
The little snowflakes that melt away


06-28-2013, 02:28 PM

Winter was going to end soon, and she was excited because of this. She couldn't help it, the bitter cold bothered her. Eren hadn't been able to get used to the weather for the winter in the north. So far she hadn't frozen to death because of the heat of the other members in the sleeping cave. That was a wonderful thing, because she was also starting to think it was better to be around others rather than alone for her survival. The whole reason she had joined the pack was so that she had the chance to live longer. Eren was discovering new things every day, ever since her attack she was doing well. Her fur was starting to grow back, and her ears looked like they had no been attacked at all. Beautiful in the process of healing, she could run, she could hunt, and she could leave the territory to explore the lands of Alacritis even more. More than what she could say for her friend Eria, she was a nice girl but Eren had secrets she wouldn't give up until she felt comfortable. Let alone behaviors. Her calm and collective nature in an apathetic like way was to avoid the attention that she wished to not have if it was overwhelming.

Eren's paws pulled along in the snow as she hopped around, wondering what was so fun about playing. It was boring, and have her no benefit like training did. Ever since she was a pup she would pass playing with her brothers, and would go off to dive into knowledge. She sprayed the snow out with her muzzle, and then stopped, yup, there was nothing to this at all. She sighed at herself and fell onto her side, listening to the soft crunch of the snow against her black and gray fur. Her sea green eyes looking out into the day light. Well, regardless of these things, Eren still thought Glaciem was a nice place to be. She just hoped they would never leave her behind, because they always did in the end.


07-05-2013, 11:08 AM
ooc: Sorry for the long wait. This will of course be set before anything happened with Glaciem. I also apologize for crappiness,will get better.

Sneaky sneaky. That's what Pericles thought he was. He moved through the territory, hiding behind anything he could find, trees, shrubs, snow piles. The pup had been working on his sneakiness, and up ahead he could see his next target.

With a grin the pup hid behind a pile of snow, using his little paws to carefully pull snow on top of his body to help hide him. When he couldn't reach a part he would press his body into it so that the whiteness would crumble onto his fur. After a few moments he was done and with a grin he moved around the pile slowly and carefully, keeping his gaze on the wolf a few yards away. Slowly he moved towards her, stopping whenever it looked like she was moving or looking around.


For Azzykins! Coding by Andy, picture by Ocena <3