
Ash to ashes, dust to dust [Newt wolves/Tortuga]


07-01-2013, 07:37 PM
Ashes. They blew in the wind in shades of multihued colors. Numbness had stolen her heart away. The storm had been coming. She had felt it. she had known all along it would come and for what? All she had done, all she had made, had been with love and devotion. She hadn?t demanded much from them. Hadn?t forced them to bow to her or forced them to call her superior. No, she had always viewed herself as an equal to all of them and she had failed them. Her ears were back as the pain gripped at her heart. She wanted to scream to Cerberus. To demand why Jupiter had been so foolish as to send her little serpent to fight her. What purpose did she have disbanding a pack that had cared for their own? She knew nothing. She knew not the blood and dedication she had done to collect her members and know them all. Just as she had promised to ghost. She had promised to protect them all and give them a home and it was gone. Just like that.

The wind pushed her scent around the lakeside. Her eyes were closed as she lifted her muzzle heaven words and allowed the son to fill the world. Sorry, pain, defeat, it all rang in that call. Yet, in the sadness that came, was a hint of defiance. Even though she was saddened by her defeat, she knew it was not forever, no she knew her followers would come and they would stand by her and take back what it was they lost. They had built that home together and she wouldn?t allow a serpent to rule the world of giants with a carless and disrespectful paw. So she called them. Called them all. To come and discuss what had happened. Come to discuss what could happen and come to discuss what would come once they retrieved their home. War would come upon Medusas dethroning. She would wait, train with champion and Zara, and return stronger, fiercer and this time she would in fact snuff the serpent?s life. No mercy would come to the slippery woman. She would have her head and she would place it on a spike for the world to see.
rhoncus semper nec viverra turpis. Sed blandit ullamcorper leo ac placerat.


07-02-2013, 07:50 AM

. . .

This place was a land of beauty, one of those rare unimaginable treasures that made Champion proud to be wolf of the North. Any other day, she wouldn't been trying to scale one of those ice arches, or maybe waiting round til dusk and play with the glowing plankton that flitted like fireflies beneath the solid layer of ice. Perhaps she still would later on. She knew how much Newt was smarting at the loss of her title, but truth be told, Champion, with all her free spirit, couldn't see it as anything worth mourning over. Newt was still alive. Her children were still alive All of the packmates that were worth having would come to Newt's call and remain loyal. There were plenty of other places out there just as beautiful to behold as the Rewoods - this place here was one of them.

Champion had been doing her best to tend to Newt's wounds, but most of the healing process depended on the strength of the patient. Which meant of course that Newt didn't have to worry about anything. She'd heal up and train up, and if her heart so desired it, she could have her packlands back in a season. Truth be told, if Champion was called upon, she would fight for the fae too. She was always looking for a fight... she just didn't want to leave Newt's side at such a time.

The mammoth came half trotting, half skipping across the ice, her head swinging back and forth as she looked for any of the others, mainly her boy Vioxes. It was odd to admit it, but she'd be rather heart broken if he chose to stay with Medusa. As soon as her burgondy eyes found the Grey Lady, however, Champion kicked up her pace to a high lope, scoring the surface of the ice with her claws til she reached the bank.

A couple sniffs informed her of Newt's current physical condition. But what about mental? No doubt she'd find out in good time. For the minute Champion's only response was a half sad, half smirking grin and the comment of, "Don't fret too much, we'll flay 'em all in good time."

. . .


07-02-2013, 09:58 AM


Even though he wasn't close to the wolves of Amenti, he was grateful for Newt giving him the choice to become slave or leave. He had grown fond of the place, mostly because of Champion, which was why it angered him to see some woman just stroll in and take the place. It angered him, even to the point where he wanted to challenge her for it then hand it back to the true ruler, Newt. He didn't fully understand why, he just felt like he should.

Vioxes moved through the lands, looking for his woman Champion, and his Queen. He wanted to make sure they were okay and together, more than that, he wanted to see if she had brought the pups. They were important.

As he moved he kept close attention to the scents around him, regular ones but mixed in there was Champion and Newt. He picked up the pace, running at a steady pace, the scent growing stronger and stronger. Up ahead he could see a water source, they had to of been resting. Then a call rang out, he didn't stop, it was very close.

In minutes he could see them up ahead, two wolves. Where were the pups? Fear gripped his heart, the thought of the new alpha killing them running through his head. He tried pushing it aside though, they were smart for kids and were probably just hiding till the time was right. Champion, my Queen! He called both of them, skidding to a stop before them.

Hazel gaze ran over the queen, checking for signs of injury, she seemed fine though just mentally hurt and angered. The pups, where are they? He needed to know and once he did he would bring them back for her.


Awesome table by Raii <3


07-02-2013, 10:12 AM

As the little hellion performed his prancing exploration through the ice laden wonderland, the breath of the lake brought a familiar aroma to his attention. It was the female who had greeted him at the borders of Amenti. Indeed, he had planned on making the pack his home, but the recent change in leadership had downed that idea all to soon. Newt had been a stealer of his fascination however. Her violet decor and massive stature had drawn his attention with ease.
As her call took hold of the setting, Verruckt set off. If the dame wished to reassemble her forces, he could only assume that she had every intention of reclaiming the lands of Amenti. This could only result in battle, and battle meant blood; blood, and flesh, that would taste so very good to the fiend. The thought brought a stream of saliva from his jaws, and his fleeting steps quickened with enthusiasm.

As he drew near to his caller, he laid eyes upon a second barbarian and a male just slightly shorter than himself. The strangers both carried a heavy coat, but the females was undoubtedly a heavier wear. Verruckt cast them a curious glance before beginning with his standard blabber. His words rang with subtle hints of song, eagerly cascading from his lips. "I have heard tale of blood and nightmares, oh so terribly rash! A beetle-eyed demon is after you, I have seen her, I have! With fearsome claws and gruesome jaws, run little wolfies, run, run. Blood will spill from your petty little throats, we are coming, coming, coming, we are coming! Let the waters run red! Oh, let the waters run red, red, red, red!" He ended his tune with a trail of excited yips, skipping closer to the downcast Newt. "What do you think beetle-eyes? What do you think? Let me join you?"

"Speech!" - Thought

Word Count: Phone post so I am not sure =\

Tags: Newt & Champion & Vioxes



07-02-2013, 10:14 AM

Swiftly Domovei returned from his meeting with Irin, suddenly overwhelmed with the desire to know the outcome of the challenges. His mind reeled at the possibility of Newt being injured or, worse, her pack being overthrown. As the small gathering came into view, he neglected to see Kaios -- had he fallen? Panic surged through the small brute as he loped closer, eyes wide with curiosity and fear. Some of his anxiety was subdued as the massive figure of Newt came into view. Beside her was Champion, and another brute he'd never seen. But the most important thing was that Newt was alive and somewhat intact, though the injuries she bore said more than she need to -- she had lost. It was obvious.

Without hesitation the male slunk forward, his small frame close to the earth and his tail curled 'twixt his hind legs. A low whimper left the creature's lips, his entire being looking far more pathetic than usual, as he slid closer to her. He knew he could've grasped the opportunity to escape, to free himself, but Newt had never treated him badly. Except for perhaps the first time they'd met, but Domovei had convinced himself he'd deserved it. He knew not to play with fire -- he'd gotten burned, and he had scolded himself for being so stupid and careless. And yet he would've change things even if he could. He was devoted to her, and this much was obvious as he slid near her side, much more willing to be close to her so long as Kaios was not near. Was he dead? Or would he come barreling in and snarl at him 'til he slid away once again? For now, only time would tell.


07-02-2013, 11:24 AM

Newt had lost. She had fallen, crumpling to the earth, allowing another wolf to claim their home as her own. Lovatt didn't blame her for it, but that certainly didn't mean that he was going to be sticking around. Lovatt had lost his pack once already, and he was starting to understand the meaning of 'home is where the heart is.' Because his heart was with Newt and the pack of which she spoke, a place where family came first and all else a distant second. If Morgan was willing, then he would follow Newt. He had joined Amenti because of her ideals and beliefs, and it was with those ideals and beliefs that he intended to stay.

When Newt's call rang out, Lovatt stirred and turned to approach it, paws carrying him swiftly across the ground. The massive creature loped along, chasing towards Newt. With each step he picked up his pace until he was racing across the ground, sprinting as quickly as he could, and skidding to a stop when he approached the massive queen. The brown male lowered his head slightly, a display of respect as he glanced around. Morgan had not yet arrive, but he had faith that she would. He felt bad that she would be homeless, but their home was with this pack, not necessarily on those lands. "Newt," Lovatt murmured, "You fought well." High praise coming from the pacifist. But he hoped that no more fighting would come of this, that they would claim lands far from their old homes and simply live in peace.

He doubted it would be that easy. But a wolf could hope, right?




07-02-2013, 03:57 PM

The children. Ah, they had been born and there was very little time the old man was not around them. They were steadily growing from tiny little gray fluff balls into somewhat bigger fluff balls with markings. They were oddly marked too. They shared colors from both parents. All of them. Some opposite than each other, some very similar, and yet there were obvious differences between them. Some more prominent than others. This litter would be different. He could feel it in his aging bones. The eight year old would spend the rest of his time training heirs to the throne and just enjoying his family life. After that he would lay his crown to rest and then die once someone was able to take over. Desdemona was already doing a fine job. There wasn't much more left for him to do except share his wisdom.

There was a change in plans now. A change in the system that was oddly confusing. He'd been locked away from the world, letting Desdemona control things head on while he stayed with his family. Other than the duties that came with caring for his family he wasn't doing too awful much around the place. It seemed as though he had no choice now. With that the beast arose from his den and slipped out quietly.

He traveled amiably to the Northern parts of the land and there he found a crowd of Newt's wolves. Amenti, yes it wasn't all of them. His brain began to calculate conclusions as to why they were all here. Why was Tortuga being called? Why wasn't it in Amenti lands? News hadn't reached his ears, so he was confused, and yet he wouldn't jump to conclusions. Not yet. No. Instead he'd ask and listen carefully before figuring out what to do from there.

Slender legs propelled him through the crowd and brought him to the considerably larger wolf. The man looked at the girl over a head taller than him and attempted to give her a comforting nuzzle before pulling his head back to cock his head to the side. Ears pricked forward and he dared asked the question that had lain dormant in his head. Such a dejected face on her, what else could it be?

"What has happened doll? Why such a dejected and vehement look on pretty face as yours is? What does it have to do with ours packs?"


Sand Striker

07-02-2013, 05:57 PM
Striker knew not what had happened a new member in a changing world the first he had heard of the fight was when it was over the new queen stepping forward to take her place. He had taken one look at the dame then turned from the pack leaving behind the land he had for a moment thought home. He could see clearly now home was not the land on witch he stood it was the lady who had given him a chance. The others may sway willingly transferring their loyalties to their new mistress but not him, and so he had left the borders following the scents and sounds which led him here. He found the lass already surrounded by others some he knew from his few days in the pack others where new to him.

She did not look as she had that first meeting strength and power and unknowable thoughts, she looked almost broken but under the scars and the blood she still saw the women who had given him a chance, He did not speak a word but took his place in the circle of wolves offering a sad smile and a bow of his head by way of greeting, this was the dame to whom he had pledged his teeth and claws, not the she devil who now stood in her place. They would take back their home,or claim a new one, perhaps not today, definitely not today he thought looking at the queens injuries, but they would, in time.

But his mind seconded the questions asked moments before his arrival, where was the male to whom he had also pledged loyalty surly he should be here at his mates side and were where the pups the children of the couple and the pack, he had seen them from a distance in his short period in the group but where where they now. Still he held his tongue and waited in silence. The answers too would come in time.


07-02-2013, 11:31 PM

Miharu Rokujo

A deep growl was agonizingly stuck in his throat, but he held back his tongue foolishly to his own devices. He had never known Newt, but now with the recent challenge, he pulled himself to follow the lady. Miharu's odd red ears and tipped tail moved along with his snake like stride. His turquoise eyes showing no emotion as he trailed behind other not speaking a word. Newt had been the weaker one, that was why she lost correct? Everyone had to lose eventually though, he knew that, from all of his days of fighting and being a victim the lost prince had no mood towards her. It was the fact that irritation built up in him from the Tortugans. He loathed the pack, not for reasons that should have effected others, but he did. He had felt useless, and used as being deceived in his own pack was not a feeling he wanted to feel. That was why he built up his walls and refused to pull them down.
His strides stop as other began speaking to Newt. There was even Nnoitra here, what was the sub alpha of Tortuga here? He curled his lips back and sighed, giving out a heat of anger. He was here to follow Newt, nothing else. If he had to deal with these ones then he would, but sure enough he was pissed as hell to even be breathing the same air as they were. Miharu should have not cared one bit. As he approached Newt, he gave a respectful dip of his head. He would still follow her. His tail flicked and his gaze missed everyone and wandered over Nnoitra, he closed his eyes and looked away.



07-03-2013, 12:00 AM

Granted, he had been to Medusa's meeting. The new alpha of Amenti seemed like someone he could work for, but his mind kept turning back to Newt. Tyberius was interested in hearing her side of the story as well, even if he wasn't sure which side he would align with yet. He was a rather good liar but he was sure that Newt would see through him for the second time, and he resolved to either be honest with her or pretend harder. The war meant nothing to him. He was but a not-so-innocent bystander and a spy at that. It would do both alpha females well to keep him at arms' length.

When the sorry song ripped the air, Tyberius followed, making an appearance. Newt would likely remember him due to his missing leg, and when he glanced up at her, he dipped his head. She looked worse for wear and had an air of sadness about her. He couldn't quite understand love but he did know what it felt like to have someone take his things, so in a way he could comprehend her pain. There were other wolves already present and so he took a seat by a light tan male, leaning on his good side.

He felt it best to say nothing. Tyberius had never actually been a pack member to begin with, and speaking out at such a tense time would be unwise.


07-03-2013, 10:50 AM
No pain would cross the visage, no guilt or regret. It happens all the time, but why Newt? The poor woman has her belove in a death match and now some lousy woman stole the Throne! Only pitiful comments could remain in the fore print of Samonas mind. The growl was posed to stay back, to remain hidden and for now unwanted. " Newt my queen, Im sorry for the loss." Only a few words could pass the rosy lips, kissed into the air with the tints of the accents grove. For once, Samona really was lost for words. Caressing the floor gently as she began to approach, dipping the cranium as if she were still the queen. In the heart, she still was. The violet gaze would be acknowledged towards each and every wolf before turning to meet the gaze of newts, the woman who's mothered the pups Samona breafly spoke to at the battle.

The woman who not only cared for her life and respects, but to others as well. Would did medusa have to offer? A title into Amenti with no future? " I believe you will strike once again, to come back to whats been taken. I stand by your side ma'am. I might not even be a yearling yet but soon I will become something more." No fool could mistake the determination struck in the chords. Not only was Samona new to these parts but She and newt have not yet formally met. Though push it aside, maybe she'd accept a young, wicked soul under the broken wings, to be repaired.

ooc: sorry its short ive got to go out]


07-03-2013, 06:48 PM
She had stuck around at the battle field for a time after the conclusion of battle, listening to the battle that had raged between Kaios and Jupiter for a time but it had gotten tiresome for the old woman and soon she had found herself walking. She didn't know where to go so for a time she pressed her nose to the ground and followed her queens scent. Amenti would fall after this, the only thing that had kept them together was Newt who had turned out to be a far more fit ruler then she had ever though. None would stay for the pack, for Medusa despite the serpent's delightful tongue. She and Medusa had had their fun, maybe if she had lost then Zara would have kept her as a pet but now she was a queen. Now Zara's only hope was that Kaios would die in the battlefield and Newt would once again be hers. It was all she had wanted since their first meeting, was for them to have their pack and for them to be together. Her blindness and Kaios had unanimously destroyed those dreams it seemed... A sigh fell heavily from her lips, heavy set shoulders rolling as she made her way to where ever Newt had gone. It seemed she had wandered quite a bit if she wasn't still wandering... The older female moved slowly but deliberately, glazed over eyes seeming to take in nothing at all but everything at the same time. It wasn't often she missed something.

A howl cracked like a whip through the air and the massive female's head snapped up, frayed and torn ears flipping to catch the echoes of the sound. Before it had faded her course was redirected, pace quickened to a high stepping lope. Crooked tail seemed to act as a rudder as she made her way towards the slowly growing gathering. By the time she had arrived it had swelled to include most of Amenti that she knew of and a few others. Including a Tortuga wolf? Head would tip towards the Tortugan Alpha respectfully before the blind female would make her way towards her true queen. Zara chuckled at Champions comment before pressing her nose to Newt's shoulder. "Wherever you go I will be with you my love..." she whispered, words for Newt and Newt alone as she took her place at Newt's side. This was where she belonged, no where else, with no one else. She would follow Newt to the ends of the earth. If she asked Zara to challenge for Amenti once more then she would even if it killed her.



07-07-2013, 10:02 PM
Even as she had been caught up in training, she heard word of what had gone down at the battlefield between her queen and the wretched wolfess who dare challenge her. Claston hadn't been in the pack for long, yet she was loyal, and had sworn her life to these wolves, and it'd be hell if she were to follow a new leader. Which she simply refused to do. She had snuck in and listened to the bitch, and scornfully turned away, opting to follow Newt loyally. Disdain was obvious in her eyes when she had peered upon Medusa, and she had to use everything in her power to refrain from leaping upon the female.

But, besides the point. She had heard the call from her leader, summoning her most loyal packmates, and she would answer. She was heading in the direction of the lake, head held high, tail low and lashing, and ears perked atop her crown. Her toxic green gaze was fixed, unwavering, on the gathering of wolves that was present before her, surrounding the beaten Royal. She frowned, quickening her trot, lengthening her stride into a slow lope. She pulled up before she ran into any others, and she paused on the outer edges of the group, before inching her way closer to Champion and Newt.

Dipping her head, ears falling back, and front legs lowering her small frame onto the dusty dirt into the position of a bow, she murmered for only the leader, "I give you my deepest, and sincerest, apologies. Yet I've no doubt you have a greater plan for all of us, and I am forever loyal and supportive, my Queen." She stepped back, distancing herself from the formerly high ranked wolves, her eyes analyzing, calculating, cold. Her look swept over all the wolves gathered, a smug happiness settling in her chest as she saw the strong support for the larger female.


07-20-2013, 08:59 AM

They had all come. So many faces, so many lives she wanted to protect. Her heart was in shambles. Her love was dead. Her world had been ripped apart and she couldn?t understand how they could go on. Yet the world kept turning even when everything was ripped to shreds. She swallowed all the pain down in one fast swoop and looked at every face waiting to know what she was going to say.

?The world has fallen. I have failed you. Kaios is dead and here I stand, widower, and homeless with grief ridding my back.? She said slowly, she could feel the rage holding onto her gut. Feel it turning. Feeling the thoughts piling up on what to do. ?I worked so hard to know you all. To protect you all and the serpent stole my breath in one sneaky grasp.? She growled, the memory was still vivid in her mind. Everything had gone black and she had fought it. only to awaken with his blood spilled on the ground and champion dragging his body away. She could feel sadness, it lingered somewhere, but the rage was far greater and tasted much sweeter in her throat.

?Medusa has claimed our home for her own. I am here before you to discuss what is to come of these events. First, We are officially at War with Jupiter?s pack. Not only did she kill our king but also she sent her serpent to steal our home with little regard of the consequences or the fact that we didn?t need to be taken over. As for what we shall do about Medusa, I will ensure she is taken down when the time is right and we will take our home back.? She said with a fierceness that almost startled herself. She wanted revenge but she wanted more to protect those she loved. ?As for why I called Tortuga here, well, we held an alliance with them and now with Amenti in the claws of that wolf it seems we much figure out a new agreement.? She said with a sigh. Things had been working. Things had been smooth and she had felt normalcy for the first time in such a long time. Yet Jupiter had stolen it right from under her paws.

?This is an open discussion. Your words have always mattered to me. What is best for the pack, for us, is my first priority.? She said as she allowed her gaze to rove over them all. ?Speak if you have concerns over what I desire for us, if you have alternate suggestions. They will all be taken into consideration and though my heart is wounded, I am not so egotistical to ignore the cries of the wolves I lead and love.? She said finally. She wanted to come to an arrangement that most would agree with. She knew not everyone would be happy but all that mattered was that they stuck together. Yet something in her mind, wavered towards the male who called her beetle eyes, his insanity was lovely and intoxicating and she wondered if that called trouble to her life. Trouble wasn?t always a bad thing now was it?

ooc: I am so sorry this is so short and crappy, ive been working my butt off lately at work so forgive the shortnes. Also, had to wait for kaios to die.

Sand Striker

07-25-2013, 07:08 AM

Striker felt a slight jolt of sadness at newts first words, he had not liked the great black male who was newts mate, to much talk and cryptic riddles, but he had respected him for what he was a powerful leader and honest wolf. He bowed his head for a moment letting a silent prayer slide from his lips before raising his eyes once more to look upon the black dame, her anger greeted him, as she continued he snapped his jaws in agreement letting his tail sway behind him. Her words where strong and as they had before they stirred the blood in his veins but she was not solely a monarch, she did not hold herself above them but gave them a turn to speak.

Striker was quiet for a few moments he had not intended to speak but when silence continued he stepped forward meeting the dames eyes, and spoke in his rasp of a voice, ?lead and I will follow, my promise stands,? he gave her a sad smile, stepping back to free the spot should another wish to take his place. He planed to run patrol check the land in which they gathered in case the snake queen had sent spies to hear their plans or assassins to finish the job. He waited however no point checking an area they would soon be vacating. Still he focused his attention on the tree line watching for any movement that might convey danger, and waited as always in silence..



07-27-2013, 11:38 AM


Kaios had died, whoever that was. Tyberius assumed that he was Newt's mate. Newt's followers were now against both Amenti and Ludicael, both Medusa and Jupiter. Perfect.

Newt invited her followers to speak up with ideas of how to tear down the enemy packs and Tyberius kept silent, watching and waiting. He would not introduce his idea first, no, too many would remember his words if he were to go first. A sandy-colored wolf spoke, emotion clear in his voice. Tyberius fought the urge to roll his eyes and instead flicked his tail. So many wolves were willing to lay down their lives for their queen, something he couldn't fully understand. There was a loyalty there between queen and servant, something he wasn't sure he'd ever had for anyone. It was striking. Not moving, but striking.

There were a lot of feelings that Tyberius couldn't comprehend, although that didn't mean that he couldn't fake them. He would wait until another wolf had spoken to release his ideas, lest he seem suspicious.

TAG: xxx WORDS: 171 NOTES: none.


08-02-2013, 11:37 AM

The seas wine red; This is the death of beauty
this is the time and this is the place to be alive
. . .

Champion staid by Newt's side. Honestly, with the pack splintered as it was, she was feeling the call of the rogue's life. She wanted to wander again. She would probably end up wandering some. But she cared about Newt, and all this horrible mess... It just wasn't right. It wasn't right at all. She listened to Newt's speech, and by the end of it, she'd just about had it. Champion cleared her throat - a deep, grumbling, almost masculine sound. "Alright, um, I have a question."

Ruby eyes glanced about the clearing, alighting on the mirad of different forms - many of them ferice, styled fighters. "Why haven't we gone back there and gotten this war thing started, already? Newt, you have enough wolves that will follow your command. We've lost our home and a king- Pits I never liked the guy or anything (Sorry) but I'm still boiled up inside. We don't let wolves get away with this!" Her words were laced with a growl that bordered on a roar, but her muzzle was creasing into a smile. "I mean it's not as though I had plans for anything better to do." She gave a shrug of her massive shoulders. In her mind they'd been wronged without reason. This was the most natural thing to do, and well Champion was always looking for a good fight.

. . .