


07-01-2013, 09:37 PM
set immediately after the amenti challenge, a bit after she's given birth, and before her dm.

The serpentine wraith had been a mere bystander to the macabre battles that had been waged upon the battlefield, observing with intense fervor as the titans clashed and splattered their arenas crimson for the sole purpose of obtaining or maintaining authority. Greed had struck their cores, had mutilated their senses until power had become their top priority even above their own well-being, but the ice queen was no stranger to such a carnal desire and would not have hesitated to endanger her own life had she been in either of their positions. Having had a taste of superiority before, Morphine was at its mercy, allowing it to warp her diseased mind and the mannerisms by which she functioned so that her sole desires revolved around it. If all went according to plan, soon enough it would be the pallid fiend in the place of the black snake who fought so valiantly against the merciless jaws of a behemoth ? all to seize power. But, for the time being, the white witch was content with portraying a loyal militant to whomever that could manage to exhume enough dominance to entice her ? and that had been the victorious imp of a woman who had stolen the Amenti crown.

A devious smirk wrapped about her immaculate countenance at the conclusion of the battle and as the gargantuan queen collapsed to the ground in defeat, metallic eyes flashing with intrigue as she awaited the victor?s speech and the crowd?s reactions. She made no notion of slaughtering the fallen ruler ? so vulnerable with a lack of consciousness ? and instead offered her and the remainder of Amenti a place to stay should they see it fit. The wraith need not have known the dethroned and her family to reach the conclusion that the new queen?s offer would be rejected out of spite just as she had dismissed Desdemona?s rule, and perhaps the snake was more than aware that her efforts would be futile for she immediately fled the premises of the battlefield without waiting for the final outcome of her comrade?s match or word from anyone. Giving a final glance to the fallen queen and her husband, still locked in combat with the russet female, the pallid babe heaved her mass upon all fours and sauntered after the rising queen.

Once the snarls and growls emanating from the battlefield faded into oblivion, Morphine quickened her pace, maintaining a slight speed until she was within earshot of the serpentine wench. Wait! she demanded, slowing as she neared the object of pursuit.

Medusa i


5 Years
07-01-2013, 10:16 PM

A grey boy with black speckles on his legs, a crooken grin, a sharp pull at the scruff of her neck, three crooked grins, a lifeless lump of beautiful russet flesh and fur.
She saw glimpses of these things, flashing through her mind as she made sure to make a swift exit of the battlegrounds. Medusa was no fool; the Amenti loyalists would eat her alive if she gave them much reason to do so. Staying around after defeating their Alpha, thus rubbing her victory in their faces? That would be foolish. Keeping them in a pride to rip her throat out? Even more so. No, it was best to give them space, to give them time, to be reasonable. There was no going back on what she had done (not that she wanted to at any rate), and there were no circumstances that would sate the goliath?s army. All the serpent Queen could do was be as reasonable as possible, and prepare.
Medusa did not enjoy being a fucking gimp; she liked moving with grace and fluidity, hips swaying proudly and body oozing seduction. Now she bled from her wounds, and weight was a burden her left front leg simply protested against receiving. Being a gimp was not hot, at least not in her world of vanity, and she found it most problematic. For one, she could not make the swift retreat to Ludicael that she wished. She could not bury herself amongst Jupiter?s scent, and delude herself into believing that the Ludicael alpha was there. She could not press herself into the familiarity, and simply sink into a pleasant oblivion where all had gone well.
She was easy to catch up to, easy to follow. Medusa did not fear those who might follow her; fear was for those who valued life. No, the serpent held no worth in these things, instead treasuring attention and emotions and a certain russet-pelted woman. These built her world, but she did not cling to the very thing that provided her such luxuries. Medusa was not a woman who enjoyed life, but not in morbidly somber way. Life was just a happening, nothing that she held great affection for.

The sound of a voice made her turn, bi-colored eyes devouring the appearance of a snow white angel. Her lips turned up into a grin, for even though she was battered and bloodied, she was never too fucked up to try to get into somebody?s pants. ?Yes, angel?? she asked, the tone of her voice sultry and teasing. Was this woman an angel? First appearances made it difficult to tell. ?Whatever can I do for you, lovely?? she inquired, making no secret of her eyes, the way they roamed over the other woman. Medusa was nothing if not a lecher, after all.


07-01-2013, 11:08 PM
short && lame -crie-

She halted in her tracks when the dark serpent turned to meet her pursuer, poised as a seasoned gladiator should be with her skull lowered in orientation to her spinal column and tail ? though her stance lacked a threatening posture, merely prepared for the worst case scenario. A coy grin drew across her features as she traced the woman?s pupils back to her own figure, muscles relaxed even under the pressure of judgment ? all canines seemed so intent on getting a feel for their peers? bodies, and Morphine was no exception. Metallic eyes wavered upon the sleek, damaged body of Amenti?s new sovereign, digesting the serpent?s entire form with keenness while sultry vocals graced the atmosphere. The other?s pretty words caused her gaze to flicker back towards the woman?s bloodied visage, a sly smirk contorting her own in response to the new moniker. ? Far from it.

The serpent questioned her, desiring to hear her motives, but the pallid fiend had no intention of revealing her intentions so soon into the encounter. She pushed the inquiry to the back of her mind, allowing the woman to further observe her physique with such fervor that the white witch was not used to, but it did not faze her at any rate. She allowed her own gaze to drop to the inflicted wounds upon the wench, muzzle inclining in the direction of the seemingly sprained ankle to acknowledge it. Was it worth it? she questioned in a hushed voice, her tones feigning astonishment at the woman?s feat. Is power what you hunger for ? did it fuel your decision to burn her kingdom down? She wanted ? needed to know if the wench was like her in that fashion and desired all the knowledge the woman could offer to her. Or was it something more?

Medusa i


5 Years
07-02-2013, 01:31 PM

Her observant eyes noted the immediate reaction, the tense way she prepared for a possible attack. Was this a warrior, or had she been abused in some way? She did not seem shy, so Medusa?s first assumption was the first. She could be wrong, however; she liked to thing herself cunning, but she was no genius. Assumptions could easily be proven wrong, after all. Perhaps she was a battered angel, or perhaps she was just as wicked as the new queen was. Whatever she was, she certainly was nice to look at. Flirtation never hurt anybody, especially not when it came so naturally to the harlot.

She was curious why this angel sought her out, why she wished to speak with her; did she wish to rip her throat out? Did she wish to join the pack? Did she have some other motive that Medusa could not possibly see or predict? It was unsettling, mostly from the perspective that she had just defeated an opponent with several allies. An opponent with allies that Medusa did not know and could not recognized upon sight; she hadn?t bothered to pay much attention to those who had cheered on the Queen Slayer. What she didn?t expect, however, was a question. The serpent contemplated this, debating if it was. ?I hope it will be,? she answered.

The question of her motived was not one she would shrink around. Medusa had done it for one reason and one reason only, and she was no coward to shrink from saying it. ?The alpha of Ludicael holds my heart. She told me she was going to charge the alpha of Amenti?s mate to the death, and that if she won his mate would likely retaliate,? Medusa said calmly. ?I challenged to protect her, and I have yet to see if it was worth it. If she is safe in a few months time, perhaps I will feel victorious,? she informed the angelic female. It sounded incredible selfless, but Medusa was no martyr. She did it all because she wanted Jupiter, wanted to devour her, wanted to own her in a way she?d never wished to own anyone before.

?Did you like my cute little love story, angel, or did you want something else?? she would inquire. There was no snap to her voice, but she was curious of this woman?s intent, curious of what she desired and what she had come to Medusa for. She supposed that she would find out eventually, but speculations were fun for the serpent, too.


07-02-2013, 06:35 PM

Her inquiries managed to take the black serpent by surprise, as if the desire for knowledge was a foreign concept, but the pallid wraith knew her own words were probably unexpected in light of recent events. For all the sovereign knew, the ?angelic? babe that sought her out could have waited on the former queen?s every whim, so willing to fetch the head of the usurper so as to display it upon Amenti?s borders as a warning to any that dare question the behemoth queen?s rule. Alas, she was a roaming spirit and queen of nothing, tainted not by the stench of a pack and supporter of none but her own flesh and blood, free to do as she pleased. That freedom, however, did not sate the desire to succeed, and without a commanded duty such a victorious feeling was made impossible to obtain. Living the life of a vagabond was far from lounging in the lap of luxury ? it was a dull experience for the white witch, and until she could gather the strength and support demanded to dethrone the Tortugan ?queen,? linking forces with the powerful snake appeared to be her greatest option ? so long as she could convince the woman she was a worthy lackey.

Triangular ears peeled forward from their position slicked against her crown as the viper began her explanation, avidly listening to the tale of the two lovers and their complications. Her brows knitted neatly together and a frown caressed her features as she digested this new information, confusion striking her as she pondered the wench?s motive for thieving an entire kingdom. She had done so to protect the one she held so dearly to her heart, and yet, she allowed the behemoth queen to live, therefore granting her the opportunity to exact her vengeance through any means necessary ? including going after the russet lady should she succeed in her gruesome endeavor. The snake?s effort seemed almost futile in Morphine?s eyes, but she would shove it aside and allow the woman to cross that bridge when she came to it ? if she did at all. How darling, she cooed as the other?s speech reached its conclusion, the frown dissipating from her countenance to be replaced by a simper.

She diverted her attention from her thoughts to the dark creature as she was addressed with her new moniker, the simper never fading from her visage as the woman questioned her. She seemed fond of flirtation and infatuated with her appearance, and although she was practically a stranger to such games as these, Morphine would do her best to play along and win the sovereign?s favor. That was?impressive, to say the least, she began, gesturing back in the direction of the battlefield in hopes that the woman would understand the compliment. They doubted you ? a tiny little pest in comparison to a monster ? and still you came out victorious with little damage; I can respect that of you, blackbird. She smirked at the title she had bestowed upon the nameless face, pausing if only for a moment to build the suspense, her vocals soft and dipped in sweet honey. But if it?s the world and its protection you want for your dearest, I can offer myself to start you off, but only for a while, for I want a different world to call my own.

Medusa i


5 Years
07-03-2013, 01:00 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 01:00 PM by Medusa i.)

Perhaps Medusa had been na?ve in letting her opponent live, perhaps she had hoped that her mercy would bring pause to the enemy. And yet, she was hardly the na?ve sort of woman. No, Medusa had let them live for the dramatics. The serpent held serious doubt that, if Jupiter lived, they would even get close to her or her whelps. Perhaps it was arrogant of her to think so, but she?d felled the great beast of their ruler once in battle, and a second time could also prove possible. She thrived on attention, on hatred, on any sort of pronounced emotion thrown her way. She?d kept Newt breathing for the sole purpose of the thrill, for the show. Well that, and it took a bit too much energy to kill somebody and then run from an angry mob.
Flattery would be thrown her way, accepted with a shrug. ?Come to congratulate me?? she purred, curious. She did not think herself anything too impressive; she had gone through the battle searching for opportunity, pushing Newt?s buttons, trying to take advantage of any weaknesses. When she?d found one she?d taken it (although not without a price, which was the deep bite to the side of her neck), and now she was apparently somebody worth something. Power had always tasted nice, but Medusa had thought herself somebody who preferred manipulating power rather than actually possessing it herself. ?Blackbird? I think myself more of a snake,? she said, amused by this woman. No, she wasn?t an angel, but she was interesting. Medusa could see a viciousness within this woman, something that was most appealing to her.
It was then that the woman spoke her true motives. The first member, huh? She seemed strong enough, worthy enough, and if Medusa was correct she could potentially take over a pack one day and bring the serpent a close ally (depending on how well they managed to get along). ?So you wish to join my pack?? she would question. Medusa had thought gaining members would be harder, and yet here she was faced with the very first part of her empire (built for her sun, built for Jupiter). Yes, this angel would do (even if she was only amongst the ranks for the smallest amount of time). ?Welcome to Amenti, my dear angel. The rules are simple; pull your weight and you?ll earn my loyalty and protection, although I am not so sure you?ll need it anyways. Don?t mess with our alliances, although as it currently stands my only allies are Ludicael. Those who care about the pack will earn ranks, but otherwise do as you want,? she informed the white-pelted woman. ?Just remember that karma is a bitch, and not the sort you want to fuck, either,? she said, classy as ever. She did not speak it as a warning, but a reminder. If a pack member did not pull their weight and prove their worth and then went off and caused trouble, Medusa would be happy to let their enemies eat them alive.

?What is your name, lovely?? she would inquire. If she was still interested in joining the pack after hearing the rules, that would indeed be a vital piece of information to know. Medusa also wondered if this woman would be interested in a rank, although she was reluctant to offer one so soon.


07-03-2013, 08:51 PM

The serpent queen appeared modest, shrugging off Morphine?s compliment with indifference as if her feat truly had not been that impressive, but in the wraith?s eyes, a victor?s title was something to debut with pride ? especially if the win granted one with authority as it had for the temptress. A smirk righted itself upon her visage as the woman ? the snake ? corrected her, skull sluggishly shaking from side to side with amusement before interjecting. Snake, then, she purred between the woman?s words, metallic eyes flashing to meet the other?s icy, cerulean gaze as she awaited her offer?s verdict. She questioned to confirm Morphine?s intentions, and the pallid queen merely offered her a brief nod, triangular ears flicking forward to accept the terms to abide to should she pledge her allegiance to Amenti ? nothing different from what she had expected, most establishments seemed to house similar regulations. Fair enough, she accepted, words firm though tones airy.

Before further vocals could vacate her jaws to question what exactly her duty would be within the new pack, the blackbird demanded her name. Morphine, she offered simply, a devious smirk coiling about her immaculate countenance before she continued. But I must admit, ?angel? is fine, too. ? Just not fitting. What shall I call my serpent queen?

Medusa i


5 Years
07-04-2013, 01:02 AM

What a peculiar encounter this was; she knew not how to deal with this angel (the title was one based off of appearance, and perhaps she wanted to be an ironic little hipster shit), although she didn?t suppose there was much need for manipulation. No, Medusa would go about things her usual way; flirt, maybe fuck if that seemed at all possible, and see what she could get out of the situation. Nonetheless, it was acceptable that she agreed with the rules. There was very little to disagree with; Medusa?s laws were simple, after all. She just believed in the principle of ?if you can?t take it, don?t dish it?. Upon the request for her name, she offered in turn. ?Medusa,? she said, a name which fell so gently from between her sinister lips. ?Morphine, my angel, would it be too bold as to inquire what exactly your ambitions are? I only ask for my own amusement,? she said.


07-04-2013, 01:26 AM

Interestingly enough, her new sovereign had been titled ?Medusa? ? such a fitting name for the sly serpent that she was. She registered the name with the piercing cerulean gaze the woman possessed, skull bobbing slightly as if to confirm she would memorize it. Her queen continued with the barrage of inquiries, desiring an insight to the devious schemes she had crafted out of pure bitterness and rage, and since the woman had been so willing as to grant Morphine the knowledge of her challenge?s purpose, the wraith would be so kind as to return the favor. My pack ? I want it back. It was taken from me by an incompetent fool who refused to fight me, but I will get my fight if she wishes to defend her crown. ? And all the blood she has to offer.

Medusa i


5 Years
07-04-2013, 02:11 PM

Ah, so she was an angel of fury? A demoness disguised in white. Her tale made Medusa interested; this woman could prove valuable, even if her position in Amenti would only be temporary. The serpent needed strong members, and judging by the conviction of this woman she fit the ballot. ?I don?t doubt you will find success,? she said, a low hiss of a statement. ?Perhaps, once you take back your throne we can come to some sort of agreement,? she offered. This woman would prove herself valuable, the serpent could tell it. Already Medusa admired her, which was perhaps her motivation behind what she said next. ?For the meantime, my angel, I find your conviction and fire incredibly charming. Would you desire a rank of some sort?? she inquired. It was a temporary offer; if Morphine did not prove herself, Medusa would have no problem demoting her. For now, it seemed an appropriate path to walk on. Provide her with a rank to see what she could do, to keep her ambitions somewhat happy, to let her serve the path and display to all those who saw that Amenti were not just small but mighty.


07-05-2013, 07:16 PM
i would still like to spree this, if you don't mind~ <3

The serpent?s statement appealed to her capabilities, causing a wave of confidence to wash over her mind and temporarily nullify the sliver of doubt that had plagued her. But she offered only a brief, genuine smile to speak of her gratitude for the snake?s confidence in her newest and first militant, nodding without hesitance to confirm that an alliance was not out of the question should she succeed in capturing the Tortugan crown once more ? who would she be to deny the aide of one who had proven to be competent? The talk of her future endeavor ceased existing then as the other continued complimenting her, then inquiring of the rank the white wraith should obtain under temporary circumstances, hinting to a higher title that took the babe aback some although the surprise failed to manifest upon her vague countenance. What is it that you had in mind, my serpent queen? she asked with a touch of amusement, brows knitting together curiously. Of course, prestigious or not, the pallid wench would perform her given tasks with vigor and without complaint ? a loyal lackey until it was she in the seat of authority.

Medusa i


5 Years
07-07-2013, 03:28 PM

She, of course, seemed open to the option of promotion. Medusa had not expected rejection when she?d offered the rank, and that was not what she would receive. She thought for a moment about what rank she would offer, half a grin curving onto her wicked face as she decided to throw out the bait. ?Would you be a Captain, a beta?? she inquired. It was a gift for her first member, a present that would be taken back if it was shown she did not deserve it. Medusa supposed it would also allow a secure alliance if?when this false angel took back her kingdom. The serpent needed strong ties to others, and for now her only ally was Ludicael. She knew not of Newt?s strength or allies, or how many followed the woman, but she knew that she would be coming for her.


07-07-2013, 03:59 PM

Silently she awaited the verdict, digits idly flexing and dulled nails kneading the earth while the sovereign contemplated her given task, a sly grin manifesting upon her countenance before the offer was given. In return, a smirk draped across her own facial features at the realization that she was being gifted with the second-most prestigious title in the pack; surely the serpent queen knew exactly how to entice the pallid wraith who craved a seat of authority. She would oblige the snake?s request without hesitance and would play the role of a diplomatic beta even if under temporary circumstances ? the desire to prove her worth to the other wench undeniable. I would be a fool to refuse such a generous offer, she admitted, her tones confident with acceptance. Now that she had pledged her allegiance to the black sovereign and had earned a rank to accompany it, she felt it necessary to mention a topic of importance that had escaped her thoughts until then: her newborn whelps, secured in a den-site with their sire miles away. Oh, she added abruptly, attempting to captivate the woman?s attention upon herself. There is something you should know, my queen: I am not alone. I share the company of three whelps, perhaps a month old. They are not needed to bear the Amenti title as I do, for I know caring for them is a burden, especially if I were to place their care in the pack?s hands. I am capable of caring for them myself, and I can move them closer to the packlands in about a month?s time else they risk dying. Until then, I must travel there? But if you call on me, I will come. Perhaps the baggage of her whelps would prove to be an issue to the dark queen, but the effeminate babe could only hope Medusa would be understanding. After all, her whelps meant the world and then some to her, for they were her keys to success in the long run.

Medusa i


5 Years
07-08-2013, 05:34 PM

She accepted the offer, much like Medusa expected she would. Why would a woman of such ambitions reject such an offer? The serpent would expect great things of her angel, during her time in Amenti and when the time came for her to challenge for a pack. ?Oh Captain, my Captain,? she teased, although she paused her words for what the woman had to say next. Whelps. They were most disgusting things, annoying and useless. Nonetheless, she did not mind Morphine?s proposition. ?I do not care if they bare the Amenti title or not. In fact, they can even stay in the lands with whatever title. I merely require that you look after them yourself,? she said. It would probably not pose much of a challenge; as a rogue Morphine had likely had to do the same. ?Oh, and keep them away from me if you can. While some might find children?precious, I do not. I find them most useless,? she said. She did not think her opinion would offend, for it was simply that, and opinion. There was no threat in the latter half of her statement; rather it was her asking Morphine a favor. If she ever did stumble across one of the pups she would not bring punishment on anyone?s head, but she would ask them to leave her presence or she would find something better to do.


07-08-2013, 05:59 PM

The queen gave her decree generously, even offering her whelps a place to reside within the Amenti borders so long as they were kept out of the snake?s sight. A brief, amused and charming chortle cascaded from her unhinged jaws as she digested Medusa?s brutally honest words; truth be told, she loathed the majority of whelps like the temptress, but her own children just so happened to be the exception for they were of her own blood and Morphine viewed them as nothing less than promising. As her laughter subsided she nodded to accept the babe?s terms despite her disagreement that they were useless, backpedalling slightly as she gestured to return to her vulnerable children and end the encounter, pausing momentarily just in case the queen made a notion to continue conversing. When she didn?t, her body pivoted, skull still facing the direction of her superior?s own as she sauntered off. As I said, just a call away, she reminded the woman, skull turning to face forward as she maneuver back the way she came. Until then, my queen.

exeunt morphine.