
Mishaps and mayham


07-01-2013, 11:02 PM

Awaken troted through a forest, two ripe lemmons in his mouth, headed back to the caves to assist his fallen alpha. He was determined to help him get his throne back and return glaciem to it's former peace. Bit first, he had to do his best af getting Gargoyle back to full health.?Although Awaken would never dream of even touching any part of the lemon plant to any open ?wound or alowing gargoyle to injest it. However, the juice of the fruit had anaceptic properties. Only through it's toxic qualities did the novice sabeture know it's healing qualities.?

When tending to his former alpha he usualy used what he used in the antidotes of his poisons and what he used in confusion potions. Such as poppies, lemons, apples, appricots and aloe. He would feel great if he could get his paws on some bee's wax to create liquid bandages.

A sudden roar of rage started him out of his search, almost making him drop his lemons. He turned his head just in time to dodge the side-swiping antlers of a raging male moose. Luckily Awaken had leanred never to go out unprotected. Before he left the cave he'd doused his paws,claws, neck, belly and back with a mixture of rattlesnake venom and the powder of a molded black walnut. making him a walking, barking ball of poison and fur. The moose charged him again and he dodged, scratcning the moose, poisoning it , and running for his life.

The two ran all the way to the amenti boarder untill he was met by a disicion. He could either leap across the creekbed and avoud the moose, or face the raging beast. He too the previous. Taking a leap of faith. He landed on the other side safely. The raging moose on the other side of the creek, balking in rage and anger. It'd take hours maybe even days for the poisons to take effect because he'd only managed to get a small amount of toxin in the moose. ?Then he realized he was on another pack's territory and their was no way out. The moose wad literaly, just over the creek, waiting on him to attempt to cross again. Just awaken's luck...

Medusa i


5 Years
07-08-2013, 12:37 PM

Queen. It was such a strange thing, to rule lands with a power that others would obey. It was so strange to be respected, instead of being treated like the harlot she was. Medusa at first had not been certain that she liked the role, but now it seemed she had a bit of a change. She liked the position, the control, the ability to make decisions that would be obeyed. It was somewhat intoxicating, and for now she would enjoy the position. In time she supposed she might grow bored, but for now the siren found herself enjoying the role.

She was not a particularly violent individual, although she was not one to be walked on, either. Therefore when she discovered an intruder her eyes narrowed, quick to approach them male and eye him. Handsome, but she found many things handsome, more so when they did not intrude upon her lands with the stench of another pack upon their pelt. ?Have you come to serenade me my dear? I must assure you that even the most eager of my admirers must wait outside my borders, unless they exist in my pack,? she said. The sharp tone to her voice made it clear that she was not playing around; she knew he was no admirer, but she wanted to make him feel uncomfortable. ?Let me show you the way out. On the way we can discuss how you are to repay me for your foolishness,? she hummed. There was no question in her voice; she carried herself and voiced herself with all the authority of an alpha, bi-colored eyes set upon him similarly.


07-08-2013, 12:59 PM

Awaken gave an irritated sigh. Well, it WAS him who was tresspassing. "Please exuse me... I really didn't want to get trampled... He motioned tward the crazed beast, who stood watching, waiting on him to exit so he could have the both of them. ?He gave a snort as the moose balked angrily. The moose snorted as he began to tread across the river.?

"queen or not, he obviously dosn't look like an admirer! We've got company and if we don't make a decision to fight or run were both dead... Looks like their decision would need to be made now. The moose placed a hoof on the muddy bank, ducked his head and charged them both. His horns aimed mostly at Awaken.?

Awaken dove out of the way, manageing to clip the side of the beast's neck with his claws. The stinch of toxicity reeked off him and now the moose looked alittle weak, due to the amount of time he'd been exposed to such toxins. The beast threw his head in irritation and took aim at Medusa, charging wildly. "Look out." He warned. No way two wolves alone could take him down. As weakened as he was he was still a moose and an angry one at that.?