
Saving Me


06-29-2013, 02:32 PM

He had failed. Utterly and horribly failed. The young Adravendi couldn't understand how he'd failed. He'd done everything he could, appealed from every angle to the child, and yet nothing had worked. How could that be? He was almost always able to help someone out. But he hadn't been able to help Gabriel. The dark child had been so vehement against his help, rejecting it over and over, throwing it back in Gael's face like a worthless piece of meat. He hadn't meant to upset Gabriel or bring about unpleasant memories; he had just been trying to help him, to show him that there was at least someone who was making the attempt to understand him. But Gabriel didn't want to see that. He was too stuck in his own world where no one understood him and no one ever would. He was determined to stay there and Gael wasn't going to beg him to try and get him out. With a heavy conscious, the young man had departed, leaving the boy to return to his family while he wandered off, away from Valhalla, to try and find someplace where he could try and make sense of what had just happened.

He didn?t want to wander far; after all he hadn?t returned just to wander off again and never return. Once he got the chance, he would talk to his aunt Chrysanthe to see if she would allow him a place back among his people. Whether as a ranking member or not, he just wanted to be back in Valhalla. That is, if anyone wasn?t opposed to his having returned. Did anyone even care that he was back? A quiet sigh slipped from the boys chocolate muzzle, cerulean gaze riveted to the ground beneath his ivory dipped paws, not really aware of where he was going, simply allowing his paws to lead him where they may. He felt so alienated from his family now, after having returned nearly a year later. Especially since his parents weren?t even in Valhalla at the moment. Aza had said they would be back soon, but how soon he wasn?t sure. They all probably had their place in Valhalla, including his sister, so how could he possibly think he could waltz back in and simply be accepted back into the family, as if he had never left? It was a ridiculous notion, one he was quickly tossing away, knowing it was stupid of him to hold on to. He had to man up and face the consequences of his actions.

The silver hued young man had been so deep in thought that he wasn?t aware where he?d been headed until he felt something brush against the bridge of his muzzle. Startled out of his thoughts, Gael froze, cerulean gaze lifting from his paws to the elongated branch that was resting against his muzzle. What the? Crown was lifted, gaze following suit as he realized that the branch led back to one of the biggest and thickest trees he?d ever seen in his life. A vague flashback of someone mentioning trees like this flashed before his mind?s eye. They were?..Willows? Yes, that?s they were called. Willows. They were a sight to behold, majestic in their timeless beauty. But not even that could break his spell of troubled thoughts. Brushing past the hanging branches, the young man made his way towards a good size pond not too far from the trunk, taking note of the green lily pads that floated atop its surface. It was a pretty sight, but Gael just didn?t feel up to admiring it. Porcelain dipped paws came to a stop at the edge of the water, the gentle waves brushing against them, crown lowered, lids falling shut against cerulean pools, audits lying flat against his skull. He?d never felt so wrong about himself in his life.

OOC: sorry if its a little depressing, he's kind of reflecting my mood right now

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5 Years
Athena I
06-29-2013, 02:56 PM

Meili's vision had just become a blur of green and brown as she raced through the forest. There was no one chasing her and she had no destination in mind. She was purely running for the joy of feeling her muscles pull her forward and the sensation of the air filling her burning lungs. She panted heavily and weaved from side to side around trees that came up in her path, occasionally jumping over fallen logs or rocks that appeared in her path. This was a regular thing for the small fea. She loved the feeling of the air rushing through her timber hued fur as she ran and the pounding of her feet against the ground made her feel alive.

Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a curtain of willow branches blocked her path. She yelped and tried her best to skid to a stop, but it was no use. Her paws lost their balance on the slick ground covered in leaves and she went tumbling into the huge willow. She got tangled in its long, thin branches and crashed straight into the trunk on the other side. She ended up on her back, her side aching from the impact, and her head spinning. Meili kept her eyes closed and panted hard while she waited for her head to right itself, whining softly when she tried to move and the slight pain in her side and a tangle of branches and leaves around her prevented it. "Way to go, Meili..." she mumbled and slowly opened her eyes. She saw a canopy of leaves above her and the solid trunk she had run into to her left. She sighed and closed her eyes again, her ears folding back flat against her head, too embarrassed with herself to even want to get up just yet.


06-29-2013, 03:19 PM

The young man stood quietly at the edge of the pond, no longer deep in thought, simply standing for the need to stand. To feel the cold water brush against his toes, sending shivers up his legs that expanded down his spine to cover his entire frame. To feel the gentle chilling breeze of a wintery afternoon tugging his silver and earthy pelt this way and that. He couldn?t remember the last time he had taken a moment to stop and simply feel the earth around him, to let his worries and troubling thoughts fade away, leaving only a young man standing against the solid earth. It was peaceful, quiet and tranquil. Or so he?d thought. The lack of thought process allowed him to focus on his other senses, his hearing included. Audits twitched forward with attention, taking turns to rotate backwards to his rump, a slight disturbance near the willow catching the man?s attention. Unwilling to release his tranquil state, Gael simply stood and listened. Soon enough the sound of pounding paw-steps reached his ears, followed by a hard thump and a yelp of distress. Cerulean pools shot open, nape craning towards his left shoulder, gaze catching the rocketing frame of a wolf as it tumbled through the elongated branches and slippery leaves, tumbling out of sight behind the other side of the trunk. Who was that?

Unable to deny the call of distress, the yearling stirred into action, powerful limbs carrying towards where he?d last seen the wolf. Nostrils quivered, aiding him in identifying the other lupe. The scent was rogue, its distinct perfume telling him it belonged to a woman. What was a rogue woman doing wandering around here alone? A voice called out among the branches, and he could only assume it belonged to the woman. Way to go, Meili? Meili. Was that her name? If it was, it was pretty one. Focused on seeing how he could help, Gael rounded the trunk, coming face to face with the tangled up woman, her spine pressed against the earth beside the trunk, her limbs tangled in the dangling branches. Had she been a friend of his, the situation would?ve been rather amusing, but since she wasn?t and he wasn?t really in the joking mood, the situation appeared rather serious. Are you okay? he called out, approaching her cautiously, body language submissive and non-threatening. He stopped a foot from her, right forepaw poised before him, ready to step forward with help were she to ask him. Usually he would just go up and start helping, but since Gabriel?s rejection of his help, he was going to wait from now on until someone actually wanted him to help. Presenting his help without being asked for it had back fired before, so he was going to try another approach.

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5 Years
Athena I
06-29-2013, 03:37 PM

The tangled fea sighed and rested her head on the ground, her eyes closed and legs pointing up toward the sky. She was so annoyed with herself for being so silly as to run into a tree of all things. Just as she was about to start trying to untangle herself her ears perked back up again to catch a voice, asking if she was okay. Her deep, teal blue eyes flew open and she looked over to the young brute who was standing nearby, looking ready to help her out of the mess she had gotten herself in. She groaned and covered her eyes and muzzle with her paws, even more embarrassed than she was before. Of course someone was out here to see her epic failure. "Yes, I'm fine," she replied with a sigh, looking back over to him. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." She tried to squirm her way out of the branches and failed, giving a soft, frustrated wine. "Um... would you mind...?" she asked shyly, motioning to the vines tangled around her legs.

Once the two of them had finally gotten her free, she rolled over back onto her paws and stood, wincing at the pain in her side. It was nothing too bad, she just knew it was going to keep her from running for a while. She shook her fur out and let it settle neatly against her body again before sitting down and looking to her rescuer again. Giving him a small smile and a polite nod she said, "Thank you for helping me, I really appreciate it, even though you had to see me acting like a complete idiot. I'm Meili, who are you?"


06-29-2013, 04:07 PM

The tangled woman seemed unaware of his presence up until he'd asked if she was okay, her eyes snapping open to gaze at him. Gael was dumbfounded. She had the most gorgeous eyes he had ever seen. They were a striking teal blue, bright against her earthy pelt. They were absolutely stunning and quite mesmerizing. He found himself unable to look away, pretty much staring stupidly at her before her voice broke him from his trance. Audits flattened themselves against his skull in embarrassment, cerulean gaze dropping to her tangled limbs as she asked if he would mind helping her out. Oh sure, of course not. Wasting no time, the young Adravendi got to work, jaws snapping at the tree limbs. The wood gave way easily beneath his powerful jaws, splintering to pieces and falling away from her legs as she tried to help, eventually allowing her to come free from her tree-like enclosure.

He took a step back, haunches folding beneath him as he settled before the woman, watching as she regained her footing, a wince distorting her features, but otherwise she looked pretty fine. She shook herself before settling down before him in a similar position, her stunning teal eyes locked on his figure as she spoke, a small smile upturning her lips as she thanked him for his help, introducing herself as Meili. Oh, it was my pleasure. And there's no worry, you looked nothing like idiot to me miss Meili. My name is Gael. Earthy decorated crown dipped towards the woman in greeting, his own small smile curling his earthy lips.

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5 Years
Athena I
06-29-2013, 04:35 PM

Meili chuckled a little at his assurance that she didn't look like an idiot to him, even though she felt like one herself. Now that she wasn't in a tangled mess she could actually enjoy a conversation with the young wolf that had come to her aid. "It's very nice to meet you, Gael." She thought that was a very handsome name to go along with a very handsome wolf, even though he did look to be a year or so younger than she was. She had always found different fur colors and patterns interesting, since hers was pretty standard in her opinion. The earthy browns of his coat caught her attention, along with the clear blue of his eyes.

She gave another look around them at the willow branches she had crash landed into, noticing the hole she had left in the curtain of leaves. Her ears leaned back against her head and she sighed. "I swear, I didn't even see this tree until I was running right into it. I guess that's what I get for running around aimlessly." She looked over and saw the glittering of the water through the leaves, just noticing the pond a short distance away. She gave Gael a small smile and said simply, "Walk with me?" She stood and her slender limbs carried her down to the water's edge so she could lap up some of the water, the slow waves lapping over her paws. Meili sighed with relief at the cool water, both quenching her thirst and cooling off her sore paws. All the running she had been doing lately was taking it's toll on her feet, making calluses on the pads and cracking her nails.

After a few moments she went over to sit by Gael, simply enjoying the unexpected company. Being a loner, friendly company was sometimes hard to come by and Meili was far too sociable to be alone all the time. "So what's your story, Gale?" she asked, making conversation. "What brings you out here on this lovely day?"


06-29-2013, 05:01 PM

The quiet laugh that led into her response had butterflies fluttering through his stomach, audits lying back against his skull in embarrassment. He had been in the presence of many good looking women before, his long travels having given him that privilege, but never had he seen such a woman with stunning eyes. Her coloring was so ordinary, so usual, that her teal blue eyes gave her an exotic, one of kind sort of look, one he had never seen before. The mixture of startling eyes and ordinary coat made her look absolutely beautiful in his eyes. These butterflies in his stomach were something he had never had before. Nerves weren't a part of his vocabulary. He never got nervous, even around females. But Meili made him nervous, made him wish he was older, more knowledgeable, not young and perhaps na?ve looking like he did now as a yearling.

It's very nice to meet you, Gael. He attempted a smile, his embarrassment still prevalent in his chest as he gazed into her beautiful teal eyes. The pleasure is all mine Meili. He rumbled, allowing his gaze to fall to his paws so he wouldn't like a creeper, staring at her eyes without a given cause. Her voice caught his attention, allowing the young man to lift his head, cerulean gaze meeting her own. I'm sure people run into things all the time. I know I had my fair share of run ins with things as a kid. He attempted lamely, trying to make her feel better about having seen her at such a time, nodding in agreement as she suggested that he walk with her. Limbs unscrambled from beneath him, bringing the boy to his feet as he trailed after the pretty woman, returning back to the shore of the pond, haunches folding beneath him as he watched Meili take a drink from the clear pond, quickly redirecting his gaze towards the horizon to make it seem like he wasn't staring. Jeez, could he be anymore awkward?

He wasn't usually like this, but for some reason the older woman made him nervous. Extremely weird. And then she was talking again, asking him what his story was, why he was here in the first place. Um, well I just kind of needed a place to clear my head. Somewhere quiet. What about you?

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5 Years
Athena I
06-29-2013, 09:02 PM

Meili smirked a little at the stumbling awkwardness the young wolf seemed to have. She wasn't sure if that was a normal behavior for him or something just had him flustered, but either way she thought it was adorable. She tilted her head a little at him saying he needed to clear his head. When she was his age, she didn't usually have enough to worry about to need to get away and clear her head. Well, that is until that day... she quickly pushed the troublesome thoughts away out of her head, the only outward sign of her bothered thinking just a twitch of her ear. She pulled herself back to the present and replied to his question, "Well, really, this is just kind of where I ended up. I'm always traveling and a lot of times I just run and see where I end up. I don't have a home really or any family so it's not like I have anywhere to be. Usually I don't have a willow tree deciding where I stop of course, but that's usually what I do." She gave him a little smile and added, "I'm kinda glad it did stop me though. I might not have met you otherwise."

She looked out across the water, the late afternoon sun glinting off of the small waves on its surface. The cool breeze coming off of the water ruffled her fur and she let her eyes close to enjoy it. Meili didn't stop to relax very often, but it was nice to do so with such good company. She sighed contently and opened her eyes again to look over at Gael. It wasn't often she felt so at ease with someone new like this, but he seemed so easy to trust and she felt completely relaxed with him.

She took another look at him, realizing he probably wasn't much older than when she got her scar. The scar on the back of her head ached at the memory. Again she wondered what could be causing him so much worry as such a young age. Instead of wondering in silence, she decided to do a little digging. "What would a young wolf like you be worrying about to need to come clear your head? You have way too much life ahead of you to be so concerned."


06-29-2013, 11:00 PM

He knew himself better than anyone else (besides his parents, then again no one has gotten close enough to know him). This wasn?t normal for him. He didn?t get awkward around women or girls. He didn?t get awkward at all. So why was he acting like this now? Meili was just another woman, a rogue at that, someone he was probably never going to see again. But she had a pair of the most beautiful teal eyes he had ever seen on anyone in his life. Still though, it was no reason for him to be awkward and fumbling around her. He didn?t have to impress her. She could think whatever she liked about him; it was none of his concern. He knew who he was and what he stood for and that was all that mattered. She was just another passing stranger. Or at least that was what he was trying to tell himself.

Audits pivoted forward with attention as Meili began to speak, providing an explanation as to why she had also ended up here. Well, really, this is just kind of where I ended up. I'm always traveling and a lot of times I just run and see where I end up. I don't have a home really or any family so it's not like I have anywhere to be. Usually I don't have a willow tree deciding where I stop of course, but that's usually what I do. I'm kinda glad it did stop me though. I might not have met you otherwise. Unable to help himself, a light chuckle rumbled in his chest, finding her quip about the willow tree quite amusing, though the amusement was wiped clean off his face the moment she mentioned she was glad to have met him. Gael swallowed, forcing his now racing heart to quiet down enough for him to be calm, or at least as calm as he could be with his nerves all over the place, before he spoke. Guess that willow tree knew it was doing then. He rumbled, unable to think of a better response. God, he sounded like such a child. So much for being able to relax and clear his head.

He could feel her piercing teal gaze on him, making the skin beneath his fur crawl, shivers racking his spine. What was wrong with him for pete?s sake, she was just a woman! Cerulean gaze remained focused on the pond before them, watching as the lily pads floated by, creating soft ripples across the clear surface, audits twitching in her direction at her words. You do have a point there, but I guess I?m not like everyone else in that way. See, my family resides in one of the biggest packs in this land, but I?ve been gone for nearly a year. I was tired of living at home so I took off. My parents had been too busy with pack affairs, so they hadn?t had much time for me. My brother and I decided we needed to head out and so we did. We went all over the place, doing everything, seeing everything, but after a while I got kind of homesick. So here am I now, having been back for a few weeks now, but unsure if my having returned was a good idea. My parents have gone off to one of our neighboring packs and I have no idea when they?ll be back. A lot of things have changed during my absence. I?m just not sure I can find my place within my pack anymore with things being so different. A quiet sigh slipped past the young Adravendi?s lips, audits resting against his skull, his mood dampening at his revealing.

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5 Years
Athena I
06-29-2013, 11:48 PM

Meili listened attentively while Gael explained his situation to her. By the time he had finished she completely understood why he was so stressed. That was a lot for someone so young to deal with. She felt like she was talking to someone her own age instead of a yearling. "Gael, I'm very sure that you have a place in any pack, especially one that you want to be a part of. I'm not saying that it won't be hard, but I think any pack would be lucky to have you be a part of them." She gave him a reassuring smile and nodded.

She paused, her thoughts turning back on her own childhood once again. Even though it had only been a little over two years since she herself was a yearling, it seemed like ages ago. It had been hard growing up on her own and she was glad that Gael had someone looking after him and was glad that he had a goal for his future, no matter how short term rejoining his pack may be. Her life was constantly uncertain and while sometimes that was exciting and interesting, other times it was incredibly overwhelming. "Just never take anything for granted, Gael," She told him, looking back out over the water. "You never know when everything will change and all the sudden you'll have to adjust. That's what makes or breaks a wolf sometimes, if they're able to roll with the punches or not."



06-30-2013, 12:10 AM

Usually, he wasn't the one to be talking about his personal to total strangers. Most of the time, it was the other person that was divulging their own personal life to him, never the other way around. In his mind, he was the one that was out to help others. He didn't need help. Up until this point he hadn't had something that he needed help. He had simply been a young boy out adventuring through the world, looking to learn everything that he could while at the same time using that knowledge to help others. But for once in his life, the tables were turned on him. He didn't necessarily need help, but maybe just someone to vent to and it seemed Meili was the chosen person, or woman he should say, that day. Was it a bad thing that he was venting to a total stranger? Not really. There was a very real possibility that he would never see her again, and if he didn't, she might forget all about him. Then again, she could end up staying somewhere near Valhalla, and he could run into her again. But he wasn't worried about her divulging his story to anyone. She didn't seem like the type of woman to tell others what wasn't hers to tell.

Gael, I'm very sure that you have a place in any pack, especially one that you want to be a part of. I'm not saying that it won't be hard, but I think any pack would be lucky to have you be a part of them. The young man turned towards the older woman, cerulean gaze meeting teal, a half smile upturning his chocolate lips. Thank you Meili, that's very kind of you. I just hope that you're right. And then a moment of silence, stretched between the two, and the young brute assumed she was lost on her own thoughts. He had seen enough wolves do it to recognized when someone did. He sat quietly, allowing his gaze to fall back on the water, comfortable in their silence until she spoke again. Just never take anything for granted, Gael. You never know when everything will change and all the sudden you'll have to adjust. That's what makes or breaks a wolf sometimes, if they're able to roll with the punches or not. A serious expression took hold of his fa?ade, taking a moment to think over his next words before answering. I will keep that in mind, though I think myself able to roll with whatever punches are thrown my way. But, I don't mean to sound nosy, but I will go out on a limb here and say you speak from experience? The awkwardness from before was now gone, replaced with a calm acceptance of the situation.

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5 Years
Athena I
06-30-2013, 12:34 AM

The teal eyed fea smirked a little at his questioning of if she knew that from expirence. "Yeah, I guess you could say that..." she said and a sigh. Her tail curled neatly over her paws and her ears laid back flat against her skull. Looking out at the water while she spoke, she told her story. "About a year and a half ago, I guess when I was about your age, I lost all of my memories. Even still I only remember single scenes or bits of information from back then. I woke up one day with four wolves, two older and two my age, dead around me and my head was torn open pretty badly. I've always assumed those wolves had been my family, but I'm not certain. Apparently we had been attacked and I was the only one that survived. I don't know why we were attacked or how I managed to survive, but I did. I relearned how to hunt, gave myself a name, created a new life for myself."

She looked over to Gael again, giving him a small smile. "Now all I have to show for all of that is a scar on the back of my head. Isn't it funny how life works out like that? Life keeps going in the worst situations." Looking down at her paws, she tried thinking back past that day when everything changed. She tried almost daily, but it always just ended with her head aching and her scar throbbing.



06-30-2013, 12:54 AM

Though he hadn't turned around to look at her yet, he could almost hear the smirk curling her lips up as she confirmed his statement, a soft sigh accompanying her words. Audits flattened against his head, crown turning to face Meili for a moment, cerulean gems searching her face as she began with her own story. About a year and a half ago, I guess when I was about your age, I lost all of my memories. Even still I only remember single scenes or bits of information from back then. I woke up one day with four wolves, two older and two my age, dead around me and my head was torn open pretty badly. I've always assumed those wolves had been my family, but I'm not certain. Apparently we had been attacked and I was the only one that survived. I don't know why we were attacked or how I managed to survive, but I did. I relearned how to hunt, gave myself a name, created a new life for myself. His own problems seemed like a simple complaint compared what she'd been through. Attacked but couldn't remember anything before that? That had to be rough. Gael wasn't sure how he would cope with loosing his memory. It would be pretty awful to not be able to remember any of his family. And then to have to relearn everything, figure out who he was, start his entire life all over again? She was a pretty brave woman for having gotten through that and moved on with herself. Very admirable in his eyes.

She turned towards him, presenting him with a small smile as she explained that the only reminder she had of the incident was the scar on the back of her head. She'd basically lost everything she'd had, and yet she'd moved on with her life, started a new one. She'd used what she'd been give to the best of her ability. A beautiful woman with a strong determination and will to live. Definitely a gorgeous woman inside and out. I would offer you my condolences, but it seems those would be wasted since you've rebuilt your life for yourself. I have to say, it's quite honorable that you were able to pick yourself back up and keep going like that Meili. I'm not sure if I would've been able to do the same were I in your position. He allowed his gaze to fall towards his paws, mulling over what his course of action would of been had he been in that situation.

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5 Years
Athena I
06-30-2013, 01:17 AM

Meili turned her gaze from her paws back to Gael as he spoke. She didn't know when, if ever, she would see him again once they parted ways today, but she hoped that they could meet again, even just to talk like they did today. He was so wise beyond his years and she appreciated that trait about him. Slowly she stood and stretched her front paws out in front of her, her back arching as she pulled the kinks out of her muscles, her injured side protesting, but not awfully. Standing up straight again, she turned to face the young, kind, wise wolf who even though he was really still a stranger to her she felt like she was already so close to.

Smirking as she got a sudden inspiration, she slowly padded over to him, simply stating, "I feel like you need to act your age more, Gael." Without any warning, she pounced, tackling him to the ground and rolling with him, nipping playfully at his shoulder and laughing. Being the smaller wolf that she was, she knew she was no match for him, but sometimes it was fun to just be random and play.



06-30-2013, 01:29 AM

He was a yearling yes, but at the times he seemed much, much older than his age. He hadn't been through any traumatic events like Meili, or really anything close to that, but he had been out in the world. He'd discovered for himself that not everyone had a life as easy as he'd had it. Not everyone had a big huge pack for a family, one that really looked out for each of its members and treated everyone, whether blood-related or not like true family. Not everyone was able to have a good meal to eat every night, or every morning. Not everyone had a warm place to return to at the end of the day. Some didn't even have a place to call home. But he had all of that. Albeit having given it up for some time, he was back now, appreciative of what had been give to him, ready to show that he wasn't about to take it for granted. Not when he could loose all of it in the blink of an eye.

Movement from Meili caught his attention, breaking him from his thoughts as she stood, stretching herself out before standing before him. It wasn't until he allowed himself to rise to his paws that he realized he was a lot bigger than her. How had he not noticed that before? Oh that's right, he'd been too busy staring at her gorgeous eyes like idiot. What a first impression. That same smirk he was beginning to think was a signature of hers curled her lips as she moved towards him, noting how she thought that he had to act more his age. Now why should he do that? He didn't have a moment to think about it because before he could react she'd tackled him, knocking him clear of his paws to tumble backwards onto the moist shore, nipping playfully at her shoulder. For being an older women, she hadn't lost her playful touch yet. An amused laugh erupted from his jaws as he rolled with her until they came to a stop a few yards from where they'd been sitting, Meili pinned beneath his large mass, a genuine smile curling his earthen lips. Maybe you're right. Perhaps I should act my own age, if I have good company like yours. Now it was his turn to smirk in playfulness, cerulean gems meeting teal ones, ivory tipped plume wagging gently behind tawny haunches.

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5 Years
Athena I
06-30-2013, 01:50 AM

Sure enough, as Meili had expected, she ended up pinned under Gael's bigger frame. She laughed and struggled against his hold playfully, managing to slip away and roll to her paws only to pounce him again, this time aiming for his side and knocking him off his paws. She miscalculated, however and ended up tumbling off of him and flat onto her back. Meili was laughing too hard to get up and stayed laying there on her back, a huge grin on her muzzle.

When she finally calmed down enough to catch her breath she got back to her paws and looked to her new friend, still chuckling softly. "See? Gotta have some fun sometimes! Keeps life interesting!" She sighed happily and padded over to him, sitting down with him again on the shore of the lake, watching as the sun slowly started to set and began to turn the sky mixed hues of orange and red. "I'm glad I met you, Gael. Really glad. This is one of the best days I've had in awhile." She turned her teal eyes toward him and smiled, taking in this brown hues of his fur and his cyan blue eyes one more time just in cause this was the last time she saw him. "I guess you'll need to get back to your pack, huh? Before it gets dark?"



06-30-2013, 01:44 PM

The romping with Meili stirred up memories of his puphood, back when he used to fool around with Aza and Soleon like this. Tackling each other, pushing each other around, biting each other. Those times seemed distant, like it was another Gael back then, not the one that was here now. It was rather interesting to see how much he had changed from then to now. He was no longer the carefree pup interested in staring at plants all day. He was a young man now, a man who had seen the world but was now home, trying to fit himself back into the life he'd once had. He was older now, a bit more experienced, but not nearly as knowledgeable as he could be. That would all come in time, he was sure.

He watched in barely restrained amusement as Meili struggled beneath him, laughing as he allowed her to slip away, rolling back up onto her paws only to come crashing into him again. Limbs remained limber, the young Adravendi allowing his larger frame to roll with the collision, frame rolling back onto the moist shore. But it seemed the force necessary to knock him over had been misjudged and so Meili went tumbling over him to land on her back about half a body away from him, uncontrollable laughter spewing from her lips. It took her a good few moments to recover from her fit of laughter before she was able to get her paws beneath her again to pad up beside him. Gael rolled back onto his stomach, pushing himself up back onto his paws, giving his silver hued pelt a good shake so the wet dirt wouldn't stick to him. Audits rotated forward, listening as Meili spoke, claiming how it was alright to have fun; life had to be interesting after all.

Wise words my friend. He chuckled softly, haunches folding beneath him as she came to sit by his side once more, the two looking out to the horizon, watching as the giant fireball of a sun began to dip past the horizon, throwing a multitude of colors up in the sky similar to a warm flame. I'm glad I met you, Gael. Really glad. This is one of the best days I've had in awhile. I guess you'll need to get back to your pack, huh? Before it gets dark? She turned towards him, teal gems meeting cerulean ones as she spoke. A gentle smile curled his earthen lips, plume swishing softly behind him. I must say I too am very glad to have met you Meili. This is the first time in a while I have actually been able to just enjoy the moment. And on that note, no, I really don't have to get back. No one is expecting me. But if I may, I would like to extend an invitation back to my pack. That is, if you would be interested in perhaps taking a look around Valhalla, seeing if it's to your liking and maybe if I can talk to my aunt, you could have a place among us? There was a bit of hope lacing his words. He liked Meili. He really did. Now if it was a friend or something more, he wasn't too sure yet, but he liked being around her. She made him forget about his worries for a little bit. He needed someone like that around him. Cerulean gems continued to watch the smaller woman, waiting to see what her decision would be.

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5 Years
Athena I
06-30-2013, 02:45 PM

OOC: ASDvvapiuhdfvcn so many Meili feels >.<

Gael's happiness was infectious and soon her tail was waving on the ground behind her as well. She liked him alot as well, even if she wasn't sure in what way. She wondered if this was what having a family was like, having someone to talk to and play around with, someone to just spend time with. She thought that if that's what it was like then having a family must be pretty fantastic.

Meili blinked with surprise at Gael's offer to bring her to his pack, to see if she liked it there, maybe finding her a place there. Her brows pulled together as she thought about what that would mean, having a home, having wolves like Gael around her, having a family... She did want all of those things, but how would she do that? How could she adjust from being alone her whole life to being a part of this large pack?

Meili gave a soft sigh and gave Gael a small, sad smile. "Gael... I appreciate the offer, I just... I don't know if I can do that. I've never been a part of a pack, I've never even been around more that two or three wolves at one time. Well, as far as I can remember anyway. I like you a lot, and maybe one day I'll try to visit your pack, for you. But... I can't. Not right now." She paused and gently nudged his shoulder, trying to pull on a happy smile even though her heart was in the pit of her stomach. "But hey, I'll be around, okay? I'll stick around for awhile and think about it. If I change my mind, I'll come looking for you. And if you ever wanna talk, come back here. I'll find you."

Meili stood, trying her best to stay positive in this situation even though she felt awful. He was such a great guy and she hated to disappoint him like this, but she couldn't see herself in a pack. Not yet. Maybe one day that would change. She gave him a little grin and gently licked his cheek. "I'll see you later, Gael," the fea whispered, turning and running back into the trees, away from the willows, before she could talk herself into staying. She was going to miss him dearly, but she had a feeling it wouldn't be the last time she would be seeing him.



06-30-2013, 10:51 PM

Meili....The woman with the beautiful teal blue eyes and the ordinary looking coat. The woman that had allowed him to forget about the worries at home for a few minutes. The woman who crashed into the giant willow only to give him the opportunity to help her. The woman who he was now beginning to develop feelings for. Whether they were feelings of friendship or feelings of something beyond was to be decided, but he knew for certain that he wanted to be around her more. Yes, she was perhaps a year or two older than him but that didn't mean he couldn't build a relationship with her. The yearling had never felt like this towards anyone, male or female, and he didn't want to let go of this feeling. Not quite yet. Especially when it was attached to Meili.

He could see the shock register across her pretty fa?ade at his offer for her to come back with him to Valhalla. At first he thought it was because she couldn't believe that a total stranger was offering her a place to live, but it quickly became apparent that her shock wasn't because of that. A sigh slipped past her lips, the lips that had curled into a small, sad smile as she spoke. Gael... I appreciate the offer, I just... I don't know if I can do that. I've never been a part of a pack, I've never even been around more that two or three wolves at one time. Well, as far as I can remember anyway. I like you a lot, and maybe one day I'll try to visit your pack, for you. But... I can't. Not right now. Everything froze. She was rejecting him. The organ in his chest halted, dropping painfully towards his paws, taking his breath with it. She...She didn't want to come back with him. But...But hey, I'll be around, okay? I'll stick around for awhile and think about it. If I change my mind, I'll come looking for you. And if you ever wanna talk, come back here. I'll find you. She nudged him, trying to lighten the situation, but Gael's face was an unreadable mask as he stared stupidly at the beautiful woman before him. The woman that was leaving him.

Audits flattened against his earthen traced skull, cerulean gaze locked in Meili's teal one, barely feeling the kiss to his cheek, barely hearing her parting words. Limbs hoisted the young Adravendi on autopilot, frame turning in the direction Meili had taken off to, muscles twitching with the need to follow her, but he stayed where he was. His body screamed at him to chase after the smaller woman but the young man didn't move a muscle, simply stared after her. Wishing that she'd said yes, that she was coming back to Valhalla with him. But she wasn't. And who knows if she ever would. With a heavy heart Gael peeled his gaze from the shadows that had consumed her path, making the slow, lonely trek back to Valhalla. To find a secluded place to rest for the night and mull over the new problems in his head.

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