
Down Falls the Snow


07-01-2013, 03:49 AM

Midnight sat at the entrance to the den winter was coming closer to its end and the wether was starting to show it she had woken that morning intending to go for a hunt but outside sleet dashed past wet and miserable weather, it might clear latter on but for now she did not particularly want to be out in it if she had a choice, and now with the pack by her side each looking out for each other and working to feed not only themselves but the whole group she did. Still it would have been nice to have gotten out with a sigh she turned and moved back into the cave.

She had moved her nest out of the antechamber of the den and deeper into the area where most of the other wolves bedded down each night, at the last minute she swerved away from the bower, there was no point sitting around lamenting the loss of hunt, and anyway the den was full of other wolves either contained by the storm or simply spending a lazy day inside its confines.

Her footsteps led her towards another female about her size, she had seen the lass around the dens but they had never spoken before. The dames fur was black like hers and as she moved closer she saw the grey markings around her face and beyond that the piercing green eyes, she smiled as she approached careful not to back the lass into a corner her own golden eyes slightly lowered even after her months in the pack she was careful never to give another wolf a reason to attack, ?hello,? she called standing a respectful distance from the dame, ? have you been outside today the weathers atrocious,?

She had very little training in how you approach another wolf usually he kept to herself but no it was time to meet and greet, still the weather? Couldn't she think of anything better. Her tail waged steadily behind her as she stood silently berating herself.



07-01-2013, 04:12 AM

She had been thinking, thinking about a lot of things for a long amount of time. For moments, even minutes on end Eren looked as if she wasn't even in this world. Her oddly glowing sea green eyes watching the wall of the den, and edges in which it met, before flattening out in what made a floor. Not completely making a sharp corner, but making it enough to distract the girl from any other contact with other wolves. Her wounds were healing nicely, apart from a few patches of missing fur here and there, she was doing all right. Though she either looked like she was losing her fur, or others would be able to tell of her attack. Perhaps she had been thinking about the attack, or maybe her recent events that had happened in Glaciem. It was a strange feeling that something bad was going to happen and in the back of her throat there was an apology she wasn't sure how to say, who to say it to, and why. Gargoyle had saved her from a deranged female, who had her reasons for attacking her as Eren had already figured out from her Sherlock like mind. And she also had memorized the males scent that had attacked the rogue, to avoid him and possibly warn others to stay away. Yet in the end, she hadn't made any progress with herself, or understanding the world as she had wanted to.
The voice was almost startling, as Eren turned her head towards the other female ears forward to listen to her voice. She realized she must have looked like an idiot starring at a connection in the wall like that. Her eyes lowered for a moment and she looked up at the female and gave a friendly offering smile. "I've found myself staying in doors. The cold seems to have scared me off a bit." She joked, but there was clear pain in her tone. Eren was good at hiding emotions, but sometimes she clearly had no clue how her mind was working. The girl's tail twitched, what if she were to be attacked again, and what about Gargoyle. What if she was never going to see him again, that was the worst thought. She didn't want to be left behind again, and perhaps she wanted to better herself to avoid that. Eren may have been thinking too fast as well, that had to be it. As he breath shivered she tried to calm herself and face the other dark colored female with more confidence. The second one she had met, Eria one of her other friends, was also this dark black color, though Eren had yet to meet someone with intriguing eyes such as her own.


07-03-2013, 09:56 AM
Midnight tried to return the lasses smile but a hint of worry clouded her gaze , now she was closer she could see the torn fur and scars on the ladies body and hear the pain in the girls tone, she frowned slightly there had been talk of an attack but she had not bothered following up on it after all word said the brute responsible was dead, by gargoyles claw she sighed slumping down, ?i didn't like it at first either it made my shoulder ache but you get used to it eventually, I'm midnight by the way.

Midnight was trying to keep her thoughts as far from the matters of fighting and dominance, they had all heard the call earlier that morning demanding an alpha face her for dominance of the pack, it had worried Midnight but there was no reason to think that Gargoyle would not return after all they had taken down a bear not three weeks previously a little lass to big for her boots would be an easy challenge compared to that, surely.

So why did she feel so sick at heart why had she been going out hunting when her shoulder was still sore from where it had popped from its socket, distraction, she let out a huff, then realized that she to had fallen into staring at the wall and quickly refocused her eyes on the dame, ? so where are you from I mean if your not used to the cold did you come from father south or...? she realized her questions may be considered prying and dropped her gaze slightly, ?only I grew up in the iced lands, I guess I was just wondering have you ever seen the beach or the desert?? she had heard of both from her teachers and from a few other wolves with who she had crossed paths but she had never seen either local, not for herself.

((ooc: sorry its so short i'm sort of having some issues writing at the moment)


07-04-2013, 06:23 PM

Eren blinked and looked up at the girl, was she talking about the cold or her worries. It made her tilt her head, either way it made her feel a little bit better. After watching the girl, her gaze had turned to the wall, was she worried about other things as well. It was kind of funny how the two of them had taken to looking at a wall for help. It made the girl let out a small short chuckle, she had a nice laugh being a girl after all. She flicked her tail and her oddly colored eyes looked over the fae. Eren shook her head when Midnight asked her the questions about where she grew up. She turned her face to the wall for a moment. "I guess the two of us enjoy passing our time by staring at a wall don't we." Eren chuckled with a shrug of her shoulders. "I'm not sure what direction, but I come from jungle terrain. It was hot and humid there most of the time, and during the winters there were plenty of places to warm up so that's why I'm not used to the winter weather here." Eren explained, stretching her legs. This was taking her mind off of Gargoyle. Eren knew herself if it came down to it, she would only follow what would be best for her survival, or at least what she thought would be best.
Beach or a Desert? Eren thought for a moment "I went through a desert before coming here, and there was a beach where I lived nearby. I have to say a beach is a nice place to be and a Desert is not." Eren thought about the desert and how hot it could get with no lakes or other sources of water around. At least the jungle had it's way of cooling off. Beaches were nice because the sand felt nice and soft and you could swim if it got too hot. Just thinking about it made her want to get into a warm position from the cold. She in no way missed her home since it had been a horrible experience for her. Yet, Eren still had no idea what to think or how to deal with others.


07-04-2013, 07:56 PM

Midnight huffed a laugh ducking her head slightly, ?i sure the walls don?t mind us contemplating their beauty,? she laughed. Her head cocked to one side as the dame explained her old home, to midnight it sounded uncomfortable she had passed through some humid places in her time and she had had no wish to stick around in them, still to each their own. This dame was the second wolf who mentioned the merits of the beach and midnight frowned she really would have to go see it one day maybe after gargoyle returned yes that would work no point in going now to much was up in the air.

She stretched, reaching her paws out in front of her and yawning widely, ?so I don't think I caught your name,? she said offering another little smile. Subconsciously she kept one ear cocked towards the cave entrance The wind outside was still howling past, old man winter sending one last storm to remember him by but part of her mind was waiting, the winner would announce themselves when the fight was over, a howl t tell for good or bad the future of the pack, she did not know what she would do if gargoyle lost it just seemed such a remote possibility in her mind, she supposed a new alpha wouldn't be the end of the world, so long as they did not try and control her life to much, that was one thing to be said for glaciem as it stood they lived in each others pockets but they never really ordered each other around . She folded her paws delicately before her, golden eyes watching the lass, waiting for a reply.



07-06-2013, 12:06 PM

Eren started to laugh at what Midnight had said, releasing her nerves just a little bit. If walls had feelings that would make sense, but she didn't have much of an imagination that was true. Once she caught up to her breath Midnight had asked her name and Eren realized that it had been a bit rude of herself not to introduce her identity her mother had given her at birth. "My name's Eren I apologize." She dipped her head in respect and then raised it again with a smile. Her fears were rising, but they could be pulled away. Her views were different from everyone here, but she could still sit in the same cave. She was thankful of that down to her core. Her sea green eyes flickered shining like a soft glow of the moon. They were odd eyes that was for sure, she had not met anyone on ala with these eyes. Perhaps they were proof of how unspecial her personality could be.
"Guess it's a nice way of getting rid of nerves....laughing I mean." Eren noted looking at her. It was obvious it wasn't only her that was worrying. Their life outcome depended on who won, and who lost. That was how she saw it anyway, you sold your soul to the alpha. Even though she hadn't quiet done that with the ever so nice Gargoyle who had saved her from a lot of pain. Eren licked her shoulder slightly just thinking about it. She wasn't worth saving, she'd take care of herself from now on to make sure nothing like that happened again. She had actually half felt bad for the rogue that had been torn apart. For Eren knew what it felt like to hurt someone so badly, she simply had more self control then most others.


07-10-2013, 07:01 PM
Midnight gave another smile this one broader, ?no need to apologise, hello eren,? she liked the lasses eyes green was not an uncommon colour she had seen a few wolves with green eyes but they where pretty none the less. Her smile dropped slightly when the dame spoke again, ?it is,? she said an almost sad smile gracing her lips, ?better then getting angry or going hunting in that,? she gestured towards the entrance past which the wind still whistled, ?I?m sure gargoyle will be fine,? he has to be she thought, ? he and this pack saved my life, they took me in when I could barely even walk, gave me a chance to prove that I could be of use... I don?t know what I?ll do if we have to move,? her eyes had glazed slightly and she shook her head suddenly coming back to reality with a thump, ?sorry I shouldn't have dumped that on you, from what I hear you have your own rescue story but perhaps we should change the subject,?

((ooc: really sorry for the length my muse is sort of just clinging in))