost better; you. Gerhardt Mathias, I challenge you for the right to claim you as mine. You may fight for your freedom, or you may hand yourself over- though I doubt you will do so." Her head rose as a devilish smirk consumed her features. If one looked close enough you could see the deranged look in her eyes. She was hellbent on claiming what was once hers, and Gerhardt was an excellent start. With him she would have access to everything. "If you wish to fight for your freedom then come and get it." Her head dropped so everything was level: her spine, tail, and head.
0/3 - is 3 rounds good? c:
Attacks: None
Defenses: Ears flipped back, pelt bristled for extra padding, eyes slited to protect them, teeth bared, head, spine, and tail all level with each other, muscles loose for easy movement.
Damage: None
OOC: Kind suckie post but oh well



11 Years
07-15-2013, 02:59 AM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2013, 03:01 AM by Bane.)
An aged grey wolf stood motionless in his little clearing outside his hillside den with eyelids closed and ears listening. But the two sapphires remained moving in their search underneath for a sign from Soi, the god of air and justice. It was peaceful, almost until a point that the aging wolf decided that if he were to suddenly die at that very moment, he would be ok with that. Really, he would. An interesting difficult life lived Bane had called it, even as the grey wolf began to contemplate what a wild card such as him should do to fill the unknowable amount of time he had left in these lands. He didn't know.

A fell, howl-like breeze seemed to waft over Bane as he finished re-gouging his Talutah marked shoulder against the ceremonial deer antler he'd gnawed meaningful designs into during a spare moment with his incisors.
Young Valkis and his whereabouts came to mind and Bane shifted on his paws from the pain and the fact that he hadn't seen the wolf in a worryingly amount of time. The younger male was probably dead. It was saddening, for a wolf attached to the ex-Banished previous pack showing a desire to receive a mark like Bane's. And Rancor's. It was as much of a pity as it was flattering. A shame.

The mark held a lost meaning from a lost pack who's member's remains lay scattered forgotten amidst the frozen ashlands of the north.

But not him.

Bane slowly opened his pained eyes rather slowly and breathed in a lungful of mountain air even as the blood continued to flow down his right foreleg. Good stuff. But something in Seracia was amiss. Several wolves leaving in staggered departures by themselves. But all heading in the same direction.

Maybe that breeze a few moments ago was a howl.

Curiosity made Bane leave with the bloody and stiff shoulder too trail after his Seracian pack-mates the ?distance necessary to reach the conglomerate of wolves amidst the killing fields. The freshly scarred grey wolf ended up next to Epiphron, Maverick's mate. He looked at Gerhardt, he took in Adette's almost haggard form, a glanced being given towards Epiphron and he raised his head to survey the area for the young prince that was, strangely, not by her side. As the first move was made by Adette out of the corner of his wizened eyes he took to looking at other unfamiliar Seracian's and a Glaciem. It was a mistake to move first. Rancor's fangs taught him that.

He didn't want to watch what became of the first blow.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


07-15-2013, 02:05 PM

He grumbled, irritated with the very idea that she thought she could strut onto the battlefield and lay claim to the very place he'd built. Granted, she had been at his side, but it had been he who'd done all the work in making Seracia what it was. Others appeared, he could hear them rustling around him - but he paid no mind to who they were. His focus and attention was on his ex-wife who seemed to have every intention of laying ruin to whatever was left of his life. Why didn't she understand that he was telling the truth? Why couldn't she just believe him? She chided that he deserved to be alone and he fought back a grin. He was alone, didn't she see that!

She chirped her own malicious words in his direction, reaffirming his idea that this was only out of spite and revenge, nothing more. She didn't want Seracia, she wanted to see it burn. She wanted him to watch it burn. He watched as she casually closed the distance between them, it was obvious that she wanted a fight, and was keen on getting it started promptly. Fair enough, it wouldn't be the first time he'd fought her - but it would be the first time they had taken it seriously. "The lies are in your head. You should know I speak the truth." But she didn't know, and she wouldn't - given her mental state.

"Freedom cannot be taken forcibly, but do as you must." If it was him she wanted, then it would be him she got - only not the Gerhardt she desired. He braced himself, bringing his head and neck into line with his spine. His ears tucked flat against his skull while his lips curled upward to reveal slightly yellowed fangs. Paws spread out as he lowered his center of gravity by bending his legs ever so slightly. Tail flagged out behind him, both in display of dominance and in effort to ensure balance. A shadow loomed over his head, having only just arrived. The bald eagle screeched and circled the pair, almost eager to see Gerhardt whoop the arrogant she-devil. Gerhardt slipped forward, eyes narrowing to dangerous slits. He angled his head to the right at 45 degrees, splayed jaws seeking purchase on the right (her left) side of her chest, just in front of her shoulder. (around the 'fore chest' area) In the same instant, his left front paw would come forward in attempt to swipe at her right front and set her off-balance. She would pay for trying to take his freedom.

OOC, three rounds is perfect.

Round 1/3

Attacks - Jaws seeking her chest, left front paw swiping at her right front.

Defenses - head and neck in line with his spine, ears tucked, lips curled, paws spread, legs bent slightly, tail flagged, eyes narrow, jaws splayed open.

Injuries - first round




07-15-2013, 02:40 PM

Her posture did not budge as he spoke to her. The fire within her would not be extinguished until she had tasted his blood, so his attempts at persuasion went into one ear and out the other. She was hell bent on revenge, she wanted to watch his world burn; and she would go to her grave trying to do so. The distance between then was little, but she stood her ground, waiting for the mans first attack. Suddenly he was off, launching himself toward her with jaws splayed open, his head titled slightly to her left. Her head was level with her body and tail, so due to her minor height difference her fore chest would be hard to score. Her chin was also tucked to protect her throat, and her shoulders were slightly pushed forward to add extra cushioning. In the same moment that he had come forward the she-wolf would raise slightly onto her back paws, balancing her weight evenly on her toes. Her front paws would lift only two inches from the ground as she attempted to raise herself to his height, and as his jaws came toward her shoulder she snapped her own viciously toward his attack, her head mimicking his and turning at an angle so they would be straight on. She was aiming to clash fangs with him and grab his bottom jaw, which would interlock them, and also protect herself from his attack. His left paw swung forward at her right, but due to her front paws being raised ever so slightly, they did not totally throw her off balance; but it did cause her left foot to come back down in order to balance herself out again. Her weight tipped a bit toward her left, and the pressure from his paw would still be determined. Her right paw remained raised slightly to the best of her ability as Gerhardt pushed on it. She could feel minor scratches on her right leg from his claws, but no blood was drawn. Her tail flagged to further assist her balance on her back legs, and she allowed her weight to fall more toward her left and onto the paw she had placed back down on the earth. Her ears were flipped back, and her eyes were narrowed to help protect them. Her chin was tucked and her shoulders were slightly pushed forward to protect her throat, neck, and crest.

Attacks: As he comes forward with his jaws splayed open she splays her own open and goes for his bottom jaw, her head titling at the same angle as his so they are straight on. She is hoping to bite down on it and interlock them, if not they can quickly clash fangs until his next attack. She raises her front paws only two inches from the earth and balances her weight on her toes, but her left paw comes back down due to the force Gerhardt is inflicting from his paw swipe at her right leg.
Defenses: Her tail flagged to further assist her balance on her back legs, and she allowed her weight to fall more toward her left and onto the paw she had placed back down on the earth. Her ears were flipped back, and her eyes were narrowed to help protect them. Her chin was tucked and her shoulders were slightly pushed forward to protect her throat, neck, and crest.
Injuries: Scratches on right front leg from his claws, no blood has been drawn yet due to the depth of the scratches.


07-15-2013, 04:20 PM

It had been a good while since he had clashed with an adversary, but this was certainly not his first rodeo. Not a smile or simper cracked his lips, for he did not relish in war. At one time he would have thought the same of her, but it seemed now he was being proven wrong. This woman he had once tied himself to in every possible definition of the word was now rallying against him in a public and pronounced way. He wasn't sure he would leave this fight the same - no matter the outcome. Her head swiveled toward him, matching his angle and veracity. Bite for bite their jaws met, colliding with incredible force and jarring the King considerably. The resulting blow sent his jaws recoiling an inch or two back, saving his bottom jaw from her attempt to snare it in her grasp. A growl of frustration eked from his lips as his paw did minimal damage, and only managed to off-center the woman. Her balance remained intact, but with her left paw down on the ground and her right remaining raised slightly, she might be a bit more vulnerable.

Amethyst eyes remained narrowed, while his head and neck were still protectively in line with his spine. He would take this time to also roll his shoulders forward to add a bit of extra skin and fat lining around his neck. He knew she was out to torture him, but he had a feeling she wouldn't blink at the chance of seeing him die. His tail remained stuck out from his haunch, twitching only when necessary to keep his balance secure. He knew that meeting her head-on again would only result in the same jarring force as before, so he pivoted his hips to his own right (her left), attempting to bring them into an 'L' position. Simultaneously with this pivoting action, he would bring his jaws toward her in a sweeping motion, aiming for her left forearm. He would attempt to bring his jaws shut on it hard and fast, with enough force to hopefully render the limb temporarily useless - or at least painful to bear weight on. With his head and neck in a downward position, he found his front limbs bending cooperatively, whilst his hind legs remained only slightly bent. His head was tilted to the side, toward her leg, in order to deliver his bite - and the amethyst optic on that side (the right) was shut completely in order to protect it from any attack Adette might attempt. At the same time as his bite he would shift his weight carefully in effort to force his right shoulder into her left and possibly bruise the area or otherwise send her reeling.

Round 2/3

Attacks - head tilted sideways with his jaws seeking her left forearm, shifting his weight in attempt to bump his right shoulder with her left

Defenses - narrowed eyes (right one closed during biting and bumping motion), front legs bent more severely than back legs, balance secure, tail flagged, ears tucked, head and neck in a downward line toward her forelimb, jaws open.

Injuries - temporary soreness in his front teeth where they collided with Adette's




07-16-2013, 02:21 PM

The mans teeth clashed with her own, and the force from her face crashing into his sent her head back two inches, but she kept her lips curled and her mouth open for easy access for her next attack. She had failed to grab his bottom jaw, but she had managed to clash fangs with him, which should have caused some soreness. Her own jaws were a bit sore from the clash, but the pain wasn't unbearable. In fact with the adrenaline pumping through her veins she barley felt the pain, but once the battle was over it would be sore. A snarl ripped from her throat as she heard him growl, though the sound was already naturally vibrating in her chest from her rage. She was beyond pissed, flames consumed her mind to the point where things were becoming a blur. In moments she would become hellbent on watching the bastard before her die with a crunch of her deadly jaws. She wanted to taste blood seep from his very core. She wanted to watch him suffer a thousand times over. She hated him, HATED HIM!

The man swung his hips toward her left which brought them at an L shape, but she turned slightly with him, her back legs stepping one step toward her left so they weren't at such a sharp angle. For a moment her right paw touched the earth again but as she leveled out it raised much higher, her elbow tucking in toward her sides as she reared up more on her back legs. Her left paw rose as well, and she had intended it to raise as tall as her right, but here Gerhardt came, jaws splayed open and going for her forearm. Her left elbow had managed to tuck slightly before his jaws enclosed around her knee and pastern here , because her paw had been laying flat with her toes facing the earth. A snarl ripped from her very core as teeth pierced her skin about a half in deep. Blood began seeping out of the wound, and the pain was once again not unbearable, but surely after the adrenaline was gone she would face much more pain.

His left shoulder hit hers with an admirable amount of force, but in order to prevent falling over, the she-devil already had a plan. She had raised her right leg on purpose, and that purpose was to attempt to either: place it on the upper part of his left shoulder, or completely wrap it around the left side of his neck. She pushed her weight carefully on the tips of her back toes, letting it fall toward Gerhardt, instead of away from him. She wasn't about to let him pin her again, but with his shoulder pushing against hers, she would need a hold on the right side of his neck/shoulder. In the same instant she had risen higher on her back legs with her tail flagged out for extra balance and her weight being pushed more toward the front of her body. Now she assumed she would be high enough and at an angle to go for her destination; his spinal cord/skill. With jaws splayed open she went for the area between his crest and skull here. She was aiming to grab a hold of this area and hold on rather than rip away. Her ears remained flipped back and her chin was tucked to protect her throat. Her shoulders were also still scrunched forward to further protect the sides of her neck and throat. She was hellbent on watching the man fall, and if this meant killing him she was not above it. This was war.

Attack: Steps left with him, making it so they aren't at such a sharp angle. She lifts up on her back legs more, raising her both her left and right front legs(right more than left), but Gerhardt manages to grab her left knee/pastern. She attempts to place her right paw on his upper left shoulder/around his neck completely. With jaws splayed open she goes for his spinal column, aka the area between his crest and skull. She intends on biting down with all the force she can possibly enforce and piercing her fangs as deep as possible. here is a rough drawing x3
Defenses: Weight pushed toward the tips of her toes, she is also pushing her weight toward him instead of back, and her tail is flagged slightly to help with balance. Her ears are still flipped back, and her chin is tucked. Her shoulders are scrunched forward for extra padding.
Damage: Scratches on right front leg from his claws, no blood has been drawn yet due to the depth of the scratches. She will have soreness in her mouth from clashing fangs with him. Her left knee/pastern is in his mouth, and his teeth have sunk about half an inch deep, so blood is being drawn. Pain is not unbearable due to adrenaline, but both will be very sore after fight.

OOC: i tried to make a diagram buuuut i suck. I hope this makes sense <3 any questions skype me


07-16-2013, 03:10 PM

By now adrenaline coursed through his veins in higher quantity than blood (or at least that's how it felt). He heard no sounds above the beating of his heart in his ears and the occasional crack of jaws or scratch of claws on the hard earth. Growls and snarls had become their choir as they danced a deadly tango. He felt his jaws sink into her flesh a bit lower than where he'd aimed - but a decent place nevertheless. The metallic taste of her blood seeped into his jowls, but he did not relish in it for a second. Instead he kept his grip sure and strong, unwilling to release her limb unless the woman tore it from his jaws herself. He was relieved when his shoulder also met its mark, jarring her to the side, but not knocking her over.

He felt pressure on his neck, where her leg had laid itself in order to keep her balance. This was dangerous. If she got high enough his scruff would be vulnerable, as would his spine. Reluctantly he released his vice grip on her limb, and while doing so attempted to give it one final pulsating bite before letting it go where it may. A shriek filled the air just as he felt Adette going for his neck, and the shadow that had merely been circling them before was now closer and furious. The bald eagle dove from her peak height of ten feet, spreading her wings at the last second and bringing her talons forward - aiming for Adette's face, particularly around the eyes. Two inch long talons were curved and primed for the target, either Adette's eyes or some part of her face/head like this. Gerhardt's ears remained tucked - out of the way of Robin's path - while his lips remained curled and jaws splayed open. He set all of his legs firmly on the ground and kept his head and neck tucked down to leave adequate room for his companion.

While this was going on, Gerhardt shifted his weight forward and tucked his head lower to the ground like this, hoping to both avoid her bite (if Robin couldn't deflect it completely) and possibly cause her to fall forward and off of his shoulders. At the same time his head tilted to the side where her grounded forelimb remained. His jaws sought purchase on that same limb again (the left) in order to cause more damage in the same area, or perhaps bring forth new injuries in a different location. In this position he was bowed down to the earth, with his weight firmly balanced and his center of gravity low. His tail flagged out for added balance, and wavered with his motions. Eyes remained narrowed slits while his claws dug into the earth for traction. She'd have to rent a bulldozer to budge him - or so he imagined.

Round 3/3 - Companion attack used.

Attacks - Gerhardt: bowing low to hopefully cause her to slide off of his shoulders, while simultaneously biting at the same left forelimb that he attacked before. Robin: talons seeking Adette's face in order to deflect her attack on Gerhardt's neck.

Defenses - eyes narrowed, jaws splayed, balance set, claws dug in, ears tucked, tail flagged, head down low

Injuries - soreness on front teeth where they collided with Adette, possible injury to his head/neck (will be addressed later depending on how Adette responds to Robin's counterattack, etc.)




07-16-2013, 06:36 PM

Success. Her paw had managed to hook around entirely which insured her balance. But with her temporaty glory came more pain. Gerhardt's jaws crunched one more time before he released her knee. Another vicious snarl/yelp vibrated the woman's core as pain surged through her body. More damage had certainly been done, and she was lucky he hadn't broken her paw completely. It was already obvious that it would be hard to walk on for a week or two. It fell toward the ground, and despite the excruciating pain she allowed her toes to kiss the earth, for she knew without it her balance could be flawed. Suddenly the man dipped down the earth, but Adette did not remove her paw that was placed carefully along his shoulder and neck. In the same instant something large was coming their way, facing her head on. She honestly hadn't been paying much attention to her surroundings, and that was a mistake. Gerhardt hand't had his little companion before, so she was totally unaware to its presence. But here it came, talons hooked and ready for a kill; but due to the front portion of her body dropping with Gerhardt's at the same moment the bird tried to attack, it caused the bird to miss her face completely and rather sink it's talons into the scruff of her neck. They instantly pierced the woman's skin and dug a whole inch deep, managing to sink into the thick plush of fur and fatty area protecting her muscle and bone.

But Adette had no time to react to the pain, because just as the bird managed to grab hold, her jaws shut around her target. With as much force as she could incorporate into one bite she clamped down on the area between the mans skull and crest. She was still aiming to do as much damage as possible, though she wasn't exactly sure how deeply she had bit. If anything she could relax her jaws and bite again if her fangs hadn't gone deep enough. In the same moment of her biting, and the bird's talons grabbing her, (she was unsure if the bird would continue to fly and attempt to pull her off Gerhardt or if she would land and do more damage with her beak) Gerhardt had lashed forward again. Though his intentions had been to go for her forearm, he ended up scoring the bottom left portion of her chest, or her point of shoulder(referring to same picture we have been using) , due to them being level with one another since she had dropped down with him. His fangs sunk about a half inch deep into her flesh, scoring past her thick pelt and into a layer of protective fat. She couldn't help the yelp of pain that finally broke through her snarls. The talons from the bird hurt along with her damaged paw and now wounded shoulder. Her ears remained flipped back, and her eyes were narrowed. Her shoulders stayed scrunched to the best of her ability, and she tipped her chin as close as she could while biting him. Her tail dropped to become level with her body as well. Her defenses remained set.

Attacks: She manages to bite her target, and now has her jaws locked around the area between his skull and crest. She chooses not to do another attack since she is too wrapped up in the bird and Gerhardt biting her shoulder.
Defenses: Her ears remained flipped back, and her eyes were narrowed. Her shoulders stayed scrunched to the best of her ability, and she tipped her chin as close as she could while biting him. Her tail dropped to become level with her body.
Damage: Scratches on right front leg from his claws, no blood drawn. She will have soreness in her mouth from clashing fangs with him. Her left knee/pastern was further damaged, and she can barley put any weight on it, but with the adrenaline and determination she is baring through it at the moment. Robins talons are digging into her scruff, about an inch deep, further damage to be determined if she flys away or stays put. She now has a bite about half an inch deep in her left shoulder.
OOC: WHOOOO ALL DONE! 8D best of luck andy! This was super duper fun! Oh, and for the judges, Andy had given me permission to pp and have her bite land since it wasn't fully explained if it hit or not in her post due to the round limit.

The Judge


07-20-2013, 12:03 PM

GERHARDT v ADETTE for Mating Rights

Round 1

10 / 10 for clarity- a clear post.

10 / 10 for powerplaying. post contained no powerplaying.

10 / 10 for defenses. head alighed with spine, ears pinned, legs bent for balance, tail positioned for balance, eyes narrowed, jaws splayed

5 / 10 for attack. One attack to Adette's chest with his jaws, swiping at her right front paw.

10 / 10 for injuries.First round

Round one GERHARDT Total: 45/50


10 / 10 for clarity- Notes

8 / 10 for powerplaying. The counter itself is a good one that is used somewhat often. But Gerhardt was not aiming anywhere near Adette's face, but her shoulder.

10 / 10 for defenses. head level with body, chin tucked, shoulders rolled, balanced on back paw, ears pinned, eyes narrowed

4 / 10 for attack. One attack to Gerhardt's jaws with her own.

10 / 10 for injuries.First round

Round one ADETTE Total: 42/50

Round 2


9 / 10 for clarity- minor defenses and some explaination of his attack is left out of the post itself, make sure your summary directly reflects your actual post.

10 / 10 for powerplaying. post contained no powerplaying.

10 / 10 for defenses. eyes narrowed, head and neck aligned with spine, shoulders rolled, tail raised for balance, legs bent for balance

6 / 10 for attack. one attack to Adette's front left leg, attempting to strike Adette's right shoulder with his left

9 / 10 for injuries. soreness in teeth from collision

Round two GERHARDT Total: 44/50


9 / 10 for clarity- a relatively clear post. some movements were hard to follow.

8 / 10 for powerplaying. she didn't seem to push herself up onto her hind legs, but sort of floated into the position(minor deduction) which would have been made even harder later on in the post while Gerhardt has a grip on her front left leg.

10 / 10 for defenses. weight repositioned for balance, tail out for balance, ears pinned, chin tucked, shoulders rolled

6 / 10 for attack. One attack to Gerhardt's spine with her jaws, right paw positioned to hook around Gerhardt's neck or push against his shoulder

7 / 10 for injuries. Grip attained to Adette's front left leg, half an inch deep.

Round two ADETTE Total: 40/50

Round 3

10 / 10 for clarity- a clear post.

6 / 10 for powerplaying. Adette was never said to have put her feet back on the ground. If Gerhardt is lowering his head enough to avoid her attack (and his eagle) this wouldn't be possible place to aim for while she's reared on her hind legs.

10 / 10 for defenses. ears tucked, lips curled, jaws splayed, feet on the ground for balance, neck tucked down, eyes narrowed

6 / 10 for attack. Jaws aimed for Adette's front left limb, companion attacking Adette's face

10 / 10 for injuries. No injuries taken

Round three GERHARDT Total: 42/50


10 / 10 for clarity- A clear post.

10 / 10 for powerplaying. post contained no (unapproved) powerplaying.

10 / 10 for defenses. ears pinned, eyes narrowed, shoulders scrunched, chin tipped, tail dropped for balance

4 / 10 for attack. one bite to Gerhardt's neck

6 / 10 for injuries. Major injury to left leg, minor injury to left shoulder, damage to scruff from Robin's talons

Round three ADETTE Total: 40/50


GERHARDT: 131/150

ADETTE: 122/150

And the winner is...

GERHARDT! Adette must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


GERHARDT- Scarring to back of neck / scruff. will take one ooc week to heal.

ADETTE- wounded possibly fractured left leg, will take two ooc weeks to heal.


This was a great fight, you both did extremely well! Aislyn, I would work on some of the detailing to your movements. Andy be careful of your assumptions when it comes to your opponent's movements. But overall this was a good read and you both should be proud.

- By [Serendipity]

The Judge


07-20-2013, 01:53 PM


Round 1

6/ 10 for clarity- ?in attempt to swipe at her right front? at her right front what? I realize it?s probable you meant leg, considering it?s an attempt to knock her off balance, but be careful. How is he swiping at her leg? Just straight on? Where is he going for? Her lower leg? Her upper leg? The side of the leg?

10 / 10 for powerplaying. no powerplay

5 / 10 for defenses. Head aligned, ears, lips, legs spread, body lowered, legs bent, tail, eyes narrowed. Deduction for not rebalancing when lifting up his paw to attack.

8 / 10 for attack. attempting to bite her shoulder, attempting to knock her leg over. Use of weight would be nice.

10 / 10 for injuries.No deduction first round

Round One Gerhardt Total: 39/50


6/ 10 for clarity- ?her head mimicking his and turning at an angle so they would be straight on.? The wording in this phrase is highly confusing, because if she was truly mimicking him she would have attacked his shoulder and not landed a jaw attack. ?. She was aiming to clash fangs with him and grab his bottom jaw? this phrase makes it hard to understand what she?s doing as well. If her head is moving to her right as she is mimicking him, their mouths would be interlocked, but she wouldn?t have a grip on his bottom jaw. The attack in general isn?t entirely clear.

6/ 10 for powerplaying. Even with her counter, she could?ve taken some damage. If their jaws were clashing, her teeth could?ve had injuries and her mouth could have lacerations..

6/ 10 for defenses. head level, chin tucked, shoulders, tail, ears, eyes,

6 / 10 for attack.
she really could?ve done more than one attack. Use of weight and use of paw could?ve helped her try to knock Gerhardt over, or a number of other things.

10 / 10 for injuries.No deduction first round

Round One Adette Total: 34/50

Round 2


6/ 10 for clarity- You said Adette?s attack hit in a way, but didn?t specify damage. If it even hit slightly he should have some sort of damage or bruising to his jaw. ?toward her leg, in order to deliver his bite - and the amethyst optic on that side (the right)? His right eye would be safe, it?s his left eye that would be open to Adette?s jaws. I?m guessing there may have been confusion here with lefts and rights.

3 / 10 for powerplaying. ?The resulting blow sent his jaws recoiling an inch or two back, saving his bottom jaw from her attempt to snare it in her grasp? It?s hard to understand why her blow wouldn?t hit the way she intended. If it?s just Gerhardt?s jaws being jarred back, I can still see Adette attaining a grip. ? so he pivoted his hips to his own right (her left), attempting to bring them into an 'L' position? this is a tad bit too much movement in my opinion.

5 / 10 for defenses. eyes narrowed, head aligned, shoulders, tail, legs bent.

5 / 10 for attack. attempting to bite her leg, attempting to push his weight into her shoulder. His lowered head makes his neck vunerable, and the use of his paw here could?ve helped him cripple her leg.

8/ 10 for injuries. moderate damage to jaw (assumed because it wasn?t specified)

Round Two Gerhardt Total: 26/50


3/ 10 for clarity- there was some major confusion of lefts and rights in this post. Firstly, if she had moved to her left, she would?ve brought herself parallel with Gerhardt, not face to face. Secondly he aimed with his right shoulder for her, not his left. Be very careful about lefts and rights. ?that purpose was to attempt to either: place it on the upper part of his left shoulder, or completely wrap it around the left side of his neck? pick one of these. Which is she going for? Otherwise, it makes it very difficult for Andy to figure out how her character is supposed to take damage.

6 / 10 for powerplaying. You said his shoulder her hers, and she should?ve taken damage for that. At least she should?ve had bruising to her shoulder.

5 / 10 for defenses. weight on toes, tail, ears, chin, shoulders

5/ 10 for attack.attack on neck, paw on neck for balance. Use of weight against him could have been good. This position would be very awkward considering Gerhardt has a grip on her paw; Adette could potentially injure her paw further.

2 / 10 for injuries. sore jaws, grip/damage to leg, bruising to shoulder (assumed because it wasn?t mentioned)

Round Two Adette Total: 21/50

Round 3

2 / 10 for clarity- ?Two inch long talons were curved and primed for the target, either Adette's eyes or some part of her face/head? don?t say or; be specific with your attacks. Otherwise it makes them incredibly difficult to respond to, and it?s a bit of PP as well. What part of her face is the eagle going for? From which side? ?Gerhardt shifted his weight forward and tucked his head lower to the ground? I realize there is a picture reference explaining his positioning, but you really shouldn?t have to rely on these to explain your positions. The fact remains that without the picture, I would not have been able to understand his posture.

0 / 10 for powerplaying. ?He was relieved when his shoulder also met its mark, jarring her to the side, but not knocking her over? when the opponent doesn?t specify damage, you can specify their damage, but you cannot dictate their movements. Aislyn did not say that Adette had been moved to the side, and it is not your right to assume she had been moved. Also I?m having a hard time seeing the timing of this; if the eagle just started moving from the sky as Adette was going for his neck, the eagle would not have time to get to Adette?s jaws before they hit. ?At the same time his head tilted to the side where her grounded forelimb remained? you cannot assume this limb was put back within his range after it was released.

9 / 10 for defenses. ears, lips, jaws, legs, neck, weight lowered, tail, eyes, claws

3 / 10 for attack. continued grip, single jaw attack. His attacks are extremely singular; he should be doing more than just jaw attacks. He?s also rather vulnerable in this position, because he stands beneath her if she falls.

10 / 10 for new damge, counters used

Round Three Gerhardt Total: 24/50


5 / 10 for clarity- ? because just as the bird managed to grab hold, her jaws shut around her target? how is this possible? You did not mention that Adette?s posture moved with Gerhardt?s so if he lowered himself and she kept her grip, she?d effectively be standing on him and wouldn?t have any grip at all. ?Though his intentions had been to go for her forearm, he ended up scoring the bottom left portion of her chest, or her point of shoulder? don?t use ?or? statements. Make a definite statement.

10 / 10 for powerplaying. You cannot assume Adette?s attacks hit; Gerhardt made use of a counter, and it would still be up to Andy to decide how her jaws hit. The appropriate way to continue a counter would be a simple ?her jaws would attempt to continue their attacks? or something along those lines, perhaps specifying where she would likely end up aiming her jaws due to the movements. was just told that permission was given for this.

5 / 10 for defenses. ears, eyes, shoulders, chin, tail

4 / 10 for attack. she should?ve done another attack. Not doing one makes little sense in this situation, especially since her jaws are already in a place that could be vulnerable on Gerhardt.

2 / 10 for injuries. possibly broken paw, punctures to scruff, bite somewhere
Round Three Adette Total: 26 / 50


GERHARDT: 89/150

ADETTE: (81)83/150 + 2 for duty(warrior)

And the winner is...

GERHARDT! adette must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


GERHARDT: scarring to back of neck / scruff. will take one ooc week to heal.
ADETTE: wounded possibly fractured left leg, will take two ooc weeks to heal.

I know the scores are a bit low, but I believe that on Alacritis I am a bit of a harsher judge. Both of you need to be more specific with your moves; what side are they attacking from, how are they attacking, why is this move occurring? You also need to include more moves in your posts. Ideally, you will make one jaw attack, one weight attack, and one miscellaneous other attack (use of paw, etc.) in a post. Otherwise, I thought the fight was very creative, and it was easy to follow!
- By [MUSE]


07-20-2013, 03:13 PM
permission for pp given.

Every bit of frustration and angst he'd ever bottled up into his soul was unleashed at that particular moment. Jaws came crashing down on that forelimb with incredible force, only to release it a moment later in surprise as her jaws found the scruff of his neck. There weren't many blood vessels here - as they were spread out and it was a less sensitive area, but the pain was still there. A snarl ripped from his throat, he couldn't let her hold onto his scruff, it would immobilize him. With a groan he shifted his weight toward her twice injured forelimb, simultaneously sending her own weight in the same direction (as she was balanced on top of him). With a snarl he felt her weight slide from on top of him. Her forelimb buckled and she fell on her side, rolling from the momentum until she was on her back. Immediately he was on top of her, jaws clicking and snapping in the air above her face threateningly. "Enough, Adette, ENOUGH!" He bellowed, trembling from the cocktail of adrenaline and fatigue in his veins. "This fight is over. I am not yours anymore, and I will never be yours again. I am sorry for the pain I have caused you, but what is done is done." He continued to seethe, staring down at her with burning amethyst eyes. His paws were bent, ears laid back, fangs splayed and glistening with saliva. His tail flagged out behind him proudly as he waited to see if she would give up. She didn't have much choice now, as he was standing over her and could quite literally ruin her life this very second if he wanted to.
